#pragma once
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/multibody/fem/discrete_time_integrator.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace fem {
namespace internal {
/* Implements the interface DiscreteTimeIntegrator with Newmark-beta time
integration scheme. Given the value for the next time step velocity `vₙ₊₁`,
the states are calculated from states from the previous time step according to
the following equations:
aₙ₊₁ = (vₙ₊₁ - vₙ) / (δt ⋅ γ) - (1 − γ) / γ ⋅ aₙ
qₙ₊₁ = qₙ + δt ⋅ (β/γ ⋅ vₙ₊₁ + (1 - β/γ) ⋅ vₙ) + δt² ⋅ (0.5 − β/γ) ⋅ aₙ.
Note that the scheme is unconditionally unstable for gamma < 0.5 and therefore
we require gamma >= 0.5.
See AccelerationNewmarkScheme for the same integration scheme implemented with
acceleration as the unknown variable.
See [Newmark, 1959] for the original reference for the method.
[Newmark, 1959] Newmark, Nathan M. "A method of computation for structural
dynamics." Journal of the engineering mechanics division 85.3 (1959): 67-94.
@tparam_nonsymbolic_scalar */
template <typename T>
class VelocityNewmarkScheme final : public DiscreteTimeIntegrator<T> {
/* Constructs a Newmark scheme with velocity as the unknown variable.
@pre dt_in > 0.
@pre 0.5 <= gamma <= 1.
@pre 0 <= beta <= 0.5. */
VelocityNewmarkScheme(double dt_in, double gamma, double beta)
: DiscreteTimeIntegrator<T>(dt_in),
beta_over_gamma_(beta / gamma),
one_over_dt_gamma_(1.0 / (dt_in * gamma)) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(0.5 <= gamma && gamma <= 1);
DRAKE_DEMAND(0 <= beta && beta <= 0.5);
~VelocityNewmarkScheme() = default;
using DiscreteTimeIntegrator<T>::dt;
/* The weights much match the partials in DoAdvanceOneTimeStep(). */
Vector3<T> DoGetWeights() const final {
return {beta_over_gamma_ * dt(), 1.0, one_over_dt_gamma_};
const VectorX<T>& DoGetUnknowns(const FemState<T>& state) const final {
return state.GetVelocities();
void DoUpdateStateFromChangeInUnknowns(const VectorX<T>& dz,
FemState<T>* state) const final;
void DoAdvanceOneTimeStep(const FemState<T>& prev_state, const VectorX<T>& z,
FemState<T>* state) const final;
const double gamma_{};
const double beta_over_gamma_{};
const double one_over_dt_gamma_{};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fem
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::multibody::fem::internal::VelocityNewmarkScheme)