forked from pz4kybsvg/Conception
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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2372 lines
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2372 lines
86 KiB
#include "drake/geometry/meshcat.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cctype>
#include <exception>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <App.h>
#include <common_robotics_utilities/base64_helpers.hpp>
#include <drake_vendor/msgpack.hpp>
#include <drake_vendor/uuid.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "drake/common/drake_export.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_throw.h"
#include "drake/common/find_resource.h"
#include "drake/common/network_policy.h"
#include "drake/common/never_destroyed.h"
#include "drake/common/scope_exit.h"
#include "drake/common/text_logging.h"
#include "drake/common/unused.h"
#include "drake/geometry/meshcat_types.h"
# error Drake should be using the non-boost flavor of msgpack.
// Steal one function declaration from usockets/src/internal/internal.h.
extern "C" {
void us_internal_free_closed_sockets(struct us_loop_t*);
namespace {
std::string LoadResource(const std::string& resource_name) {
const std::string resource = drake::FindResourceOrThrow(resource_name);
std::ifstream file(resource.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if (!file.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error("Error opening resource: " + resource_name);
std::stringstream content;
content << file.rdbuf();
return content.str();
const std::string& GetUrlContent(std::string_view url_path) {
static const drake::never_destroyed<std::string> meshcat_js(
static const drake::never_destroyed<std::string> stats_js(
static const drake::never_destroyed<std::string> meshcat_ico(
static const drake::never_destroyed<std::string> meshcat_html(
static const drake::never_destroyed<std::string> empty;
if ((url_path == "/")
|| (url_path == "/index.html")
|| (url_path == "/meshcat.html")) {
return meshcat_html.access();
if (url_path == "/meshcat.js") {
return meshcat_js.access();
if (url_path == "/stats.min.js") {
return stats_js.access();
if (url_path == "/favicon.ico") {
return meshcat_ico.access();
drake::log()->warn("Ignoring Meshcat http request for {}", url_path);
return empty.access();
} // namespace
namespace drake {
namespace geometry {
namespace {
using math::RigidTransformd;
using math::RotationMatrixd;
constexpr static bool kSsl = false;
constexpr static bool kIsServer = true;
struct PerSocketData {
// Intentionally left empty.
using WebSocket = uWS::WebSocket<kSsl, kIsServer, PerSocketData>;
using MsgPackMap = std::map<std::string, msgpack::object>;
// Encode the meshcat command into a Javascript fetch() command. The particular
// syntax using `fetch()` was replicated from the corresponding functionality in
// meshcat-python.
std::string CreateCommand(const std::string& data) {
return fmt::format(R"""(
.then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
.then(buffer => viewer.handle_command_bytearray(new Uint8Array(buffer)));
std::vector<uint8_t>(data.begin(), data.end())));
class SceneTreeElement {
// Member access methods (object_, transform_, and properties_ should be
// effectively public).
const std::optional<std::string>& object() const { return object_; }
std::optional<std::string>& object() { return object_; }
const std::optional<std::string>& transform() const { return transform_; }
std::optional<std::string>& transform() { return transform_; }
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& properties() const {
return properties_;
std::map<std::string, std::string>& properties() { return properties_; }
// Returns this element or a descendant, based on a recursive evaluation of
// the `path`. Adds new elements if they do not exist. Comparable to
// std::map::operator[].
SceneTreeElement& operator[](std::string_view path) {
while (!path.empty() && path.front() == '/') {
if (path.empty()) {
return *this;
auto loc = path.find_first_of("/");
std::string name(path.substr(0, loc));
auto child = children_.find(name);
// Create the child if it doesn't exist.
if (child == children_.end()) {
child =
children_.emplace(name, std::make_unique<SceneTreeElement>()).first;
if (loc == std::string_view::npos) {
return *child->second;
} else {
return (*child->second)[path.substr(loc + 1)];
// Returns a pointer to `this` element or a descendant, based on a recursive
// evaluation of the `path`, or nullptr if `path` does not exist.
const SceneTreeElement* Find(std::string_view path) const {
while (!path.empty() && path.front() == '/') {
if (path.empty()) {
return this;
auto loc = path.find_first_of("/");
std::string name(path.substr(0, loc));
auto child = children_.find(name);
if (child == children_.end()) {
return nullptr;
if (loc == std::string_view::npos) {
return child->second.get();
} else {
return child->second->Find(path.substr(loc + 1));
// Deletes `path` from the tree. See Meshcat::Delete.
void Delete(std::string_view path) {
while (!path.empty() && path.front() == '/') {
if (path.empty()) {
// To match javascript, we don't delete the empty path.
auto loc = path.find_first_of("/");
auto child = children_.find(std::string(path.substr(0, loc)));
if (child == children_.end()) {
if (loc == std::string_view::npos) {
child->second->Delete(path.substr(loc + 1));
// Sends the entire tree on `ws`.
void Send(WebSocket* ws) {
if (object_) {
if (transform_) {
for (const auto& [property, msg] : properties_) {
for (const auto& [name, child] : children_) {
// Returns a string which implements the entire tree directly in javascript.
// This is intended for use in generating a "static html" of the scene.
std::string CreateCommands() {
std::string html;
if (object_) {
html += CreateCommand(*object_);
if (transform_) {
html += CreateCommand(*transform_);
for (const auto& [property, msg] : properties_) {
html += CreateCommand(msg);
for (const auto& [name, child] : children_) {
html += child->CreateCommands();
return html;
// Note: We use std::optional here to clearly denote the variables that have
// not been set, and therefore need not be sent over the websocket.
// The msgpack'd set_object command.
std::optional<std::string> object_{std::nullopt};
// The msgpack'd set_transform command.
std::optional<std::string> transform_{std::nullopt};
// The msgpack'd set_property command(s).
std::map<std::string, std::string> properties_{};
// Children, with the key value denoting their (relative) path name.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<SceneTreeElement>> children_{};
class MeshcatShapeReifier : public ShapeReifier {
explicit MeshcatShapeReifier(uuids::uuid_random_generator* uuid_generator)
: uuid_generator_(uuid_generator) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(uuid_generator != nullptr);
~MeshcatShapeReifier() = default;
using ShapeReifier::ImplementGeometry;
template <typename T>
void ImplementMesh(const T& mesh, void* data) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(data != nullptr);
auto& lumped = *static_cast<internal::LumpedObjectData*>(data);
// TODO(russt): Use file contents to generate the uuid, and avoid resending
// meshes unless necessary. Using the filename is tempting, but that leads
// to problems when the file contents change on disk.
const std::filesystem::path filename(mesh.filename());
std::string format = filename.extension();
format.erase(0, 1); // remove the . from the extension
std::ifstream input(mesh.filename(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if (!input.is_open()) {
drake::log()->warn("Meshcat: Could not open mesh filename {}",
// We simply dump the binary contents of the file into the data field of the
// message. The javascript meshcat takes care of the rest.
const int obj_size = input.tellg();
input.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::string mesh_data;
// TODO(russt): MeshCat.jl/src/mesh_files.jl loads dae with textures, also.
// TODO(russt): Make this mtllib parsing more robust (right now commented
// mtllib lines will match, too, etc).
size_t mtllib_pos;
if (format == "obj" &&
(mtllib_pos = mesh_data.find("mtllib ")) != std::string::npos) {
mtllib_pos += 7; // Advance to after the actual "mtllib " string.
std::string mtllib_string =
mesh_data.substr(mtllib_pos, mesh_data.find('\n', mtllib_pos));
std::smatch matches;
std::regex_search(mtllib_string, matches, std::regex("\\s*([^\\s]+)"));
// Note: We do a minimal parsing manually here. tinyobj does too much
// work (actually loading all of the content) and also does not give
// access to the intermediate data that we need to pass to meshcat, like
// the resource names in the mtl file. This is also the approach taken
// in MeshCat.jl/src/mesh_files.jl.
auto& meshfile_object =
meshfile_object.uuid = uuids::to_string((*uuid_generator_)());
meshfile_object.format = std::move(format);
| = std::move(mesh_data);
std::string mtllib = matches.str(1);
// Use filename path as the base directory for textures.
const std::filesystem::path basedir = filename.parent_path();
// Read .mtl file into geometry.mtl_library.
std::ifstream mtl_stream(basedir / mtllib, std::ios::ate);
if (mtl_stream.is_open()) {
int mtl_size = mtl_stream.tellg();
mtl_stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
// Scan .mtl file for map_ lines. For each, load the file and add
// the contents to geometry.resources.
// The syntax ( is e.g.
// map_Ka -options args filename
// Here we ignore the options and only extract the filename (by
// extracting the last word before the end of line/string).
// - "map_.+" matches the map_ plus any options,
// - "\s" matches one whitespace (before the filename),
// - "[^\s]+" matches the filename, and
// - "[$\r\n]" matches the end of string or end of line.
// TODO(russt): This parsing could still be more robust.
std::regex map_regex(R"""(map_.+\s([^\s]+)\s*[$\r\n])""");
for (std::sregex_iterator iter(meshfile_object.mtl_library.begin(),
iter != std::sregex_iterator(); ++iter) {
std::string map = iter->str(1);
std::ifstream map_stream(basedir / map,
std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if (map_stream.is_open()) {
int map_size = map_stream.tellg();
map_stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::vector<uint8_t> map_data;
map, std::string("data:image/png;base64,") +
} else {
"Meshcat: Failed to load texture. \"{}\" references {}, but "
"Meshcat could not open filename \"{}\"",
(basedir / mtllib).string(), map, (basedir / map).string());
} else {
"Meshcat: Failed to load texture. {} references {}, but Meshcat "
"could not open filename \"{}\"",
mesh.filename(), mtllib, (basedir / mtllib).string());
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix4d> matrix(meshfile_object.matrix);
matrix(0, 0) = mesh.scale();
matrix(1, 1) = mesh.scale();
matrix(2, 2) = mesh.scale();
} else { // not obj or no mtllib.
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::MeshFileGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string((*uuid_generator_)());
geometry->format = std::move(format);
geometry->data = std::move(mesh_data);
lumped.geometry = std::move(geometry);
auto& meshcat_mesh = lumped.object.emplace<internal::MeshData>();
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix4d> matrix(meshcat_mesh.matrix);
matrix(0, 0) = mesh.scale();
matrix(1, 1) = mesh.scale();
matrix(2, 2) = mesh.scale();
void ImplementGeometry(const Box& box, void* data) override {
DRAKE_DEMAND(data != nullptr);
auto& lumped = *static_cast<internal::LumpedObjectData*>(data);
lumped.object = internal::MeshData();
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::BoxGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string((*uuid_generator_)());
geometry->width = box.width();
// Three.js uses height for the y axis; Drake uses depth.
geometry->height = box.depth();
geometry->depth = box.height();
lumped.geometry = std::move(geometry);
void ImplementGeometry(const Capsule& capsule, void* data) override {
DRAKE_DEMAND(data != nullptr);
auto& lumped = *static_cast<internal::LumpedObjectData*>(data);
auto& mesh = lumped.object.emplace<internal::MeshData>();
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::CapsuleGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string((*uuid_generator_)());
geometry->radius = capsule.radius();
geometry->length = capsule.length();
lumped.geometry = std::move(geometry);
// Meshcat cylinders have their long axis in y.
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix4d>(mesh.matrix) =
RigidTransformd(RotationMatrixd::MakeXRotation(M_PI / 2.0))
void ImplementGeometry(const Convex& mesh, void* data) override {
ImplementMesh(mesh, data);
void ImplementGeometry(const Cylinder& cylinder, void* data) override {
DRAKE_DEMAND(data != nullptr);
auto& lumped = *static_cast<internal::LumpedObjectData*>(data);
auto& mesh = lumped.object.emplace<internal::MeshData>();
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::CylinderGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string((*uuid_generator_)());
geometry->radiusBottom = cylinder.radius();
geometry->radiusTop = cylinder.radius();
geometry->height = cylinder.length();
lumped.geometry = std::move(geometry);
// Meshcat cylinders have their long axis in y.
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix4d>(mesh.matrix) =
RigidTransformd(RotationMatrixd::MakeXRotation(M_PI / 2.0))
void ImplementGeometry(const Ellipsoid& ellipsoid, void* data) override {
// Implemented as a Sphere stretched by a diagonal transform.
DRAKE_DEMAND(data != nullptr);
auto& lumped = *static_cast<internal::LumpedObjectData*>(data);
auto& mesh = lumped.object.emplace<internal::MeshData>();
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::SphereGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string((*uuid_generator_)());
geometry->radius = 1;
lumped.geometry = std::move(geometry);
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix4d> matrix(mesh.matrix);
matrix(0, 0) = ellipsoid.a();
matrix(1, 1) = ellipsoid.b();
matrix(2, 2) = ellipsoid.c();
void ImplementGeometry(const HalfSpace&, void*) override {
// TODO(russt): Use PlaneGeometry with fields width, height,
// widthSegments, heightSegments
drake::log()->warn("Meshcat does not display HalfSpace geometry (yet).");
void ImplementGeometry(const Mesh& mesh, void* data) override {
ImplementMesh(mesh, data);
void ImplementGeometry(const MeshcatCone& cone, void* data) override {
DRAKE_DEMAND(data != nullptr);
auto& lumped = *static_cast<internal::LumpedObjectData*>(data);
auto& mesh = lumped.object.emplace<internal::MeshData>();
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::CylinderGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string((*uuid_generator_)());
geometry->radiusBottom = 0;
geometry->radiusTop = 1.0;
geometry->height = cone.height();
lumped.geometry = std::move(geometry);
// Meshcat cylinders have their long axis in y and are centered at the
// origin. A cone is just a cylinder with radiusBottom=0. So we transform
// here, in addition to scaling to support non-uniform principle axes.
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix4d>(mesh.matrix) =
Eigen::Vector4d{cone.a(), cone.b(), 1.0, 1.0}.asDiagonal() *
RigidTransformd(RotationMatrixd::MakeXRotation(M_PI / 2.0),
Eigen::Vector3d{0, 0, cone.height() / 2.0})
void ImplementGeometry(const Sphere& sphere, void* data) override {
DRAKE_DEMAND(data != nullptr);
auto& lumped = *static_cast<internal::LumpedObjectData*>(data);
lumped.object = internal::MeshData();
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::SphereGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string((*uuid_generator_)());
geometry->radius = sphere.radius();
lumped.geometry = std::move(geometry);
uuids::uuid_random_generator* const uuid_generator_{};
int ToMeshcatColor(const Rgba& rgba) {
// Note: The returned color discards the alpha value, which is handled
// separately (e.g. by the opacity field in the material properties).
return (static_cast<int>(255 * rgba.r()) << 16) +
(static_cast<int>(255 * rgba.g()) << 8) +
static_cast<int>(255 * rgba.b());
} // namespace
class Meshcat::Impl {
// Some implementation notes for this Impl constructor:
// It must not call any nontrivial class methods. In general self-calls from
// a constructor should always be treated with caution, but it's especially
// important in this case because of the complicated threading and state
// invariants that we need to maintain.
// It launches the websocket thread and waits for the thread to reply that
// either the application started listning successfully, or else failed.
// If the websocket thread failed to bind to a port, then this constructor
// will first join the websocket thread and then throw an exception; the
// destructor will not be run.
// Otherwise, upon success the postconditions are that both:
// loop_ is non-null; and
// mode_ is either kFinished (the typical case) or possibly kStopping (in
// the unusual case where websocket thread faulted soon after starting).
explicit Impl(const MeshcatParams& params)
: prefix_("/drake"),
params_(params) {
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(params.port.value_or(7000) >= 1024);
if (!drake::internal::IsNetworkingAllowed("meshcat")) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Meshcat has been disabled via the DRAKE_ALLOW_NETWORK environment "
// Sanity-check the pattern, by passing it (along with dummy host and port
// values) through to fmt to allow any fmt-specific exception to percolate.
// Then, confirm that the user's pattern started with a valid protocol.
const std::string url = fmt::format(
fmt::arg("host", "foo"), fmt::arg("port", 1));
if (url.substr(0, 4) != "http") {
throw std::logic_error("The web_url_pattern must be http:// or https://");
// Fetch the index once to be sure that we preload the content.
std::promise<std::tuple<int, bool>> app_promise;
std::future<std::tuple<int, bool>> app_future =
websocket_thread_ = std::thread(
&Impl::WrappedWebSocketMain, this, std::move(app_promise),
|, params.port);
bool connected;
std::tie(port_, connected) = app_future.get();
if (!connected) {
throw std::runtime_error("Meshcat failed to open a websocket port.");
~Impl() {
// Ensure that the App::run loop stops, in case it hasn't already done so.
Defer([this]() {
// Tell the websocket thread that we'll never call Defer() again,
// and then wait for it to exit.
// Throws an exception if the websocket thread has died.
// This function is a file-internal helper, not public in the PIMPL.
// This should called from every public function of the outer class (other
// than the destructor) before doing any other real work, so that we can pass
// along error conditions from the websocket thread back onto the main thread.
// Don't fall into a TOCTOU trap here -- just because this function returned
// successfully does *not* mean that the websocket thread is still running; it
// might have crashed immediately after this check. Calling code should not
// presume that success here means that additional calls into the websocket
// will continue to succeed.
void ThrowIfWebsocketThreadExited() const {
// N.B. Refer to the comments on the `mode_` and `loop_` class member
// fields to help understand what's happening here.
if (mode_.load() != kNominal) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Meshcat's internal websocket thread exited unexpectedly");
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
std::string web_url() const {
const std::string& host =;
const bool is_localhost = host.empty() || host == "*";
const std::string display_host = is_localhost ? "localhost" : host;
return fmt::format(
fmt::arg("host", display_host),
fmt::arg("port", port_));
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
int port() const {
return port_;
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetRealtimeRate(double rate) {
internal::RealtimeRateData data;
data.rate = rate;
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
std::string message = message_stream.str();
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
std::string ws_url() const {
const std::string http_url = web_url();
DRAKE_DEMAND(http_url.substr(0, 4) == "http");
return "ws" + http_url.substr(4);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
int GetNumActiveConnections() const {
return num_websockets_.load();
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void Flush() const {
// We simply loop until the backpressure is zero. In each iteration, if
// the connections have any backpressure, then we sleep the main thread to
// let the websocket thread drain.
// Note: The following attempts to avoid the explicit sleep failed:
// - loop_->defer(callback) does not drain automatically between executing
// the deferred callbacks.
// - calling app_->topicTree->drain() or ws->send("") did not actually
// force any drainage.
// It *is* possible to monitor the drainage by registering the
// behavior.drain callback on the websocket connection, but we avoid
// explicitly locking the main thread to wait for the drainage in order to
// keep the thread logic simpler.
int main_backpressure;
// Set a very conservative iteration limit; since we sleep for .1 seconds
// on each iteration, this corresponds to (approximately) 10 minutes.
const int kIterationLimit{6000};
int iteration = 0;
do {
std::promise<int> p;
std::future<int> f = p.get_future();
Defer([this, p = std::move(p)]() mutable {
int websocket_backpressure = 0;
for (WebSocket* ws : websockets_) {
websocket_backpressure += ws->getBufferedAmount();
main_backpressure = f.get();
if (main_backpressure > 0) {
} while (main_backpressure > 0 && iteration < kIterationLimit);
if (main_backpressure > 0) {
"Meshcat::Flush() reached an iteration limit before the buffer could "
"be completely flushed.");
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetObject(std::string_view path, const Shape& shape, const Rgba& rgba) {
uuids::uuid_random_generator uuid_generator{generator_};
internal::SetObjectData data;
data.path = FullPath(path);
// TODO(russt): This current meshcat set_object interface couples geometry,
// material, and object for convenience, but we might consider decoupling
// them again for efficiency. We don't want to send meshes over the network
// (which could be from the cloud to a local browser) more than necessary.
MeshcatShapeReifier reifier(&uuid_generator);
shape.Reify(&reifier, &data.object);
if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(data.object.object)) {
// Then this shape is not supported, and I should not send the message,
// nor add the object to the tree.
if (std::holds_alternative<internal::MeshData>(data.object.object)) {
auto& meshfile_object = std::get<internal::MeshData>(data.object.object);
DRAKE_DEMAND(data.object.geometry != nullptr);
meshfile_object.geometry = data.object.geometry->uuid;
auto material = std::make_unique<internal::MaterialData>();
material->uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
material->type = "MeshPhongMaterial";
material->color = ToMeshcatColor(rgba);
// TODO(russt): Most values are taken verbatim from meshcat-python.
material->reflectivity = 0.5;
material->side = SideOfFaceToRender::kDoubleSide;
// From meshcat-python: Three.js allows a material to have an opacity
// which is != 1, but to still be non - transparent, in which case the
// opacity only serves to desaturate the material's color. That's a
// pretty odd combination of things to want, so by default we just use
// the opacity value to decide whether to set transparent to True or
// False.
material->transparent = (rgba.a() != 1.0);
material->opacity = rgba.a();
material->linewidth = 1.0;
material->wireframe = false;
material->wireframeLineWidth = 1.0;
meshfile_object.uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
meshfile_object.material = material->uuid;
data.object.material = std::move(material);
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
// TODO(russt): Consider using msgpack::sbuffer instead of stringstream
// (here and throughout) to avoid this copy.
std::string message = message_stream.str();
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
SceneTreeElement& e = scene_tree_root_[data.path];
e.object() = std::move(message);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetObject(std::string_view path, const perception::PointCloud& cloud,
double point_size, const Rgba& rgba) {
uuids::uuid_random_generator uuid_generator{generator_};
internal::SetObjectData data;
data.path = FullPath(path);
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::BufferGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
geometry->position = cloud.xyzs();
if (cloud.has_rgbs()) {
geometry->color = cloud.rgbs().cast<float>()/255.0;
data.object.geometry = std::move(geometry);
auto material = std::make_unique<internal::MaterialData>();
material->uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
material->type = "PointsMaterial";
material->color = ToMeshcatColor(rgba);
material->transparent = (rgba.a() != 1.0);
material->opacity = rgba.a();
material->size = point_size;
material->vertexColors = cloud.has_rgbs();
data.object.material = std::move(material);
internal::MeshData mesh;
mesh.uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
mesh.type = "Points";
mesh.geometry = data.object.geometry->uuid;
mesh.material = data.object.material->uuid;
data.object.object = std::move(mesh);
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
std::string message = message_stream.str();
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
SceneTreeElement& e = scene_tree_root_[data.path];
e.object() = std::move(message);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetObject(std::string_view path, const TriangleSurfaceMesh<double>& mesh,
const Rgba& rgba, bool wireframe,
double wireframe_line_width, SideOfFaceToRender side) {
Eigen::Matrix3Xd vertices(3, mesh.num_vertices());
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.num_vertices(); ++i) {
vertices.col(i) = mesh.vertex(i);
Eigen::Matrix3Xi faces(3, mesh.num_triangles());
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.num_triangles(); ++i) {
const auto& e = mesh.element(i);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
faces(j, i) = e.vertex(j);
SetTriangleMesh(path, vertices, faces, rgba, wireframe,
wireframe_line_width, side);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetLine(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& vertices,
double line_width, const Rgba& rgba) {
const bool kLineSegments = false;
SetLineImpl(path, vertices, line_width, rgba, kLineSegments);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetLineSegments(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& start,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& end,
double line_width, const Rgba& rgba) {
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(start.cols() == end.cols());
// The LineSegments loader in three.js take the same data structure as Line,
// but takes every consecutive pair of vertices as a (start, end).
Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, Eigen::Dynamic> vstack(6, start.cols());
vstack << start, end;
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix3Xd> vertices(, 3, 2*start.cols());
const bool kLineSegments = true;
SetLineImpl(path, vertices, line_width, rgba, kLineSegments);
// This function is internal to the PIMPL, used to implement the prior two
// functions (SetLine and SetLineSegments).
void SetLineImpl(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& vertices,
double line_width, const Rgba& rgba, bool line_segments) {
uuids::uuid_random_generator uuid_generator{generator_};
internal::SetObjectData data;
data.path = FullPath(path);
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::BufferGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
geometry->position = vertices.cast<float>();
data.object.geometry = std::move(geometry);
auto material = std::make_unique<internal::MaterialData>();
material->uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
material->type = "LineBasicMaterial";
material->color = ToMeshcatColor(rgba);
material->linewidth = line_width;
material->vertexColors = false;
data.object.material = std::move(material);
internal::MeshData mesh;
mesh.uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
mesh.type = line_segments ? "LineSegments" : "Line";
mesh.geometry = data.object.geometry->uuid;
mesh.material = data.object.material->uuid;
data.object.object = std::move(mesh);
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
std::string message = message_stream.str();
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
SceneTreeElement& e = scene_tree_root_[data.path];
e.object() = std::move(message);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetTriangleMesh(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& vertices,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xi>& faces,
const Rgba& rgba, bool wireframe,
double wireframe_line_width, SideOfFaceToRender side) {
uuids::uuid_random_generator uuid_generator{generator_};
internal::SetObjectData data;
data.path = FullPath(path);
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::BufferGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
geometry->position = vertices.cast<float>();
geometry->faces = faces.cast<uint32_t>();
data.object.geometry = std::move(geometry);
auto material = std::make_unique<internal::MaterialData>();
material->uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
material->type = "MeshPhongMaterial";
material->color = ToMeshcatColor(rgba);
material->transparent = (rgba.a() != 1.0);
material->opacity = rgba.a();
material->wireframe = wireframe;
material->wireframeLineWidth = wireframe_line_width;
material->vertexColors = false;
material->side = side;
data.object.material = std::move(material);
internal::MeshData mesh;
mesh.uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
mesh.type = "Mesh";
mesh.geometry = data.object.geometry->uuid;
mesh.material = data.object.material->uuid;
data.object.object = std::move(mesh);
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
std::string message = message_stream.str();
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
SceneTreeElement& e = scene_tree_root_[data.path];
e.object() = std::move(message);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetTriangleColorMesh(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& vertices,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xi>& faces,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& colors,
bool wireframe,
double wireframe_line_width, SideOfFaceToRender side) {
uuids::uuid_random_generator uuid_generator{generator_};
internal::SetObjectData data;
data.path = FullPath(path);
auto geometry = std::make_unique<internal::BufferGeometryData>();
geometry->uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
geometry->position = vertices.cast<float>();
geometry->faces = faces.cast<uint32_t>();
geometry->color = colors.cast<float>();
data.object.geometry = std::move(geometry);
auto material = std::make_unique<internal::MaterialData>();
material->uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
material->type = "MeshPhongMaterial";
material->transparent = false;
material->opacity = 1.0;
material->wireframe = wireframe;
material->wireframeLineWidth = wireframe_line_width;
material->vertexColors = true;
material->side = side;
data.object.material = std::move(material);
internal::MeshData mesh;
mesh.uuid = uuids::to_string(uuid_generator());
mesh.type = "Mesh";
mesh.geometry = data.object.geometry->uuid;
mesh.material = data.object.material->uuid;
data.object.object = std::move(mesh);
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
std::string message = message_stream.str();
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
SceneTreeElement& e = scene_tree_root_[data.path];
e.object() = std::move(message);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
template <typename CameraData>
void SetCamera(CameraData camera, std::string path) {
uuids::uuid_random_generator uuid_generator{generator_};
internal::SetCameraData<CameraData> data;
data.path = std::move(path);
data.object.object = std::move(camera);
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
std::string message = message_stream.str();
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
SceneTreeElement& e = scene_tree_root_[data.path];
e.object() = std::move(message);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetTransform(std::string_view path,
const RigidTransformd& X_ParentPath) {
SetTransform(path, X_ParentPath.GetAsMatrix4());
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetTransform(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix4d>& matrix) {
internal::SetTransformData data;
data.path = FullPath(path);
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix4d>(data.matrix) = matrix;
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
std::string message = message_stream.str();
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
SceneTreeElement& e = scene_tree_root_[data.path];
e.transform() = std::move(message);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void Delete(std::string_view path) {
internal::DeleteData data;
data.path = FullPath(path);
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
app_->publish("all", message_stream.str(), uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
// This function is public via the PIMPL, via overloads for a specific set of
// template types (not all possible T's).
template <typename T>
void SetProperty(std::string_view path, std::string property,
const T& value) {
internal::SetPropertyData<T> data;
data.path = FullPath(path);
| = std::move(property);
data.value = value;
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
std::string message = message_stream.str();
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
SceneTreeElement& e = scene_tree_root_[data.path];
|[] = std::move(message);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
DRAKE_NO_EXPORT void SetAnimation(const MeshcatAnimation& animation) {
std::stringstream message_stream;
// We pack this message in-place (rather than using structs to organize
// the packing) for a few reasons:
// 1) we want to avoid copying the big data nested structure,
// 2) this message type would require a nasty hairball of structs, and
// 3) the nested structures have paths inside that must be modified with
// FullPath().
msgpack::packer o(message_stream);
// The details of this message have been extracted primarily from
// meshcat/test/animation.html and
// meshcat-python/src/meshcat/
for (const auto& path_track : animation.path_tracks_) {
// TODO(russt): Handle the case where the FullPaths are not unique.
for (const auto& property_track : path_track.second) {
o.pack("." + property_track.first);
[&o](const auto& track) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(track)>;
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, std::monostate>) {
for (const auto& key : track) {
[this, message = message_stream.str()]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
app_->publish("all", message, uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
animation_ = std::move(message);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void Set2dRenderMode(const math::RigidTransformd& X_WC, double xmin,
double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) {
// Set orthographic camera.
OrthographicCamera camera;
camera.left = xmin;
camera.right = xmax;
camera.bottom = ymin;
| = ymax;
SetCamera(camera, "/Cameras/default/rotated");
SetTransform("/Cameras/default", X_WC);
// Lock orbit controls.
SetProperty("/Cameras/default/rotated/<object>", "position",
std::vector<double>{0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
SetProperty("/Background", "visible", false);
SetProperty("/Grid", "visible", false);
SetProperty("/Axes", "visible", false);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void ResetRenderMode() {
PerspectiveCamera camera;
SetCamera(camera, "/Cameras/default/rotated");
SetTransform("/Cameras/default", math::RigidTransformd());
// Lock orbit controls.
SetProperty("/Cameras/default/rotated/<object>", "position",
std::vector<double>{0.0, 1.0, 3.0});
SetProperty("/Background", "visible", true);
SetProperty("/Grid", "visible", true);
SetProperty("/Axes", "visible", true);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void AddButton(std::string name, std::string keycode) {
internal::SetButtonControl data;
| = std::move(name);
data.callback = fmt::format(R"""(
() => this.connection.send(msgpack.encode({{
'type': 'button',
'name': '{}'
data.keycode1 = std::move(keycode);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
if (sliders_.find( != sliders_.end()) {
throw std::logic_error(
fmt::format("Meshcat already has a slider named {}.",;
auto iter = buttons_.find(;
if (iter == buttons_.end()) {
} else {
iter->second.num_clicks = 0;
if (iter->second.keycode1.empty()) {
if (data.keycode1.empty()) {
// No need to publish to meshcat.
} // else fall through.
} else if (iter->second.keycode1 != data.keycode1) {
throw std::logic_error(fmt::format(
"Meshcat already has a button named `{}`, but the previously "
"assigned keycode `{}` does not match the current keycode `{}`. "
"To re-assign the keycode, you must first delete the button.",
|, iter->second.keycode1, data.keycode1));
buttons_[] = data;
DRAKE_DEMAND(controls_.size() == (buttons_.size() + sliders_.size()));
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
app_->publish("all", message_stream.str(), uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
int GetButtonClicks(std::string_view name) const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
auto iter = buttons_.find(name);
if (iter == buttons_.end()) {
throw std::logic_error(
fmt::format("Meshcat does not have any button named {}.", name));
return iter->second.num_clicks;
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void DeleteButton(std::string name) {
internal::DeleteControl data;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
auto iter = buttons_.find(name);
if (iter == buttons_.end()) {
throw std::logic_error(
fmt::format("Meshcat does not have any button named {}.", name));
auto c_iter = std::find(controls_.begin(), controls_.end(), name);
DRAKE_DEMAND(c_iter != controls_.end());
| = std::move(name);
DRAKE_DEMAND(controls_.size() == (buttons_.size() + sliders_.size()));
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
app_->publish("all", message_stream.str(), uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void AddSlider(std::string name, double min, double max, double step,
double value, std::string decrement_keycode,
std::string increment_keycode) {
internal::SetSliderControl data;
| = std::move(name);
data.callback = fmt::format(R"""(
(value) => this.connection.send(msgpack.encode({{
'type': 'slider',
'name': '{}',
'value': value
data.min = min;
data.max = max;
data.step = step;
// Match setValue in NumberController.js from dat.GUI.
value = std::max(value, min);
value = std::min(value, max);
value = std::round(value / step) * step;
data.value = value;
data.keycode1 = std::move(decrement_keycode);
data.keycode2 = std::move(increment_keycode);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
if (buttons_.find( != buttons_.end()) {
throw std::logic_error(
fmt::format("Meshcat already has a button named {}.",;
if (sliders_.find( != sliders_.end()) {
throw std::logic_error(
fmt::format("Meshcat already has a slider named {}.",;
sliders_[] = data;
DRAKE_DEMAND(controls_.size() == (buttons_.size() + sliders_.size()));
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
app_->publish("all", message_stream.str(), uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void SetSliderValue(std::string name, double value) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
auto iter = sliders_.find(name);
if (iter == sliders_.end()) {
throw std::logic_error(
fmt::format("Meshcat does not have any slider named {}.", name));
internal::SetSliderControl& s = iter->second;
// Match setValue in NumberController.js from dat.GUI.
value = std::max(value, s.min);
value = std::min(value, s.max);
value = std::round(value/s.step)*s.step;
s.value = value;
internal::SetSliderValue data;
| = std::move(name);
data.value = value;
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
app_->publish("all", message_stream.str(), uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
double GetSliderValue(std::string_view name) const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
auto iter = sliders_.find(name);
if (iter == sliders_.end()) {
throw std::logic_error(
fmt::format("Meshcat does not have any slider named {}.", name));
return iter->second.value;
std::vector<std::string> GetSliderNames() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
std::vector<std::string> names;
for (const auto& [name, _] : sliders_) {
return names;
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void DeleteSlider(std::string name) {
internal::DeleteControl data;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
auto iter = sliders_.find(name);
if (iter == sliders_.end()) {
throw std::logic_error(
fmt::format("Meshcat does not have any slider named {}.", name));
auto c_iter = std::find(controls_.begin(), controls_.end(), name);
DRAKE_DEMAND(c_iter != controls_.end());
| = std::move(name);
DRAKE_DEMAND(controls_.size() == (buttons_.size() + sliders_.size()));
Defer([this, data = std::move(data)]() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(app_ != nullptr);
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, data);
app_->publish("all", message_stream.str(), uWS::OpCode::BINARY, false);
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
void DeleteAddedControls() {
// We copy the data structures so that the main thread can iterate through
// them without acquiring an additional lock.
std::map<std::string, internal::SetButtonControl, std::less<>> buttons{};
std::map<std::string, internal::SetSliderControl, std::less<>> sliders{};
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
buttons = buttons_;
sliders = sliders_;
for (auto iter = buttons.begin(); iter != buttons.end(); ++iter) {
for (auto iter = sliders.begin(); iter != sliders.end(); ++iter) {
Meshcat::Gamepad GetGamepad() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
return gamepad_;
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
std::string StaticHtml() {
std::string html = GetUrlContent("/");
std::promise<std::string> p;
std::future<std::string> f = p.get_future();
Defer([this, p = std::move(p)]() mutable {
std::string commands = scene_tree_root_.CreateCommands();
if (!animation_.empty()) {
commands += CreateCommand(animation_);
// Replace the javascript code in the original html file which connects via
// websockets with the static javascript commands.
std::regex block_re(
html = std::regex_replace(html, block_re, f.get());
// Insert the javascript directly into the html.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> js_paths{
{" src=\"meshcat.js\"", "/meshcat.js"},
{" src=\"stats.min.js\"", "/stats.min.js"},
for (const auto& [src_link, url] : js_paths) {
const size_t js_pos = html.find(src_link);
DRAKE_DEMAND(js_pos != std::string::npos);
html.erase(js_pos, src_link.size());
html.insert(js_pos+1, GetUrlContent(url));
return html;
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
bool HasPath(std::string_view path) const {
std::promise<bool> p;
std::future<bool> f = p.get_future();
Defer([this, path = FullPath(path), p = std::move(p)]() mutable {
p.set_value(scene_tree_root_.Find(path) != nullptr);
return f.get();
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
std::string GetPackedObject(std::string_view path) const {
std::promise<std::string> p;
std::future<std::string> f = p.get_future();
Defer([this, path = FullPath(path), p = std::move(p)]() mutable {
const SceneTreeElement* e = scene_tree_root_.Find(path);
if (!e || !e->object()) {
} else {
return f.get();
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
std::string GetPackedTransform(std::string_view path) const {
std::promise<std::string> p;
std::future<std::string> f = p.get_future();
Defer([this, path = FullPath(path), p = std::move(p)]() mutable {
const SceneTreeElement* e = scene_tree_root_.Find(path);
if (!e || !e->transform()) {
} else {
return f.get();
// This function is public via the PIMPL.
std::string GetPackedProperty(std::string_view path,
std::string property) const {
std::promise<std::string> p;
std::future<std::string> f = p.get_future();
Defer([this, path = FullPath(path), property = std::move(property),
p = std::move(p)]() mutable {
const SceneTreeElement* e = scene_tree_root_.Find(path);
if (!e) {
} else {
auto prop = e->properties().find(property);
if (prop == e->properties().end()) {
} else {
return f.get();
void InjectWebsocketThreadFault(int fault_number) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(fault_number >= 0);
DRAKE_DEMAND(fault_number <= kMaxFaultNumber);
log()->warn("InjectWebsocketThreadFault({}) was called", fault_number);
switch (fault_number) {
case 0: {
Defer([this]() {
// Closing the listen socket will cause the loop to exit.
us_listen_socket_close(0, listen_socket_);
listen_socket_ = nullptr;
case 1: {
Defer([this]() {
throw std::runtime_error("InjectWebsocketThreadFault during defer");
case 2: {
case 3: {
static_assert(kMaxFaultNumber == 3);
bool IsThread(std::thread::id thread_id) const {
return (std::this_thread::get_id() == thread_id);
// This is the entry point for our websocket thread. Its only job is as a
// last-resort exception catcher so that we'll always log it and never call
// std::terminate (an exception leaking from std::thread always terminates).
// Our design goal is that no exception can ever reach this function anyway
// (it should be caught by a more local try-catch block) but in case we've
// missed one of those, we want to be sure to log it here.
// Catching exceptions is generally prohibited by Drake's style guide, but
// in this case the std::terminate fall-through is too painful to live with,
// and we end up re-throwing an exception on the main thread eventually.
// N.B. Our arguments must not be pass-by-reference because this function is
// called from a new thread!
void WrappedWebSocketMain(
std::promise<std::tuple<int, bool>> app_promise,
std::string host, std::optional<int> desired_port) {
try {
WebSocketMain(std::move(app_promise), host, desired_port);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
"Meshcat's internal websocket thread crashed via an exception: {}",
void WebSocketMain(
std::promise<std::tuple<int, bool>> app_promise,
const std::string& host, std::optional<int> desired_port) {
websocket_thread_id_ = std::this_thread::get_id();
ScopeExit guard([this]() {
// N.B. Refer to the comments on the `mode_` and `loop_` class member
// fields to help understand what's happening here.
OperatingMode nominal = kNominal;
mode_.compare_exchange_strong(nominal, kStopping);
// We must not exit this thread (destroying the thread_local uWS::Loop)
// until we know that the main thread is no longer adding more callbacks.
// It signals that by setting mode_ to kFinshed.
while (mode_.load() != kFinished) {
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Use atomic::wait instead, once we have C++20.
loop_ = nullptr;
// Given this scope guard, the post-condition upon return from
// WebSocketMain is that mode_ is kFinished and loop_ is null.
loop_ = uWS::Loop::get();
// This canonicalization of the bind_host is currently redundant with what
// uWebSockets already implements, but we'll keep it here anyway, to defend
// our code from potential implementation changes to uWebSockets.
const std::string bind_host = (host == "*") ? "" : host;
int port = desired_port ? *desired_port : 7000;
const int kMaxPort = desired_port ? *desired_port : 7099;
uWS::App::WebSocketBehavior<PerSocketData> behavior;
// Set maxBackpressure = 0 so that uWS does *not* drop any messages due to
// back pressure.
behavior.maxBackpressure = 0;
| = [this](WebSocket* ws) {
// IsThread(websocket_thread_id_) is checked by the Handle... function.
behavior.close = [this](WebSocket* ws, int, std::string_view message) {
// IsThread(websocket_thread_id_) is checked by the Handle... function.
behavior.message = [this](WebSocket* ws, std::string_view message,
uWS::OpCode op_code) {
// IsThread(websocket_thread_id_) is checked by the Handle... function.
HandleMessage(ws, message);
uWS::App app =
[&](uWS::HttpResponse<kSsl>* res, uWS::HttpRequest* req) {
.ws<PerSocketData>("/*", std::move(behavior));
app_ = &app;
do {
[this](us_listen_socket_t* socket) {
if (socket) {
listen_socket_ = socket;
} while (listen_socket_ == nullptr && port++ < kMaxPort);
bool connected = listen_socket_ != nullptr;
app_promise.set_value(std::make_tuple(port, connected));
if (!connected) {
ScopeExit listen_guard([this]() {
if (listen_socket_ != nullptr) {
"Meshcat's internal websocket is stopping via an exception");
// Normally uWS will free all of its memory as part of App shutdown.
// However, when exiting via exception it only places the socket memory
// onto a close-list instead of freeing it. To avoid heap leaks, we'll
// manually free the memory here using an internal helper function.
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Probably uWS::LoopCleaner::~LoopCleaner should be
// doing this? Submit a ticket with upstream to find the correct answer.
reinterpret_cast<struct us_loop_t*>(uWS::Loop::get()));
// This function is a callback from a WebSocketBehavior.
void HandleSocketOpen(WebSocket* ws) {
"Meshcat connection opened from {}",
const int new_count = ++num_websockets_;
DRAKE_DEMAND(new_count >= 0);
DRAKE_DEMAND(new_count == static_cast<int>(websockets_.size()));
// Update this new connection with previously published data.
if (!animation_.empty()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
for (const auto& c : controls_) {
auto b_iter = buttons_.find(c);
if (b_iter != buttons_.end()) {
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, b_iter->second);
} else {
auto s_iter = sliders_.find(c);
DRAKE_DEMAND(s_iter != sliders_.end());
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, s_iter->second);
// Tell client if the realtime rate plot should be hidden
internal::ShowRealtimeRate realtime_rate_message;
| = params_.show_stats_plot;
std::stringstream realtime_message_stream;
msgpack::pack(realtime_message_stream, realtime_rate_message);
if (inject_open_fault_.load()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"InjectWebsocketThreadFault during socket open");
// This function is a callback from a WebSocketBehavior.
void HandleSocketClose(WebSocket* ws) {
"Meshcat connection closed from {}",
const int new_count = --num_websockets_;
DRAKE_DEMAND(new_count >= 0);
DRAKE_DEMAND(new_count == static_cast<int>(websockets_.size()));
// This function is a callback from a WebSocketBehavior.
void HandleMessage(WebSocket* ws, std::string_view message) {
internal::UserInterfaceEvent data;
try {
msgpack::object_handle o_h =
msgpack::unpack(, message.size());
} catch (const msgpack::type_error& e) {
// Quietly ignore messages that don't match our expected message type.
// This violates the style guide, but msgpack does not provide any other
// mechanism for checking the message type.
drake::log()->debug("Meshcat ignored an unparsable message");
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(controls_mutex_);
if (data.type == "button") {
auto iter = buttons_.find(;
if (iter != buttons_.end()) {
if (data.type == "slider" && data.value.has_value()) {
auto iter = sliders_.find(;
if (iter != sliders_.end()) {
iter->second.value = *data.value;
if (websockets_.size() > 1) {
// Send SetSliderValue message to all other websockets.
internal::SetSliderValue set_slider;
| = std::move(;
set_slider.value = *data.value;
std::stringstream message_stream;
msgpack::pack(message_stream, set_slider);
// ws->publish sends to all but not to ws.
ws->publish("all", message_stream.str(), uWS::OpCode::BINARY);
if (data.type == "gamepad" && data.gamepad.has_value()) {
// TODO(russt): Figure out how to do the non-invasive unpack of
// Meshcat::Gamepad and remove internal::Gamepad.
gamepad_.index = data.gamepad->index;
gamepad_.button_values = std::move(data.gamepad->button_values);
gamepad_.axes = std::move(data.gamepad->axes);
drake::log()->warn("Meshcat ignored a '{}' event", data.type);
if (inject_message_fault_.load()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"InjectWebsocketThreadFault during message callback");
// A functor object that we can post from the main thread into the websocket
// thread.
using Callback = uWS::MoveOnlyFunction<void()>;
// This function is a private utility for use within this class.
// It posts the given callback into the websocket thread, safely.
// If the websocket thread is no longer operating, then this function will
// destroy the callback, without ever invoking it.
void Defer(Callback&& callback) const {
if (mode_.load() == kNominal) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(loop_ != nullptr);
// This function is a private utility for use within this class. It closes all
// sockets therefore will cause the uWS::App::run() function to return, and
// therefore the worker thread will (eventually) exit. This should only be
// called from two places: in the case of graceful shutdown as a deferred
// event posted by the ~Impl destructor, or in the case of faulty shutdown
// in the websocket thread's scope guard.
void Shutdown() {
drake::log()->debug("Meshcat Shutdown");
// Stop accepting new connections.
if (listen_socket_ != nullptr) {
us_listen_socket_close(0, listen_socket_);
listen_socket_ = nullptr;
// Close any existing connections. Calling ws->close() erases the WebSocket
// from websockets_, so we need to advance the iterator beforehand (#15821).
auto iter = websockets_.begin();
while (iter != websockets_.end()) {
WebSocket* ws = *iter++;
// This function is a private utility for use within this class.
std::string FullPath(std::string_view path) const {
while (path.size() > 1 && path.back() == '/') {
if (path.empty()) {
return prefix_;
if (path.front() == '/') {
return std::string(path);
return fmt::format("{}/{}", prefix_, path);
std::thread websocket_thread_{};
const std::string prefix_{};
// Both threads access the following variables, guarded by controls_mutex_.
mutable std::mutex controls_mutex_;
std::map<std::string, internal::SetButtonControl, std::less<>> buttons_{};
std::map<std::string, internal::SetSliderControl, std::less<>> sliders_{};
Meshcat::Gamepad gamepad_{};
std::vector<std::string> controls_{}; // Names of buttons and sliders in the
// order they were added.
// These variables should only be accessed in the main thread, where "main
// thread" is the thread in which this class was constructed.
std::thread::id main_thread_id_{};
const MeshcatParams params_;
int port_{};
std::mt19937 generator_{};
// These variables should only be accessed in the websocket thread.
std::thread::id websocket_thread_id_{};
SceneTreeElement scene_tree_root_{};
std::string animation_;
uWS::App* app_{nullptr};
us_listen_socket_t* listen_socket_{nullptr};
std::set<WebSocket*> websockets_{};
// This variable may be accessed from any thread, but should only be modified
// in the websocket thread.
std::atomic<int> num_websockets_{0};
// The loop_ pointer is used to pass functors from the main thread into the
// websocket worker thread, via loop_->defer(...). See the documentation of
// uWebSockets for further details:
// We must be *extremely careful* with the lifecycle of the loop_ pointer.
// It's initialized to nullptr. Then, our constructor launches the websocket
// thread and blocks on a future until the thread is ready. Before declaring
// itself ready via the promise, the websocket thread sets loop_ to the
// correct value. Therefore, when our constructor returns we can rest assured
// that the loop_ contains a valid value.
// However, the *grave danger* here is that loop_ points to uWS::Loop::get,
// which is a *thread_local static object*. When the thread finishes, the C++
// runtime will destroy the thread_local object and our loop_ will become a
// dangling pointer. Calling any function on it would lead to nasal demons.
// Therefore, we must prevent the websocket thread from exiting until it's
// sure that the main thread will never again use the loop_. We implement
// that using a scope guard within the websocket thread, where it monitors
// the mode_ member. Only once mode_ is set to kFinished may the thread be
// allowed to exit. We also encapsulate all main-thread access to loop_
// within the Defer() helper function, to help maintain this invariant.
// In short, our invariant is that: loop_ is only guaranteed to be non-null
// when mode_ is either kNominal or kStopping.
uWS::Loop* loop_{nullptr};
// The other half of maintaining the loop lifecycle invariant (as described
// on the loop_ member above) is the mode_ enum.
// The mode_ enum is always set to one of exactly three values:
// - kNominal
// - kStopping
// - kFinished
// It begins life set to Nominal. In this mode, calls to the Defer()
// helper are passed along to the websocket thread's uWS event loop.
// Within the websocket thread, anytime the thread is about to exit (whether
// through normal means or an exception), the scope guard takes over and
// does an atomic compare-and-swap, demoting Nominal to Stopping. This is
// the indication to the main thread that the websocket thread is shutting
// down. Any *thereafter* calls to Defer() will destroy the callback functor
// instead of posting it into the uWS loop.
// Note, however, that if a call to Defer() was partway through execution
// (where it had done mode_.load(), but not yet called into the loop_),
// then callbacks could still be placed into the uWS loop even after the
// compare-and-swap had completed. This is still fine. They will not be run
// (because the loop isn't running), but they will be correctly destroyed
// when the loop is destroyed.
// The websocket thread then spinloops until it sees that mode_ has been
// set to kFinished. In relevant places on the main thread (i.e., in the
// ThrowIfWebsocketThreadExited failure poll, or in the constructor when
// throwing, or during the destructor as normal), it sets mode_ to
// kFinished to indicate that it will never post into the loop again.
enum OperatingMode {
// The main thread and websocket thread are operating as normal.
// The websocket thread is no longer running the event loop. It is paused
// waiting for the main thread to acknowledge the that the event loop is
// no longer running.
// Once this mode is reached, the main thread will not perform any more
// operations on the websocket thread, other than joining it. Therefore,
// in this mode the main thread is not allowed to refer to the loop_
// pointer (it might be nullptr).
mutable std::atomic<OperatingMode> mode_{kNominal};
// These bools are used during unit testing to inject exceptions into various
// places on the websocket thread.
std::atomic<bool> inject_open_fault_{false};
std::atomic<bool> inject_message_fault_{false};
namespace {
MeshcatParams MakeMeshcatParamsPortOnly(std::optional<int> port) {
MeshcatParams result;
result.port = port;
return result;
} // namespace
Meshcat::Meshcat(std::optional<int> port)
: Meshcat(MakeMeshcatParamsPortOnly(port)) {}
Meshcat::Meshcat(const MeshcatParams& params)
// Creates the server thread, bind to the port, etc.
: impl_{new Impl(params)} {
drake::log()->info("Meshcat listening for connections at {}", web_url());
Meshcat::~Meshcat() {
delete static_cast<Impl*>(impl_);
// This overloaded function ensures that ThrowIfWebsocketThreadExited always
// happens before accessing the Impl class.
