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117 lines
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// @file
// Benchmark for InverseKinematics.
// This benchmark is intended to analyze the performance of nonlinear
// optimization with position constraints.
#include "drake/common/find_resource.h"
#include "drake/multibody/inverse_kinematics/inverse_kinematics.h"
#include "drake/multibody/inverse_kinematics/position_constraint.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/parser.h"
#include "drake/solvers/solve.h"
#include "drake/tools/performance/fixture_common.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace inverse_kinematics {
namespace {
class RelaxedPosIkBenchmark : public benchmark::Fixture {
RelaxedPosIkBenchmark() {
// Set a fixed seed for random generation.
BENCHMARK_F(RelaxedPosIkBenchmark, Iiwa)(benchmark::State& state) { // NOLINT
// Solve an inverse kinematics problem for Kuka iiwa considering only the
// translation component with relaxation. The objective of this benchmark is
// to run an A/B comparison for different gradient evaluations for
// position constraints when solving a nonlinear program.
// Define constants.
// A uniform relaxation for end-effector position.
const Eigen::Vector3d kPosTol = 1e-3 * Eigen::Vector3d::Ones();
// The number of random goals.
const int kNumRandGoals = 10;
// The number of random initial guesses for each goal.
const int kNumRandInitGuess = 2;
// Find the model file for Kuka iiwa.
const std::string iiwa_path = FindResourceOrThrow(
// Create a continuous-time plant.
multibody::MultibodyPlant<double> plant(0.0);
// Create a parser for the plant.
multibody::Parser parser{&plant};
// Load the model into the parser.
// Attach the base of the robot into the world frame.
plant.WeldFrames(plant.world_frame(), plant.GetFrameByName("iiwa_link_0"));
// Finalize the plant.
// Create a context.
std::unique_ptr<systems::Context<double>> context =
// Define the end-effector link and get the corresponding body and frame.
const std::string ee_link_name = "iiwa_link_7";
const multibody::Body<double>& ee_body = plant.GetBodyByName(ee_link_name);
const multibody::Frame<double>& ee_frame = plant.GetFrameByName(ee_link_name);
// Create an IK object and get its mathetical program.
multibody::InverseKinematics relaxed_ik(plant, true);
solvers::MathematicalProgram* prog = relaxed_ik.get_mutable_prog();
// Generate random goal configurations.
std::vector<math::RigidTransformd> ee_pose_goal(kNumRandGoals);
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRandGoals; ++i) {
// Sample a random joint pose assuming that the random range [-1, 1] rad
// does not violate any of the joint position limits.
// Evaluate the corresponding end-effector pose.
ee_pose_goal[i] = plant.EvalBodyPoseInWorld(*context, ee_body);
// Sample random initial guesses assuming that the random range [-1, 1] rad
// does not violate any of the joint position limits.
const Eigen::MatrixXd q0(
Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(plant.num_positions(), kNumRandInitGuess));
// Create the task in terms of position constraints on the end effector.
auto pos_constraint = std::make_shared<PositionConstraint>(
&plant, plant.world_frame(), -kPosTol, kPosTol, ee_frame,
Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(), context.get());
prog->AddConstraint(pos_constraint, relaxed_ik.q());
for (auto _ : state) {
// Solve the problem for each goal and initial guess.
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRandGoals; ++i) {
// Update the task constraint.
pos_constraint->set_bounds(ee_pose_goal[i].translation() - kPosTol,
ee_pose_goal[i].translation() + kPosTol);
for (int j = 0; j < kNumRandInitGuess; ++j) {
// Set the initial guess.
prog->SetInitialGuess(relaxed_ik.q(), q0.col(j));
// Solve the problem. The success of optimization is not checked as
// we're rather interested in measuring the speed of constraint
// evaluation.
} // namespace
} // namespace inverse_kinematics
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake