#pragma once
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/multibody/fem/fem_state.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace fem {
namespace internal {
/* DiscreteTimeIntegrator is an abstract class that encapsulates discrete time
integrations schemes for second order ODEs. When a second order ODE
f(q, v = q̇, a = q̈) = 0
is discretized in time, the quantities of interest evaluated at the next time
step can often be expressed as an affine mapping on a single variable z, i.e.
qₙ₊₁ = αₚ z + bₚ
vₙ₊₁ = αᵥ z + bᵥ
aₙ₊₁ = αₐ z + bₐ
For example, for the Newmark-beta scheme, where
qₙ₊₁ = qₙ + δt ⋅ vₙ + δt² ⋅ ((½ − β) ⋅ aₙ + β ⋅ aₙ₊₁)
vₙ₊₁ = vₙ + δt ⋅ ((1 − γ) ⋅ aₙ + γ ⋅ aₙ₊₁)
aₙ₊₁ = f(qₙ₊₁,vₙ₊₁),
if one chooses z = a, we get
qₙ₊₁ = qₙ + δt ⋅ vₙ + δt² ⋅ [β ⋅ z + (½ - β) ⋅ aₙ].
vₙ₊₁ = vₙ + δt ⋅ (γ ⋅ z + (1−γ) ⋅ aₙ)
aₙ₊₁ = z;
On the other hand, if one chooses z = v instead for the same scheme, we get
qₙ₊₁ = qₙ + δt ⋅ (β/γ ⋅ z + (1 - β/γ) ⋅ vₙ) + δt² ⋅ (½ − β/γ) ⋅ aₙ.
vₙ₊₁ = z
aₙ₊₁ = (z - vₙ) / (δt ⋅ γ) - (1 − γ) / γ ⋅ aₙ
DiscreteTimeIntegrator provides the interface to query the relationship between
the states (`q`, `v`, and `a`) and the unknown variable `z`.
@tparam_nonsymbolic_scalar */
template <typename T>
class DiscreteTimeIntegrator {
virtual ~DiscreteTimeIntegrator() = default;
/* Returns (αₚ, αᵥ, αₐ), the derivative of (q, v, a) with respect to the
unknown variable z (See class documentation). These weights can be used to
combine stiffness, damping, and mass matrices to form the tangent
matrix (see FemModel::CalcTangentMatrix). */
Vector3<T> GetWeights() const;
/* Extracts the unknown variable `z` from the given FEM `state`. */
const VectorX<T>& GetUnknowns(const FemState<T>& state) const;
/* Updates the FemState `state` given the change in the unknown variables.
More specifically, it sets the given `state` to the following values.
q = αₚ (z + dz) + bₚ
v = αᵥ (z + dz) + bᵥ
a = αₐ (z + dz) + bₐ
@pre state != nullptr.
@pre dz.size() == state->num_dofs(). */
void UpdateStateFromChangeInUnknowns(const VectorX<T>& dz,
FemState<T>* state) const;
/* Advances `prev_state` by one time step to the `next_state` with the given
value of the unknown variable z.
@param[in] prev_state The state at the previous time step.
@param[in] z The value of the unknown variable z.
@param[out] next_state The state at the next time step.
@pre next_state != nullptr.
@pre The sizes of `prev_state`, `z`, and `next_state` are compatible. */
void AdvanceOneTimeStep(const FemState<T>& prev_state, const VectorX<T>& z,
FemState<T>* next_state) const;
/* Returns the discrete time step of the integration scheme. */
double dt() const { return dt_; }
explicit DiscreteTimeIntegrator(double dt) : dt_(dt) {
/* Derived classes must override this method to implement the NVI
GetWeights(). */
virtual Vector3<T> DoGetWeights() const = 0;
/* Derived classes must override this method to implement the NVI
GetUnknowns(). */
virtual const VectorX<T>& DoGetUnknowns(const FemState<T>& state) const = 0;
/* Derived classes must override this method to implement the NVI
UpdateStateFromChangeInUnknowns(). */
virtual void DoUpdateStateFromChangeInUnknowns(const VectorX<T>& dz,
FemState<T>* state) const = 0;
/* Derived classes must override this method to implement the NVI
AdvanceOneTimeStep(). */
virtual void DoAdvanceOneTimeStep(const FemState<T>& prev_state,
const VectorX<T>& z,
FemState<T>* next_state) const = 0;
double dt_{0.0};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fem
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::multibody::fem::internal::DiscreteTimeIntegrator)