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#include <unistd.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "drake/geometry/render_gl/factory.h"
#include "drake/geometry/render_vtk/factory.h"
#include "drake/systems/sensors/image_writer.h"
namespace drake {
namespace geometry {
namespace render {
/* See render_benchmark_doxygen.h for discussion of this benchmark. */
/* Friend class for accessing RenderEngine's protected/private functionality. */
class RenderEngineTester {
RenderEngineTester() = delete;
static void SetDefaultLightPosition(const Vector3<double>& X_DL,
RenderEngine* renderer) {
} // namespace render
namespace {
using Eigen::Vector3d;
using math::RigidTransformd;
using math::RotationMatrixd;
using render::ColorRenderCamera;
using render::DepthRange;
using render::DepthRenderCamera;
using render::RenderCameraCore;
using render::RenderEngine;
using render::RenderEngineTester;
using render::RenderLabel;
using systems::sensors::ImageDepth32F;
using systems::sensors::ImageLabel16I;
using systems::sensors::ImageRgba8U;
using systems::sensors::SaveToPng;
using systems::sensors::SaveToTiff;
DEFINE_string(save_image_path, "",
"Enables saving rendered images in the given location");
DEFINE_bool(show_window, false, "Whether to display the rendered images");
// Default sphere array sizes.
const double kZSpherePosition = -4.;
// Default camera properties.
const double kZNear = 0.5;
const double kZFar = 5.;
const double kFovY = M_PI_4;
/* The render engines generally supported by this benchmark; not all
renderers are supported by all operating systems. */
enum class EngineType { Vtk, Gl };
/* Creates a render engine of the given type with the given background color. */
template <EngineType engine_type>
std::unique_ptr<RenderEngine> MakeEngine(const Vector3d& bg_rgb) {
if constexpr (engine_type == EngineType::Vtk) {
RenderEngineVtkParams params{{}, {}, bg_rgb};
return MakeRenderEngineVtk(params);
if constexpr (engine_type == EngineType::Gl) {
RenderEngineGlParams params;
params.default_clear_color.set(bg_rgb[0], bg_rgb[1], bg_rgb[2], 1.0);
return MakeRenderEngineGl(params);
class RenderBenchmark : public benchmark::Fixture {
RenderBenchmark() {
material_.AddProperty("phong", "diffuse", sphere_rgba_);
material_.AddProperty("label", "id", RenderLabel::kDontCare);
using benchmark::Fixture::SetUp;
void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State&) { depth_cameras_.clear(); }
template <EngineType engine_type>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references)
void ColorImage(::benchmark::State& state, const std::string& name) {
auto renderer = MakeEngine<engine_type>(bg_rgb_);
auto [sphere_count, camera_count, width, height] = ReadState(state);
SetupScene(sphere_count, camera_count, width, height, renderer.get());
ImageRgba8U color_image(width, height);
/* To account for RenderEngine implementations that do extraordinary work
in their first invocations, we perform a couple of render passes in order
to warm start the engine and actually measure its steady state performance.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const ColorRenderCamera color_cam(depth_cameras_[0].core(),
renderer->RenderColorImage(color_cam, &color_image);
/* Now the timed loop. */
for (auto _ : state) {
for (int i = 0; i < camera_count; ++i) {
const ColorRenderCamera color_cam(depth_cameras_[i].core(),
renderer->RenderColorImage(color_cam, &color_image);
if (!FLAGS_save_image_path.empty()) {
const std::string path_name = image_path_name(name, state, "png");
SaveToPng(color_image, path_name);
template <EngineType engine_type>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references)
void DepthImage(::benchmark::State& state, const std::string& name) {
auto renderer = MakeEngine<engine_type>(bg_rgb_);
auto [sphere_count, camera_count, width, height] = ReadState(state);
SetupScene(sphere_count, camera_count, width, height, renderer.get());
ImageDepth32F depth_image(width, height);
/* To account for RenderEngine implementations that do extraordinary work
in their first invocations, we perform a couple of render passes in order
to warm start the engine and actually measure its steady state performance.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
renderer->RenderDepthImage(depth_cameras_[0], &depth_image);
/* Now the timed loop. */
for (auto _ : state) {
for (int i = 0; i < camera_count; ++i) {
renderer->RenderDepthImage(depth_cameras_[i], &depth_image);
if (!FLAGS_save_image_path.empty()) {
const std::string path_name = image_path_name(name, state, "tiff");
SaveToTiff(depth_image, path_name);
template <EngineType engine_type>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references)
void LabelImage(::benchmark::State& state, const std::string& name) {
auto renderer = MakeEngine<engine_type>(bg_rgb_);
auto [sphere_count, camera_count, width, height] = ReadState(state);
SetupScene(sphere_count, camera_count, width, height, renderer.get());
ImageLabel16I label_image(width, height);
/* To account for RenderEngine implementations that do extraordinary work
in their first invocations, we perform a couple of render passes in order
to warm start the engine and actually measure its steady state performance.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const ColorRenderCamera color_cam(depth_cameras_[0].core(),
renderer->RenderLabelImage(color_cam, &label_image);
/* Now the timed loop. */
for (auto _ : state) {
for (int i = 0; i < camera_count; ++i) {
const ColorRenderCamera color_cam(depth_cameras_[i].core(),
renderer->RenderLabelImage(color_cam, &label_image);
if (!FLAGS_save_image_path.empty()) {
const std::string path_name = image_path_name(name, state, "png");
SaveToPng(label_image, path_name);
/* Parse arguments from the benchmark state.
@return A tuple representing the sphere count, camera count, width, and
height. */
static std::tuple<int, int, int, int> ReadState(
const benchmark::State& state) {
return std::make_tuple(state.range(0), state.range(1), state.range(2),
/* Helper function for generating the image path name based on the benchmark
arguments and file format. The benchmark state is assumed to have 4 arguments
representing the sphere count, camera count, width, and height. */
static std::string image_path_name(const std::string& test_name,
const benchmark::State& state,
const std::string& format) {
std::filesystem::path save_path = FLAGS_save_image_path;
const auto [sphere_count, camera_count, width, height] = ReadState(state);
return save_path.append(fmt::format("{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.{}", test_name,
sphere_count, camera_count, width,
height, format));
/* Computes a compact array of spheres which will remain in view. */
void AddSphereArray(int sphere_count, const RenderCameraCore& core,
RenderEngine* engine) {
/* We assume the camera is located at (0, 0, c.z) pointing in the -Wz
direction. We further assume that the camera's "up" direction points in the
+Wy direction. All spheres will be placed on a plane at z = s.z. Given the
camera field of view and w/h aspect ratio, we can determine the visible
rectangle at s.z.
c.z s.z Simple geometry.
┆ ┆ Right triangle with height d = s.z - c.z and angle
θ = fov_y / 2.
┆ hₛ/2 = d * tan(θ)
┆ hₛ/2 hₛ = 2d * tan(θ)
┆ wₛ = hₛ * w / h
_θ_____┆______ (w, h) is the size of the image sensor giving us
╲ θ ┆ the camera's aspect ratio.
╲ ┆
╲ ┆
╲ ┆
This gives us the measure of the rectangle we need to fit all spheres
into. We want all spheres to be visible so that it affects the rendering
cost. */
const double aspect_ratio = core.intrinsics().width() /
const double theta_2 = core.intrinsics().fov_y() / 2.0;
const double d = -kZSpherePosition; // c.z = 0.
const double h = 2 * d * std::tan(theta_2);
/* Given the measure of the rectangle, we need to place the spheres: this
includes determining radius and position. We'll place the N spheres in a
rectangular grid with R rows and C columns. It must be the case that
RC ≥ N. With the constraint that we want C/R "as close" to w/h as possible.
We define "as close as possible" as the maximum C/R ≤ w/h. For notation
convenience we'll define α = w/h.
RC ≥ N --> C/R ≥ N/R² (C, R, and N are all positive).
