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#include "drake/multibody/fem/fem_solver.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "drake/common/test_utilities/eigen_matrix_compare.h"
#include "drake/common/test_utilities/expect_throws_message.h"
#include "drake/multibody/fem/acceleration_newmark_scheme.h"
#include "drake/multibody/fem/test/dummy_model.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace fem {
namespace internal {
namespace {
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
constexpr double kEps = 4.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
/* Parameters for the Newmark-beta integration scheme. */
constexpr double kDt = 0.01;
constexpr double kGamma = 0.5;
constexpr double kBeta = 0.25;
class FemSolverTest : public ::testing::Test {
DummyModel model_{};
AccelerationNewmarkScheme<double> integrator_{kDt, kGamma, kBeta};
FemSolver<double> solver_{&model_, &integrator_};
TEST_F(FemSolverTest, CloneScratchData) {
FemSolverScratchData<double> scratch(model_);
std::unique_ptr<FemSolverScratchData<double>> clone = scratch.Clone();
EXPECT_EQ(clone->b(), scratch.b());
const MatrixXd tangent_matrix = scratch.tangent_matrix().MakeDenseMatrix();
const MatrixXd tangent_matrix_clone =
EXPECT_EQ(tangent_matrix, tangent_matrix_clone);
TEST_F(FemSolverTest, Tolerance) {
/* Default values. */
EXPECT_EQ(solver_.relative_tolerance(), 1e-4);
EXPECT_EQ(solver_.absolute_tolerance(), 1e-6);
/* Test Setters. */
constexpr double kTol = 1e-8;
EXPECT_EQ(solver_.relative_tolerance(), kTol);
EXPECT_EQ(solver_.absolute_tolerance(), kTol);
/* Tests that the behavior of FemSolver::AdvanceOneTimeStep agrees with analytic
results. The DummyModel contains DummyElements that give non-zero residual at
zero state and zero residual everywhere else. The dummy element also has
constant stiffness, damping, and mass matrix (aka they are state-independent).
As a result, we expect AdvanceOneTimeStep to converge after exactly one Newton
iteration, and the unknown variable z (acceleration in this case) should
satisfy A*z = -b, where A is the constant tangent matrix and b is the nonzero
residual evaluated at the zero state. */
TEST_F(FemSolverTest, AdvanceOneTimeStep) {
DummyModel::DummyBuilder builder(&model_);
std::unique_ptr<FemState<double>> state0 = model_.MakeFemState();
std::unique_ptr<FemState<double>> state = model_.MakeFemState();
FemSolverScratchData<double> scratch(model_);
const int num_iterations =
solver_.AdvanceOneTimeStep(*state0, state.get(), &scratch);
EXPECT_EQ(num_iterations, 1);
/* Compute the expected result from AdvanceOneTimeStep(). */
std::unique_ptr<FemState<double>> expected_state = model_.MakeFemState();
auto tangent_matrix = model_.MakePetscSymmetricBlockSparseTangentMatrix();
model_.CalcTangentMatrix(*state0, integrator_.GetWeights(),
const MatrixXd A = tangent_matrix->MakeDenseMatrix();
VectorX<double> b(model_.num_dofs());
model_.CalcResidual(*state0, &b);
/* The solver is not considered as "converged" with the initial state. */
EXPECT_FALSE(solver_.solver_converged(b.norm(), b.norm()));
Eigen::ConjugateGradient<MatrixXd> cg;
const VectorX<double> dz = cg.solve(-b);
integrator_.UpdateStateFromChangeInUnknowns(dz, expected_state.get());
state->GetPositions(), kEps));
state->GetAccelerations(), kEps));
state->GetVelocities(), kEps));
// TODO(xuchenhan-tri): Unit tests that cover other exit conditions of
// the iterative solver are missing.
} // namespace
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fem
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake