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#include "drake/geometry/drake_visualizer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/common/extract_double.h"
#include "drake/common/value.h"
#include "drake/geometry/proximity/sorted_triplet.h"
#include "drake/geometry/proximity/volume_to_surface_mesh.h"
#include "drake/geometry/query_object.h"
#include "drake/geometry/scene_graph.h"
#include "drake/geometry/shape_specification.h"
#include "drake/geometry/utilities.h"
#include "drake/lcm/drake_lcm.h"
#include "drake/lcmt_viewer_draw.hpp"
#include "drake/lcmt_viewer_geometry_data.hpp"
#include "drake/lcmt_viewer_load_robot.hpp"
#include "drake/math/rigid_transform.h"
#include "drake/math/rotation_matrix.h"
namespace drake {
namespace geometry {
using Eigen::Quaterniond;
using internal::MakeLcmChannelNameForRole;
using internal::SortedTriplet;
using math::RigidTransformd;
using std::array;
using std::make_unique;
using std::map;
using std::move;
using std::set;
using std::vector;
using systems::Context;
using systems::EventStatus;
using systems::SystemTypeTag;
namespace {
/* Create an lcm message for a hydroelastic mesh representation of the geometry
indicated by `geometry_id`.
The geometry data message is marked as a MESH, but rather than having a
path to a parseable file stored in it, the actual mesh data is stored.
This function shares implementation details with the ShapeToLcm reifier (in
terms of handling pose and color). Ultimately, when the Mesh shape
specification supports in-memory mesh definitions, this can be rolled into
ShapeToLcm and it will more fully share that class's code for handling pose
and color.
@param geometry_id The id of the geometry to draw.
@param inspector The SceneGraphInspector from which the mesh will be drawn.
@param X_PG The pose of the geometry in the parent frame.
@param in_color The color to apply to the mesh.
@pre The geometry actually has a hydroelastic mesh. */
template <typename T>
lcmt_viewer_geometry_data MakeHydroMesh(GeometryId geometry_id,
const SceneGraphInspector<T>& inspector,
const RigidTransformd& X_PG,
const Rgba& in_color) {
auto hydro_mesh = inspector.maybe_get_hydroelastic_mesh(geometry_id);
// SceneGraphInspector guarantees whichever pointer is "held" in the variant
// is non-null.
const TriangleSurfaceMesh<double>& surface_mesh =
std::holds_alternative<const TriangleSurfaceMesh<double>*>(hydro_mesh)
? *std::get<const TriangleSurfaceMesh<double>*>(hydro_mesh)
: ConvertVolumeToSurfaceMesh(
*std::get<const VolumeMesh<double>*>(hydro_mesh));
lcmt_viewer_geometry_data geometry_data;
// Saves the location and orientation of the visualization geometry in the
// `lcmt_viewer_geometry_data` object. The location and orientation are
// specified in the body's frame.
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3f> position(geometry_data.position);
position = X_PG.translation().template cast<float>();
// LCM quaternion must be w, x, y, z.
Quaterniond q(X_PG.rotation().ToQuaternion());
geometry_data.quaternion[0] = q.w();
geometry_data.quaternion[1] = q.x();
geometry_data.quaternion[2] = q.y();
geometry_data.quaternion[3] = q.z();
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector4f> color(geometry_data.color);
Eigen::Vector4d color_vec(in_color.r(), in_color.g(), in_color.b(),
color = color_vec.cast<float>();
// There are *two* ways to use the MESH geometry type. One is to set the
// string value with a path to a parseable mesh file (see
// ImplementGeometry(Mesh) below). The other is to leave the string empty and
// define the mesh in the float data as:
// V | T | v0 | v1 | ... vN | t0 | t1 | ... | tM
// where
// V: The number of vertices.
// T: The number of triangles.
// N: 3V, the number of floating point values for the V vertices.
// M: 3T, the number of vertex indices for the T triangles.
geometry_data.type = geometry_data.MESH;
// We want a *faceted* mesh. We can achieve this by duplicating the vertices
// so DrakeVisualizer can't smooth over vertices. So, that means for T
// triangles we have 3T vertices. Experimentation suggests this redundancy
// is the simplest way to get a faceted mesh.
const int num_tris = surface_mesh.num_triangles();
const int num_verts = 3 * num_tris;
const int header_floats = 2;
geometry_data.num_float_data = header_floats + 3 * num_tris + 3 * num_verts;
auto& float_data = geometry_data.float_data;
float_data[0] = num_verts;
float_data[1] = num_tris;
// We simply want to pre-increment before using this index; so we'll decrement
// it to be just before where we want to write.
int v_index = header_floats - 1;
int t_index = v_index + 3 * num_verts;
// The index of the most recently added vertex (whose position measures are
// written at v_index, v_index + 1, and v_index + 2 in float_data).
int newest_vertex_index = -1;
for (int f = 0; f < surface_mesh.num_triangles(); ++f) {
const auto& face = surface_mesh.element(f);
for (int fv = 0; fv < 3; ++fv) {
const int v_i = face.vertex(fv);
const Vector3<float> p_MV =
surface_mesh.vertex(v_i).template cast<float>();
float_data[++v_index] = p_MV.x();
float_data[++v_index] = p_MV.y();
float_data[++v_index] = p_MV.z();
float_data[++t_index] = ++newest_vertex_index;
// v_index and t_index end with the index of the last element added, so one
// less than the expected number, hence the "+ 1". So, the vertex index should
// have walked up to the starting index for triangles and the triangle index
// should have walked up to the total number of floats.
DRAKE_DEMAND(header_floats + 3 * num_verts == (v_index + 1));
DRAKE_DEMAND(geometry_data.num_float_data == (t_index + 1));
return geometry_data;
/* Create an lcm message for a deformable mesh representation of the geometry
described by `deformable_data`.
The geometry data message is marked as a MESH, but rather than having a
path to a parseable file stored in it, the actual mesh data is stored.
The string data is used to store the name of the geometry and the pose of the
geometry is set to identity because the vertex positions are expressed in the
world frame.
When the Mesh shape specification supports in-memory mesh definitions, this
can be rolled into ShapeToLcm and it will more fully share that class's code
for handling color. */
template <typename T>
lcmt_viewer_geometry_data MakeDeformableSurfaceMesh(
const VectorX<T>& volume_vertex_positions,
const internal::DeformableMeshData& deformable_data, const Rgba& in_color) {
lcmt_viewer_geometry_data geometry_data;
// The pose is unused and set to identity.
geometry_data.quaternion[0] = 1;
geometry_data.quaternion[1] = 0;
geometry_data.quaternion[2] = 0;
geometry_data.quaternion[3] = 0;
geometry_data.position[0] = 0;
geometry_data.position[1] = 0;
geometry_data.position[2] = 0;
geometry_data.string_data =;
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector4f> color(geometry_data.color);
Eigen::Vector4d color_vec(in_color.r(), in_color.g(), in_color.b(),
color = color_vec.cast<float>();
// We can define the mesh in the float data as:
// V | T | v0 | v1 | ... vN | t0 | t1 | ... | tM
// where
// V: The number of vertices.
// T: The number of triangles.
// N: 3V, the number of floating point values for the V vertices.
// M: 3T, the number of vertex indices for the T triangles.
geometry_data.type = geometry_data.MESH;
const int num_tris = deformable_data.surface_triangles.size();
const int num_verts = deformable_data.surface_to_volume_vertices.size();
const int header_floats = 2;
geometry_data.num_float_data = header_floats + 3 * num_tris + 3 * num_verts;
std::vector<float>& float_data = geometry_data.float_data;
float_data[0] = num_verts;
float_data[1] = num_tris;
const int v_start_index = header_floats;
const int t_start_index = v_start_index + 3 * num_verts;
// We simply want to pre-increment before using this index; so we'll decrement
// it to be just before where we want to write.
int v_index = v_start_index - 1;
int t_index = t_start_index - 1;
for (int f = 0; f < num_tris; ++f) {
const Vector3<int>& face = deformable_data.surface_triangles[f];
for (int fv = 0; fv < 3; ++fv) {
float_data[++t_index] = face[fv];
for (int i = 0; i < num_verts; ++i) {
// v_i is the index into the volume mesh
const int v_i = deformable_data.surface_to_volume_vertices[i];
for (int d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {
float_data[++v_index] =
ExtractDoubleOrThrow(volume_vertex_positions[3 * v_i + d]);
// v_index and t_index end with the index of the last element added, so one
// less than the expected number, hence the "+ 1". So, the vertex index should
// have walked up to the starting index for triangles and the triangle index
// should have walked up to the total number of floats.
DRAKE_DEMAND(header_floats + 3 * num_verts == (v_index + 1));
DRAKE_DEMAND(geometry_data.num_float_data == (t_index + 1));
return geometry_data;
/* Analyzes the tetrahedral mesh topology of the deformble geometry with `g_id`
to do the following:
1. Build a surface mesh from each volume mesh.
2. Create a mapping from surface vertex to volume vertex for each mesh.
3. Record the expected number of vertices referenced by each tet mesh.
Store the results in DeformableMeshData.
@pre g_id corresponds to a deformable geometry. */
template <typename T>
internal::DeformableMeshData MakeDeformableMeshData(
GeometryId g_id, const SceneGraphInspector<T>& inspector) {
/* For each tet mesh, extract all the border triangles. Those are the
triangles that are only referenced by a single tet. So, for every tet, we
examine its four constituent triangle and determine if any other tet
shares it. Any triangle that is only referenced once is a border triangle.
Each triangle has a unique key: a SortedTriplet (so the ordering of the
triangle vertex indices won't matter). The first time we see a triangle, we
add it to a map. The second time we see the triangle, we remove it. When
we're done, the keys in the map will be those triangles referenced only once.
The values in the map represent the triangle, with the vertex indices
ordered so that they point *out* of the tetrahedron. Therefore,
they will also point outside of the mesh. A typical tetrahedral element
looks like:
p2 *
p3 *---* p0
p1 *
The index order for a particular tetrahedron has the order [p0, p1, p2,
p3]. These local indices enumerate each of the tet triangles with
outward-pointing normals with respect to the right-hand rule. */
const array<array<int, 3>, 4> local_indices{
{{{1, 0, 2}}, {{3, 0, 1}}, {{3, 1, 2}}, {{2, 0, 3}}}};
const VolumeMesh<double>* mesh = inspector.GetReferenceMesh(g_id);
DRAKE_DEMAND(mesh != nullptr);
std::map<SortedTriplet<int>, array<int, 3>> border_triangles;
for (const VolumeElement& tet : mesh->tetrahedra()) {
for (const array<int, 3>& tet_triangle : local_indices) {
const array<int, 3> tri{tet.vertex(tet_triangle[0]),
const SortedTriplet triangle_key(tri[0], tri[1], tri[2]);
// Here we rely on the fact that at most two tets would share a common
// triangle.
if (auto itr = border_triangles.find(triangle_key);
itr != border_triangles.end()) {
} else {
border_triangles[triangle_key] = tri;
/* Record the expected minimum number of vertex positions to be received.
For simplicity we choose a generous upper bound: the total number of
vertices in the tetrahedral mesh, even though we really only need the
positions of the vertices on the surface. */
// TODO(xuchenhan-tri) It might be worthwhile to make largest_index the
// largest index that lies on the surface. Then, when we create our meshes,
// if we intentionally construct them so that the surface vertices come
// first, we will process a very compact representation.
const int volume_vertex_count = mesh->num_vertices();
/* Using a set because the vertices will be nicely ordered. Ideally, we'll
be extracting a subset of the vertex positions from the input port. We
optimize cache coherency if we march in a monotonically increasing pattern.
So, we'll map triangle vertex indices to volume vertex indices in a
strictly monotonically increasing relationship. */
set<int> unique_vertices;
for (const auto& [triangle_key, triangle] : border_triangles) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) unique_vertices.insert(triangle[j]);
/* This is the *second* documented responsibility of this function: Populate
the mapping from surface to volume so that we can efficiently extract the
*surface* vertex positions from the *volume* vertex input. */
vector<int> surface_to_volume_vertices;
/* The border triangles all include indices into the volume vertices. To turn
them into surface triangles, they need to include indices into the surface
vertices. Create the volume index --> surface map to facilitate the
transformation. */
const int surface_vertex_count =
map<int, int> volume_to_surface;
for (int j = 0; j < surface_vertex_count; ++j) {
volume_to_surface[surface_to_volume_vertices[j]] = j;
/* This is the *first* documented responsibility: Create the topology of the
surface triangle mesh for each volume mesh. Each triangle consists of three
indices into the set of *surface* vertex positions. */
vector<Vector3<int>> surface_triangles;
for (auto& [triangle_key, face] : border_triangles) {
// TODO(xuchenhan-tri): Read the color of the mesh from properties.
return {g_id, inspector.GetName(g_id), move(surface_to_volume_vertices),
move(surface_triangles), volume_vertex_count};
// Simple class for converting shape specifications into LCM-compatible shapes.
class ShapeToLcm : public ShapeReifier {
ShapeToLcm() = default;
~ShapeToLcm() override = default;
lcmt_viewer_geometry_data Convert(const Shape& shape,
const RigidTransformd& X_PG,
const Rgba& in_color) {
X_PG_ = X_PG;
// NOTE: Reify *may* change X_PG_ based on the shape. For example, the
// half-space requires an additional offset to shift the box representing
// the plane *to* the plane.
// Saves the location and orientation of the visualization geometry in the
// `lcmt_viewer_geometry_data` object. The location and orientation are
// specified in the body's frame.
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3f> position(geometry_data_.position);
position = X_PG_.translation().cast<float>();
// LCM quaternion must be w, x, y, z.
Quaterniond q(X_PG_.rotation().ToQuaternion());
geometry_data_.quaternion[0] = q.w();
geometry_data_.quaternion[1] = q.x();
geometry_data_.quaternion[2] = q.y();
geometry_data_.quaternion[3] = q.z();
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector4f> color(geometry_data_.color);
Eigen::Vector4d color_vec(in_color.r(), in_color.g(), in_color.b(),
color = color_vec.cast<float>();
return geometry_data_;
using ShapeReifier::ImplementGeometry;
void ImplementGeometry(const Box& box, void*) override {
geometry_data_.type = geometry_data_.BOX;
geometry_data_.num_float_data = 3;
// Box width, depth, and height.
void ImplementGeometry(const Capsule& capsule, void*) override {
geometry_data_.type = geometry_data_.CAPSULE;
geometry_data_.num_float_data = 2;
// For visualization, Convex is the same as Mesh.
void ImplementGeometry(const Convex& mesh, void*) override {
geometry_data_.type = geometry_data_.MESH;
geometry_data_.num_float_data = 3;
geometry_data_.string_data = mesh.filename();
void ImplementGeometry(const Cylinder& cylinder, void*) override {
geometry_data_.type = geometry_data_.CYLINDER;
geometry_data_.num_float_data = 2;
void ImplementGeometry(const Ellipsoid& ellipsoid, void*) override {
geometry_data_.type = geometry_data_.ELLIPSOID;
geometry_data_.num_float_data = 3;
void ImplementGeometry(const HalfSpace&, void*) override {
// Currently representing a half space as a big box. This assumes that the
// underlying box representation is centered on the origin.
geometry_data_.type = geometry_data_.BOX;
geometry_data_.num_float_data = 3;
// Box width, height, and thickness.
const float thickness = 1;
// The final pose of the box is the half-space's pose pre-multiplied by
// an offset sufficient to move the box down so it's top face lies on the
// z = 0 plane.
// Shift it down so that the origin lies on the top surface.
RigidTransformd box_xform{Eigen::Vector3d{0, 0, -thickness / 2}};
X_PG_ = X_PG_ * box_xform;
void ImplementGeometry(const Mesh& mesh, void*) override {
geometry_data_.type = geometry_data_.MESH;
geometry_data_.num_float_data = 3;
geometry_data_.string_data = mesh.filename();
void ImplementGeometry(const Sphere& sphere, void*) override {
geometry_data_.type = geometry_data_.SPHERE;
geometry_data_.num_float_data = 1;
lcmt_viewer_geometry_data geometry_data_{};
// The transform from the geometry frame to its parent frame.
RigidTransformd X_PG_;
} // namespace
namespace internal {
std::string MakeLcmChannelNameForRole(const std::string& channel,
const DrakeVisualizerParams& params) {
if (!params.use_role_channel_suffix) {
return channel;
DRAKE_DEMAND(params.role != Role::kUnassigned);
// These channel name transformations must be kept in sync with message
// consumers (meldis, drake_visualizer) in order for visualization of all
// roles to work.
switch (params.role) {
case Role::kIllustration:
return channel + "_ILLUSTRATION";
case Role::kProximity:
return channel + "_PROXIMITY";
case Role::kPerception:
return channel + "_PERCEPTION";
case Role::kUnassigned:
} // namespace internal
template <typename T>
DrakeVisualizer<T>::DrakeVisualizer(lcm::DrakeLcmInterface* lcm,
DrakeVisualizerParams params)
: DrakeVisualizer(lcm, std::move(params), true) {}
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
DrakeVisualizer<T>::DrakeVisualizer(const DrakeVisualizer<U>& other)
: DrakeVisualizer(nullptr, other.params_, false) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(owned_lcm_ == nullptr);
DRAKE_DEMAND(lcm_ == nullptr);
const lcm::DrakeLcm* owned_lcm =
dynamic_cast<const lcm::DrakeLcm*>(other.owned_lcm_.get());
if (owned_lcm == nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"DrakeVisualizer can only be scalar converted if it owns its "
"DrakeLcmInterface instance.");
owned_lcm_ = make_unique<lcm::DrakeLcm>(owned_lcm->get_lcm_url());
lcm_ = owned_lcm_.get();
template <typename T>
const DrakeVisualizer<T>& DrakeVisualizer<T>::AddToBuilder(
systems::DiagramBuilder<T>* builder, const SceneGraph<T>& scene_graph,
lcm::DrakeLcmInterface* lcm, DrakeVisualizerParams params) {
return AddToBuilder(builder, scene_graph.get_query_output_port(), lcm,
template <typename T>
const DrakeVisualizer<T>& DrakeVisualizer<T>::AddToBuilder(
systems::DiagramBuilder<T>* builder,
const systems::OutputPort<T>& query_object_port,
lcm::DrakeLcmInterface* lcm, DrakeVisualizerParams params) {
const std::string aspirational_name =
fmt::format("drake_visualizer({})", params.role);
auto& visualizer =
*builder->template AddSystem<DrakeVisualizer<T>>(lcm, std::move(params));
if (!builder->HasSubsystemNamed(aspirational_name)) {
builder->Connect(query_object_port, visualizer.query_object_input_port());
return visualizer;
template <typename T>
void DrakeVisualizer<T>::DispatchLoadMessage(const SceneGraph<T>& scene_graph,
lcm::DrakeLcmInterface* lcm,
DrakeVisualizerParams params) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(lcm != nullptr);
vector<internal::DynamicFrameData> dynamic_frames;
PopulateDynamicFrameData(scene_graph.model_inspector(), params,
SendLoadNonDeformableMessage(scene_graph.model_inspector(), params,
dynamic_frames, 0, lcm);
template <typename T>
DrakeVisualizer<T>::DrakeVisualizer(lcm::DrakeLcmInterface* lcm,
DrakeVisualizerParams params, bool use_lcm)
: systems::LeafSystem<T>(SystemTypeTag<DrakeVisualizer>{}),
owned_lcm_((lcm || !use_lcm) ? nullptr : new lcm::DrakeLcm()),
lcm_((lcm && use_lcm) ? lcm : owned_lcm_.get()),
params_(std::move(params)) {
// This constructor should not do anything that requires lcm_ (or owned_lcm_)
// to be non-nullptr. By design, both being nullptr is a desired, expected
// possibility during the scope of the constructor.
if (params_.publish_period <= 0) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
"DrakeVisualizer requires a positive publish period; {} was given",
if (params_.role == Role::kUnassigned) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"DrakeVisualizer cannot be used for geometries with the "
"Role::kUnassigned value. Please choose proximity, perception, or "
this->DeclarePeriodicPublishEvent(params_.publish_period, 0.0,
query_object_input_port_ =
this->DeclareAbstractInputPort("query_object", Value<QueryObject<T>>())
// These cache entries depend on *nothing*.
frame_data_cache_index_ =
deformable_data_cache_index_ =
template <typename T>
EventStatus DrakeVisualizer<T>::SendGeometryMessage(
const Context<T>& context) const {
const auto& query_object =
query_object_input_port().template Eval<QueryObject<T>>(context);
const GeometryVersion& current_version =
bool send_load_message = false;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
if (!version_.IsSameAs(current_version, params_.role)) {
send_load_message = true;
version_ = current_version;
if (send_load_message) {
query_object.inspector(), params_, RefreshDynamicFrameData(context),
ExtractDoubleOrThrow(context.get_time()), lcm_);
SendDrawNonDeformableMessage(query_object, params_,
ExtractDoubleOrThrow(context.get_time()), lcm_);
query_object, params_, EvalDeformableMeshData(context),
ExtractDoubleOrThrow(context.get_time()), lcm_);
return EventStatus::Succeeded();
template <typename T>
void DrakeVisualizer<T>::SendLoadNonDeformableMessage(
const SceneGraphInspector<T>& inspector,
const DrakeVisualizerParams& params,
const std::vector<internal::DynamicFrameData>& dynamic_frames, double time,
lcm::DrakeLcmInterface* lcm) {
lcmt_viewer_load_robot message{};
// Add the world frame if it has geometries with the specified role.
const int anchored_count = inspector.NumGeometriesForFrameWithRole(
inspector.world_frame_id(), params.role);
const int frame_count =
static_cast<int>(dynamic_frames.size()) + (anchored_count > 0 ? 1 : 0);
message.num_links = frame_count;
// Helper utility to create lcm geometry description from geometry id.
auto make_geometry = [¶ms, &inspector](GeometryId g_id) {
const GeometryProperties* props =
inspector.GetProperties(g_id, params.role);
// We assume that the g_id was obtained by asking for geometries with the
// indicated role. So, by definition, the properties should be non-null.
DRAKE_ASSERT(props != nullptr);
const Shape& shape = inspector.GetShape(g_id);
Rgba default_color = params.default_color;
if (params.role != Role::kIllustration) {
const GeometryProperties* illus_props =
if (illus_props) {
default_color = illus_props->GetPropertyOrDefault("phong", "diffuse",
const Rgba& color =
props->GetPropertyOrDefault("phong", "diffuse", default_color);
if (params.role == Role::kProximity && params.show_hydroelastic) {
auto hydro_mesh = inspector.maybe_get_hydroelastic_mesh(g_id);
if (!std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(hydro_mesh)) {
// This Shape *definitely* has a mesh associated with it. Replace the
// primitive with the mesh hydroelastic mesh.
return MakeHydroMesh(g_id, inspector, inspector.GetPoseInFrame(g_id),
return ShapeToLcm().Convert(shape, inspector.GetPoseInFrame(g_id), color);
int link_index = 0;
// Load anchored geometry into the world frame.
if (anchored_count) {
|[0].name = "world";
|[0].robot_num = 0;
|[0].num_geom = anchored_count;
int geom_index = -1; // We'll pre-increment before using.
for (const GeometryId& g_id :
inspector.GetGeometries(inspector.world_frame_id(), params.role)) {
// Deformable geometries are handled via
// SendDeformableGeometriesMessage().
if (!inspector.IsDeformableGeometry(g_id)) {
|[0].geom[++geom_index] = make_geometry(g_id);
link_index = 1;
// Load dynamic geometry into their own frames.
for (const auto& [frame_id, geometry_count, name] : dynamic_frames) {
|[link_index].name = name;
|[link_index].robot_num = inspector.GetFrameGroup(frame_id);
|[link_index].num_geom = geometry_count;
int geom_index = -1; // We'll pre-increment before using.
for (const GeometryId& g_id :
inspector.GetGeometries(frame_id, params.role)) {
|[link_index].geom[++geom_index] = make_geometry(g_id);
std::string channel = MakeLcmChannelNameForRole("DRAKE_VIEWER_LOAD_ROBOT",
lcm::Publish(lcm, channel, message, time);
template <typename T>
void DrakeVisualizer<T>::SendDrawNonDeformableMessage(
const QueryObject<T>& query_object,
const DrakeVisualizerParams& params,
const vector<internal::DynamicFrameData>& dynamic_frames, double time,
lcm::DrakeLcmInterface* lcm) {
lcmt_viewer_draw message{};
const int frame_count = static_cast<int>(dynamic_frames.size());
message.timestamp = static_cast<int64_t>(time * 1000.0);
message.num_links = frame_count;
const SceneGraphInspector<T>& inspector = query_object.inspector();
for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; ++i) {
const FrameId frame_id = dynamic_frames[i].frame_id;
message.robot_num[i] = inspector.GetFrameGroup(frame_id);
message.link_name[i] = dynamic_frames[i].name;
const math::RigidTransformd& X_WF =
message.position[i][0] = X_WF.translation()[0];
message.position[i][1] = X_WF.translation()[1];
message.position[i][2] = X_WF.translation()[2];
const Eigen::Quaternion<double> q = X_WF.rotation().ToQuaternion();
message.quaternion[i][0] = q.w();
message.quaternion[i][1] = q.x();
message.quaternion[i][2] = q.y();
message.quaternion[i][3] = q.z();
std::string channel = MakeLcmChannelNameForRole("DRAKE_VIEWER_DRAW",
lcm::Publish(lcm, channel, message, time);
template <typename T>
void DrakeVisualizer<T>::SendDeformableGeometriesMessage(
const QueryObject<T>& query_object, const DrakeVisualizerParams& params,
const vector<internal::DeformableMeshData>& deformable_data, double time,
lcm::DrakeLcmInterface* lcm) {
lcmt_viewer_link_data message{};
| = "deformable_geometries";
message.robot_num = 0; // robot_num = 0 corresponds to world frame.
message.num_geom = deformable_data.size();
for (int i = 0; i < message.num_geom; ++i) {
const internal::DeformableMeshData& data = deformable_data[i];
const GeometryId g_id = data.geometry_id;
const VectorX<T>& vertex_positions =
if (vertex_positions.size() <= data.volume_vertex_count) {
throw std::logic_error(fmt::format(
"For mesh named '{}', The number of given vertex positions "
"({}) is smaller than the "
"minimum expected number of positions ({}).",
|, vertex_positions.size(), data.volume_vertex_count));
// TODO(xuchenhan-tri): We should use the color from the property of the
// geometry when available.
message.geom[i] =
MakeDeformableSurfaceMesh(vertex_positions, data, params.default_color);
std::string channel = MakeLcmChannelNameForRole("DRAKE_VIEWER_DEFORMABLE",
lcm::Publish(lcm, channel, message, time);
template <typename T>
void DrakeVisualizer<T>::CalcDynamicFrameData(
const Context<T>& context,
vector<internal::DynamicFrameData>* frame_data) const {
const auto& query_object =
query_object_input_port().template Eval<QueryObject<T>>(context);
PopulateDynamicFrameData(query_object.inspector(), params_, frame_data);
template <typename T>
const vector<internal::DynamicFrameData>&
DrakeVisualizer<T>::RefreshDynamicFrameData(const Context<T>& context) const {
// We'll need to make sure our knowledge of dynamic frames can get updated.
return EvalDynamicFrameData(context);
template <typename T>
const vector<internal::DynamicFrameData>&
DrakeVisualizer<T>::EvalDynamicFrameData(const Context<T>& context) const {
return this->get_cache_entry(frame_data_cache_index_)
.template Eval<vector<internal::DynamicFrameData>>(context);
template <typename T>
void DrakeVisualizer<T>::PopulateDynamicFrameData(
const SceneGraphInspector<T>& inspector,
const DrakeVisualizerParams& params,
vector<internal::DynamicFrameData>* frame_data) {
// Collect the dynamic frames that actually have geometries of the
// specified role. These are the frames broadcast in a draw message and are
// also part of the load message (plus possibly the world frame).
vector<internal::DynamicFrameData>& dynamic_frames = *frame_data;
for (const FrameId& frame_id : inspector.GetAllFrameIds()) {
// We'll handle the world frame special.
if (frame_id == inspector.world_frame_id()) continue;
const int count =
inspector.NumGeometriesForFrameWithRole(frame_id, params.role);
if (count > 0) {
dynamic_frames.push_back({frame_id, count,
inspector.GetOwningSourceName(frame_id) +
"::" + inspector.GetName(frame_id)});
template <typename T>
void DrakeVisualizer<T>::CalcDeformableMeshData(
const Context<T>& context,
vector<internal::DeformableMeshData>* deformable_data) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(deformable_data != nullptr);
const auto& query_object =
query_object_input_port().template Eval<QueryObject<T>>(context);
const auto& inspector = query_object.inspector();
const std::vector<GeometryId> deformable_geometries =
for (const auto g_id : deformable_geometries) {
deformable_data->emplace_back(MakeDeformableMeshData(g_id, inspector));
template <typename T>
const vector<internal::DeformableMeshData>&
DrakeVisualizer<T>::RefreshDeformableMeshData(const Context<T>& context) const {
// We'll need to make sure our knowledge of deformable data can get updated.
return EvalDeformableMeshData(context);
template <typename T>
const vector<internal::DeformableMeshData>&
DrakeVisualizer<T>::EvalDeformableMeshData(const Context<T>& context) const {
return this->get_cache_entry(deformable_data_cache_index_)
.template Eval<vector<internal::DeformableMeshData>>(context);
} // namespace geometry
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::geometry::DrakeVisualizer)