C/R ≥ N/R² and C/R ≤ α --> N/R² ≤ C/R ≤ α
N/R² ≤ α
N/α ≤ R²
√(N/α) ≤ R
We'll use the formula above to find our initial guess for the number of
rows. We'll increment row to the last value that satisfies C/R ≤ w/h. */
const double N = static_cast<double>(sphere_count);
int rows = static_cast<int>(std::max(std::sqrt(N / aspect_ratio), 1.0));
int cols = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(N / rows));
while (static_cast<double>(cols) / rows > aspect_ratio) {
cols = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(N / rows));
/* Because we've required C/R ≤ w/h, we know we'll always be fitting the
number of rows to the height of the image. The radius value we want
satisfies R * 2*radius = h. radius = h / 2R. */
const double distance = h / (2 * rows);
/* We make the actual radius *slightly* smaller so there's some space
between the spheres. */
Sphere sphere{distance * 0.95};
auto add_sphere = [this, engine, &sphere](const Vector3d& p_WS) {
GeometryId geometry_id = GeometryId::get_new_id();
engine->RegisterVisual(geometry_id, sphere, material_,
true /* needs update */);
poses_.insert({geometry_id, RigidTransformd{p_WS}});
int count = 0;
double y = -(rows - 1) * distance;
for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) {
double x = -(cols - 1) * distance;
for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) {
add_sphere(Vector3d{x, y, kZSpherePosition});
if (count >= sphere_count) break;
x += 2 * distance;
if (count >= sphere_count) break;
y += 2 * distance;
void SetupScene(const int sphere_count, const int camera_count,
const int width, const int height, RenderEngine* engine) {
// Set up the camera so that Cz = -Wz, Cx = Wx, and Cy = -Wy. The camera
// will look down the Wz axis and have the image U direction aligned with
// the Wx direction.
const Vector3d Cx_W{1, 0, 0};
const Vector3d Cy_W{0, -1, 0};
const Vector3d Cz_W{0, 0, -1};
RigidTransformd X_WC{
RotationMatrixd::MakeFromOrthonormalColumns(Cx_W, Cy_W, Cz_W)};
// Add the cameras.
for (int i = 0; i < camera_count; ++i) {
depth_cameras_.emplace_back(RenderCameraCore{"unused" + std::to_string(i),
{width, height, kFovY},
{0.01, 100.0},
DepthRange{kZNear, kZFar});
AddSphereArray(sphere_count, depth_cameras_[0].core(), engine);
// Offset the light from its default position shared with the camera, i.e.
// (0, 0, 1), so that shadows can be seen in the render.
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI) This is using a stop-gap mechanism for configuring
// light position. Swap it to use a light declaration API when it is
// introduced.
RenderEngineTester::SetDefaultLightPosition(Vector3d{0.5, 0.5, 1},
std::vector<DepthRenderCamera> depth_cameras_;
PerceptionProperties material_;
const Vector3d bg_rgb_{200 / 255., 0, 250 / 255.};
const Rgba sphere_rgba_{0, 0.8, 0.5, 1};
std::unordered_map<GeometryId, RigidTransformd> poses_;
/* These macros serve the purpose of allowing compact and *consistent*
declarations of benchmarks. The goal is to create a benchmark for each
renderer type (e.g., Vtk, Gl) combined with each image type (Color, Depth, and
Label). Each benchmark instance should be executed using the same parameters.
These macros guarantee that a benchmark is declared, dispatches the right
benchmark harness and is executed with a common set of parameters.
The macro is invoked as follows:
such that there must be a `EngineType::Foo` enum and mageType must be one of
(Color, Depth, or Label). Capitalization matters.
N.B. The macro STR converts a single macro parameter into a string and we use
it to make a string out of the concatenation of two macro parameters (i.e., we
get FooColor out of the parameters Foo and Color).
The parameters are 4-tuples of: sphere count, camera count, image width, and
image height. */
#define STR(s) #s
#define MAKE_BENCHMARK(Renderer, ImageT) \
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(RenderBenchmark, Renderer##ImageT) \
(benchmark::State&state) { \
ImageT##Image<EngineType::Renderer>(state, STR(Renderer##ImageT)); \
} \
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(RenderBenchmark, Renderer##ImageT) \
->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond) \
->Args({1, 1, 640, 480}) \
->Args({12, 1, 640, 480}) \
->Args({120, 1, 640, 480}) \
->Args({240, 1, 640, 480}) \
->Args({480, 1, 640, 480}) \
->Args({1200, 1, 640, 480}) \
->Args({1, 10, 640, 480}) \
->Args({1200, 10, 640, 480}) \
->Args({1, 1, 320, 240}) \
->Args({1, 1, 1280, 960}) \
->Args({1, 1, 2560, 1920}) \
->Args({1200, 1, 320, 240}) \
->Args({1200, 1, 1280, 960}) \
->Args({1200, 1, 2560, 1920})
#ifndef __APPLE__
} // namespace
} // namespace geometry
} // namespace drake