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#pragma once
#include <array>
#include "drake/multibody/fem/constitutive_model.h"
#include "drake/multibody/fem/linear_constitutive_model_data.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace fem {
namespace internal {
/* Traits for LinearConstitutiveModel. */
template <typename T, int num_locations>
struct LinearConstitutiveModelTraits {
using Scalar = T;
using Data = LinearConstitutiveModelData<T, num_locations>;
/* Implements the infinitesimal-strain linear elasticity constitutive model as
described in Section 7.4 of [Gonzalez, 2008].
@tparam num_locations Number of locations at which the constitutive
relationship is evaluated. We currently only provide one instantiation of this
template with `num_locations = 1`, but more instantiations can easily be added
when needed.
[Gonzalez, 2008] Gonzalez, Oscar, and Andrew M. Stuart. A first course in
continuum mechanics. Cambridge University Press, 2008. */
template <typename T, int num_locations>
class LinearConstitutiveModel final
: public ConstitutiveModel<
LinearConstitutiveModel<T, num_locations>,
LinearConstitutiveModelTraits<T, num_locations>> {
using Base =
ConstitutiveModel<LinearConstitutiveModel<T, num_locations>,
LinearConstitutiveModelTraits<T, num_locations>>;
using Data = typename Base::Data;
/* Constructs a LinearConstitutiveModel constitutive model with the
prescribed Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.
@param youngs_modulus Young's modulus of the model, with unit N/m²
@param poissons_ratio Poisson's ratio of the model, unitless.
@pre youngs_modulus >= 0.
@pre -1 < poissons_ratio < 0.5. */
LinearConstitutiveModel(const T& youngs_modulus, const T& poissons_ratio);
const T& youngs_modulus() const { return E_; }
const T& poissons_ratio() const { return nu_; }
/* Returns the shear modulus (Lame's second parameter) which is given by
`E/(2*(1+nu))` where `E` is the Young's modulus and `nu` is the Poisson's
ratio. See `fem::internal::CalcLameParameters()`. */
const T& shear_modulus() const { return mu_; }
/* Returns the Lame's first parameter which is given by
`E*nu/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))` where `E` is the Young's modulus and `nu` is the
Poisson's ratio. See `fem::internal::CalcLameParameters()`. */
const T& lame_first_parameter() const { return lambda_; }
friend Base;
/* Shadows ConstitutiveModel::CalcElasticEnergyDensityImpl() as required by
the CRTP base class. */
void CalcElasticEnergyDensityImpl(const Data& data,
std::array<T, num_locations>* Psi) const;
/* Shadows ConstitutiveModel::CalcFirstPiolaStressImpl() as required by the
CRTP base class. */
void CalcFirstPiolaStressImpl(const Data& data,
std::array<Matrix3<T>, num_locations>* P) const;
/* Shadows ConstitutiveModel::CalcFirstPiolaStressDerivativeImpl() as required
by the CRTP base class. */
void CalcFirstPiolaStressDerivativeImpl(
const Data& data,
std::array<Eigen::Matrix<T, 9, 9>, num_locations>* dPdF) const;
T E_; // Young's modulus, N/m².
T nu_; // Poisson's ratio.
T mu_; // Lamé's second parameter/Shear modulus, N/m².
T lambda_; // Lamé's first parameter, N/m².
Eigen::Matrix<T, 9, 9>
dPdF_; // The First Piola stress derivative is constant and precomputed.
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fem
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake