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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/drake_deprecated.h"
#include "drake/geometry/collision_filter_manager.h"
#include "drake/geometry/geometry_frame.h"
#include "drake/geometry/geometry_set.h"
#include "drake/geometry/kinematics_vector.h"
#include "drake/geometry/query_object.h"
#include "drake/geometry/query_results/penetration_as_point_pair.h"
#include "drake/geometry/scene_graph_inspector.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/context.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/leaf_system.h"
namespace drake {
namespace geometry {
class GeometryInstance;
template <typename T>
class GeometryState;
template <typename T>
class QueryObject;
/** SceneGraph serves as the nexus for all geometry (and geometry-based
operations) in a Diagram. Through SceneGraph, other systems that introduce
geometry can _register_ that geometry as part of a common global domain,
including it in geometric queries (e.g., cars controlled by one LeafSystem can
be observed by a different sensor system). SceneGraph provides the
interface for registering the geometry, updating its position based on the
current context, and performing geometric queries.
name: SceneGraph
- <em style="color:gray">(source name)</em>_pose
- <em style="color:gray">(source name)</em>_configuration
- query
For each registered "geometry source", there is an input port whose name begins
with <em style="color:gray">(source name)</em>.
Only registered "geometry sources" can introduce geometry into %SceneGraph.
Geometry sources will typically be other leaf systems, but, in the case of
_anchored_ (i.e., stationary) geometry, it could also be some other block of
code (e.g., adding a common ground plane with which all systems' geometries
interact). For dynamic geometry (geometry whose pose depends on a Context), the
geometry source must also provide pose/configuration values for all of the
geometries the source owns, via a port connection on %SceneGraph. For N
geometry sources, the %SceneGraph instance will have N pose/configuration input
The basic workflow for interacting with %SceneGraph is:
- Register as a geometry source, acquiring a unique SourceId.
- Register geometry (anchored and dynamic) with the system.
- Connect source's geometry output ports to the corresponding %SceneGraph
input ports.
- Implement appropriate `Calc*` methods on the geometry output ports to
update geometry pose/configuration values.
@section geom_sys_inputs Inputs
In future versions, this will *also* include velocity and (possibly)
acceleration ports.
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Modify this to reflect the number of actual port
// types.
For each registered geometry source, there is one input port for each order
of kinematics values (e.g., pose, velocity, acceleration, and configuration).
If a source registers a frame or a deformable geometry, it must connect to the
corresponding ports. Failure to connect to the ports (or to provide valid
kinematics values) will lead to runtime exceptions.
__pose port__: An abstract-valued port providing an instance of
FramePoseVector. For each registered frame, this "pose vector" maps the
registered FrameId to a pose value. All registered frames must be accounted
for and only frames registered by a source can be included in its output port.
See the details in KinematicsVector for details on how to provide values for
this port.
<!-- TODO(xuchenhan-tri): Consider adding some clarification about
"configuration" as in "deformable vertex positions" compared to
"configuration" as in articulated rigid-body configurations (and that we use
the word to exclusively mean the former in SceneGraph). -->
__configuration port__: An abstract-valued port providing an instance of
GeometryConfigurationVector. For each registered deformable geometry, this
"configuration vector" maps the registered GeometryId to its world space
configuration (i.e. the vertex positions of its mesh representation in the
world frame). All registered deformable geometries must be accounted for and
only geometries registered by a source can be included in its output port.
@section geom_sys_outputs Outputs
%SceneGraph has two output ports:
__query port__: An abstract-valued port containing an instance of QueryObject.
It provides a "ticket" for downstream LeafSystem instances to perform geometric
queries on the %SceneGraph. To perform geometric queries, downstream
LeafSystem instances acquire the QueryObject from %SceneGraph's output port
and provide it as a parameter to one of %SceneGraph's query methods (e.g.,
SceneGraph::ComputeContact()). This assumes that the querying system has
access to a const pointer to the connected %SceneGraph instance. Use
get_query_output_port() to acquire the output port for the query handle.
@section geom_sys_workflow Working with SceneGraph
LeafSystem instances can relate to SceneGraph in one of two ways: as a
_consumer_ that performs queries, or as a _producer_ that introduces geometry
into the shared world and defines its context-dependent kinematics values.
It is reasonable for systems to perform either role singly, or both.
Consumers perform geometric queries upon the world geometry. %SceneGraph
_serves_ those queries. As indicated above, in order for a LeafSystem to act
as a consumer, it must:
1. define a QueryObject-valued input port and connect it to %SceneGraph's
corresponding output port, and
2. have a reference to the connected %SceneGraph instance.
With those two requirements satisfied, a LeafSystem can perform geometry
queries by:
1. evaluating the QueryObject input port, and
2. passing the returned query object into the appropriate query method on
SceneGraph (e.g., SceneGraph::ComputeContact()).
All producers introduce geometry into the shared geometric world. This is
called _registering_ geometry. Depending on what exactly has been registered,
a producer may also have to _update kinematics_. Producers themselves must be
registered with %SceneGraph as producers (a.k.a. _geometry sources_). They
do this by acquiring a SourceId (via SceneGraph::RegisterSource()). The
SourceId serves as a unique handle through which the producer's identity is
validated and its ownership of its registered geometry is maintained.
_Registering Geometry_
%SceneGraph cannot know what geometry _should_ be part of the shared world.
Other systems are responsible for introducing geometry into the world. This
process (defining geometry and informing %SceneGraph) is called
_registering_ the geometry. The source that registers the geometry "owns" the
geometry; the source's unique SourceId is required to perform any operations
on the geometry registered with that SourceId. Geometry can be registered as
_anchored_ or _dynamic_.
Dynamic geometry can move; more specifically, its kinematics (e.g., pose)
depends on a system's Context. Particularly, a non-deformable dynamic geometry
is _fixed_ to a _frame_ whose kinematics values depend on a context. As the
frame moves, the geometries fixed to it move with it. On the other hand, a
deformable dynamic geometry has a mesh representation whose vertices' positions
can change and are expressed in the frame it is registered in. Therefore, to
register dynamic geometry a frame must be registered first. These registered
frames serve as the basis for repositioning geometry in the shared world. The
geometry source is responsible for providing up-to-date kinematics values for
those registered frames upon request (via an appropriate output port on the
source LeafSystem connecting to the appropriate input port on %SceneGraph). The
geometry source that registers deformable geometry is also responsible to
provide the positions of the mesh vertices of the deformable geometry in the
registered-in frame. The work flow is as follows:
1. A LeafSystem registers itself as a geometry source, acquiring a SourceId
2. The source registers a frame (GeometrySource::RegisterFrame()).
- A frame always has a "parent" frame. It can implicitly be the world
frame, _or_ another frame registered by the source.
3. Register one or more non-deformable geometries to a frame
(RegisterGeometry()), and/or one or more deformable geometries to a frame
- A non-deformable geometry's pose is relative to the frame to which the
geometry is fixed. For deformable geometries, the positions of their mesh
vertices are expressed in the registered-in frame.
- Rigid geometries can also be posed relative to another registered
geometry. It will be affixed to _that_ geometry's frame.
Anchored geometry is _independent_ of the context (i.e., it doesn't move).
Anchored geometries are always affixed to the immobile world frame. As such,
registering a frame is _not_ required for registering anchored geometry
(see GeometrySource::RegisterAnchoredGeometry()). However, the source still
"owns" the anchored geometry.
_Updating Kinematics_
Registering _dynamic_ non-deformable geometry implies a contract between the
geometry source and %SceneGraph. The geometry source must do the following:
- It must provide, populate, and connect two output ports: the "id" port and
the "pose" port.
- The id port must contain _all_ the frame ids returned as a result of frame
- The pose port must contain one pose per registered frame; the pose value is
expressed relative to the registered frame's _parent_ frame. As mentioned
above, the iᵗʰ pose value should describe the frame indicated by the iᵗʰ id
in the id output port.
Similarly, if it registers deformable geometries, the geometry source must
provide, populate, and connect the "configuration" port. The configuration
port must contain a vector of vertex positions per registered deformable
Failure to meet these requirements will lead to a run-time error.
@section geom_model_vs_context Model versus Context
Many (and eventually all) methods that configure the population of SceneGraph
have two variants that differ by whether they accept a mutable Context or not.
When no Context is provided, _this_ %SceneGraph instance's underlying model is
modified. When the %SceneGraph instance allocates a context, its model is
copied into that context.
The second variant causes %SceneGraph to modify the data stored in the provided
Context to be modified _instead of the internal model_.
The two interfaces _can_ be used interchangeably. However, modifications to
`this` %SceneGraph's underlying model will _not_ affect previously allocated
Context instances. A new Context should be allocated after modifying the
@note In this initial version, the only methods with the Context-modifying
variant are those methods that _do not_ change the semantics of the input or
output ports. Modifications that make such changes must be coordinated across
<!-- TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Add context-modifying variants of all methods. -->
@section scene_graph_versioning Detecting changes
<!-- TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI) All references to APIs that modify versions should
have cross links back to this section. -->
The geometry data associated with %SceneGraph is coarsely versioned. Consumers
of the geometry can query for the version of the data and recognize if the
data has been modified since last examined.
The versioning is associated with geometry roles: proximity, illustration, and
perception; each role has its own, independent version. Any operation
that affects geometry with one of those roles will modify the corresponding
version. For example:
// Does *not* modify any version; no roles have been assigned.
const GeometryId geometry_id = scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(
source_id, frame_id, make_unique<GeometryInstance>(...));
// Modifies the proximity version.
scene_graph.AssignRole(source_id, geometry_id, ProximityProperties());
// Modifies the illustration version.
scene_graph.AssignRole(source_id, geometry_id, IllustrationProperties());
// Modifies the perception version if there exists a renderer that accepts the
// geometry.
scene_graph.AssignRole(source_id, geometry_id, PerceptionProperties());
// Modifies the illustration version.
scene_graph.RemoveRole(source_id, geometry_id, Role::kIllustration);
// Modifies proximity version and perception version if the geometry is
// registered with any renderer.
scene_graph.RemoveGeometry(source_id, geometry_id);
Each copy of geometry data maintains its own set of versions.
%SceneGraph's model has its own version, and that version is the same as the
version in the Context provided by SceneGraph::CreateDefaultContext().
Modifications to the geometry data contained in a Context modifies *that*
data's version, but the original model data's version is unmodified,
reflecting the unchanged model data.
The geometry data's version is accessed via a SceneGraphInspector instance.
model_inspector() will give access to %SceneGraph's model version. And
QueryObject::inspector() will give access to the geometry data stored in a
Current versions can be compared against previously examined versions. If
the versions match, then the geometry data is guaranteed to be the same.
If they don't match, that indicates that the two sets of data underwent
different revision processes. That, however, doesn't necessarily imply that the
two sets of data are distinct. In other words, the versioning will report
a difference unless it can guarantee equivalence.
It is possible that two different contexts have different versions and a
downstream system can be evaluated with each context alternatingly. If the
system behavior depends on the geometry version, this will cause it to thrash
whatever components depends on geometry version. The system should *clearly*
document this fact.
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Future work which will require add'l documentation:
// - velocity kinematics.
// - Finalizing API for topology changes at discrete events.
@ingroup systems
template <typename T>
class SceneGraph final : public systems::LeafSystem<T> {
/** Constructs a default (empty) scene graph. */
/** Constructor used for scalar conversions. */
template <typename U>
explicit SceneGraph(const SceneGraph<U>& other);
~SceneGraph() final;
/** @name Port management
Access to SceneGraph's input/output ports. This topic includes
registration of geometry sources because the input ports are mapped to
registered geometry sources.
A source that registers frames and geometries _must_ connect outputs to
the inputs associated with that source. Failure to do so will be treated as
a runtime error during the evaluation of %SceneGraph. %SceneGraph
will detect that frames have been registered but no values have been
provided. */
/** Registers a new, named source to the geometry system. The caller must save
the returned SourceId; it is the token by which all other operations on the
geometry world are conducted.
This source id can be used to register arbitrary _anchored_ geometry. But if
dynamic non-deformable geometry is registered
(via RegisterGeometry/RegisterFrame), then the Context-dependent pose values
must be provided on an input port. See get_source_pose_port().
Similarly, if deformable geometry (always dynamic) is registered
(via RegisterDeformableGeometry), then the Context-dependent configuration
values must be provided on an input port. See
This method modifies the underlying model and requires a new Context to be
@param name The optional name of the source. If none is provided
(or the empty string) a default name will be defined by
SceneGraph's logic.
@throws std::exception if the name is not unique. */
SourceId RegisterSource(const std::string& name = "");
/** Reports if the given source id is registered.
@param id The id of the source to query. */
bool SourceIsRegistered(SourceId id) const;
/** Given a valid source `id`, returns a _pose_ input port associated
with that `id`. This port is used to communicate _pose_ data for registered
@throws std::exception if the source_id is _not_ recognized. */
const systems::InputPort<T>& get_source_pose_port(SourceId id) const;
/** Given a valid source `id`, returns a _configuration_ input port associated
with that `id`. This port is used to communicate configuration data for
registered deformable geometries.
@throws std::exception if the source_id is _not_ recognized. */
const systems::InputPort<T>& get_source_configuration_port(SourceId id) const;
/** Returns the output port which produces the QueryObject for performing
geometric queries. */
const systems::OutputPort<T>& get_query_output_port() const {
return systems::System<T>::get_output_port(query_port_index_);
/** @name Topology Manipulation
Topology manipulation consists of changing the data contained in the world.
This includes registering a new geometry source, adding frames, adding or
removing geometries, modifying geometry properties, etc.
The work flow for adding geometry to the SceneGraph is as follows:
- A geometry source registers itself with %SceneGraph (via RegisterSource()).
- The geometry source can then immediately register "anchored" geometry --
geometry that is affixed to the world frame. These geometries will never
- For non-deformable geometries that need to move based on the source's
state, the geometry source must first register a GeometryFrame. In fact,
non-deformable geometries never move directly; it is the frames to which
they are affixed that move. A geometry source can register a frame via the
RegisterFrame() methods.
- Once a frame has been registered, the geometry source can register
geometries that are rigidly affixed to that frame (or, figuratively
speaking, "hung" on that frame). The geometry is immovably posed in that
frame and assigned various properties. The geometry is registered via calls
to the RegisterGeometry() methods.
- (Experimental): Deformable geometries differ from non-deformable geometries
in that it must have a meshed representation, and the vertices of the mesh
can be moved in the frame the geometry is registered-in. Deformable
geometries can be registered via calls to the (experimental)
RegisterDeformableGeometry() methods.
