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"""Provides Sphinx extensions / monkey patches to:
- Remove excessive bases when documenting inheritance
- Document parameterized bindings of templated methods / classes
For guidance, see:
- # noqa
# TODO(eric.cousineau): How to document only protected methods?
# e.g. `LeafSystem` only consists of private things to overload, but it's
# important to be user-visible.
from collections import namedtuple
import re
from textwrap import indent
from typing import Any, Tuple
import warnings
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
from sphinx import version_info as sphinx_version
from sphinx.locale import _
import as pydoc
from sphinx.ext import autodoc
from sphinx.util.nodes import nested_parse_with_titles
from drake.doc.doxygen_cxx.system_doxygen import system_yaml_to_html
from pydrake.common.cpp_template import TemplateBase
from pydrake.common.deprecation import DrakeDeprecationWarning
def rindex(s, sub):
"""Reverse index of a substring."""
return len(s) - s[::-1].index(sub) - len(sub)
def patch(obj, name, f):
"""Patch the method of a class."""
original = getattr(obj, name)
def method(*args, **kwargs):
return f(original, *args, **kwargs)
setattr(obj, name, method)
def repair_naive_name_split(objpath):
"""Rejoins any strings with braces that were naively split across '.'.
num_open = 0
out = []
cur = ''
for p in objpath:
num_open += p.count('[') - p.count(']')
assert num_open >= 0
if cur:
cur += '.'
cur += p
if num_open == 0:
cur = ''
assert len(cur) == 0, (objpath, cur, out)
return out
class IrregularExpression:
"""Provides analogous parsing to `autodoc.py_ext_sig_re` and
`pydoc.py_sig_re`, but permits nested parsing for class-like directives to
work with the munged names.
These are meant to be used to monkey-patch existing compiled regular
FakeMatch = namedtuple('FakeMatch', 'groups')
py_sig_old = autodoc.py_ext_sig_re
py_sig = re.compile(
r'''^ (\w.*?) \s* # symbol
\((.*)\) # optional: arguments
(?:\s* -> \s* (.*))? # return annotation
)? $
''', re.VERBOSE)
def __init__(self, extended):
extended: For use in `autodoc` (returns explicit reST module name
self.extended = extended
def match(self, full):
"""Tests if a string matches `full`. If not, returns None."""
m = self.py_sig.match(full)
if not m:
return None
symbol, arg, retann = m.groups()
# Heuristic to not try and match for docstring phrases. Any space
# should be balanced with a comma for the symbol.
if symbol.count(' ') > symbol.count(','):
return None
# Extract module name using a greedy match.
explicit_modname = None
if "::" in symbol:
pos = rindex(symbol, "::") + 2
explicit_modname = symbol[:pos]
symbol = symbol[pos:].strip()
# Extract {path...}.{base}, accounting for brackets.
if not symbol:
pieces = repair_naive_name_split(symbol.split('.'))
assert len(pieces) > 0, (symbol, pieces)
base = pieces[-1]
if len(pieces) > 1:
path = '.'.join(pieces[:-1]) + '.'
path = None
if self.extended:
groups = (explicit_modname, path, base, arg, retann)
assert explicit_modname is None
groups = (path, base, arg, retann)
return self.FakeMatch(lambda: groups)
class TemplateDocumenter(autodoc.ModuleLevelDocumenter):
"""Specializes `Documenter` for templates from `cpp_template`.
objtype = 'template'
member_order = autodoc.ClassDocumenter.member_order
directivetype = 'template'
# Take priority over attributes.
priority = 1 + autodoc.AttributeDocumenter.priority
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
"""Overrides base to check for template objects."""
return isinstance(member, TemplateBase)
def get_object_members(self, want_all):
"""Overrides base; we shouldn't show any details beyond the list of
return False, []
def check_module(self):
"""Overrides base to show template objects given the correct module."""
if self.options.imported_members:
return True
scope = self.object._scope
if isinstance(scope, type):
module_name = scope.__module__
module_name = scope.__name__
return module_name == self.modname
def add_directive_header(self, sig):
"""Overrides base to add a line to indicate instantiations."""
autodoc.ModuleLevelDocumenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)
sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
self.add_line(u'', sourcename)
names = []
for param in self.object.param_list:
# TODO(eric.cousineau): Use attribute aliasing already present in
# autodoc.
rst = ":class:`{}`".format(self.object._instantiation_name(param))
u" Instantiations: {}".format(", ".join(names)), sourcename)
def tpl_attrgetter(obj, name, *defargs):
"""Attribute getter hook for autodoc to permit accessing instantiations via
instantiation names.
In ideal world, we'd be able to override instance names easily; however,
since Sphinx aims to permit either sweeping automation (`automodule`) or
specific instances (`autoclass`), we have to try and get it to play nice
with string retrieval.
We cannot call `.. autoclass:: obj.MyTemplate[param]`, because this
getter is constrained to `TemplateBase` instances.
# N.B. Rather than try to evaluate parameters from the string, we instead
# match based on instantiation name.
if isinstance(obj, TemplateBase) and name[0] != "_":
for param in obj.param_list:
inst = obj[param]
if inst.__name__ == name:
return inst
assert False, (
"Not a template?",
param, obj.param_list,
inst.__name__, name)
return autodoc.safe_getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
def patch_resolve_name(original, self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Patches implementations of `resolve_name` to handle split across braces.
modname, objpath = original(self, *args, **kwargs)
return modname, repair_naive_name_split(objpath)
def patch_class_add_directive_header(original, self, sig):
"""Patches display of bases for classes to strip out pybind11 meta classes
from bases.
if self.doc_as_attr:
self.directivetype = 'attribute'
autodoc.Documenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)
# add inheritance info, if wanted
if not self.doc_as_attr and self.options.show_inheritance:
sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
self.add_line(u'', sourcename)
bases = getattr(self.object, '__bases__', None)
if not bases:
bases = [b.__module__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins')
and u':class:`%s`' % b.__name__
or u':class:`%s.%s`' % (b.__module__, b.__name__)
for b in bases
if b.__name__ != "pybind11_object"]
if not bases:
self.add_line(_(u' Bases: %s') % ', '.join(bases),
def autodoc_skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
"""Skips undesirable members.
# N.B. This should be registered before `napoleon`s event.
# N.B. For some reason, `:exclude-members` via `autodoc_default_options`
# did not work. Revisit this at some point.
if "__del__" in name:
return True
# In order to work around #11954.
if "__init__" in name:
return False
return None
def patch_document_members(original, self, all_members=False):
# type: (bool) -> None
"""Generate reST for member documentation.
If *all_members* is True, do all members, else those given by
Note: This function is a patched version for Drake to add the functionality
of sorting the documented members using a custom key function.
The original code is from Sphinx 1.6.7 installed via the `python3-sphinx`
package. Debian patches the upstream version:
However, this piece of code is not patched.
Our upstream PR:
# set current namespace for finding members
self.env.temp_data['autodoc:module'] = self.modname
if self.objpath:
self.env.temp_data['autodoc:class'] = self.objpath[0]
want_all = all_members or self.options.inherited_members or \
self.options.members is autodoc.ALL
# find out which members are documentable
members_check_module, members = self.get_object_members(want_all)
# This method changed after version 1.6.7.
# We accommodate the changes till version 2.4.4.
if sphinx_version[:3] >= (1, 8, 0):
exclude_members_all = self.options.exclude_members is autodoc.ALL
exclude_members_all = False
# remove members given by exclude-members
if self.options.exclude_members:
members = [
(membername, member) for (membername, member) in members
if (
or membername not in self.options.exclude_members
# document non-skipped members
memberdocumenters = [] # type: List[Tuple[Documenter, bool]]
for (mname, member, isattr) in self.filter_members(members, want_all):
# This method changed after version 1.6.7.
# We accommodate the changes till version 2.4.4.
if sphinx_version[:3] >= (1, 7, 0):
documenters = self.documenters
documenters = autodoc.AutoDirective._registry
classes = [cls for cls in documenters.values()
if cls.can_document_member(member, mname, isattr, self)]
if not classes:
# don't know how to document this member
# prefer the documenter with the highest priority
classes.sort(key=lambda cls: cls.priority)
# give explicitly separated module name, so that members
# of inner classes can be documented
full_mname = self.modname + '::' + \
'.'.join(self.objpath + [mname])
documenter = classes[-1](self.directive, full_mname, self.indent)
memberdocumenters.append((documenter, isattr))
member_order = self.options.member_order or \
if member_order == 'groupwise':
# sort by group; relies on stable sort to keep items in the
# same group sorted alphabetically
memberdocumenters.sort(key=lambda e: e[0].member_order)
elif member_order == 'bysource' and self.analyzer:
# sort by source order, by virtue of the module analyzer
tagorder = self.analyzer.tagorder
def keyfunc(entry):
# type: (Tuple[Documenter, bool]) -> int
fullname = entry[0].name.split('::')[1]
return tagorder.get(fullname, len(tagorder))
# N.B. Patch for Drake starts here.
elif member_order == 'bycustomfunction':
def custom_key(entry: Tuple[autodoc.Documenter, bool]) -> Any:
result =
'autodoc-member-order-custom-function', entry[0])
if result is None:
raise RuntimeError("autodoc-member-order-custom-function "
"has not been specified by user")
return result
# Patch ends here.
for documenter, isattr in memberdocumenters:
all_members=True, real_modname=self.real_modname,
check_module=members_check_module and not isattr)
# reset current objects
self.env.temp_data['autodoc:module'] = None
self.env.temp_data['autodoc:class'] = None
def autodoc_member_order_function(app, documenter):
"""Let's sort the member full-names (`Class.member_name`) by lower-case."""
# N.B. This follows suite with the following 3.x code:
fullname ='::')[1]
return fullname.lower()
class PydrakeSystemDirective(Directive):
Translates `pydrake_system` directives (with YAML) to `raw` HTML
See also:
- Example:
""" # noqa
has_content = True
def run(self):
system_yaml = '\n'.join(self.content)
system_html = system_yaml_to_html(system_yaml)
except TypeError as e:
raise self.severe(f"pydrake_system error: {e}")
raw_content = indent(system_html.strip(), ' ')
raw_rst = f".. raw:: html\n\n{raw_content}"
node = _parse_rst(self.state, raw_rst)
return node.children
def _parse_rst(state, rst_text):
# Adapted from `autoprogram` source.
result = ViewList()
for line in rst_text.splitlines():
result.append(line, '<parsed>')
node = nodes.section()
node.document = state.document
nested_parse_with_titles(state, result, node)
return node
def setup(app):
"""Installs Drake-specific extensions and patches.
if sphinx_version[:3] >= (1, 8, 0):
# Add directive to process system doxygen.
app.add_directive('pydrake_system', PydrakeSystemDirective)
# Do not warn on Drake deprecations.
# TODO(eric.cousineau): See if there is a way to intercept this.
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DrakeDeprecationWarning)
# Ignore `pybind11_object` as a base.
autodoc.ClassDocumenter, 'add_directive_header',
# Skip specific members.
app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', autodoc_skip_member)
# Register directive so we can pretty-print template declarations.
pydoc.PythonDomain.directives['template'] = pydoc.PyClasslike
# Register autodocumentation for templates.
app.add_autodoc_attrgetter(TemplateBase, tpl_attrgetter)
# Hack regular expressions to make them irregular (nested).
autodoc.py_ext_sig_re = IrregularExpression(extended=True)
pydoc.py_sig_re = IrregularExpression(extended=False)
patch(autodoc.ClassLevelDocumenter, 'resolve_name', patch_resolve_name)
patch(autodoc.ModuleLevelDocumenter, 'resolve_name', patch_resolve_name)
patch(autodoc.Documenter, 'document_members', patch_document_members)
return dict(parallel_read_safe=True)