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#pragma once
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/geometry/render/render_engine.h"
#include "drake/geometry/scene_graph.h"
#include "drake/math/rigid_transform.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/diagram.h"
namespace drake {
namespace examples {
namespace manipulation_station {
/// Determines which sdf is loaded for the IIWA in the ManipulationStation.
enum class IiwaCollisionModel { kNoCollision, kBoxCollision };
/// Determines which schunk model is used for the ManipulationStation.
/// - kBox loads a model with a box collision geometry. This model is for those
/// who want simplified collision behavior.
/// - kBoxPlusFingertipSpheres loads a Schunk model with collision
/// spheres that models the indentations at tip of the fingers, in addition
/// to the box collision geometry on the fingers.
enum class SchunkCollisionModel { kBox, kBoxPlusFingertipSpheres };
/// Determines which manipulation station is simulated.
enum class Setup { kNone, kManipulationClass, kClutterClearing, kPlanarIiwa };
/// @defgroup manipulation_station_systems Manipulation Station
/// @{
/// @brief Systems related to the "manipulation station" used in the <a
/// href="">MIT Intelligent Robot
/// Manipulation</a> class.
/// @ingroup example_systems
/// @}
/// A system that represents the complete manipulation station, including
/// exactly one robotic arm (a Kuka IIWA LWR), one gripper (a Schunk WSG 50),
/// and anything a user might want to load into the model.
/// SetupDefaultStation() provides the setup that is used in the MIT
/// Intelligent Robot Manipulation class, which includes the supporting
/// structure for IIWA and several RGBD cameras. Alternative Setup___()
/// methods are provided, as well.
/// @system
/// name: ManipulationStation
/// input_ports:
/// - iiwa_position
/// - iiwa_feedforward_torque (optional)
/// - wsg_position
/// - wsg_force_limit (optional)
/// - <b style="color:orange">applied_spatial_force (optional)</b>
/// output_ports:
/// - iiwa_position_commanded
/// - iiwa_position_measured
/// - iiwa_velocity_estimated
/// - iiwa_state_estimated
/// - iiwa_torque_commanded
/// - iiwa_torque_measured
/// - iiwa_torque_external
/// - wsg_state_measured
/// - wsg_force_measured
/// - camera_[NAME]_rgb_image
/// - camera_[NAME]_depth_image
/// - <b style="color:orange">camera_[NAME]_label_image</b>
/// - <b style="color:orange">camera_[NAME]_point_cloud</b>
/// - ...
/// - camera_[NAME]_rgb_image
/// - camera_[NAME]_depth_image
/// - <b style="color:orange">camera_[NAME]_label_image</b>
/// - <b style="color:orange">camera_[NAME]_point_cloud</b>
/// - <b style="color:orange">query_object</b>
/// - <b style="color:orange">contact_results</b>
/// - <b style="color:orange">plant_continuous_state</b>
/// - <b style="color:orange">geometry_poses</b>
/// @endsystem
/// Each pixel in the output image from `depth_image` is a 16bit unsigned
/// short in millimeters.
/// Note that outputs in <b style="color:orange">orange</b> are
/// available in the simulation, but not on the real robot. The distinction
/// between q_measured and v_estimated is because the Kuka FRI reports
/// positions directly, but we have estimated v in our code that wraps the
/// FRI.
/// @warning The "camera_[NAME]_point_cloud" data currently has registration
/// errors per issue
/// Consider the robot dynamics
/// M(q)vdot + C(q,v)v = τ_g(q) + τ_commanded + τ_joint_friction + τ_external,
/// where q == position, v == velocity, and τ == torque.
/// This model of the IIWA internal controller in the FRI software's
/// `JointImpedanceControlMode` is:
/// <pre>
/// τ_commanded = Mₑ(qₑ)vdot_desired + Cₑ(qₑ, vₑ)vₑ - τₑ_g(q) -
/// τₑ_joint_friction + τ_feedforward
/// vdot_desired = PID(q_commanded, qₑ, v_commanded, vₑ)
/// </pre>
/// where Mₑ, Cₑ, τₑ_g, and τₑ_friction terms are now (Kuka's) estimates of the
/// true model, qₑ and vₑ are measured/estimation, and v_commanded
/// must be obtained from an online (causal) derivative of q_commanded. The
/// result is
/// <pre>
/// M(q)vdot ≈ Mₑ(q)vdot_desired + τ_feedforward + τ_external,
/// </pre>
/// where the "approximately equal" comes from the differences due to the
/// estimated model/state.
