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379 lines
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#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/name_value.h"
#include "drake/common/nice_type_name.h"
#include "drake/common/yaml/yaml_node.h"
namespace drake {
namespace yaml {
namespace internal {
// A helper class for @ref yaml_serialization "YAML Serialization" that saves
// data from a C++ structure into a YAML file.
class YamlWriteArchive final {
// Creates an archive.
YamlWriteArchive() {}
// Copies the contents of `serializable` into the YAML object associated with
// this archive.
template <typename Serializable>
void Accept(const Serializable& serializable) {
auto* serializable_mutable = const_cast<Serializable*>(&serializable);
root_ = internal::Node::MakeMapping();
this->DoAccept(serializable_mutable, static_cast<int32_t>(0));
if (!visit_order_.empty()) {
auto key_order = internal::Node::MakeSequence();
for (const std::string& key : visit_order_) {
root_.Add(kKeyOrderName, std::move(key_order));
// Returns the YAML string for whatever Serializable was most recently passed
// into Accept.
// If the `root_name` is empty, the returned document will be the
// Serializable's visited content (which itself is already a Map node)
// directly. If the visited serializable content is null (in cases
// `Accpet()` has not been called or the entries are erased after calling
// `EraseMatchingMaps()`), then an empty map `{}` will be emitted.
// If the `root_name` is not empty, the returned document will be a single
// Map node named using `root_name` with the Serializable's visited content
// as key-value entries within it. The visited content could be null and the
// nullness is defined as above.
std::string EmitString(const std::string& root_name = "root") const;
// Returns the JSON string for whatever Serializable was most recently passed
// into Accept. A std::optional<T> value that is set to std::nullopt will be
// entirely omitted from the result, not serialized as "null".
std::string ToJson() const;
// Removes from this archive any map entries that are identical to an entry
// in `other`, iff they reside at the same location within the node tree
// hierarchy, and iff their parent nodes (and grandparent, etc., all the way
// up to the root) are also all maps. This enables emitting a minimal YAML
// representation when the output will be later loaded using YamlReadArchive's
// option to retain_map_defaults; the "all parents are maps" condition is the
// complement to what retain_map_defaults admits.
void EraseMatchingMaps(const YamlWriteArchive& other);
// Copies the value pointed to by `nvp.value()` into the YAML object. Most
// users should call Accept, not Visit.
template <typename NameValuePair>
void Visit(const NameValuePair& nvp) {
// Use int32_t for the final argument to prefer the specialized overload.
this->DoVisit(nvp, *nvp.value(), static_cast<int32_t>(0));
static const char* const kKeyOrderName;
// Helper for EmitString.
static std::string YamlDumpWithSortedMaps(const internal::Node&);
// N.B. In the private details below, we use "NVP" to abbreviate the
// "NameValuePair<T>" template concept.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @name Overloads for the Accept() implementation
// This version applies when Serialize is member function.
template <typename Serializable>
auto DoAccept(Serializable* serializable, int32_t)
-> decltype(serializable->Serialize(this)) {
return serializable->Serialize(this);
// This version applies when `value` is a std::map from std::string to
// Serializable. The map's values must be serializable, but there is no
// Serialize function required for the map itself.
template <typename Serializable>
void DoAccept(std::map<std::string, Serializable>* value, int32_t) {
root_ = VisitMapDirectly(value);
// This version applies when Serialize is an ADL free function.
template <typename Serializable>
void DoAccept(Serializable* serializable, int64_t) {
Serialize(this, serializable);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @name Overloads for the Visit() implementation
// This version applies when the type has a Serialize member function.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
auto DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const T&, int32_t)
-> decltype(nvp.value()->Serialize(
static_cast<YamlWriteArchive*>(nullptr))) {
return this->VisitSerializable(nvp);
// This version applies when the type has an ADL Serialize function.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
auto DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const T&, int32_t)
-> decltype(Serialize(static_cast<YamlWriteArchive*>(nullptr),
nvp.value())) {
return this->VisitSerializable(nvp);
// For std::vector.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::vector<T>&, int32_t) {
std::vector<T>& data = *nvp.value();
this->VisitArrayLike<T>(, data.size(),
data.empty() ? nullptr : &;
// For std::array.
template <typename NVP, typename T, std::size_t N>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::array<T, N>&, int32_t) {
this->VisitArrayLike<T>(, N, nvp.value()->data());
// For std::map.
template <typename NVP, typename K, typename V, typename C>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::map<K, V, C>&, int32_t) {
this->VisitMap<K, V>(nvp);
// For std::unordered_map.
template <typename NVP, typename K, typename V, typename C>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::unordered_map<K, V, C>&, int32_t) {
this->VisitMap<K, V>(nvp);
// For std::optional.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::optional<T>&, int32_t) {
// For std::variant.
template <typename NVP, typename... Types>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const std::variant<Types...>&, int32_t) {
// For Eigen::Matrix or Eigen::Vector.
template <typename NVP, typename T, int Rows, int Cols, int Options = 0,
int MaxRows = Rows, int MaxCols = Cols>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp,
const Eigen::Matrix<T, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols>&,
int32_t) {
if constexpr (Cols == 1) {
auto& value = *nvp.value();
const bool empty = value.size() == 0;
this->VisitArrayLike<T>(, value.size(),
empty ? nullptr : &value.coeffRef(0));
} else {
this->VisitMatrix<T>(, nvp.value());
// If no other DoVisit matched, we'll treat the value as a scalar.
template <typename NVP, typename T>
void DoVisit(const NVP& nvp, const T&, int64_t) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @name Implementations of Visit() once the shape is known
// This is used for structs with a Serialize member or free function.
template <typename NVP>
void VisitSerializable(const NVP& nvp) {
YamlWriteArchive sub_archive;
using T = typename NVP::value_type;
const T& value = *nvp.value();
root_.Add(, std::move(sub_archive.root_));
// This is used for simple types that can be converted to a string.
template <typename NVP>
void VisitScalar(const NVP& nvp) {
using T = typename NVP::value_type;
const T& value = *nvp.value();
if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
// Different versions of fmt disagree on whether to omit the trailing
// ".0" when formatting integer-valued floating-point numbers. Force
// the ".0" in all cases by using the "#" option for floats. Also be
// sure to add the required leading period for special values.
auto scalar = internal::Node::MakeScalar(
fmt::format("{}{:#}", std::isfinite(value) ? "" : ".", value));
root_.Add(, std::move(scalar));
auto scalar = internal::Node::MakeScalar(fmt::format("{}", value));
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>) {
root_.Add(, std::move(scalar));
// This is used for std::optional or similar.
template <typename NVP>
void VisitOptional(const NVP& nvp) {
// Bail out if the optional was unset.
if (!nvp.value()->has_value()) {
// Since we are not going to add ourselves to root_, we should not list
// our name in the visit_order either. This undoes the addition of our
// name that was performed by the Visit() call on the optional<T> value.
// Visit the unpacked optional as if it weren't wrapped in optional<>.
using T = typename NVP::value_type::value_type;
T& storage = nvp.value()->value();
this->Visit(drake::MakeNameValue(, &storage));
// The above call to Visit() for the *unwrapped* value pushed our name onto
// the visit_order a second time, duplicating work performed by the Visit()
// for the *wrapped* value. We'll undo that duplication now.
// This is used for std::variant or similar.
template <typename NVP>
void VisitVariant(const NVP& nvp) {
// Visit the unpacked variant as if it weren't wrapped in variant<>,
// setting a YAML type tag iff required.
const char* const name =;
auto& variant = *nvp.value();
const size_t index = variant.index();
[this, name, index](auto&& unwrapped) {
this->Visit(drake::MakeNameValue(name, &unwrapped));
if (index != 0) {
using T = decltype(unwrapped);
// The above call to this->Visit() for the *unwrapped* value pushed our
// name onto the visit_order a second time, duplicating work performed by
// the Visit() for the *wrapped* value. We'll undo that duplication now.
template <typename T>
static std::string GetVariantTag() {
const std::string full_name = NiceTypeName::GetFromStorage<T>();
if ((full_name == "std::string") || (full_name == "double") ||
(full_name == "int")) {
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Add support for well-known YAML primitive types
// within variants (when placed other than at the 0'th index). To do
// that, we need to emit the tag as "!!str" instead of "!string" or
// !!float instead of "!double", etc., but our libyaml-cpp writer
// does not yet offer the ability to produce that kind of output.
throw std::invalid_argument(fmt::format(
"Cannot YamlWriteArchive the variant type {} with a non-zero index",
std::string short_name = NiceTypeName::RemoveNamespaces(full_name);
auto angle = short_name.find('<');
if (angle != std::string::npos) {
// Remove template arguments.
return short_name;
// This is used for std::array, std::vector, Eigen::Vector, or similar.
// @param size is the number of items pointed to by data
// @param data is the base pointer to the array to serialize
// @tparam T is the element type of the array
template <typename T>
void VisitArrayLike(const char* name, size_t size, T* data) {
auto sub_node = internal::Node::MakeSequence();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
T& item = data[i];
YamlWriteArchive sub_archive;
sub_archive.Visit(drake::MakeNameValue("i", &item));
root_.Add(name, std::move(sub_node));
template <typename T, int Rows, int Cols, int Options = 0, int MaxRows = Rows,
int MaxCols = Cols>
void VisitMatrix(
const char* name,
const Eigen::Matrix<T, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols>* matrix) {
auto sub_node = internal::Node::MakeSequence();
for (int i = 0; i < matrix->rows(); ++i) {
Eigen::Matrix<T, Cols, 1> row = matrix->row(i);
YamlWriteArchive sub_archive;
sub_archive.Visit(drake::MakeNameValue("i", &row));
root_.Add(name, std::move(sub_node));
// This is used for std::map, std::unordered_map, or similar.
// The map key must be a string; the value can be anything that serializes.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename NVP>
void VisitMap(const NVP& nvp) {
// For now, we only allow std::string as the keys of a serialized std::map.
// In the future, we could imagine handling any other kind of scalar value
// that was convertible to a string (int, double, string_view, etc.) if we
// found that useful. However, to remain compatible with JSON semantics,
// we should never allow a YAML Sequence or Mapping to be a used as a key.
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Key, std::string>, "Map keys must be strings");
auto sub_node = this->VisitMapDirectly(nvp.value());
root_.Add(, std::move(sub_node));
template <typename Map>
internal::Node VisitMapDirectly(Map* value) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(value != nullptr);
auto result = internal::Node::MakeMapping();
// N.B. For std::unordered_map, this iteration order is non-deterministic,
// but because internal::Node::MapData uses sorted keys anyway, it doesn't
// matter what order we insert them here.
for (auto&& [key, sub_value] : *value) {
YamlWriteArchive sub_archive;
sub_archive.Visit(drake::MakeNameValue(key.c_str(), &sub_value));
result.Add(key, std::move(sub_archive.root_.At(key)));
return result;
internal::Node root_ = internal::Node::MakeMapping();
std::vector<std::string> visit_order_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace yaml
} // namespace drake