%SceneGraph has a concept of "ownership" that is separate from the C++
notion of ownership. In this case, %SceneGraph protects geometry and frames
registered by one source from being modified by another source. All methods
that change the world are associated with the SourceId of the geometry source
requesting the change. One source cannot "hang" geometry onto a frame (or
geometry) that belongs to another source. However, all sources have read
access to all geometries in the world. For example, queries will return
GeometryId values that span all sources and the properties of the associated
geometries can be queried by arbitrary sources.
That said, if one source _chooses_ to share its SourceId externally, then
arbitrary code can use that SourceId to modify the geometry resources that
are associated with that SourceId.
@note There are no Context-modifying variants for source or frame
registration yet, as these methods modify the port semantics. */
/** Registers a new frame F for this source. This hangs frame F on the
world frame (W). Its pose is defined relative to the world frame (i.e,
`X_WF`). Returns the corresponding unique frame id.
This method modifies the underlying model and requires a new Context to be
@param source_id The id for the source registering the frame.
@param frame The frame to register.
@returns A unique identifier for the added frame.
@throws std::exception if a) the `source_id` does _not_ map to a
registered source,
b) `frame` has an id that has already been
registered, or
c) there is already a frame with the
same name registered for the source. */
FrameId RegisterFrame(SourceId source_id, const GeometryFrame& frame);
/** Registers a new frame F for this source. This hangs frame F on another
previously registered frame P (indicated by `parent_id`). The pose of the new
frame is defined relative to the parent frame (i.e., `X_PF`). Returns the
corresponding unique frame id.
This method modifies the underlying model and requires a new Context to be
@param source_id The id for the source registering the frame.
@param parent_id The id of the parent frame P.
@param frame The frame to register.
@returns A unique identifier for the added frame.
@throws std::exception if a) the `source_id` does _not_ map to a
registered source,
b) the `parent_id` does _not_ map to a known
frame or does not belong to the source,
c) `frame` has an id that has already been
registered, or
d) there is already a frame with the
same name registered for the source. */
FrameId RegisterFrame(SourceId source_id, FrameId parent_id,
const GeometryFrame& frame);
/** Registers a new rigid geometry G for this source. This hangs geometry G on
a previously registered frame F (indicated by `frame_id`). The pose of the
geometry is defined in a fixed pose relative to F (i.e., `X_FG`).
Returns the corresponding unique geometry id.
Roles will be assigned to the registered geometry if the corresponding
GeometryInstance `geometry` has had properties assigned.
This method modifies the underlying model and requires a new Context to be
allocated. Potentially modifies proximity, perception, and illustration
versions based on the roles assigned to the geometry (see @ref
@param source_id The id for the source registering the geometry.
@param frame_id The id for the frame F to hang the geometry on.
@param geometry The geometry G to affix to frame F.
@return A unique identifier for the added geometry.
@throws std::exception if a) the `source_id` does _not_ map to a
registered source,
b) the `frame_id` doesn't belong to the source,
c) the `geometry` is equal to `nullptr`, or
d) the geometry's name doesn't satisfy the
requirements outlined in GeometryInstance. */
GeometryId RegisterGeometry(SourceId source_id, FrameId frame_id,
std::unique_ptr<GeometryInstance> geometry);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of RegisterGeometry(). Rather than
modifying %SceneGraph's model, it modifies the copy of the model stored in
the provided context. */
GeometryId RegisterGeometry(systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id,
FrameId frame_id,
std::unique_ptr<GeometryInstance> geometry) const;
/** Registers a new rigid geometry G for this source. This hangs geometry G on
a previously registered geometry P (indicated by `geometry_id`). The pose of
the geometry is defined in a fixed pose relative to geometry P (i.e.,
`X_PG`). By induction, this geometry is effectively rigidly affixed to the
frame that P is affixed to. Returns the corresponding unique geometry id.
Roles will be assigned to the registered geometry if the corresponding
GeometryInstance `geometry` has had properties assigned.
This method modifies the underlying model and requires a new Context to be
allocated. Potentially modifies proximity, perception, and illustration
versions based on the roles assigned to the geometry (see @ref
@param source_id The id for the source registering the geometry.
@param geometry_id The id for the parent geometry P.
@param geometry The geometry G to add.
@return A unique identifier for the added geometry.
@throws std::exception if a) the `source_id` does _not_ map to a registered
b) the `geometry_id` doesn't belong to the source,
c) the `geometry` is equal to `nullptr`, or
d) the geometry's name doesn't satisfy the
requirements outlined in GeometryInstance. */
"Geometries are no longer posed with respect to other "
"geometries; use RegisterGeometry(frame_id) instead.")
GeometryId RegisterGeometry(SourceId source_id, GeometryId geometry_id,
std::unique_ptr<GeometryInstance> geometry);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of RegisterGeometry(). Rather than
modifying %SceneGraph's model, it modifies the copy of the model stored in
the provided context.
"Geometries are no longer posed with respect to other "
"geometries -- only frames.")
GeometryId RegisterGeometry(systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id,
GeometryId geometry_id,
std::unique_ptr<GeometryInstance> geometry) const;
/** Registers a new _anchored_ geometry G for this source. This hangs geometry
G from the world frame (W). Its pose is defined in that frame (i.e., `X_WG`).
Returns the corresponding unique geometry id.
Roles will be assigned to the registered geometry if the corresponding
GeometryInstance `geometry` has had properties assigned.
This method modifies the underlying model and requires a new Context to be
allocated. Potentially modifies proximity, perception, and illustration
versions based on the roles assigned to the geometry (see @ref
@param source_id The id for the source registering the frame.
@param geometry The anchored geometry G to add to the world.
@return A unique identifier for the added geometry.
@throws std::exception if a) the `source_id` does _not_ map to a
registered source or
b) the geometry's name doesn't satisfy the
requirements outlined in GeometryInstance. */
GeometryId RegisterAnchoredGeometry(
SourceId source_id, std::unique_ptr<GeometryInstance> geometry);
// TODO(xuchenhan-tri): Consider allowing registering deformable geometries to
// non-world frames.
/** Registers a new deformable geometry G for this source. This registers
geometry G on a frame F (indicated by `frame_id`). The registered geometry
has a meshed representation. The positions of the vertices of this mesh
representation are defined in the frame F (i.e., `q_FG`). Returns the
corresponding unique geometry id.
Roles will be assigned to the registered geometry if the corresponding
GeometryInstance `geometry` has had properties assigned.
This method modifies the underlying model and requires a new Context to be
allocated. Potentially modifies proximity, perception, and illustration
versions based on the roles assigned to the geometry (see @ref
@param source_id The id for the source registering the geometry.
@param frame_id The id for the frame F to put the geometry in.
@param geometry The geometry G to to be represented in frame F.
@param resolution_hint The parameter that guides the level of mesh
refinement of the deformable geometry. It has length
units (in meters) and roughly corresponds to a
typical edge length in the resulting mesh for a
primitive shape.
@return A unique identifier for the added geometry.
@pre resolution_hint > 0.
@throws std::exception if a) the `source_id` does _not_ map to a
registered source,
b) frame_id != world_frame_id(),
c) the `geometry` is equal to `nullptr`,
d) the geometry's name doesn't satisfy the
requirements outlined in GeometryInstance. */
GeometryId RegisterDeformableGeometry(
SourceId source_id, FrameId frame_id,
std::unique_ptr<GeometryInstance> geometry, double resolution_hint);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of RegisterDeformableGeometry(). Rather
than modifying %SceneGraph's model, it modifies the copy of the model stored
in the provided context.
@experimental */
GeometryId RegisterDeformableGeometry(
systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id, FrameId frame_id,
std::unique_ptr<GeometryInstance> geometry, double resolution_hint) const;
/** Changes the `shape` of the geometry indicated by the given `geometry_id`.
The geometry is otherwise unchanged -- same geometry_id, same assigned roles,
same pose with respect to the parent (unless a new value for `X_FG` is
This method modifies the underlying model and requires a new Context to be
allocated. Potentially modifies proximity, perception, and illustration
versions based on the roles assigned to the geometry (see @ref
@param source_id The id for the source modifying the geometry.
@param geometry_id The id for the geometry whose shape is being modified.
@param shape The new shape to use.
@param X_FG The (optional) new pose of the geometry in its frame. If
omitted, the old pose is used.
@throws std::exception if a) the `source_id` does _not_ map to a
registered source,
b) the `geometry_id` does not map to a valid
c) the `geometry_id` maps to a geometry that does
not belong to the indicated source, or
d) the geometry is deformable.
@pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{model} */
void ChangeShape(
SourceId source_id, GeometryId geometry_id, const Shape& shape,
std::optional<math::RigidTransform<double>> X_FG = std::nullopt);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of ChangeShape(). Rather than modifying
%SceneGraph's model, it modifies the copy of the model stored in the provided
@pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{context} */
void ChangeShape(
systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id, GeometryId geometry_id,
const Shape& shape,
std::optional<math::RigidTransform<double>> X_FG = std::nullopt);
/** Removes the given geometry G (indicated by `geometry_id`) from the given
source's registered geometries. All registered geometries hanging from
this geometry will also be removed.
This method modifies the underlying model and requires a new Context to be
allocated. Potentially modifies proximity, perception, and illustration
versions based on the roles assigned to the geometry (see @ref
@param source_id The identifier for the owner geometry source.
@param geometry_id The identifier of the geometry to remove (can be dynamic
or anchored).
@throws std::exception if a) the `source_id` does _not_ map to a
registered source,
b) the `geometry_id` does not map to a valid
geometry, or
c) the `geometry_id` maps to a geometry that does
not belong to the indicated source. */
void RemoveGeometry(SourceId source_id, GeometryId geometry_id);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of RemoveGeometry(). Rather than
modifying %SceneGraph's model, it modifies the copy of the model stored in
the provided context. */
void RemoveGeometry(systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id,
GeometryId geometry_id) const;
/** @name Managing RenderEngine instances */
/** Adds a new render engine to this %SceneGraph. The %SceneGraph owns the
render engine. The render engine's name should be referenced in the
@ref render::ColorRenderCamera "ColorRenderCamera" or
@ref render::DepthRenderCamera "DepthRenderCamera" provided in the render
queries (see QueryObject::RenderColorImage() as an example).
There is no restriction on when a renderer is added relative to geometry
registration and role assignment. Given a representative sequence of
registration and perception role assignment, the addition of the renderer
can be introduced anywhere in the sequence and the end result would be
the same.
GeometryId id1 = scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(source_id, ...);
scene_graph.AssignRole(source_id, id1, PerceptionProperties());
GeometryId id2 = scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(source_id, ...);
scene_graph.AssignRole(source_id, id2, PerceptionProperties());
GeometryId id3 = scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(source_id, ...);
scene_graph.AssignRole(source_id, id3, PerceptionProperties());
Modifies the perception version if `renderer` accepts any previously
existing geometries (see @ref scene_graph_versioning).
@param name The unique name of the renderer.
@param renderer The `renderer` to add.
@throws std::exception if the name is not unique. */
void AddRenderer(std::string name,
std::unique_ptr<render::RenderEngine> renderer);
/** Reports true if this %SceneGraph has a renderer registered with the given
name. */
bool HasRenderer(const std::string& name) const;
/** Reports the type name for the RenderEngine registered with the given
@returns the name of the RenderEngine's most derived type (as produced by
NiceTypeName::Get()). An empty string if there is no RenderEngine
registered with the given `name`. */
std::string GetRendererTypeName(const std::string& name) const;
/** Reports the number of renderers registered to this %SceneGraph. */
int RendererCount() const;
/** Reports the names of all registered renderers. */
std::vector<std::string> RegisteredRendererNames() const;
/** @name Managing geometry roles
Geometries _must_ be assigned one or more *roles* before they have an effect
on SceneGraph computations (see @ref geometry_roles for details). These
methods provide the ability to manage roles for a registered geometry.
The `AssignRole()` methods provide the mechanism for initially assigning a
role (via its corresponding properties) and, subsequently, modifying those
<h4>Assigning roles for the first time</h4>
If a geometry has not had a particular role assigned to it, the role is
assigned by the following call:
scene_graph.AssignRole(source_id, geometry_id, properties);
The role is inferred by the type of properties provided. An exception will
be thrown if the geometry has already had the implied role assigned to it.
<h4>Changing the properties for an assigned role</h4>
If the geometry has previously been assigned a role, the properties for
that role can be modified with the following code (using ProximityProperties
as an example):
ProximityProperties props;
props.AddProperty(....); // Populate the properties.
scene_graph.AssignRole(source_id, geometry_id, props, RoleAssign::kReplace);
An exception will be thrown if the geometry _has not_ already had a role
If the goal is to modify the properties that have already been assigned, we
recommend the following (again, using ProximityProperties as an example):
const ProximityProperties* old_props =
DRAKE_DEMAND(old_props != nullptr);
ProximityProperties new_props(*old_props);
// Add a new property.
new_props.AddProperty("group", "new_prop_name", some_value);
// Remove a property previously assigned.
new_props.RemoveProperty("old_group", "old_name_1");
// Update the *value* of an existing property (but enforce same type).
new_props.UpdateProperty("old_group", "old_name_2", new_value);
scene_graph.AssignRole(source_id, geometry_id, new_props,
Calling `AssignRole()` with an empty set of properties will *not* remove the
role; it will simply eliminate possibly necessary properties. To remove
the role completely, call `RemoveRole()`.
@warning Currently, only __proximity__ and __illustration__ properties can be
updated via this mechanism. Updating illustration properties has limitations
(see @ref AssignRole(SourceId,GeometryId,IllustrationProperties,RoleAssign)
"AssignRole(..., IllustrationProperties)" below). Attempting to update
perception will throw an exception (to be implemented in the near future).
All invocations of `AssignRole()` will throw an exception if:
- the source id is invalid.
- the geometry id is invalid.
- the geometry id is not owned by the given source id.
- Another geometry with the same name, affixed to the same frame, already
has the role.
<h4>Removing roles</h4>
Calling `RemoveRole()` will remove the properties and _role_ entirely.
These methods include the model- and context-modifying variants. */
/** Assigns the proximity role to the geometry indicated by `geometry_id`.
Modifies the proximity version (see @ref scene_graph_versioning).
void AssignRole(SourceId source_id, GeometryId geometry_id,
ProximityProperties properties,
RoleAssign assign = RoleAssign::kNew);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of
@ref AssignRole(SourceId,GeometryId,ProximityProperties) "AssignRole()" for
proximity properties. Rather than modifying %SceneGraph's model, it modifies
the copy of the model stored in the provided context.
void AssignRole(systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id,
GeometryId geometry_id, ProximityProperties properties,
RoleAssign assign = RoleAssign::kNew) const;
/** Assigns the perception role to the geometry indicated by `geometry_id`.
By default, a geometry with a perception role will be reified by all
render::RenderEngine instances. This behavior can be changed. Renderers can
be explicitly whitelisted via the ('renderer', 'accepting') perception
property. Its type is std::set<std::string> and it contains the names of
all the renderers that _may_ reify it. If no property is defined (or an
empty set is given), then the default behavior of all renderers attempting
to reify it will be restored.
Modifies the perception version if the geometry is added to any renderer (see
@ref scene_graph_versioning).
void AssignRole(SourceId source_id, GeometryId geometry_id,
PerceptionProperties properties,
RoleAssign assign = RoleAssign::kNew);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of
@ref AssignRole(SourceId,GeometryId,PerceptionProperties) "AssignRole()" for
perception properties. Rather than modifying %SceneGraph's model, it modifies
the copy of the model stored in the provided context.
void AssignRole(systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id,
GeometryId geometry_id, PerceptionProperties properties,
RoleAssign assign = RoleAssign::kNew) const;
/** Assigns the illustration role to the geometry indicated by `geometry_id`.
Modifies the illustration version (see @ref scene_graph_versioning).
@warning When changing illustration properties
(`assign = RoleAssign::kReplace`), there is no guarantee that these changes
will affect the visualization. The visualizer needs to be able to
"initialize" itself after changes to properties that will affect how a
geometry appears. If changing a geometry's illustration properties doesn't
seem to be affecting the visualization, retrigger its initialization action.
void AssignRole(SourceId source_id, GeometryId geometry_id,
IllustrationProperties properties,
RoleAssign assign = RoleAssign::kNew);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of
@ref AssignRole(SourceId,GeometryId,IllustrationProperties) "AssignRole()"
for illustration properties. Rather than modifying %SceneGraph's model, it
modifies the copy of the model stored in the provided context.
@warning When changing illustration properties
(`assign = RoleAssign::kReplace`), there is no guarantee that these changes
will affect the visualization. The visualizer needs to be able to
"initialize" itself after changes to properties that will affect how a
geometry appears. If changing a geometry's illustration properties doesn't
seem to be affecting the visualization, retrigger its initialization action.
@warning Due to a bug (see issue
<a href="">#13597</a>),
changing the illustration roles or properties in a systems::Context will not
have any apparent effect in, at least, drake_visualizer. Please change the
illustration role in the model prior to allocating the context.
void AssignRole(systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id,
GeometryId geometry_id, IllustrationProperties properties,
RoleAssign assign = RoleAssign::kNew) const;
/** Removes the indicated `role` from any geometry directly registered to the
frame indicated by `frame_id` (if the geometry has the role).
Potentially modifies the proximity, perception, or illustration version based
on the role being removed from the geometry (see @ref
@returns The number of geometries affected by the removed role.
@throws std::exception if a) `source_id` does not map to a registered
b) `frame_id` does not map to a registered frame,
c) `frame_id` does not belong to `source_id`
(unless `frame_id` is the world frame id), or
d) the context has already been allocated.
@pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{frame_direct} */
int RemoveRole(SourceId source_id, FrameId frame_id, Role role);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of
@ref RemoveRole(SourceId,FrameId,Role) "RemoveRole()" for frames.
Rather than modifying %SceneGraph's model, it modifies the copy of the model
stored in the provided context.
@pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{frame_context} */
int RemoveRole(systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id,
FrameId frame_id, Role role) const;
/** Removes the indicated `role` from the geometry indicated by `geometry_id`.
Potentially modifies the proximity, perception, or illustration version based
on the role being removed from the geometry (see @ref
@returns One if the geometry had the role removed and zero if the geometry
did not have the role assigned in the first place.
@throws std::exception if a) `source_id` does not map to a registered
b) `geometry_id` does not map to a registered
c) `geometry_id` does not belong to `source_id`, or
d) the context has already been allocated.
@pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{geometry_direct} */
int RemoveRole(SourceId source_id, GeometryId geometry_id, Role role);
/** systems::Context-modifying variant of
@ref RemoveRole(SourceId,GeometryId,Role) "RemoveRole()" for individual
geometries. Rather than modifying %SceneGraph's model, it modifies the copy
of the model stored in the provided context.
@pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{geometry_context} */
int RemoveRole(systems::Context<T>* context, SourceId source_id,
GeometryId geometry_id, Role role) const;
/** Reports the identifier for the world frame. */
static FrameId world_frame_id() {
return internal::InternalFrame::world_frame_id();
/** Returns an inspector on the system's _model_ scene graph data. */
const SceneGraphInspector<T>& model_inspector() const;
/** @name Collision filtering
@anchor scene_graph_collision_filter_manager
Control over "collision filtering" is handled by the CollisionFilterManager.
%SceneGraph provides access to the manager. As with other geometry data,
collision filters can be configured in %SceneGraph's *model* or in the copy
stored in a particular Context. These methods provide access to the manager
for the data stored in either location.
Generally, it should be considered a bad practice to hang onto the instance
of CollisionFilterManager returned by collision_filter_manager(). It is not
immediately clear whether a particular CollisionFilterManager instance
refers to the %SceneGraph model or the Context data and persisting the
reference may lead to confusion. Keeping the reference for the duration of
a function is appropriate, but allowing it to persist outside of the scope
of acquisition is dangerous. Acquiring a new CollisionFilterManager is *very*
cheap, so feel free to discard and reacquire.
Simply acquiring an instance of CollisionFilterManager will advance the
@ref scene_graph_versioning "proximity version" for the related geometry
data (model or context).
@note %SceneGraph does not track topology or semantic information of models,
so decisions about *what* to filter belong in software layers that have the
necessary information. For example, some automatic filtering is done in
@ref mbp_finalize_stage "MultibodyPlant::Finalize()". Applications may
need to add more filtering or adjust filters during simulation.
/** Returns the collision filter manager for this %SceneGraph instance's
*model*. */
CollisionFilterManager collision_filter_manager();
/** Returns the collision filter manager for data stored in `context`. The
context must remain alive for at least as long as the returned manager. */
CollisionFilterManager collision_filter_manager(
systems::Context<T>* context) const;
// Friend class to facilitate testing.
friend class SceneGraphTester;
// SceneGraph of different scalar types can all access each other's data.
template <typename>
friend class SceneGraph;
// Give (at least temporarily) QueryObject access to the system API to
// evaluate inputs on the context.
friend class QueryObject<T>;
// Writes the current version of the geometry data to the context's abstract
// parameter.
void SetDefaultParameters(const systems::Context<T>& context,
systems::Parameters<T>* parameters) const override;
// Helper class to register input ports for a source id.
void MakeSourcePorts(SourceId source_id);
// Sets the context into the output port value so downstream consumers can
// perform queries.
void CalcQueryObject(const systems::Context<T>& context,
QueryObject<T>* output) const;
// Collects all of the *dynamic* frames that have geometries with the given
// role.
std::vector<FrameId> GetDynamicFrames(const GeometryState<T>& g_state,
Role role) const;
// Refreshes the pose of the various engines which exploits the caching
// infrastructure.
void FullPoseUpdate(const systems::Context<T>& context) const {
this->get_cache_entry(pose_update_index_).template Eval<int>(context);
// Refreshes the configuration of deformable geometries in various engines
// which exploits the caching infrastructure.
void FullConfigurationUpdate(const systems::Context<T>& context) const {
.template Eval<int>(context);
// Updates the state of geometry world from all pose inputs. This is the calc
// method for the corresponding cache entry. The entry *value* (the int) is
// strictly a dummy -- the value is unimportant; only the side effect matters.
void CalcPoseUpdate(const systems::Context<T>& context, int*) const;
// Updates the state of geometry world from all configuration inputs. This is
// the calc method for the corresponding cache entry. The entry *value* (the
// int) is strictly a dummy -- the value is unimportant; only the side effect
// matters.
void CalcConfigurationUpdate(const systems::Context<T>& context, int*) const;
// Asserts the given source_id is registered, throwing an exception whose
// message is the given message with the source_id appended if not.
void ThrowUnlessRegistered(SourceId source_id, const char* message) const;
// Extracts a mutable reference to the underlying abstract geometry state from
// the given context.
GeometryState<T>& mutable_geometry_state(systems::Context<T>* context) const;
// Extracts a reference to the underlying abstract geometry state from the
// given context.
const GeometryState<T>& geometry_state(
const systems::Context<T>& context) const;
// A struct that stores the port indices for a given source.
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Consider making these TypeSafeIndex values.
struct SourcePorts {
int pose_port{-1};
int configuration_port{-1};
// A mapping from added source identifier to the port indices associated with
// that id.
std::unordered_map<SourceId, SourcePorts> input_source_ids_;
// The index of the output port with the QueryObject abstract value.
int query_port_index_{-1};
// SceneGraph owns its configured model; it gets copied into the context when
// the context is set to its "default" state. We use unique_ptr in support of
// forward-declaring GeometryState<T> to reduce our #include footprint, but
// initialize a model_ reference to always point to the owned_model_, as a
// convenient shortcut in the code to treat it as if it were a direct member.
std::unique_ptr<GeometryState<T>> owned_model_;
GeometryState<T>& model_;
SceneGraphInspector<T> model_inspector_;
// The geometry state is stored in the Context either as a Parameter with this
// index.
int geometry_state_index_{-1};
// The cache indices for the pose and configuration update cache entries.
systems::CacheIndex pose_update_index_{};
systems::CacheIndex configuration_update_index_{};
} // namespace geometry
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::geometry::SceneGraph)