/// The model implemented in this System assumes that M, C, and τ_friction
/// terms are perfect (except that they contain only a lumped mass
/// approximation of the gripper), and that the measured signals are
/// noise/bias free (e.g. q_measured = q, v_estimated = v, τ_measured =
/// τ_commanded). What remains for τ_external is the generalized forces due
/// to contact (note that they could also include the missing contributions
/// from the gripper fingers, which the controller assumes are welded).
/// @see lcmt_iiwa_status.lcm for additional details/documentation.
/// To add objects into the environment for the robot to manipulate, use,
/// e.g.:
/// @code
/// ManipulationStation<double> station;
/// Parser parser(&station.get_mutable_multibody_plant(),
/// &station.get_mutable_scene_graph());
/// parser.AddModels("my.sdf");
/// ...
/// // coming soon -- sugar API for adding additional objects.
/// station.Finalize()
/// @endcode
/// Note that you *must* call Finalize() before you can use this class as a
/// System.
/// @tparam_double_only
/// @ingroup manipulation_station_systems
template <typename T>
class ManipulationStation : public systems::Diagram<T> {
/// Construct the EMPTY station model.
/// @param time_step The time step used by MultibodyPlant<T>, and by the
/// discrete derivative used to approximate velocity from the position
/// command inputs.
explicit ManipulationStation(double time_step = 0.002);
/// Adds a default iiwa, wsg, two bins, and a camera, then calls
/// RegisterIiwaControllerModel() and RegisterWsgControllerModel() with
/// the appropriate arguments.
/// @note Must be called before Finalize().
/// @note Only one of the `Setup___()` methods should be called.
/// @param X_WCameraBody Transformation between the world and the camera body.
/// @param collision_model Determines which sdf is loaded for the IIWA.
/// @param schunk_model Determines which sdf is loaded for the Schunk.
void SetupClutterClearingStation(
const std::optional<const math::RigidTransformd>& X_WCameraBody = {},
IiwaCollisionModel collision_model = IiwaCollisionModel::kNoCollision,
SchunkCollisionModel schunk_model = SchunkCollisionModel::kBox);
/// Adds a default iiwa, wsg, cupboard, and 80/20 frame for the MIT
/// Intelligent Robot Manipulation class, then calls
/// RegisterIiwaControllerModel() and RegisterWsgControllerModel() with
/// the appropriate arguments.
/// @note Must be called before Finalize().
/// @note Only one of the `Setup___()` methods should be called.
/// @param collision_model Determines which sdf is loaded for the IIWA.
/// @param schunk_model Determines which sdf is loaded for the Schunk.
void SetupManipulationClassStation(
IiwaCollisionModel collision_model = IiwaCollisionModel::kNoCollision,
SchunkCollisionModel schunk_model = SchunkCollisionModel::kBox);
/// Adds a version of the iiwa with joints that would result in
/// out-of-plane rotations welded in a fixed orientation, reducing the
/// total degrees of freedom of the arm to 3. This arm lives in the X-Z
/// plane. Also adds the WSG planar gripper and two tables to form the
/// workspace. Note that additional floating base objects (aka
/// manipulands) will still potentially move in 3D.
/// @note Must be called before Finalize().
/// @note Only one of the `Setup___()` methods should be called.
/// @param schunk_model Determines which sdf is loaded for the Schunk.
void SetupPlanarIiwaStation(
SchunkCollisionModel schunk_model = SchunkCollisionModel::kBox);
/// Sets the default State for the chosen setup.
/// @param context A const reference to the ManipulationStation context.
/// @param state A pointer to the State of the ManipulationStation system.
/// @pre `state` must be the systems::State<T> object contained in
/// `station_context`.
void SetDefaultState(const systems::Context<T>& station_context,
systems::State<T>* state) const override;
/// Sets a random State for the chosen setup.
/// @param context A const reference to the ManipulationStation context.
/// @param state A pointer to the State of the ManipulationStation system.
/// @param generator is the random number generator.
/// @pre `state` must be the systems::State<T> object contained in
/// `station_context`.
void SetRandomState(const systems::Context<T>& station_context,
systems::State<T>* state,
RandomGenerator* generator) const override;
/// Notifies the ManipulationStation that the IIWA robot model instance can
/// be identified by @p iiwa_instance as well as necessary information to
/// reload model for the internal controller's use. Assumes @p iiwa_instance
/// has already been added to the MultibodyPlant.
/// Note, the current implementation only allows @p parent_frame to be the
/// world frame. The IIWA frame needs to directly contain @p child_frame.
/// Only call this with custom IIWA models (i.e. not calling
/// SetupDefaultStation()). Must be called before Finalize().
/// @param model_path Full path to the model file.
/// @param iiwa_instance Identifies the IIWA model.
/// @param parent_frame Identifies frame P (the parent frame) in the
/// MultibodyPlant that the IIWA model has been attached to.
/// @param child_frame_name Identifies frame C (the child frame) in the IIWA
/// model that is welded to frame P.
/// @param X_PC Transformation between frame P and C.
/// @throws If @p parent_frame is not the world frame.
// TODO( throws meaningful errors earlier here,
// rather than in Finalize() if the arguments are inconsistent with the plant.
// TODO( remove the assumption that parent frame has
// to be world.
// TODO( Some of these information should be
// retrievable from the MultibodyPlant directly or MultibodyPlant should
// provide partial tree cloning.
void RegisterIiwaControllerModel(
const std::string& model_path,
const multibody::ModelInstanceIndex iiwa_instance,
const multibody::Frame<T>& parent_frame,
const multibody::Frame<T>& child_frame,
const math::RigidTransform<double>& X_PC);
/// Notifies the ManipulationStation that the WSG gripper model instance can
/// be identified by @p wsg_instance, as well as necessary information to
/// reload model for the internal controller's use. Assumes @p wsg_instance
/// has already been added to the MultibodyPlant. The IIWA model needs to
/// directly contain @p parent_frame, and the WSG model needs to directly
/// contain @p child_frame.
/// Only call this with custom WSG models (i.e. not calling
/// SetupDefaultStation()). Must be called before Finalize().
/// @param model_path Full path to the model file.
/// @param wsg_instance Identifies the WSG model.
/// @param parent_frame Identifies frame P (the parent frame) in the
/// MultibodyPlant that the WSG model has been attached to. Has to be part
/// of the IIWA model.
/// @param child_frame Identifies frame C (the child frame) in the WSG
/// model that is used welded to frame P.
/// @param X_PC Transformation between frame P and C.
// TODO( Some of these information should be
// retrievable from the MultibodyPlant directly or MultibodyPlant should
// provide partial tree cloning.
// TODO( throws meaningful errors earlier here,
// rather than in Finalize() if the arguments are inconsistent with the plant.
void RegisterWsgControllerModel(
const std::string& model_path,
const multibody::ModelInstanceIndex wsg_instance,
const multibody::Frame<T>& parent_frame,
const multibody::Frame<T>& child_frame,
const math::RigidTransform<double>& X_PC);
/// Registers an RGBD sensor. Must be called before Finalize().
/// @param name Name for the camera.
/// @param parent_frame The parent frame (frame P). The body that
/// @p parent_frame is attached to must have a corresponding
/// geometry::FrameId. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown in Finalize().
/// @param X_PCameraBody Transformation between frame P and the camera body.
/// see systems::sensors:::RgbdSensor for descriptions about how the
/// camera body, RGB, and depth image frames are related.
/// @param depth_camera Specification for the RGBD camera. The color render
/// camera is inferred from the depth_camera. The color camera will share the
/// RenderCameraCore and be configured to *not* show its window.
/// @pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{single_camera}
void RegisterRgbdSensor(
const std::string& name, const multibody::Frame<T>& parent_frame,
const math::RigidTransform<double>& X_PCameraBody,
const geometry::render::DepthRenderCamera& depth_camera);
/// Registers an RGBD sensor with uniquely characterized color/label and
/// depth cameras.
/// @pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{dual_camera}
void RegisterRgbdSensor(
const std::string& name, const multibody::Frame<T>& parent_frame,
const math::RigidTransform<double>& X_PCameraBody,
const geometry::render::ColorRenderCamera& color_camera,
const geometry::render::DepthRenderCamera& depth_camera);
/// Adds a single object for the robot to manipulate
/// @note Must be called before Finalize().
/// @param model_file The path to the .sdf model file of the object.
/// @param X_WObject The pose of the object in world frame.
void AddManipulandFromFile(const std::string& model_file,
const math::RigidTransform<double>& X_WObject);
// TODO(russt): Add scalar copy constructor etc once we support more
// scalar types than T=double. See #9573.
/// Users *must* call Finalize() after making any additions to the
/// multibody plant and before using this class in the Systems framework.
/// This should be called exactly once.
/// This assumes an IIWA and WSG have been added to the MultibodyPlant, and
/// RegisterIiwaControllerModel() and RegisterWsgControllerModel() have been
/// called.
/// @see multibody::MultibodyPlant<T>::Finalize()
void Finalize();
/// Finalizes the station with the option of specifying the renderers the
/// manipulation station uses. Calling this method with an empty map is
/// equivalent to calling Finalize(). See Finalize() for more details.
void Finalize(std::map<std::string,
/// Returns a reference to the main plant responsible for the dynamics of
/// the robot and the environment. This can be used to, e.g., add
/// additional elements into the world before calling Finalize().
const multibody::MultibodyPlant<T>& get_multibody_plant() const {
return *plant_;
/// Returns a mutable reference to the main plant responsible for the
/// dynamics of the robot and the environment. This can be used to, e.g.,
/// add additional elements into the world before calling Finalize().
multibody::MultibodyPlant<T>& get_mutable_multibody_plant() {
return *plant_;
/// Returns a reference to the SceneGraph responsible for all of the geometry
/// for the robot and the environment. This can be used to, e.g., add
/// additional elements into the world before calling Finalize().
const geometry::SceneGraph<T>& get_scene_graph() const {
return *scene_graph_;
/// Returns a mutable reference to the SceneGraph responsible for all of the
/// geometry for the robot and the environment. This can be used to, e.g.,
/// add additional elements into the world before calling Finalize().
geometry::SceneGraph<T>& get_mutable_scene_graph() { return *scene_graph_; }
/// Returns the name of the station's default renderer.
static std::string default_renderer_name() { return default_renderer_name_; }
/// Return a reference to the plant used by the inverse dynamics controller
/// (which contains only a model of the iiwa + equivalent mass of the
/// gripper).
const multibody::MultibodyPlant<T>& get_controller_plant() const {
return *owned_controller_plant_;
/// Gets the number of joints in the IIWA (only -- does not include the
/// gripper).
/// @pre must call one of the "setup" methods first to register an IIWA
/// model.
int num_iiwa_joints() const;
/// Convenience method for getting all of the joint angles of the Kuka IIWA.
/// This does not include the gripper.
VectorX<T> GetIiwaPosition(const systems::Context<T>& station_context) const;
/// Convenience method for setting all of the joint angles of the Kuka IIWA.
/// Also sets the position history in the velocity command generator.
/// @p q must have size num_iiwa_joints().
/// @pre `state` must be the systems::State<T> object contained in
/// `station_context`.
void SetIiwaPosition(const systems::Context<T>& station_context,
systems::State<T>* state,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& q) const;
/// Convenience method for setting all of the joint angles of the Kuka IIWA.
/// Also sets the position history in the velocity command generator.
/// @p q must have size num_iiwa_joints().
void SetIiwaPosition(systems::Context<T>* station_context,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& q) const {
SetIiwaPosition(*station_context, &station_context->get_mutable_state(), q);
/// Convenience method for getting all of the joint velocities of the Kuka
// IIWA. This does not include the gripper.
VectorX<T> GetIiwaVelocity(const systems::Context<T>& station_context) const;
/// Convenience method for setting all of the joint velocities of the Kuka
/// IIWA. @v must have size num_iiwa_joints().
/// @pre `state` must be the systems::State<T> object contained in
/// `station_context`.
void SetIiwaVelocity(const systems::Context<T>& station_context,
systems::State<T>* state,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& v) const;
/// Convenience method for setting all of the joint velocities of the Kuka
/// IIWA. @v must have size num_iiwa_joints().
void SetIiwaVelocity(systems::Context<T>* station_context,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& v) const {
SetIiwaVelocity(*station_context, &station_context->get_mutable_state(), v);
/// Convenience method for getting the position of the Schunk WSG. Note
/// that the WSG position is the signed distance between the two fingers
/// (not the state of the fingers individually).
T GetWsgPosition(const systems::Context<T>& station_context) const;
/// Convenience method for getting the velocity of the Schunk WSG.
T GetWsgVelocity(const systems::Context<T>& station_context) const;
/// Convenience method for setting the position of the Schunk WSG. Also
/// sets the position history in the velocity interpolator. Note that the
/// WSG position is the signed distance between the two fingers (not the
/// state of the fingers individually).
/// @pre `state` must be the systems::State<T> object contained in
/// `station_context`.
void SetWsgPosition(const systems::Context<T>& station_context,
systems::State<T>* state, const T& q) const;
/// Convenience method for setting the position of the Schunk WSG. Also
/// sets the position history in the velocity interpolator. Note that the
/// WSG position is the signed distance between the two fingers (not the
/// state of the fingers individually).
void SetWsgPosition(systems::Context<T>* station_context, const T& q) const {
SetWsgPosition(*station_context, &station_context->get_mutable_state(), q);
/// Convenience method for setting the velocity of the Schunk WSG.
