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{% extends "!footer.html" %}
{% block extrafooter %}
/* Enables clicking for the mobile "hamburger" (three-line) menu item. */
const siteHeader = document.querySelector('.site-header')
const mobileButton = document.querySelector('.menu-mobile-toggle')
const body = document.querySelector('body')
mobileButton.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
<footer class="site-footer padding">
<div class="contain">
<a href="/" class="drake-logo">
<img src="/images/drake-logo.svg">
<div class="footer-menu">
<a href="/doxygen_cxx/index.html" class="site-menu-item">C++</a>
<a href="/pydrake/index.html" class="site-menu-item">Python</a>
<li class="github-link">
<a href="" class="site-menu-item">GitHub <img src="/third_party/images/GitHub-Mark-64px.png"></a>
{% endblock %}