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#pragma once
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/drake_deprecated.h"
#include "drake/geometry/query_results/contact_surface.h"
#include "drake/geometry/query_results/deformable_contact.h"
#include "drake/geometry/query_results/penetration_as_point_pair.h"
#include "drake/geometry/query_results/signed_distance_pair.h"
#include "drake/geometry/query_results/signed_distance_to_point.h"
#include "drake/geometry/render/render_camera.h"
#include "drake/geometry/render/render_engine.h"
#include "drake/geometry/scene_graph_inspector.h"
#include "drake/math/rigid_transform.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/context.h"
#include "drake/systems/sensors/image.h"
namespace drake {
namespace geometry {
template <typename T>
class SceneGraph;
/** The %QueryObject serves as a mechanism to perform geometry queries on the
world's geometry. The SceneGraph has an abstract-valued port that contains
a %QueryObject (i.e., a %QueryObject-valued output port).
To perform geometry queries on SceneGraph:
- a LeafSystem must have a %QueryObject-valued input port and connect it to
the corresponding query output port on SceneGraph,
- the querying LeafSystem can evaluate the input port, retrieving a `const
QueryObject&` in return, and, finally,
- invoke the appropriate method on the %QueryObject.
The const reference returned by the input port is considered "live" - it is
linked to the context, system, and cache (making full use of all of those
mechanisms). This const reference should _never_ be persisted; doing so can
lead to erroneous query results. It is simpler and more advisable to acquire it
for evaluation in a limited scope (e.g., CalcTimeDerivatives()) and then
discard it. If a %QueryObject is needed for many separate functions in a
LeafSystem, each should re-evaluate the input port. The underlying caching
mechanism should make the cost of this negligible.
The %QueryObject _can_ be copied. The copied instance is no longer "live"; it
is now "baked". Essentially, it freezes the state of the live scene graph in
its current configuration and disconnects it from the system and context. This
means, even if the original context changes values, the copied/baked instance
will always reproduce the same query results. This baking process is not cheap
and should not be done without consideration.
@anchor query_object_precision_methodology
<h2>Queries and scalar type</h2>
A %QueryObject _cannot_ be converted to a different scalar type. A %QueryObject
of scalar type T can only be acquired from the output port of a SceneGraph
of type T evaluated on a corresponding Context, also of type T.
%QueryObject's support for arbitrary scalar type is incomplete. Not all queries
support all scalar types to the same degree. Furthermore, the queries are
typically served by *families* of algorithms. The evaluation of a query between
a particular pair of geometries will depend on the query, the pair of geometry
types involved, and the scalar type. From query to query, the treatment of
a geometry (or geometry pair) for a given scalar type can vary in many ways,
including but not limited to: ignoring the geometry, throwing an exception,
results with limited precision, or full, accurate support. The queries below
provide tables to help inform your expectations when evaluating queries. The
tables all use a common methodology and admit a common interpretation.
For each (query, geometry-pair, scalar) combination, we create a set of
geometric configurations with known answers. We evaluate the precision of the
query result (if supported at all) over the entire set and report the *worst*
observed error. This is a purely empirical approach and doesn't fully
characterize the families of underlying algorithms, and the reported error
may be misleading in that we've missed far worse latent error or that the
error reported doesn't well represent the average case.
The families of algorithms also differ in how their inherent errors scale with
the scale of the problem (e.g., size of geometries, magnitude of
distance/depth, etc.) Attempting to fully characterize that aspect is both
arduous and problematic, so, we've chosen a more *representative* approach.
Because Drake is primarily intended for robot simulation, we've created
geometric configurations on the scale of common robot manipulators (on the
order of 20cm). We position them with a known penetration depth (or separating
distance) of 2 mm. The error reported is the deviation from that expected
When interpreting the tables, keep the following in mind:
- The table illustrates trends in *broad* strokes, only. It does not
represent an exhaustive analysis.
- If your problem involves larger geometries, greater penetration depths, or
larger separating distances, the error will vary. Do not assume that
observed error in this context is necessarily relative -- there truly is
that much variability in the families of algorithms.
- These values are an attempt to capture the *worst* case outcome. The
error shown is a single-significant-digit approximation of that observed
- These values may not actually represent the true worst case; discovering
the true worst case is generally challenging. These represent our best
effort to date. If you find outcomes that are worse those reported here,
please <a href="">
submit a bug</a>.
- These tables represent Drake's transient state. The eventual goal is to
report no more than 1e-14 error across all supportable geometry pairs
and scalars. At that point, the table will simply disappear.
template <typename T>
class QueryObject {
/** Constructs a default QueryObject (all pointers are null). */
QueryObject() = default;
/** @name Implements CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable, \
MoveConstructible, MoveAssignable
Calling the copy constructor or assignment will turn a _live_ %QueryObject
into a _baked_ %QueryObject (an expensive operation). Copying baked
QueryObjects is cheap. */
QueryObject(const QueryObject& other);
QueryObject& operator=(const QueryObject&);
QueryObject(QueryObject&&) = default;
QueryObject& operator=(QueryObject&&) = default;
// Note to developers on adding queries:
// All queries should call ThrowIfNotCallable() before taking any action.
// Furthermore, an invocation of that query method should be included in
// in the DefaultQueryThrows test to confirm that the
// query *is* calling ThrowIfNotCallable().
/** Provides an inspector for the topological structure of the underlying
scene graph data (see SceneGraphInspector for details). */
const SceneGraphInspector<T>& inspector() const {
return inspector_;
/** @name Configuration-dependent Introspection
These methods provide access to introspect geometry and frame quantities that
directly depend on the poses of the frames or configurations of deformable
geometries. For geometry and frame quantities that do not depend on the poses
of frames, such as X_FG, use inspector() to access the SceneGraphInspector.
/** Reports the position of the frame indicated by `frame_id` relative to the
world frame.
@throws std::exception if the frame `frame_id` is not valid. */
const math::RigidTransform<T>& GetPoseInWorld(FrameId frame_id) const;
/** Reports the position of the frame indicated by `frame_id` relative to its
parent frame. If the frame was registered with the world frame as its parent
frame, this value will be identical to that returned by GetPoseInWorld().
<!-- 2023-04-01 Remove this note when we're done deprecating
SGI::GetPoseInParent(). -->
@note This is analogous to but distinct from
SceneGraphInspector::GetPoseInParent(). In this case, the pose will *always*
be relative to another frame.
@throws std::exception if the frame `frame_id` is not valid. */
const math::RigidTransform<T>& GetPoseInParent(FrameId frame_id) const;
/** Reports the position of the frame of the rigid geometry indicated by
`geometry_id` relative to the world frame (X_WG).
@note This query is meaningless for deformable geometries. Their current
state cannot be represented by a single rigid transformation. Instead, one
should use GetConfigurationsInWorld() to get the current vertex positions of
the deformable geometry in the world frame. On the other hand, it _is_
meaningful to query the *fixed* pose of the *reference* geometry in its
parent frame (see SceneGraphInspector::GetPoseInFrame()).
@throws std::exception if the geometry `geometry_id` is not valid or if it
is deformable. */
const math::RigidTransform<T>& GetPoseInWorld(GeometryId geometry_id) const;
/** Reports the configuration of the deformable geometry indicated by
`geometry_id` relative to the world frame.
@sa GetPoseInWorld().
@throws std::exception if the geometry `geometry_id` is not valid or is not
a deformable geometry. */
const VectorX<T>& GetConfigurationsInWorld(
GeometryId deformable_geometry_id) const;
@anchor collision_queries
@name Collision Queries
These queries detect _collisions_ between geometry. Two geometries collide
if they overlap each other and are not explicitly excluded through
@ref scene_graph_collision_filter_manager "collision filtering".
These algorithms find those colliding cases, characterize them, and report
the essential characteristics of that collision.
For two colliding geometries g_A and g_B, it is guaranteed that they will
map to `id_A` and `id_B` in a fixed, repeatable manner, where `id_A` and
`id_B` are GeometryId's of geometries g_A and g_B respectively.
These methods are affected by collision filtering; element pairs that
have been filtered will not produce contacts, even if their collision
geometry is penetrating. */
/** Computes the penetrations across all pairs of geometries in the world
with the penetrations characterized by pairs of points (see
PenetrationAsPointPair), providing some measure of the penetration "depth" of
the two objects, but _not_ the overlapping volume.
Only reports results for _penetrating_ geometries; if two geometries are
separated, there will be no result for that pair. Geometries whose surfaces
are just touching (osculating) are not considered in penetration. Surfaces
whose penetration is within an epsilon of osculation, are likewise not
considered penetrating. Pairs of _anchored_ geometry are also not reported.
This method is affected by collision filtering.
For two penetrating geometries g_A and g_B, it is guaranteed that they will
map to `id_A` and `id_B` in a fixed, repeatable manner.
<h3>Characterizing the returned values</h3>
As discussed in the
@ref query_object_precision_methodology "class's documentation", these tables
document the support given by this query for pairs of geometry types and
scalar. See the description in the link for details on how to interpret the
tables' results. The query is symmetric with respect to shape *ordering*, the
pair (ShapeA, ShapeB) will be the same as (ShapeB, ShapeA), so we only fill
in half of each table.
| | %Box | %Capsule | %Convex | %Cylinder | %Ellipsoid | %HalfSpace | %Mesh | %Sphere |
| --------: | :-----: | :------: | :-----: | :-------: | :--------: | :--------: | :-----: | :-----: |
| Box | 2e-15 | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Capsule | 3e-5ᶜ | 2e-5ᶜ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Convex | 2e-15ᶜ | 3e-5ᶜ | 2e-15ᶜ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Cylinder | 1e-3ᶜ | 4e-5ᶜ | 1e-3ᶜ | 2e-3ᶜ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Ellipsoid | 4e-4ᶜ | 2e-4ᶜ | 4e-4ᶜ | 2e-3ᶜ | 5e-4ᶜ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| HalfSpace | 6e-15 | 4e-15 | 3e-15ᶜ | 4e-15 | 3e-15 | throwsᵃ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Mesh | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ░░░░░ |
| Sphere | 3e-15 | 5e-15 | 3e-5ᶜ | 5e-15 | 2e-4ᶜ | 3e-15 | ᵇ | 5e-15 |
__*Table 1*__: Worst observed error (in m) for 2mm penetration between
geometries approximately 20cm in size for `T` = `double`.
| | %Box | %Capsule | %Convex | %Cylinder | %Ellipsoid | %HalfSpace | %Mesh | %Sphere |
| --------: | :-----: | :------: | :-----: | :-------: | :--------: | :--------: | :-----: | :-----: |
| Box | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Capsule | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Convex | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Cylinder | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Ellipsoid | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| HalfSpace | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵃ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Mesh | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ░░░░░ |
| Sphere | 2e-15 | 3e-15 | throwsᵈ | 2e-15 | throwsᵈ | 2e-15 | ᵇ | 5e-15 |
__*Table 2*__: Worst observed error (in m) for 2mm penetration between
geometries approximately 20cm in size for `T` = @ref drake::AutoDiffXd
| | %Box | %Capsule | %Convex | %Cylinder | %Ellipsoid | %HalfSpace | %Mesh | %Sphere |
| --------: | :-----: | :------: | :-----: | :-------: | :--------: | :--------: | :-----: | :-----: |
| Box | throwsᵉ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Capsule | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Convex | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Cylinder | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Ellipsoid | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| HalfSpace | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Mesh | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ░░░░░ |
| Sphere | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | throwsᵉ | ᵇ | throwsᵉ |
__*Table 3*__: Support for `T` = @ref drake::symbolic::Expression.
- ᵃ Penetration depth between two HalfSpace instances has no meaning; either
they don't intersect, or they have infinite penetration.
- ᵇ Meshes are represented by the *convex* hull of the mesh, therefore the
results for Mesh are assumed to be the same as for Convex.
- ᶜ These results are computed using an iterative algorithm. For particular
configurations, the solution may be correct to machine precision. The
values reported here are confirmed, observed worst case answers.
- ᵈ These results are simply not supported for
`T` = @ref drake::AutoDiffXd "AutoDiffXd" at this time.
- ᵉ These results are simply not supported for
`T` = @ref drake::symbolic::Expression at this time.
<!-- Note to developers: the tests that support the assertions here are
located in The values in this
table should be reflected in the expected values there. -->
@returns A vector populated with all detected penetrations characterized as
point pairs. The ordering of the results is guaranteed to be
consistent -- for fixed geometry poses, the results will remain
the same.
@warning For Mesh shapes, their convex hulls are used in this query. It is
*not* computationally efficient or particularly accurate.
@throws std::exception if a Shape-Shape pair is in collision and indicated as
`throws` in the support table above. */
std::vector<PenetrationAsPointPair<T>> ComputePointPairPenetration() const;
/** Reports pairwise intersections and characterizes each non-empty
intersection as a ContactSurface for hydroelastic contact model. The
computation is subject to collision filtering.
For two intersecting geometries g_A and g_B, it is guaranteed that they will
map to `id_A` and `id_B` in a fixed, repeatable manner, where `id_A` and
`id_B` are GeometryId's of geometries g_A and g_B respectively.
In the current incarnation, this function represents an incomplete
implementation. That has several implications, as described below:
- This table shows which shapes can be declared for use in hydroelastic
contact, and what compliance can be assigned.
| Shape | Compliant | Rigid |
| :-------: | :-------: | :---: |
| Sphere | yes | yes |
| Cylinder | yes | yes |
| Box | yes | yes |
| Capsule | yes | yes |
| Ellipsoid | yes | yes |
| HalfSpace | yes | yes |
| Mesh | no | yes |
| Convex | yes | yes |
- We do not support contact between two rigid geometries. One geometry
*must* be compliant, and the other could be rigid or compliant. If
two rigid geometries collide, an exception will be thrown. More
particularly, if such a geometry pair *cannot be culled* an exception
will be thrown. No exception is thrown if the pair has been filtered.
- If you need all combinations of rigid-rigid contact, rigid-compliant
contact, and compliant-compliant contact, you might consider
- The hydroelastic modulus (N/m^2) of each compliant geometry is set in
ProximityProperties by AddCompliantHydroelasticProperties().
- The tessellation of the corresponding meshes is controlled by the
resolution hint (where appropriate), as defined by
AddCompliantHydroelasticProperties() and
<h3>Scalar support</h3>
This method provides support for both double and AutoDiffXd, but not
Expression. Like with the other proximity queries, derivatives can only be
introduced via geometry *poses*. We cannot differentiate w.r.t. geometric
properties (e.g., radius, length, etc.)
@param representation Controls the mesh representation of the contact
surface. See
@ref contact_surface_discrete_representation
"contact surface representation" for more details.
@returns A vector populated with all detected intersections characterized as
contact surfaces. The ordering of the results is guaranteed to be
consistent -- for fixed geometry poses, the results will remain
the same. */
template <typename T1 = T>
typename std::enable_if_t<scalar_predicate<T1>::is_bool,
HydroelasticContactRepresentation representation) const;
/** Reports pairwise intersections and characterizes each non-empty
intersection as a ContactSurface _where possible_ and as a
PenetrationAsPointPair where not.
This method can be thought of as a combination of ComputeContactSurfaces()
and ComputePointPairPenetration(). For each geometry pair, we attempt to
compute a ContactSurface. If that fails, rather than throwing, we attempt to
characterize the contact as a point pair. If that fails, we throw. See the
documentation of those constituent methods to understand the circumstances
in which they fail.
The ordering of the _added_ results is guaranteed to be consistent -- for
fixed geometry poses, the results will remain the same.
<h3>Scalar support</h3>
The scalar support is a combination of the scalar support offered by
ComputeContactSurfaces() and ComputePointPairPenetration(). This method
supports double and AutoDiffXd to the extent that those constituent methods
do, but does not support Expression.
@param representation Controls the mesh representation of the contact
surface. See
@ref contact_surface_discrete_representation
"contact surface representation" for more details.
@param[out] surfaces The vector that contact surfaces will be added to.
The vector will _not_ be cleared.
@param[out] point_pairs The vector that fall back point pair data will be
added to. The vector will _not_ be cleared.
@pre Neither `surfaces` nor `point_pairs` is nullptr.
@throws std::exception for the reasons described in ComputeContactSurfaces()
and ComputePointPairPenetration().
@note The `surfaces` and `point_pairs` are output pointers in C++, but are
return values in the Python bindings. */
template <typename T1 = T>
typename std::enable_if_t<scalar_predicate<T1>::is_bool, void>
HydroelasticContactRepresentation representation,
std::vector<ContactSurface<T>>* surfaces,
std::vector<PenetrationAsPointPair<T>>* point_pairs) const;
/** Reports contact information among all deformable geometries. This function
only supports double as the scalar type.
@param[out] deformable_contact
Contains all deformable contact data on output. Any data passed in is
cleared before the computation.
@pre deformable_contact != nullptr.
@experimental */
template <typename T1 = T>
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T1, double>, void>
internal::DeformableContact<T>* deformable_contact) const;
/** Applies a conservative culling mechanism to create a subset of all
possible geometry pairs based on non-zero intersections. A geometry pair
that is *absent* from the results is either a) culled by collision filters or
b) *known* to be separated. The caller is responsible for confirming that
the remaining, unculled geometry pairs are *actually* in collision.
@returns A vector populated with collision pair candidates (the order will
remain constant for a fixed population but can change as geometry
ids are added/removed). */
std::vector<SortedPair<GeometryId>> FindCollisionCandidates() const;
/** Reports true if there are _any_ collisions between unfiltered pairs in the
@warning For Mesh shapes, their convex hulls are used in this query. It is
*not* computationally efficient or particularly accurate. */
bool HasCollisions() const;
// TODO(DamrongGuoy): Write a better documentation for Signed Distance
// Queries.
@anchor signed_distance_query
@name Signed Distance Queries
These queries provide the signed distance between two objects. Each query
has a specific definition of the signed distance being positive, negative,
or zero associated with some notions of being outside, inside, or on
the boundary.
These queries provide bookkeeping data like geometry id(s) of the geometries
involved and the important locations on the boundaries of these geometries.
The signed distance function is a continuous function. Its partial
derivatives are continuous almost everywhere.
// TODO(DamrongGuoy): Refactor documentation of
// ComputeSignedDistancePairwiseClosestPoints(). Move the common sections
// into Signed Distance Queries.
Computes the signed distance together with the nearest points across all
pairs of geometries in the world. Reports both the separating geometries
and penetrating geometries.
This query provides φ(A, B), the signed distance between two objects A and B.
If the objects do not overlap (i.e., A ⋂ B = ∅), φ > 0 and represents the
minimal distance between the two objects. More formally:
φ = min(|Aₚ - Bₚ|)
∀ Aₚ ∈ A and Bₚ ∈ B.
@note The pair (Aₚ, Bₚ) is a "witness" of the distance.
The pair need not be unique (think of two parallel planes).
If the objects touch or overlap (i.e., A ⋂ B ≠ ∅), φ ≤ 0 and can be
interpreted as the negative penetration depth. It is the smallest length of
the vector v, such that by shifting one object along that vector relative to
the other, the two objects will no longer be overlapping. More formally,
φ(A, B) = -min |v|.
s.t (Tᵥ · A) ⋂ B = ∅
where Tᵥ is a rigid transformation that displaces A by the vector v, namely
Tᵥ · A = {u + v | ∀ u ∈ A}.
By implication, there exist points Aₚ and Bₚ on the surfaces of objects A and
B, respectively, such that Aₚ + v = Bₚ, Aₚ ∈ A ∩ B, Bₚ ∈ A ∩ B. These points
are the witnesses to the penetration.
This method is affected by collision filtering; geometry pairs that
have been filtered will not produce signed distance query results.
For a geometry pair (A, B), the returned results will always be reported in
a fixed order (e.g., always (A, B) and never (B, A)). The _basis_ for the
ordering is arbitrary (and therefore undocumented), but guaranteed to be
fixed and repeatable.
Notice that this is an O(N²) operation, where N
is the number of geometries remaining in the world after applying collision
filter. We report the distance between dynamic objects, and between dynamic
and anchored objects. We DO NOT report the distance between two anchored
<h3>Using maximum distance</h3>
While the algorithm generally has O(N²) complexity in time and space, that
can be reduced by the judicious use of the `max_distance` parameter. If
`φ(A, B) > max_distance`, the pair (A, B) will not be included in the
results (making it O(M²) in space where M < N). Furthermore, the broadphase
culling algorithm can exploit `max_distance` to *cheaply* eliminate pairs of
geometry that are "obviously" too far (likewise reducing the time
Passing `max_distance = 0` is conceptually related to calling
HasCollisions(). If contact is sparse (very few actually contacting geometry
pairs), the two invocations will be quite similar in cost. However, the
distinction between the two is that *this* method would have to include *all*
pairs that satisfy `φ(A, B) <= 0`, whereas HasCollisions() stops at the
first. So, the more actually colliding geometry pairs there are, the bigger
the difference in cost between the two approaches.
@anchor query_object_compute_pairwise_distance_table
<h3>Characterizing the returned values</h3>
As discussed in the
@ref query_object_precision_methodology "class's documentation", this table
documents the support given by this query for pairs of geometry types and
scalar. See the description in the link for details on how to interpret the
table results. The query is symmetric with respect to shape *ordering*, the
pair (ShapeA, ShapeB) will be the same as (ShapeB, ShapeA), so we only fill
in half the table.
| | %Box | %Capsule | %Convex | %Cylinder | %Ellipsoid | %HalfSpace | %Mesh | %Sphere |
| --------: | :-----: | :------: | :-----: | :-------: | :--------: | :--------: | :-----: | :-----: |
| Box | 4e-15 | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Capsule | 3e-6 | 2e-5 | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Convex | 3e-15 | 2e-5 | 3e-15 | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Cylinder | 6e-6 | 1e-5 | 6e-6 | 2e-5 | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Ellipsoid | 9e-6 | 5e-6 | 9e-6 | 5e-5 | 2e-5 | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| HalfSpace | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Mesh | ᶜ | ᶜ | ᶜ | ᶜ | ᶜ | throwsᵃ | ᶜ | ░░░░░ |
| Sphere | 3e-15 | 6e-15 | 3e-6 | 5e-15 | 4e-5 | 3e-15 | ᶜ | 6e-15 |
__*Table 4*__: Worst observed error (in m) for 2mm penetration/separation
between geometries approximately 20cm in size for `T` = `double`.
| | %Box | %Capsule | %Convex | %Cylinder | %Ellipsoid | %HalfSpace | %Mesh | %Sphere |
| --------: | :-----: | :------: | :-----: | :-------: | :--------: | :--------: | :-----: | :-----: |
| Box | throwsᵇ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Capsule | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Convex | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Cylinder | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Ellipsoid | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| HalfSpace | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | throwsᵃ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Mesh | ᶜ | ᶜ | ᶜ | ᶜ | ᶜ | ᵃ | ᶜ | ░░░░░ |
| Sphere | 2e-15 | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | throwsᵇ | 2e-15 | ᶜ | 5e-15 |
__*Table 5*__: Worst observed error (in m) for 2mm penetration/separation
between geometries approximately 20cm in size for `T` =
@ref drake::AutoDiffXd "AutoDiffXd".
| | %Box | %Capsule | %Convex | %Cylinder | %Ellipsoid | %HalfSpace | %Mesh | %Sphere |
| --------: | :-----: | :------: | :-----: | :-------: | :--------: | :--------: | :-----: | :-----: |
| Box | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Capsule | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Convex | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Cylinder | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Ellipsoid | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░░ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| HalfSpace | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ░░░░░ | ░░░░░ |
| Mesh | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ᵇ | ░░░░░ |
| Sphere | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | throwsᵈ | ᵇ | throwsᵈ |
__*Table 6*__: Support for `T` = @ref drake::symbolic::Expression.
- ᵃ We don't currently support queries between HalfSpace and any other shape
(except for Sphere).
- ᵇ These results are simply not supported for
`T` = @ref drake::AutoDiffXd "AutoDiffXd" at this time.
- ᶜ Meshes are represented by the *convex* hull of the mesh, therefore the
results for Mesh are the same as for Convex.
- ᵈ These results are simply not supported for
`T` = @ref drake::symbolic::Expression at this time.
<!-- Note to developers: the tests that support the assertions here are
located in The values in this
table should be reflected in the expected values there. -->
<!-- Numerous values show deviation at 1e-6. This is a hard-coded iteration
limit in proximity engine. Consider exposing that parameter to the query
so that the user can choose to improve the answer. -->
<!-- TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Support queries of halfspace-A, where A is _not_ a
halfspace. See -->
@param max_distance The maximum distance at which distance data is reported.
@returns The signed distance (and supporting data) for all unfiltered
geometry pairs whose distance is less than or equal to
@throws std::exception as indicated in the table above.
@warning For Mesh shapes, their convex hulls are used in this query. It is
*not* computationally efficient or particularly accurate. */
std::vector<SignedDistancePair<T>> ComputeSignedDistancePairwiseClosestPoints(
const double max_distance =
std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) const;
/** A variant of ComputeSignedDistancePairwiseClosestPoints() which computes
the signed distance (and witnesses) between a specific pair of geometries
indicated by id. This function has the same restrictions on scalar report
as ComputeSignedDistancePairwiseClosestPoints().
<h3>Characterizing the returned values</h3>
This method merely exercises the same mechanisms as
ComputeSignedDistancePairwiseClosestPoints() for evaluating signed distance.
Refer to @ref query_object_compute_pairwise_distance_table
"the table for ComputeSignedDistancePairwiseClosestPoints()" for details.
@throws std::exception if either geometry id is invalid (e.g., doesn't refer
to an existing geometry, lacking proximity role,
etc.), the pair (A, B) has been marked as filtered, or
otherwise unsupported as indicated by the the scalar
support table.
@warning For Mesh shapes, their convex hulls are used in this query. It is
*not* computationally efficient or particularly accurate. */
SignedDistancePair<T> ComputeSignedDistancePairClosestPoints(
GeometryId geometry_id_A, GeometryId geometry_id_B) const;
// TODO(DamrongGuoy): Improve and refactor documentation of
// ComputeSignedDistanceToPoint(). Move the common sections into Signed
// Distance Queries. Update documentation as we add more functionality.
// Right now it only supports spheres and boxes.
Computes the signed distances and gradients to a query point from each
geometry in the scene.
This query provides φᵢ(p), φᵢ:ℝ³→ℝ, the signed distance to the position
p of a query point from geometry Gᵢ in the scene. It returns an array of
the signed distances from all geometries.
Optionally you can specify a threshold distance that will filter out any
object beyond the threshold. By default, we report distances from the query
point to every object.
This query also provides the gradient vector ∇φᵢ(p) of the signed distance
function from geometry Gᵢ. Note that, in general, if p is outside Gᵢ, then
∇φᵢ(p) equals the unit vector in the direction from the nearest point Nᵢ on
Gᵢ's surface to p. If p is inside Gᵢ, then ∇φᵢ(p) is in the direction from
p to Nᵢ. This observation is written formally as:
∇φᵢ(p) = (p - Nᵢ)/|p - Nᵢ| if p is outside Gᵢ
∇φᵢ(p) = -(p - Nᵢ)/|p - Nᵢ| if p is inside Gᵢ
Note that ∇φᵢ(p) is also defined on Gᵢ's surface, but we cannot use the
above formula.
<h3>Characterizing the returned values</h3>
This table is a variant of that described in this
@ref query_object_precision_methodology "class's documentation". The query
evaluates signed distance between *one* shape and a point (in contrast to
other queries which involve two shapes). Therefore, we don't need a matrix
of shape pairs, but a list of shapes. Otherwise, the methodology is the same
as described, with the point being represented as a zero-radius sphere.
| Scalar | %Box | %Capsule | %Convex | %Cylinder | %Ellipsoid | %HalfSpace | %Mesh | %Sphere |
| :----: | :-----: | :------: | :-----: | :-------: | :--------: | :--------: | :-----: | :-----: |
| double | 2e-15 | 4e-15 | ᵃ | 3e-15 | 3e-5ᵇ | 5e-15 | ᵃ | 4e-15 |
| AutoDiffXd | 1e-15 | 4e-15 | ᵃ | ᵃ | ᵃ | 5e-15 | ᵃ | 3e-15 |
| Expression | ᵃ | ᵃ | ᵃ | ᵃ | ᵃ | ᵃ | ᵃ | ᵃ |
__*Table 7*__: Worst observed error (in m) for 2mm penetration/separation
between geometry approximately 20cm in size and a point.
- ᵃ Unsupported geometry/scalar combinations are simply ignored; no results
are reported for that geometry.
- ᵇ This uses an *iterative* algorithm which introduces a relatively large
and variable error. For example, as the eccentricity of the ellipsoid
increases, this error may get worse. It also depends on the location of
the projection of the query point on the ellipsoid; the closer that point
is to the high curvature area, the bigger the effect. It is not
immediately clear how much worse the answer will get.
@note For a sphere G, the signed distance function φᵢ(p) has an undefined
gradient vector at the center of the sphere--every point on the sphere's
surface has the same distance to the center. In this case, we will assign
∇φᵢ(p) the unit vector Gx (x-directional vector of G's frame) expressed
in World frame.
@note For a box, at a point p on an edge or a corner of the box, the signed
distance function φᵢ(p) has an undefined gradient vector. In this case, we
will assign a unit vector in the direction of the average of the outward
face unit normals of the incident faces of the edge or the corner.
A point p is considered being on a face, or an edge, or a corner of the
box if it lies within a certain tolerance from them.
@note For a box B, if a point p is inside the box, and it is equidistant to
multiple nearest faces, the signed distance function φᵢ(p) at p will have
an undefined gradient vector. There is a nearest point candidate associated
with each nearest face. In this case, we arbitrarily pick the point Nᵢ
associated with one of the nearest faces. Please note that, due to the
possible round off error arising from applying a pose X_WG to B, there is no
guarantee which of the nearest faces will be used.
@note The signed distance function is a continuous function with respect to
the position of the query point, but its gradient vector field may
not be continuous. Specifically at a position equidistant to multiple
nearest points, its gradient vector field is not continuous.
@note For a convex object, outside the object at positive distance from
the boundary, the signed distance function is smooth (having continuous
first-order partial derivatives).
@param[in] p_WQ Position of a query point Q in world frame W.
@param[in] threshold We ignore any object beyond this distance.
By default, it is infinity, so we report
distances from the query point to every object.
@retval signed_distances A vector populated with per-object signed distance
values (and supporting data) for every supported
geometry as shown in the table. See
SignedDistanceToPoint. */
ComputeSignedDistanceToPoint(const Vector3<T> &p_WQ,
const double threshold
= std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) const;
@anchor render_queries
@name Render Queries
The methods support queries along the lines of "What do I see?" They support
simulation of sensors. External entities define a sensor camera -- its
extrinsic and intrinsic properties and %QueryObject renders into the
provided image.
<!-- TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Currently, pose is requested as a transform of
double. This puts the burden on the caller to be compatible. Provide
specializations for AutoDiff and symbolic (the former extracts a
double-valued transform and the latter throws). -->
/** Renders an RGB image for the given `camera` posed with respect to the
indicated parent frame P.
@param camera The camera to render from.
@param parent_frame The id for the camera's parent frame.
@param X_PC The pose of the camera body in the parent frame.
@param[out] color_image_out The rendered color image. */
void RenderColorImage(const render::ColorRenderCamera& camera,
FrameId parent_frame, const math::RigidTransformd& X_PC,
systems::sensors::ImageRgba8U* color_image_out) const;
/** Renders a depth image for the given `camera` posed with respect to the
indicated parent frame P.
In contrast to the other rendering methods, rendering depth images doesn't
provide the option to display the window; generally, basic depth images are
not readily communicative to humans.
@param camera The camera to render from.
@param parent_frame The id for the camera's parent frame.
@param X_PC The pose of the camera body in the parent frame.
@param[out] depth_image_out The rendered depth image. */
void RenderDepthImage(const render::DepthRenderCamera& camera,
FrameId parent_frame, const math::RigidTransformd& X_PC,
systems::sensors::ImageDepth32F* depth_image_out) const;
/** Renders a label image for the given `camera` posed with respect to the
indicated parent frame P.
@param camera The camera to render from.
@param parent_frame The id for the camera's parent frame.
@param X_PC The pose of the camera body in the parent frame.
@param[out] label_image_out The rendered label image. */
void RenderLabelImage(const render::ColorRenderCamera& camera,
FrameId parent_frame, const math::RigidTransformd& X_PC,
systems::sensors::ImageLabel16I* label_image_out) const;
/** Returns the named render engine, if it exists. The RenderEngine is
guaranteed to be up to date w.r.t. the poses and data in the context. */
const render::RenderEngine* GetRenderEngineByName(
const std::string& name) const;
// SceneGraph is the only class that may call set().
friend class SceneGraph<T>;
// Convenience class for testing.
friend class QueryObjectTest;
// Access the GeometryState associated with this QueryObject.
// @pre ThrowIfNotCallable() has been invoked prior to this.
const GeometryState<T>& geometry_state() const;
// Sets the query object to be *live*. That means the `context` and
// `scene_graph` cannot be null.
void set(const systems::Context<T>* context,
const SceneGraph<T>* scene_graph) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(context != nullptr);
DRAKE_DEMAND(scene_graph != nullptr);
context_ = context;
scene_graph_ = scene_graph;
// Update poses for all rigid (non-deformable) geometries. This method does no
// work if this is a "baked" query object (see class docs for discussion).
void FullPoseUpdate() const {
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Modify this when the cache system is in place.
// Ideally, QueryObject should never have to invoke any explicit state
// updating call at all. It should simply request the geometry state and
// rely on the fact that it will always get an up-to-date version.
if (scene_graph_) scene_graph_->FullPoseUpdate(*context_);
// Update configurations for all deformable geometries. This method does no
// work if this is a "baked" query object (see class docs for discussion).
void FullConfigurationUpdate() const {
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Modify this when the cache system is in place.
// Ideally, QueryObject should never have to invoke any explicit state
// updating call at all. It should simply request the geometry state and
// rely on the fact that it will always get an up-to-date version.
if (scene_graph_) scene_graph_->FullConfigurationUpdate(*context_);
// Update poses for all rigid (non-deformable) geometries and configurations
// for all deformable geometries. This method does no work if this is a
// "baked" query object (see class docs for discussion).
void FullPoseAndConfigurationUpdate() const {
// Reports true if this object is configured so that it can support a query.
bool is_callable() const {
const bool live_condition = context_ != nullptr && scene_graph_ != nullptr;
const bool baked_condition = state_ != nullptr;
// I.e., only one of the two conditions can be satisfied.
return live_condition != baked_condition;
// Reports true if this object is in default configuration (not callable).
bool is_default() const {
return context_ == nullptr && scene_graph_ == nullptr && state_ == nullptr;
// Reports if the object can be copied; it must either be callable or default.
bool is_copyable() const {
return is_callable() || is_default();
// Throws an exception if the QueryObject is neither "live" nor "baked" (see
// class docs for discussion).
void ThrowIfNotCallable() const {
if (!is_callable()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Attempting to perform query on invalid QueryObject.");
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Consider an alternate formulation. This stores
// pointers to context and systems which raise some red flags in order to
// enable other systems to evaluate queries without having a copy of the
// geometry system or its context.
// Alternatively, this could store the *index* of the system in its parent
// diagram. The context shares the same index in the parent diagram context.
// Then the LeafSystem desiring to perform a query would pass itself and its
// own context in (along with the query parameters). The QueryObject would
// use those and the index to get the SceneGraph and Context.
// Several issues:
// 1. Leads to a clunky API (passing self and context into *every* query).
// 2. The index value would be insufficient if the SceneGraph were buried
// in a diagram with its query object port exported in the diagram.
// This is documented for future consideration, and should not necessarily be
// interpreted as a guaranteed task.
// The contents of the "live" query object. It has pointers to the system and
// context from which it spawned. It uses these to compute geometry queries
// on the current context (fully-dependent on context). These pointers must
// _both_ be non-null for a live QueryObject and both be null for a baked
// QueryObject.
const systems::Context<T>* context_{nullptr};
const SceneGraph<T>* scene_graph_{nullptr};
SceneGraphInspector<T> inspector_;
// When a QueryObject is copied to a "baked" version, it contains a fully
// updated GeometryState. Copies of bakes all share the same version.
std::shared_ptr<const GeometryState<T>> state_{};
} // namespace geometry
} // namespace drake