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#include "drake/common/identifier.h"
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "drake/common/sorted_pair.h"
#include "drake/common/test_utilities/expect_no_throw.h"
#include "drake/common/test_utilities/expect_throws_message.h"
namespace drake {
namespace {
// Creates various dummy index types to test.
using std::set;
using std::stringstream;
using std::unordered_set;
using std::unordered_map;
using AId = Identifier<class ATag>;
using BId = Identifier<class BTag>;
class IdentifierTests : public ::testing::Test {
// Configuration of test *case* variables (instead of per-test) is important.
// The tests can evaluate in any order and run in the same memory space.
// Those tests that depend on identifier *value* could easily become invalid
// based on execution order. This guarantees a fixed set of identifiers
// with known values.
static void SetUpTestCase() {
a1_ = AId::get_new_id(); // Should have the value 1.
a2_ = AId::get_new_id(); // Should have the value 2.
a3_ = AId::get_new_id(); // Should have the value 3.
b_ = BId::get_new_id(); // Should have the value 1.
static AId a1_;
static AId a2_;
static AId a3_;
static BId b_;
AId IdentifierTests::a1_;
AId IdentifierTests::a2_;
AId IdentifierTests::a3_;
BId IdentifierTests::b_;
// Verifies the copy constructor. This implicitly tests the expected property
// of the get_new_id() factory method and the get_value() method.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, Constructor) {
EXPECT_EQ(a1_.get_value(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(a2_.get_value(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(a3_.get_value(), 3);
AId temp(a2_);
EXPECT_EQ(temp.get_value(), 2);
AId bad;
// Confirms that assignment behaves correctly. This also implicitly tests
// equality and inequality.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, AssignmentAndComparison) {
EXPECT_TRUE(a2_ != a3_);
AId temp = a2_;
EXPECT_TRUE(temp == a2_);
temp = a3_;
EXPECT_TRUE(temp == a3_);
// Check the specialized internal-use compare that can be used on an invalid
// Identifier.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, InvalidOrSameComparison) {
AId same_as_a1 = a1_;
AId invalid;
// Confirms that ids are configured to serve as unique keys in
// STL containers.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, ServeAsMapKey) {
unordered_set<AId> ids;
// This is a *different* id with the *same* value as a1. It should *not*
// introduce a new value to the set.
AId temp = a1_;
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 0);
EXPECT_NE(ids.find(a1_), ids.end());
EXPECT_NE(ids.find(temp), ids.end());
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.find(a3_), ids.end());
// Checks the abseil-specific hash function. When a class does not provide an
// abseil-specific hash function, abseil will fall back to invoking std::hash
// on the class to obtain a size_t hash value and then feeding that size_t into
// the abseil hasher. This leads to slow and bloated object code. We want to
// prove that our abseil-specific hash function is being used; we can do that
// by checking which hash value comes out of an absl container hasher.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, AbslHash) {
// Compute the hash value used by an absl unordered container.
// We'll want to demonstrate that this is the specialized hash value.
absl::flat_hash_set<AId>::hasher absl_id_hasher;
const size_t absl_hash = absl_id_hasher(a1_);
// Compute the unspecialized hash value that would be seen in case absl
// delegated to the std hasher.
const size_t std_hash = std::hash<AId>{}(a1_);
absl::flat_hash_set<size_t>::hasher absl_uint_hasher;
const size_t absl_hash_via_std_hash = absl_uint_hasher(std_hash);
// To demonstrate that the specialization worked, the specialized hash must
// differ from the fallback hash.
EXPECT_NE(absl_hash, absl_hash_via_std_hash);
// Confirms that SortedPair<FooId> can serve as a key in STL containers.
// This shows that Identifier is not just hashable, but implicitly shows that
// it is compatible with the Drake hash mechanism (because it assumes that the
// SortedPair is compatible).
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, SortedPairAsKey) {
unordered_set<SortedPair<AId>> ids;
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 0u);
ids.insert({a1_, a2_});
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 1u);
// An equivalent pair to what was inserted.
SortedPair<AId> pair{a1_, a2_};
EXPECT_NE(ids.find(pair), ids.end());
// Confirms that ids are configured to serve as values in STL containers.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, ServeAsMapValue) {
unordered_map<BId, AId> ids;
BId b1 = BId::get_new_id();
BId b2 = BId::get_new_id();
BId b3 = BId::get_new_id();
ids.emplace(b1, a1_);
ids.emplace(b2, a2_);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.find(b3), ids.end());
EXPECT_NE(ids.find(b2), ids.end());
EXPECT_NE(ids.find(b1), ids.end());
ids[b3] = a3_;
EXPECT_NE(ids.find(b3), ids.end());
// Confirms that ids can be put into a set.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, PutInSet) {
set<AId> ids;
AId a1 = AId::get_new_id();
AId a2 = AId::get_new_id();
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.count(a1), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.count(a2), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.size(), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(ids.count(a1), 1u);
// Tests the streaming behavior.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, StreamOperator) {
stringstream ss;
ss << a2_;
EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), "2");
// Tests the ability to convert the id to string via std::to_string.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, ToString) {
using std::to_string;
EXPECT_EQ(to_string(a2_), to_string(a2_.get_value()));
// These tests confirm that behavior that *shouldn't* be compilable isn't.
// This code allows us to turn compile-time errors into run-time errors that
// we can incorporate in a unit test. The macro simplifies the boilerplate.
// This macro confirms binary operations are *valid* between two ids of
// the same type, but invalid between an id and objects of *any* other type.
// (Although the space of "all other types", is sparsely sampled).
// The use is:
// BINARY_TEST( op, op_name )
// It produces the templated method: has_op_name<T, U>(), which returns true
// if `t op u` is a valid operation for `T t` and `U u`.
// Examples of invocations:
// op | op_name
// ---------+-------------
// == | equals
// < | less_than
// + | add
template <typename T, typename U, \
typename = decltype(std::declval<T>() OP std::declval<U>())> \
bool has_ ## OP_NAME ## _helper(int) { return true; } \
template <typename T, typename U> \
bool has_ ## OP_NAME ## _helper(...) { return false; } \
template <typename T, typename U> \
bool has_ ## OP_NAME() { return has_ ## OP_NAME ## _helper<T, U>(1); } \
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, OP_NAME ## OperatorAvailiblity) { \
EXPECT_FALSE((has_ ## OP_NAME<AId, BId>())); \
EXPECT_TRUE((has_ ## OP_NAME<AId, AId>())); \
EXPECT_FALSE((has_ ## OP_NAME<AId, int>())); \
EXPECT_FALSE((has_ ## OP_NAME<AId, size_t>())); \
EXPECT_FALSE((has_ ## OP_NAME<AId, int64_t>())); \
BINARY_TEST(==, Equals)
BINARY_TEST(!=, NotEquals)
BINARY_TEST(=, Assignment)
// This test should pass, as long as it compiles. If the Identifier class were
// to change and allow conversion between identifiers (or between identifiers
// and ints), this would fail to compile.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, Convertible) {
static_assert(!std::is_convertible_v<AId, BId>,
"Identifiers of different types should not be convertible.");
static_assert(!std::is_convertible_v<AId, int>,
"Identifiers should not be convertible to ints.");
static_assert(!std::is_convertible_v<int, AId>,
"Identifiers should not be convertible from ints");
// Attempting to acquire the value is an error.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, InvalidGetValueCall) {
if (kDrakeAssertIsDisarmed) { return; }
AId invalid;
// Comparison of invalid ids is an error.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, InvalidEqualityCompare) {
if (kDrakeAssertIsDisarmed) { return; }
AId invalid;
DRAKE_EXPECT_THROWS_MESSAGE(invalid == a1_, ".*is_valid.*failed.*");
// Comparison of invalid ids is an error.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, InvalidInequalityCompare) {
if (kDrakeAssertIsDisarmed) { return; }
AId invalid;
DRAKE_EXPECT_THROWS_MESSAGE(invalid != a1_, ".*is_valid.*failed.*");
// Comparison of invalid ids is an error.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, BadInvalidOrSameComparison) {
if (kDrakeAssertIsDisarmed) {
AId invalid;
// Hashing an invalid id is *not* an error.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, InvalidHash) {
if (kDrakeAssertIsDisarmed) {
std::unordered_set<AId> ids;
AId invalid;
// Streaming an invalid id is an error.
TEST_F(IdentifierTests, InvalidStream) {
if (kDrakeAssertIsDisarmed) { return; }
AId invalid;
std::stringstream ss;
DRAKE_EXPECT_THROWS_MESSAGE(ss << invalid, ".*is_valid.*failed.*");
} // namespace
} // namespace drake