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#pragma once
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace fem {
namespace internal {
/* Computes the Schur complement of a matrix given its block components.
Given a linear system of equations Mz = c that can be written in block form
Ax + By = a (1)
Bᵀx + Dy = 0 (2)
where M = [A B; Bᵀ D], zᵀ = [xᵀ yᵀ], cᵀ = [aᵀ 0ᵀ], and A(size p-by-p),
D(size q-by-q) and M(size p+q-by-p+q) are positive definite, one can solve
the system using Schur complement. Specifically, using equation (2), we get
y = -D⁻¹Bᵀx (3)
Plugging (3) in (1), we get
(A - BD⁻¹Bᵀ)x = a.
After a solution for x is obtained, we can use (3) to recover the solution for
y. The matrix A - BD⁻¹Bᵀ is the Schur complement of the block D of the matrix
M. Since M is positive definite, so is the Schur complement A - BD⁻¹Bᵀ.
@tparam_nonsymbolic_scalar */
template <typename T>
class SchurComplement {
/* Creates an empty Schur complement. This allows SchurComplement to be
directly constructed in containers. */
SchurComplement() = default;
/* Calculates the Schur complement of the positive definite matrix M = [A B;
Bᵀ D] given its block components. We take Bᵀ in the constructor instead of B
for efficient calculation of the Schur complement of D.
@pre A, D, and M are symmetric positive definite. Note that this prerequisite
is not checked at construction as the check is expensive. Callers to the
constructor should take care to pass in valid arguments. One way of
making sure that this prerequisite is satisfied is by passing in
components of a matrix M that is known to be symmetric positive-definite.
@pre A.rows() == B_transpose.cols().
@pre B_transpose.rows() == D.cols(). */
SchurComplement(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::SparseMatrix<T>>& A,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::SparseMatrix<T>>& B_transpose,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::SparseMatrix<T>>& D);
/* Creates a SchurComplement with prescribed A - BD⁻¹Bᵀ and -D⁻¹Bᵀ.
@pre D_complement is a symmetric positive definite.
@pre neg_Dinv_B_transpose.cols() == D_complement.cols(). */
SchurComplement(MatrixX<T>&& D_complement, MatrixX<T>&& neg_Dinv_B_transpose);
/* Returns the Schur complement for the block D of the matrix M, A - BD⁻¹Bᵀ.
const MatrixX<T>& get_D_complement() const { return D_complement_; }
/* Given a value of x, solves for y in the equation Bᵀx + Dy = 0. */
VectorX<T> SolveForY(const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& x) const;
int p_{0}; // Number of rows and columns for A.
int q_{0}; // Number of rows and columns for D.
MatrixX<T> D_complement_{}; // A - BD⁻¹Bᵀ.
MatrixX<T> neg_Dinv_B_transpose_{}; // -D⁻¹Bᵀ.
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fem
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::multibody::fem::internal::SchurComplement)