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#include "drake/multibody/fem/simplex_gaussian_quadrature.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace fem {
namespace internal {
using std::make_pair;
using std::move;
/* Linear triangle quadrature. */
template <>
std::pair<SimplexGaussianQuadrature<2, 1>::LocationsType,
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<2, 1>::WeightsType>
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<2, 1>::ComputePointsAndWeights() {
/* quadrature point location, weight/area
(1/3, 1/3) 1.0 */
LocationsType points = {{{1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0}}};
/* For a unit triangle, area = 0.5. */
WeightsType weights = {{0.5}};
return make_pair(move(points), move(weights));
/* Quadratic triangle quadrature. */
template <>
std::pair<SimplexGaussianQuadrature<2, 2>::LocationsType,
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<2, 2>::WeightsType>
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<2, 2>::ComputePointsAndWeights() {
/* quadrature point location, weight/area
(1/6, 1/6) 1/3
(2/3, 1/6) 1/3
(1/6, 2/3) 1/3
Note: Here we choose r=1/2 in section 3 of [Hammer, 1956]. They also
mentioned the other choice with r=-1/2. We do not use r=-1/2 as it
lies out side of the element. */
LocationsType points;
points[0] = {1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0};
points[1] = {2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 6.0};
points[2] = {1.0 / 6.0, 2.0 / 3.0};
/* For a unit triangle, area = 0.5. */
WeightsType weights = {{1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0}};
return make_pair(move(points), move(weights));
/* Cubic triangle quadrature. */
template <>
std::pair<SimplexGaussianQuadrature<2, 3>::LocationsType,
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<2, 3>::WeightsType>
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<2, 3>::ComputePointsAndWeights() {
/* quadrature point location, weight/area
(1/3, 1/3) -9/16
(3/5, 1/5) 25/48
(1/5, 3/5) 25/48
(1/5, 1/5) 25/48 */
LocationsType points;
points[0] = {1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0};
points[1] = {0.6, 0.2};
points[2] = {0.2, 0.6};
points[3] = {0.2, 0.2};
/* For a unit triangle, area = 0.5. */
WeightsType weights = {{-9.0 / 32.0, 25.0 / 96.0, 25.0 / 96.0, 25.0 / 96.0}};
return make_pair(move(points), move(weights));
/* Linear tetrahedral quadrature. */
template <>
std::pair<SimplexGaussianQuadrature<3, 1>::LocationsType,
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<3, 1>::WeightsType>
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<3, 1>::ComputePointsAndWeights() {
/* quadrature point location, weight/area
(1/4, 1/4, 1/4) 1.0 */
LocationsType points = {{{0.25, 0.25, 0.25}}};
/* For a unit tetrahedron, area = 1/6. */
WeightsType weights = {{1.0 / 6.0}};
return make_pair(move(points), move(weights));
/* Quadratic tetrahedral quadrature. */
template <>
std::pair<SimplexGaussianQuadrature<3, 2>::LocationsType,
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<3, 2>::WeightsType>
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<3, 2>::ComputePointsAndWeights() {
/* quadrature point location, weight/area
(a, b, b) 1/4
(b, a, b) 1/4
(b, b, a) 1/4
(b, b, b) 1/4
where a = (1+3*sqrt(1/5))/4, b = (1-1/sqrt(1/5))/4. */
LocationsType points;
double a = (1.0 + 3.0 * sqrt(0.2)) / 4.0;
double b = (1.0 - sqrt(0.2)) / 4.0;
points[0] = {a, b, b};
points[1] = {b, a, b};
points[2] = {b, b, a};
points[3] = {b, b, b};
/* For a unit tetrahedron, area = 1/6. */
WeightsType weights = {{1.0 / 24.0, 1.0 / 24.0, 1.0 / 24.0, 1.0 / 24.0}};
return make_pair(move(points), move(weights));
/* Cubic tetrahedral quadrature. */
template <>
std::pair<SimplexGaussianQuadrature<3, 3>::LocationsType,
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<3, 3>::WeightsType>
SimplexGaussianQuadrature<3, 3>::ComputePointsAndWeights() {
/* quadrature point location, weight/area
(1/4, 1/4, 1/4) -4/5
(a, b, b) 9/20
(b, a, b) 9/20
(b, b, a) 9/20
(b, b, b) 9/20
where a = 1/2, b = 1/6. */
LocationsType points;
double a = 0.5;
double b = 1.0 / 6.0;
points[0] = {0.25, 0.25, 0.25};
points[1] = {a, b, b};
points[2] = {b, a, b};
points[3] = {b, b, a};
points[4] = {b, b, b};
/* For a unit tetrahedron, area = 1/6. */
WeightsType weights = {
{-2.0 / 15.0, 3.0 / 40.0, 3.0 / 40.0, 3.0 / 40.0, 3.0 / 40.0}};
return make_pair(move(points), move(weights));
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fem
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake