forked from pz4kybsvg/Conception
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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
585 lines
22 KiB
585 lines
22 KiB
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_throw.h"
#include "drake/common/name_value.h"
#include "drake/common/nice_type_name.h"
#include "drake/common/unused.h"
#include "drake/common/yaml/yaml_io_options.h"
#include "drake/common/yaml/yaml_node.h"
namespace drake {
namespace yaml {
namespace internal {
// A helper class for @ref yaml_serialization "YAML Serialization" that loads
// data from a YAML file into a C++ structure.
class YamlReadArchive final {
YamlReadArchive(internal::Node root, const LoadYamlOptions& options);
static internal::Node LoadFileAsNode(
const std::string& filename,
const std::optional<std::string>& child_name);
static internal::Node LoadStringAsNode(
const std::string& data, const std::optional<std::string>& child_name);
// Sets the contents `serializable` based on the YAML file associated this
// archive.
template <typename Serializable>
void Accept(Serializable* serializable) {
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(serializable != nullptr);
this->DoAccept(serializable, static_cast<int32_t>(0));
// Sets the value pointed to by `nvp.value()` based on the YAML file
// associated with this archive. Most users should call Accept, not Visit.
template <typename NameValuePair>
void Visit(const NameValuePair& nvp) {
this->Visit(nvp, VisitShouldMemorizeType::kYes);
// N.B. In the private details below, we use "NVP" to abbreviate the
// "NameValuePair" template concept.
// Internal-use constructor during recursion. This constructor aliases all
// of its arguments, so all must outlive this object.
YamlReadArchive(const internal::Node* root, const YamlReadArchive* parent)
: owned_root_(),
parent_(parent) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(root != nullptr);
DRAKE_DEMAND(parent != nullptr);
// Internal-use constructor during recursion. This constructor aliases all
// of its arguments, so all must outlive this object. The effect is as-if
// we have a root of type NodeType::Mapping with a single (key, value) entry.
YamlReadArchive(const char* mapish_item_key,
const internal::Node* mapish_item_value,
const YamlReadArchive* parent)
: owned_root_(),
parent_(parent) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(mapish_item_key != nullptr);
DRAKE_DEMAND(mapish_item_value != nullptr);
DRAKE_DEMAND(parent != nullptr);
enum class VisitShouldMemorizeType { kNo, kYes };
// Like the 1-arg Visit, except that the (private) caller can opt-out of this
// visit frame appearing in error reports.
template <typename NameValuePair>
void Visit(const NameValuePair& nvp, VisitShouldMemorizeType trace) {
if (trace == VisitShouldMemorizeType::kYes) {
debug_visit_name_ =;
debug_visit_type_ = &typeid(*nvp.value());
// Use int32_t for the final argument to prefer the specialized overload.
this->DoVisit(nvp, *nvp.value(), static_cast<int32_t>(0));
if (trace == VisitShouldMemorizeType::kYes) {
debug_visit_name_ = nullptr;
debug_visit_type_ = nullptr;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @name Overloads for the Accept() implementation
// This version applies when Serialize is member method.
template <typename Serializable>
auto DoAccept(Serializable* serializable, int32_t)
-> decltype(serializable->Serialize(this)) {
// This version applies when `value` is a std::map from std::string to
// Serializable. The map's values must be serializable, but there is no
// Serialize function required for the map itself.
template <typename Serializable>
void DoAccept(std::map<std::string, Serializable>* value, int32_t) {
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(root_ != nullptr);
VisitMapDirectly<Serializable>(*root_, value);
for (const auto& [name, ignored] : *value) {
// This version applies when Serialize is an ADL free function.
template <typename Serializable>
void DoAccept(Serializable* serializable, int64_t) {
Serialize(this, serializable);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @name Overloads for the Visit() implementation
// This version applies when the type has a Serialize member function.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
auto DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const T&, int32_t)
-> decltype(nvp.value()->Serialize(
static_cast<YamlReadArchive*>(nullptr))) {
// This version applies when the type has an ADL Serialize function.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
auto DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const T&, int32_t)
-> decltype(Serialize(static_cast<YamlReadArchive*>(nullptr),
nvp.value())) {
// For std::vector.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::vector<T>&, int32_t) {
// For std::array.
template <typename NVP, typename T, std::size_t N>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::array<T, N>&, int32_t) {
this->VisitArray(, N, nvp.value()->data());
// For std::map.
template <typename NVP, typename K, typename V, typename C>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::map<K, V, C>&, int32_t) {
this->VisitMap<K, V>(nvp);
// For std::unordered_map.
template <typename NVP, typename K, typename V, typename H, typename E>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::unordered_map<K, V, H, E>&, int32_t) {
this->VisitMap<K, V>(nvp);
// For std::optional.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::optional<T>&, int32_t) {
// For std::variant.
template <typename NVP, typename... Types>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::variant<Types...>&, int32_t) {
// For Eigen::Matrix or Eigen::Vector.
template <typename NVP, typename T, int Rows, int Cols, int Options = 0,
int MaxRows = Rows, int MaxCols = Cols>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp,
const Eigen::Matrix<T, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols>&,
int32_t) {
if constexpr (Cols == 1) {
if constexpr (Rows >= 0) {
this->VisitArray(, Rows, nvp.value()->data());
} else if constexpr (MaxRows >= 0) {
this->VisitVector(nvp, MaxRows);
} else {
} else {
this->VisitMatrix(, nvp.value());
// If no other DoVisit matched, we'll treat the value as a scalar.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const T&, int64_t) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @name Implementations of Visit() once the shape is known
template <typename NVP>
void VisitSerializable(const NVP& nvp) {
const internal::Node* sub_node = GetSubNodeMapping(;
if (sub_node == nullptr) {
YamlReadArchive sub_archive(sub_node, this);
auto&& value = *nvp.value();
template <typename NVP>
void VisitScalar(const NVP& nvp) {
const internal::Node* sub_node = GetSubNodeScalar(;
if (sub_node == nullptr) {
ParseScalar(sub_node->GetScalar(), nvp.value());
template <typename NVP>
void VisitOptional(const NVP& nvp) {
// When visiting an optional, we want to match up the null-ness of the YAML
// node with the nullopt-ness of the C++ data. Refer to the unit tests for
// Optional for a full explanation.
const internal::Node* sub_node = MaybeGetSubNode(;
if (sub_node == nullptr) {
if (!options_.allow_cpp_with_no_yaml) {
*nvp.value() = std::nullopt;
if (sub_node->GetTag() == internal::Node::kTagNull) {
*nvp.value() = std::nullopt;
// Visit the unpacked optional as if it weren't wrapped in optional<>.
using T = typename NVP::value_type::value_type;
std::optional<T>& storage = *nvp.value();
if (!storage) {
storage = T{};
this->Visit(drake::MakeNameValue(, &storage.value()),
template <typename NVP>
void VisitVariant(const NVP& nvp) {
const internal::Node* sub_node = MaybeGetSubNode(;
if (sub_node == nullptr) {
if (!options_.allow_cpp_with_no_yaml) {
ReportError("is missing");
// Figure out which variant<...> type we have based on the node's tag.
const std::string_view tag = sub_node->GetTag();
VariantHelper(tag,, nvp.value());
// Steps through Types to extract 'size_t I' and 'typename T' for the Impl.
template <template <typename...> class Variant, typename... Types>
void VariantHelper(std::string_view tag, const char* name,
Variant<Types...>* storage) {
if (tag == internal::Node::kTagNull) {
// Our variant parsing does not yet support nulls. When the tag indicates
// null, don't try to match it to a variant type; instead, just parse into
// the first variant type in order to generate a useful error message.
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Allow for std::monostate as one of the Types...,
// in case the user wants to permit nullable variants.
using T = std::variant_alternative_t<0, Variant<Types...>>;
T& typed_storage = storage->template emplace<0>();
this->Visit(drake::MakeNameValue(name, &typed_storage));
VariantHelperImpl<0, Variant<Types...>, Types...>(tag, name, storage);
// Recursive case -- checks if `tag` matches `T` (which was the I'th type in
// the template parameter pack), or else keeps looking.
template <size_t I, typename Variant, typename T, typename... Remaining>
void VariantHelperImpl(std::string_view tag, const char* name,
Variant* storage) {
// For the first type declared in the variant<> (I == 0), the tag can be
// absent; otherwise, the tag must match one of the variant's types.
if (((I == 0) && (tag.empty() || (tag == "?"))) ||
IsTagMatch(drake::NiceTypeName::GetFromStorage<T>(), tag)) {
T& typed_storage = storage->template emplace<I>();
this->Visit(drake::MakeNameValue(name, &typed_storage));
VariantHelperImpl<I + 1, Variant, Remaining...>(tag, name, storage);
// Base case -- no match.
template <size_t, typename Variant>
void VariantHelperImpl(std::string_view tag, const char*, Variant*) {
"has unsupported type tag {} while selecting a variant<>", tag));
// Checks if a NiceTypeName matches the yaml type tag.
bool IsTagMatch(std::string_view name, std::string_view tag) const {
// Check for the "fail safe schema" YAML types and similar.
if (name == "std::string") {
return tag == internal::Node::kTagStr;
if (name == "double") {
return tag == internal::Node::kTagFloat;
if (name == "int") {
return tag == internal::Node::kTagInt;
// Check for an "application specific" tag such as "!MyClass", which we
// will match to our variant item's name such as "my_namespace::MyClass"
// ignoring the namespace and any template parameters.
const auto start_offset = name.rfind(':');
const auto start =
name.begin() +
(start_offset == std::string::npos ? 0 : start_offset + 1);
const auto end = std::find(start, name.end(), '<');
return (tag[0] == '!') &&
// The `tag` without the leading '!'.
tag.begin() + 1, tag.end(),
// The `name` without any namespaces or templates.
start, end);
template <typename T>
void VisitArray(const char* name, size_t size, T* data) {
const internal::Node* sub_node = GetSubNodeSequence(name);
if (sub_node == nullptr) {
const std::vector<internal::Node>& elements = sub_node->GetSequence();
if (elements.size() != size) {
ReportError(fmt::format("has {}-size entry (wanted {}-size)",
elements.size(), size));
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
const std::string key = fmt::format("{}[{}]", name, i);
const internal::Node& value = elements[i];
YamlReadArchive item_archive(key.c_str(), &value, this);
item_archive.Visit(drake::MakeNameValue(key.c_str(), &data[i]));
// @param max_size an upper bound on how big we can resize() the vector
template <typename NVP>
void VisitVector(const NVP& nvp, std::optional<size_t> max_size = {}) {
const internal::Node* sub_node = GetSubNodeSequence(;
if (sub_node == nullptr) {
const std::vector<internal::Node>& elements = sub_node->GetSequence();
const size_t size = elements.size();
if (max_size.has_value() && size > *max_size) {
// This error message snippet looks odd in the source code, but turns
// out okay once ReportError tacks on some extra text.
"has too many array elements ({}); the maximum size is {} in the",
size, *max_size));
auto&& storage = *nvp.value();
if (size > 0) {
this->VisitArray(, size, &storage[0]);
template <typename T, int Rows, int Cols, int Options = 0, int MaxRows = Rows,
int MaxCols = Cols>
void VisitMatrix(
const char* name,
Eigen::Matrix<T, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols>* matrix) {
const internal::Node* sub_node = GetSubNodeSequence(name);
if (sub_node == nullptr) {
const std::vector<internal::Node>& elements = sub_node->GetSequence();
// Measure the YAML Sequence-of-Sequence dimensions.
// Take a guess at what rows & cols will be (we might adjust later).
size_t pending_rows = elements.size();
std::optional<size_t> pending_cols;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pending_rows; ++i) {
const internal::Node& one_row = elements[i];
if (!one_row.IsSequence()) {
ReportError(fmt::format("is Sequence-of-{} (not Sequence-of-Sequence)",
const size_t one_row_size = one_row.GetSequence().size();
if (pending_cols && one_row_size != *pending_cols) {
ReportError("has inconsistent cols dimensions");
pending_cols = one_row_size;
// Never return an Nx0 matrix; demote it to 0x0 instead.
if (pending_cols.value_or(0) == 0) {
pending_rows = 0;
pending_cols = 0;
const size_t rows = pending_rows;
const size_t cols = *pending_cols;
// Check the YAML dimensions vs Eigen dimensions, then resize (if dynamic).
if (((Rows != Eigen::Dynamic) && (static_cast<int>(rows) != Rows)) ||
((Cols != Eigen::Dynamic) && (static_cast<int>(cols) != Cols))) {
ReportError(fmt::format("has dimension {}x{} (wanted {}x{})", rows, cols,
Rows, Cols));
auto&& storage = *matrix;
storage.resize(rows, cols);
// Parse.
for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
const std::string key = fmt::format("{}[{}][{}]", name, i, j);
const internal::Node& value = elements[i].GetSequence()[j];
YamlReadArchive item_archive(key.c_str(), &value, this);
item_archive.Visit(drake::MakeNameValue(key.c_str(), &storage(i, j)));
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename NVP>
void VisitMap(const NVP& nvp) {
// For now, we only allow std::string as the keys of a serialized std::map.
// In the future, we could imagine handling any other kind of scalar value
// that was convertible to a string (int, double, string_view, etc.) if we
// found that useful. However, to remain compatible with JSON semantics,
// we should never allow a YAML Sequence or Mapping to be a used as a key.
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Key, std::string>,
"std::map keys must be strings");
const internal::Node* sub_node = GetSubNodeMapping(;
if (sub_node == nullptr) {
auto& result = *nvp.value();
this->VisitMapDirectly<Value>(*sub_node, &result);
template <typename Value, typename Map>
void VisitMapDirectly(const internal::Node& node, Map* result) {
if (!options_.retain_map_defaults) {
for (const auto& [key, value] : node.GetMapping()) {
auto newiter_inserted = result->emplace(key, Value{});
auto& newiter = newiter_inserted.first;
const bool inserted = newiter_inserted.second;
if (!options_.retain_map_defaults) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(inserted == true);
Value& newvalue = newiter->second;
YamlReadArchive item_archive(&node, this);
item_archive.Visit(drake::MakeNameValue(key.c_str(), &newvalue));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @name Scalar parsers
// These are the only scalar types that Drake supports.
// Users cannot add de-string-ification functions for custom scalars.
void ParseScalar(const std::string& value, bool* result);
void ParseScalar(const std::string& value, float* result);
void ParseScalar(const std::string& value, double* result);
void ParseScalar(const std::string& value, int32_t* result);
void ParseScalar(const std::string& value, uint32_t* result);
void ParseScalar(const std::string& value, int64_t* result);
void ParseScalar(const std::string& value, uint64_t* result);
void ParseScalar(const std::string& value, std::string* result);
template <typename T>
void ParseScalarImpl(const std::string& value, T* result);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @name Helpers, utilities, and member variables.
// If our root is a Mapping and has child with the given name and type,
// return the child. Otherwise, report an error and return nullptr.
// Currently, errors are always reported via an exception, which means that
// the nullptr return is irrelevant in practice. However, in the future we
// imagine logging multiple errors during parsing (not using exceptions).
// Therefore, calling code should be written to handle the nullptr case.
const internal::Node* GetSubNodeScalar(const char* name) const;
const internal::Node* GetSubNodeSequence(const char* name) const;
const internal::Node* GetSubNodeMapping(const char* name) const;
// Helper for the prior three functions.
const internal::Node* GetSubNodeAny(const char*, internal::NodeType) const;
// If our root is a Mapping and has child with the given name, return the
// child. Otherwise, return nullptr.
const internal::Node* MaybeGetSubNode(const char*) const;
// To be called after Accept-ing a Serializable to cross-check that all keys
// in the YAML root's Mapping matched a Visit call from the Serializable.
// This relates to the Options.allow_yaml_with_no_cpp setting.
void CheckAllAccepted() const;
void ReportError(const std::string&) const;
void PrintNodeSummary(std::ostream& s) const;
void PrintVisitNameType(std::ostream& s) const;
// These jointly denote the Node root that our Accept() will read from.
// For performance reasons, we'll use a few different members all for the
// same purpose. Never access these directly from Visit methods -- use
// GetSubNodeFoo() instead.
// @{
// A copy of the root node provided by the user to our public constructor.
// Our recursive calls to private constructors leave this unset.
const std::optional<internal::Node> owned_root_;
// Typically set to alias the Node that Accept() will read from. If set,
// this will alias owned_root_ when using the public constructor, or else a
// temporary root when using the private recursion constructor. Only ever
// unset during internal recursion when mapish_item_{key,value}_ are being
// used instead.
const internal::Node* const root_;
// During certain cases of internal recursion, instead of creating a Mapping
// node with only a single key-value pair as the root_ pointer, instead we'll
// pass the key-value pointers directly. This avoids the copying associated
// with constructing a new Mapping node. The two representations are
// mutually exclusive -- when root_ is null, both the key_ and value_ must
// be non-null, and when root_ is non-null, both key_,value_ must be null.
const char* const mapish_item_key_;
const internal::Node* const mapish_item_value_;
// @}
// When the C++ structure and YAML structure disagree, these options govern
// which mismatches are permitted without an error.
const LoadYamlOptions options_;
// The set of NameValue::name keys that have been Visited by the current
// Serializable's Accept method so far.
std::unordered_set<std::string> visited_names_;
// These are only used for error messages. The two `debug_...` members are
// non-nullptr only during Visit()'s lifetime.
const YamlReadArchive* const parent_;
const char* debug_visit_name_{};
const std::type_info* debug_visit_type_{};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace yaml
} // namespace drake