Meshcat::Impl& Meshcat::impl() {
DRAKE_DEMAND(impl_ != nullptr);
Impl* result = static_cast<Impl*>(impl_);
return *result;
const Meshcat::Impl& Meshcat::impl() const {
return const_cast<Meshcat*>(this)->impl();
std::string Meshcat::web_url() const {
return impl().web_url();
int Meshcat::port() const {
return impl().port();
std::string Meshcat::ws_url() const {
return impl().ws_url();
int Meshcat::GetNumActiveConnections() const {
return impl().GetNumActiveConnections();
void Meshcat::Flush() const {
void Meshcat::SetObject(std::string_view path, const Shape& shape,
const Rgba& rgba) {
impl().SetObject(path, shape, rgba);
void Meshcat::SetObject(std::string_view path,
const perception::PointCloud& cloud, double point_size,
const Rgba& rgba) {
impl().SetObject(path, cloud, point_size, rgba);
void Meshcat::SetObject(std::string_view path,
const TriangleSurfaceMesh<double>& mesh,
const Rgba& rgba, bool wireframe,
double wireframe_line_width, SideOfFaceToRender side) {
impl().SetObject(path, mesh, rgba, wireframe, wireframe_line_width, side);
void Meshcat::SetLine(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& vertices,
double line_width, const Rgba& rgba) {
impl().SetLine(path, vertices, line_width, rgba);
void Meshcat::SetLineSegments(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& start,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& end,
double line_width, const Rgba& rgba) {
impl().SetLineSegments(path, start, end, line_width, rgba);
void Meshcat::SetTriangleMesh(
std::string_view path, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& vertices,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xi>& faces, const Rgba& rgba,
bool wireframe, double wireframe_line_width, SideOfFaceToRender side) {
impl().SetTriangleMesh(path, vertices, faces, rgba, wireframe,
wireframe_line_width, side);
void Meshcat::SetTriangleColorMesh(
std::string_view path, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& vertices,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xi>& faces,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& colors, bool wireframe,
double wireframe_line_width, SideOfFaceToRender side) {
impl().SetTriangleColorMesh(path, vertices, faces, colors, wireframe,
wireframe_line_width, side);
void Meshcat::PlotSurface(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& X,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& Y,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& Z,
const Rgba& rgba, bool wireframe,
double wireframe_line_width) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(Y.rows() == X.rows() && Y.cols() == X.cols());
DRAKE_DEMAND(Z.rows() == X.rows() && Z.cols() == X.cols());
const int rows = X.rows(), cols = X.cols();
if (wireframe) {
int count = -1;
Eigen::Matrix3Xd vertices(3, rows * cols * 2);
// Sweep back and forth along rows.
for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) {
const int c0 = (r & 0x1) ? cols - 1 : 0;
const int c_delta = (r & 0x1) ? -1 : 1;
for (int j = 0, c = c0; j < cols; ++j, c += c_delta) {
vertices.col(++count) << X(r, c), Y(r, c), Z(r, c);
// Sweep back and forth along columns.
const int c0 = (rows & 0x1) ? cols - 1 : 0;
const int c_delta = (rows & 0x1) ? -1 : 1;
for (int j = 0, c = c0; j < cols; ++j, c += c_delta) {
const int r0 = (j & 0x1) ? 0 : rows - 1;
const int r_delta = (j & 0x1) ? 1 : -1;
for (int i = 0, r = r0; i < rows; ++i, r += r_delta) {
vertices.col(++count) << X(r, c), Y(r, c), Z(r, c);
impl().SetLine(path, vertices, wireframe_line_width, rgba);
} else {
using MapRowVector = const Eigen::Map<const Eigen::RowVectorXd>;
Eigen::Matrix3Xd vertices(3, rows * cols);
vertices.row(0) = MapRowVector(, rows * cols);
vertices.row(1) = MapRowVector(, rows * cols);
vertices.row(2) = MapRowVector(, rows * cols);
// Make a regular grid as in
const int num_boxes = (rows - 1) * (cols - 1);
Eigen::Matrix3Xi faces(3, 2 * num_boxes);
Eigen::MatrixXi ids(rows, cols);
// Populate ids with [0, 1, ..., num vertices-1]
std::iota(, + rows * cols, 0);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols - 1; ++j) {
// Upper left triangles.
faces.col(count++) << ids(i, j), ids(i + 1, j), ids(i, j + 1);
// Lower right triangles.
faces.col(count++) << ids(i + 1, j), ids(i + 1, j + 1), ids(i, j + 1);
impl().SetTriangleMesh(path, vertices, faces, rgba, wireframe,
void Meshcat::SetCamera(PerspectiveCamera camera, std::string path) {
impl().SetCamera(std::move(camera), std::move(path));
void Meshcat::SetCamera(OrthographicCamera camera, std::string path) {
impl().SetCamera(std::move(camera), std::move(path));
void Meshcat::SetTransform(std::string_view path,
const RigidTransformd& X_ParentPath,
const std::optional<double>& time) {
if (recording_ && time) {
animation_->SetTransform(animation_->frame(*time), std::string(path),
if (!recording_ || !time || set_visualizations_while_recording_) {
impl().SetTransform(path, X_ParentPath);
void Meshcat::SetTransform(std::string_view path,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix4d>& matrix) {
impl().SetTransform(path, matrix);
void Meshcat::Delete(std::string_view path) {
void Meshcat::SetRealtimeRate(double rate) {
void Meshcat::SetProperty(std::string_view path, std::string property,
bool value, const std::optional<double>& time) {
if (recording_ && time) {
animation_->SetProperty(animation_->frame(*time), std::string(path),
property, value);
if (!recording_ || !time || set_visualizations_while_recording_) {
impl().SetProperty(path, std::move(property), value);
void Meshcat::SetProperty(std::string_view path, std::string property,
double value, const std::optional<double>& time) {
if (recording_ && time) {
animation_->SetProperty(animation_->frame(*time), std::string(path),
property, value);
if (!recording_ || set_visualizations_while_recording_) {
impl().SetProperty(path, std::move(property), value);
void Meshcat::SetProperty(std::string_view path, std::string property,
const std::vector<double>& value,
const std::optional<double>& time) {
if (recording_ && time) {
animation_->SetProperty(animation_->frame(*time), std::string(path),
property, value);
if (!recording_ || set_visualizations_while_recording_) {
impl().SetProperty(path, std::move(property), value);
void Meshcat::SetAnimation(const MeshcatAnimation& animation) {
void Meshcat::Set2dRenderMode(const math::RigidTransformd& X_WC, double xmin,
double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) {
impl().Set2dRenderMode(X_WC, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
void Meshcat::ResetRenderMode() {
void Meshcat::AddButton(std::string name, std::string keycode) {
impl().AddButton(std::move(name), std::move(keycode));
int Meshcat::GetButtonClicks(std::string_view name) const {
return impl().GetButtonClicks(name);
void Meshcat::DeleteButton(std::string name) {
void Meshcat::AddSlider(std::string name, double min, double max, double step,
double value, std::string decrement_keycode,
std::string increment_keycode) {
impl().AddSlider(std::move(name), min, max, step, value,
std::move(decrement_keycode), std::move(increment_keycode));
void Meshcat::SetSliderValue(std::string name, double value) {
impl().SetSliderValue(std::move(name), value);
double Meshcat::GetSliderValue(std::string_view name) const {
return impl().GetSliderValue(name);
std::vector<std::string> Meshcat::GetSliderNames() const {
return impl().GetSliderNames();
void Meshcat::DeleteSlider(std::string name) {
void Meshcat::DeleteAddedControls() {
Meshcat::Gamepad Meshcat::GetGamepad() const {
return impl().GetGamepad();
std::string Meshcat::StaticHtml() {
return impl().StaticHtml();
void Meshcat::StartRecording(double frames_per_second,
bool set_visualizations_while_recording) {
animation_ = std::make_unique<MeshcatAnimation>(frames_per_second);
recording_ = true;
set_visualizations_while_recording_ = set_visualizations_while_recording;
void Meshcat::PublishRecording() {
void Meshcat::DeleteRecording() {
if (animation_) {
// Reset the recording.
double frames_per_second = animation_->frames_per_second();
animation_ = std::make_unique<MeshcatAnimation>(frames_per_second);
MeshcatAnimation& Meshcat::get_mutable_recording() {
if (!animation_) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"You must create a recording (via StartRecording) before calling "
return *animation_;
bool Meshcat::HasPath(std::string_view path) const {
return impl().HasPath(path);
std::string Meshcat::GetPackedObject(std::string_view path) const {
return impl().GetPackedObject(path);
std::string Meshcat::GetPackedTransform(std::string_view path) const {
return impl().GetPackedTransform(path);
std::string Meshcat::GetPackedProperty(std::string_view path,
std::string property) const {
return impl().GetPackedProperty(path, std::move(property));
void Meshcat::InjectWebsocketThreadFault(int fault_number) {
} // namespace geometry
} // namespace drake