/// @pre `state` must be the systems::State<T> object contained in
/// `station_context`.
void SetWsgVelocity(const systems::Context<T>& station_context,
systems::State<T>* state, const T& v) const;
/// Convenience method for setting the velocity of the Schunk WSG.
void SetWsgVelocity(systems::Context<T>* station_context, const T& v) const {
SetWsgVelocity(*station_context, &station_context->get_mutable_state(), v);
/// Returns a map from camera name to X_WCameraBody for all the static
/// (rigidly attached to the world body) cameras that have been registered.
/// <!-- TODO(EricCousineau-TRI) To simplify (and possibly modularize) this
/// class, frame kinematics should be handled by MbP frames, since that's
/// where they have the most relevance. Change in workflow would be:
/// - Add camera frame first to the tree;
/// - Add camera directly to frame (perhaps without offset, per #10247);
/// - Change this function to return frames, so that we aren't restricted to
/// fixed-scene cameras.
/// -->
std::map<std::string, math::RigidTransform<double>>
GetStaticCameraPosesInWorld() const;
/// Get the camera names / unique ids.
std::vector<std::string> get_camera_names() const;
/// Set the gains for the WSG controller.
/// @throws std::exception if Finalize() has been called.
void SetWsgGains(double kp, double kd);
/// Set the position gains for the IIWA controller.
/// @throws std::exception if Finalize() has been called.
void SetIiwaPositionGains(const VectorX<double>& kp) {
iiwa_kp_ = kp;
/// Set the velocity gains for the IIWA controller.
/// @throws std::exception if Finalize() has been called.
void SetIiwaVelocityGains(const VectorX<double>& kd) {
iiwa_kd_ = kd;
/// Set the integral gains for the IIWA controller.
/// @throws std::exception if Finalize() has been called.
void SetIiwaIntegralGains(const VectorX<double>& ki) {
iiwa_ki_ = ki;
// Struct defined to store information about the how to parse and add a model.
struct ModelInformation {
/// This needs to have the full path. i.e. drake::FindResourceOrThrow(...)
std::string model_path;
multibody::ModelInstanceIndex model_instance;
const multibody::Frame<T>* parent_frame{};
const multibody::Frame<T>* child_frame{};
math::RigidTransform<double> X_PC{math::RigidTransform<double>::Identity()};
struct CameraInformation {
const multibody::Frame<T>* parent_frame{};
math::RigidTransform<double> X_PC{math::RigidTransform<double>::Identity()};
geometry::render::ColorRenderCamera color_camera{
{"", {2, 2, M_PI}, {0.1, 10}, {}}, // RenderCameraCore
false, // show_window
geometry::render::DepthRenderCamera depth_camera{
{"", {2, 2, M_PI}, {0.1, 10}, {}}, // RenderCameraCore
{0.1, 0.2}, // DepthRange
// Assumes iiwa_model_info_ and wsg_model_info_ have already being populated.
// Should only be called from Finalize().
void MakeIiwaControllerModel();
void AddDefaultIiwa(const IiwaCollisionModel collision_model);
void AddDefaultWsg(const SchunkCollisionModel schunk_model);
// These are only valid until Finalize() is called.
std::unique_ptr<multibody::MultibodyPlant<T>> owned_plant_;
std::unique_ptr<geometry::SceneGraph<T>> owned_scene_graph_;
// These are valid for the lifetime of this system.
std::unique_ptr<multibody::MultibodyPlant<T>> owned_controller_plant_;
multibody::MultibodyPlant<T>* plant_;
geometry::SceneGraph<T>* scene_graph_;
static constexpr const char* default_renderer_name_ =
// Populated by RegisterIiwaControllerModel() and
// RegisterWsgControllerModel().
ModelInformation iiwa_model_;
ModelInformation wsg_model_;
// Store references to objects as *body* indices instead of model indices,
// because this is needed for MultibodyPlant::SetFreeBodyPose(), etc.
std::vector<multibody::BodyIndex> object_ids_;
std::vector<math::RigidTransform<T>> object_poses_;
// Registered camera related information.
std::map<std::string, CameraInformation> camera_information_;
// These are kp and kd gains for iiwa and wsg controllers.
VectorX<double> iiwa_kp_;
VectorX<double> iiwa_kd_;
VectorX<double> iiwa_ki_;
// TODO( Need to tunes these better.
double wsg_kp_{200};
double wsg_kd_{5};
// Represents the manipulation station to simulate. This gets set in the
// corresponding station setup function (e.g.,
// SetupManipulationClassStation()), and informs how SetDefaultState()
// initializes the sim.
Setup setup_{Setup::kNone};
} // namespace manipulation_station
} // namespace examples
} // namespace drake