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#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace fem {
/** Types of material models for the deformable body. */
enum class MaterialModel {
/** Corotational model. Recommended for modeling large deformations. More
computationally expensive than the linear elasticity model. */
/** Linear elasticity model. Recommended for modeling small deformations.
Less computationally expensive than non-linear models but is inaccurate
for large deformations. */
/** %DeformableBodyConfig stores the physical parameters for a deformable body.
A default constructed configuration approximately represents a hard rubber
material (density, elasticity, and poisson's ratio) without any damping.
Damping coefficients are generally difficult to measure and we expect users
will typically start with zero damping and tune the values to achieve
reasonable dynamics.
The config contains the following fields with their corresponding valid ranges:
- Young's modulus: Measures the stiffness of the material, has unit N/m². Must
be positive. Default to 1e8.
- Poisson's ratio: Measures the Poisson effect (how much the material expands
or contracts in directions perpendicular to the direction of loading) of the
material, unitless. Must be greater than -1 and less than 0.5. Default to
<!-- TODO(xuchenhan-tri): Add a reference to Rayleigh damping coefficients.
- Mass damping coefficient: Controls the strength of mass damping, has unit
1/s. Must be non-negative. Default to 0. See DampingModel.
- Stiffness damping coefficient: Controls the strength of stiffness damping,
has unit s. Must be non-negative. Default to 0. See DampingModel.
- Mass density: Has unit kg/m³. Must be positive. Default to 1.5e3.
- Material model: The constitutive model that describes the stress-strain
relationship of the body, see MaterialModel. Default to
@tparam_nonsymbolic_scalar */
template <typename T>
class DeformableBodyConfig {
DeformableBodyConfig() = default;
/** @pre youngs_modulus > 0. */
void set_youngs_modulus(T youngs_modulus) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(youngs_modulus > 0);
youngs_modulus_ = std::move(youngs_modulus);
/** @pre -1 < poissons_ratio < 0.5. */
void set_poissons_ratio(T poissons_ratio) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(-1 < poissons_ratio && poissons_ratio < 0.5);
poissons_ratio_ = std::move(poissons_ratio);
/** @pre mass_damping_coefficient >= 0. */
void set_mass_damping_coefficient(T mass_damping_coefficient) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(mass_damping_coefficient_ >= 0);
mass_damping_coefficient_ = std::move(mass_damping_coefficient);
/** @pre stiffness_damping_coefficient >= 0. */
void set_stiffness_damping_coefficient(T stiffness_damping_coefficient) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(stiffness_damping_coefficient_ >= 0);
stiffness_damping_coefficient_ = std::move(stiffness_damping_coefficient);
/** @pre mass_density > 0. */
void set_mass_density(T mass_density) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(mass_density > 0);
mass_density_ = std::move(mass_density);
void set_material_model(MaterialModel material_model) {
material_model_ = material_model;
/** Returns the Young's modulus, with unit of N/m². */
const T& youngs_modulus() const { return youngs_modulus_; }
/** Returns the Poisson's ratio, unitless. */
const T& poissons_ratio() const { return poissons_ratio_; }
/** Returns the mass damping coefficient. See DampingModel. */
const T& mass_damping_coefficient() const {
return mass_damping_coefficient_;
/** Returns the stiffness damping coefficient. See DampingModel. */
const T& stiffness_damping_coefficient() const {
return stiffness_damping_coefficient_;
/** Returns the mass density, with unit of kg/m³. */
const T& mass_density() const { return mass_density_; }
/** Returns the constitutive model of the material. */
MaterialModel material_model() const { return material_model_; }
T youngs_modulus_{1e8};
T poissons_ratio_{0.49};
T mass_damping_coefficient_{0};
T stiffness_damping_coefficient_{0};
T mass_density_{1.5e3};
MaterialModel material_model_{MaterialModel::kCorotated};
} // namespace fem
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake