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103 lines
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#include "drake/common/is_approx_equal_abstol.h"
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
namespace drake {
namespace {
GTEST_TEST(IsApproxEqualMatrixTest, BasicTest) {
const VectorXd ones1 = VectorXd::Ones(1);
const VectorXd ones2 = VectorXd::Ones(2);
const MatrixXd id22 = MatrixXd::Identity(2, 2);
const MatrixXd id33 = MatrixXd::Identity(3, 3);
const double lit_nudge = 1e-12;
const double big_nudge = 1e-4;
const VectorXd ones1_lit = ones1 + VectorXd::Constant(1, lit_nudge);
const VectorXd ones1_big = ones1 + VectorXd::Constant(1, big_nudge);
const VectorXd ones2_lit = ones2 + VectorXd::Constant(2, lit_nudge);
const VectorXd ones2_big = ones2 + VectorXd::Constant(2, big_nudge);
const MatrixXd id22_lit = id22 + MatrixXd::Constant(2, 2, lit_nudge);
const MatrixXd id22_big = id22 + MatrixXd::Constant(2, 2, big_nudge);
const MatrixXd id33_lit = id33 + MatrixXd::Constant(3, 3, lit_nudge);
const MatrixXd id33_big = id33 + MatrixXd::Constant(3, 3, big_nudge);
// Compare same-size matrices, within tolerances.
const double tolerance = 1e-8;
EXPECT_TRUE(is_approx_equal_abstol(ones1, ones1, tolerance));
EXPECT_TRUE(is_approx_equal_abstol(ones1, ones1_lit, tolerance));
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(ones1, ones1_big, tolerance));
EXPECT_TRUE(is_approx_equal_abstol(ones2, ones2, tolerance));
EXPECT_TRUE(is_approx_equal_abstol(ones2, ones2_lit, tolerance));
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(ones2, ones2_big, tolerance));
EXPECT_TRUE(is_approx_equal_abstol(id22, id22, tolerance));
EXPECT_TRUE(is_approx_equal_abstol(id22, id22_lit, tolerance));
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(id22, id22_big, tolerance));
EXPECT_TRUE(is_approx_equal_abstol(id33, id33, tolerance));
EXPECT_TRUE(is_approx_equal_abstol(id33, id33_lit, tolerance));
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(id33, id33_big, tolerance));
// Compare different-size matrices.
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(ones1, ones2, tolerance));
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(id22, id33, tolerance));
// Special values do not compare equal.
const double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
const VectorXd inf2 = VectorXd::Constant(2, inf);
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(inf2, inf2, tolerance));
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(inf2, ones2, tolerance));
const double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
const VectorXd nan2 = VectorXd::Constant(2, nan);
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(nan2, nan2, tolerance));
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(nan2, inf2, tolerance));
EXPECT_FALSE(is_approx_equal_abstol(nan2, ones2, tolerance));
GTEST_TEST(IsApproxEqualAbstolPermutationTest, PermutationTest) {
MatrixXd test(2, 3);
// clang-format off
test << 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6;
// clang-format on
const double tol = 1e-8;
EXPECT_TRUE(IsApproxEqualAbsTolWithPermutedColumns(test, test, tol));
IsApproxEqualAbsTolWithPermutedColumns(test, test.leftCols<2>(), tol));
IsApproxEqualAbsTolWithPermutedColumns(test.leftCols<2>(), test, tol));
MatrixXd test2(2, 3);
// Switch cols 2 and 3.
// clang-format off
test2 << 1, 3, 2,
4, 6, 5;
// clang-format on
EXPECT_TRUE(IsApproxEqualAbsTolWithPermutedColumns(test, test2, tol));
// All columns in test2 are in test1, but one is repeated.
// clang-format off
test2 << 1, 1, 2,
4, 4, 5;
// clang-format on
EXPECT_FALSE(IsApproxEqualAbsTolWithPermutedColumns(test, test2, tol));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsApproxEqualAbsTolWithPermutedColumns(test2, test, tol));
// Matching but with one duplicated columns.
test2.resize(2, 4);
// clang-format off
test2 << 1, 1, 2, 3,
4, 4, 5, 6;
// clang-format on
EXPECT_FALSE(IsApproxEqualAbsTolWithPermutedColumns(test, test2, tol));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsApproxEqualAbsTolWithPermutedColumns(test2, test, tol));
} // namespace
} // namespace drake