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#pragma once
/// @file
/// This file contains classes dealing with sending/receiving
/// LCM messages related to the planar manipuland.
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/lcmt_planar_manipuland_status.hpp"
#include "drake/systems/framework/event_status.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/leaf_system.h"
namespace drake {
namespace examples {
namespace planar_gripper {
// This should be the update frequency of the mocap system.
constexpr double kPlanarManipulandStatusPeriod = 0.010;
/// Handles lcmt_planar_manipuland_status messages from a LcmSubscriberSystem.
/// This system has one abstract valued input port which expects a
/// Value object templated on type `lcmt_planar_manipuland_status`.
/// This system has one vector valued output port which reports
/// measured pose (y, z, theta) and velocity (ydot, zdot, thetadot) of the
/// manipuland.
/// All ports will continue to output their initial state (typically
/// zero) until a message is received.
/// @system
/// name: PlanarManipulandStatusDecoder
/// input_ports:
/// - manipuland_state
/// output_ports:
/// - y0
/// @endsystem
class PlanarManipulandStatusDecoder : public systems::LeafSystem<double> {
~PlanarManipulandStatusDecoder() {}
void OutputStatus(const systems::Context<double>& context,
systems::BasicVector<double>* output) const;
/// Event handler of the periodic discrete state update.
systems::EventStatus UpdateDiscreteState(
const systems::Context<double>& context,
systems::DiscreteValues<double>* discrete_state) const;
* Creates and outputs lcmt_planar_manipuland_status messages.
* This system has one vector-valued input port containing the current pose
* (y, z, theta) and velocity (ẏ, ż, thetadot) of the manipuland, in the order
* (y, z, theta, ydot, zdot, thetadot).
* This system has one abstract valued output port that contains a Value object
* templated on type `lcmt_planar_manipuland_status`. Note that this system
* does NOT actually send this message on an LCM channel. To send the message,
* the output of this system should be connected to an input port of a
* systems::lcm::LcmPublisherSystem that accepts a Value object templated on
* type `lcmt_planar_manipuland_status`.
* @system
* name: PlanarManipulandStatusEncoder
* input_ports:
* - u0
* output_ports:
* - y0
* @endsystem
class PlanarManipulandStatusEncoder : public systems::LeafSystem<double> {
// This is the calculator method for the output port.
void OutputStatus(const systems::Context<double>& context,
lcmt_planar_manipuland_status* output) const;
} // namespace planar_gripper
} // namespace examples
} // namespace drake