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#pragma once
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/common/name_value.h"
namespace drake {
namespace geometry {
/** Defines RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha) values on the range [0, 1]. */
class Rgba {
/** Default constructor produces fully opaque white. */
Rgba() = default;
/** Constructs with given (r, g, b, a) values.
@pre All values are within the range of [0, 1]. */
Rgba(double r, double g, double b, double a = 1.0) {
set(r, g, b, a);
/** Red. */
double r() const { return value_[0]; }
/** Green. */
double g() const { return value_[1]; }
/** Blue. */
double b() const { return value_[2]; }
/** Alpha. */
double a() const { return value_[3]; }
/** Returns all four elements in order. */
Eigen::Vector4d rgba() const { return value_; }
/** Sets (r, g, b, a) values.
@throws std::exception if any values are outside of the range [0, 1]. */
void set(double r, double g, double b, double a = 1.0) {
set(Eigen::Vector4d{r, g, b, a});
/** Sets an (r, g, b, a) from a vector.
@throws std::exception if the vector is not size 3 or 4.
@throws std::exception if any values are outside of the range [0, 1]. */
void set(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& rgba);
/** Reports if two %Rgba values are equal within a given absolute `tolerance`.
They are "equal" so long as the difference in no single channel is larger
than the specified `tolerance`. */
bool AlmostEqual(const Rgba& other, double tolerance = 0.0) const {
return std::abs(r() - other.r()) <= tolerance &&
std::abs(g() - other.g()) <= tolerance &&
std::abs(b() - other.b()) <= tolerance &&
std::abs(a() - other.a()) <= tolerance;
bool operator==(const Rgba& other) const {
return value_ == other.value_;
bool operator!=(const Rgba& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
/** Passes this object to an Archive.
In YAML, an %Rgba is represented by an array-like list of three or four
numbers. E.g.,
rgba: [0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
rgba: [0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5]
such that the first three values are red, green, and blue, respectively. If
no fourth value is provided, alpha is defined a 1.0.
Refer to @ref yaml_serialization "YAML Serialization" for background. */
template <typename Archive>
void Serialize(Archive* a) {
// N.B. This spelling is to enable the following in YAML:
// - rgba: [r, g, b]
// or
// - rgba: [r, g, b, a]
// N.B. For the Python binding use of DefAttributesUsingSerialize, this
// must refer to a member field; we cannot use a stack temporary here.
a->Visit(MakeNameValue("rgba", &value_));
// In case the archive modified our data, we need to re-validate it now.
// We want to be sure that value_ remains well-formed even if set() throws,
// so we'll clear it and then reset it.
auto new_value = value_;
value_ = Eigen::Vector4d::Zero();
void ThrowIfOutOfRange() const;
// We'll store the `r, g, b, a` doubles in an Eigen::Vector. Normally we'd
// use an `Eigen::Vector4d` for this purpose, but for compatibility with YAML
// parsing of either a 3-tuple (rgb) or 4-tuple (rgba), we need allow for a
// dynamic number of vector elements, and then carefully write our code to
// ensure that `value_.size()` is always exactly `4` as a runtime invariant.
// We'll also set the template argument `MaxRowsAtCompileTime == 4` so that
// our data is stored inline as part of this object, instead of on the heap.
Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, 0, 4, 1> value_ =
// As documented above, default-constructed Rgba is opaque white.
} // namespace geometry
} // namespace drake