#include "drake/multibody/inverse_kinematics/angle_between_vectors_constraint.h"
#include "drake/math/autodiff_gradient.h"
#include "drake/multibody/inverse_kinematics/kinematic_evaluator_utilities.h"
using drake::multibody::internal::NormalizeVector;
using drake::multibody::internal::RefFromPtrOrThrow;
using drake::multibody::internal::UpdateContextConfiguration;
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
const MultibodyPlant<double>* const plant, const Frame<double>& frameA,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& a_A, const Frame<double>& frameB,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& b_B, double angle_lower,
double angle_upper, systems::Context<double>* plant_context)
: solvers::Constraint(1, RefFromPtrOrThrow(plant).num_positions(),
context_autodiff_{nullptr} {
if (plant_context == nullptr)
throw std::invalid_argument("plant_context is nullptr.");
if (!(angle_lower >= 0 && angle_upper >= angle_lower &&
angle_upper <= M_PI)) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"AngleBetweenVectorsConstraint: should satisfy 0 <= angle_lower <= "
"angle_upper <= pi");
const MultibodyPlant<AutoDiffXd>* const plant,
const Frame<AutoDiffXd>& frameA,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& a_A,
const Frame<AutoDiffXd>& frameB,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& b_B, double angle_lower,
double angle_upper, systems::Context<AutoDiffXd>* plant_context)
: solvers::Constraint(1, RefFromPtrOrThrow(plant).num_positions(),
context_autodiff_{plant_context} {
if (plant_context == nullptr)
throw std::invalid_argument("plant_context is nullptr.");
if (!(angle_lower >= 0 && angle_upper >= angle_lower &&
angle_upper <= M_PI)) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"AngleBetweenVectorsConstraint: should satisfy 0 <= angle_lower <= "
"angle_upper <= pi");
void EvalConstraintGradient(
const systems::Context<double>& context,
const MultibodyPlant<double>& plant, const Frame<double>& frameA,
const Frame<double>& frameB, const Eigen::Vector3d& a_unit_A,
const Eigen::Vector3d& b_unit_B, const math::RotationMatrix<double>& R_AB,
const Eigen::Ref<const AutoDiffVecXd>& x, AutoDiffVecXd* y) {
// The constraint function is
// g(q) = a_unit_Aᵀ * R_AB(q) * b_unit_B.
// To derive the Jacobian of g w.r.t. q, ∂g/∂q, we first differentiate
// w.r.t. time to obtain
// ġ = a_unit_Aᵀ Ṙ_AB b_unit_B,
// where we have dropped the dependence on q for readability. Next we expand
// Ṙ_AB to yield
// ġ = a_unit_Aᵀ ω̂_AB R_AB b_unit_B,
// where ω̂_AB is the skew-symmetric, cross-product matrix such that
// (ω̂_AB) r = ω_AB × r; ω_AB, r ∈ ℝ³. Applying R_AB to b_unit_B gives the
// following triple product
// ġ = a_unit_A ⋅ (ω_AB × b_unit_A),
// which can then be rearranged to yield
// ġ = b_unit_A ⋅ (a_unit_A × ω_AB) (circular shift)
// = (b_unit_A × a_unit_A) ⋅ ω_AB (swap operators).
// The angular velocity of B relative to A can be written as
// ω_AB = Jq_w_AB(q) q̇,
// where Jq_w_AB is the Jacobian of ω_AB with respect to q̇. Therefore,
// ġ = (b_unit_A × a_unit_A)ᵀ Jq_w_AB q̇.
// By the chain rule, ġ = ∂g/∂q q̇. Comparing this with the previous
// equation, we see that
// ∂g/∂q = (b_unit_A × a_unit_A)ᵀ Jq_w_AB.
Eigen::MatrixXd Jq_V_AB(6, plant.num_positions());
plant.CalcJacobianSpatialVelocity(context, JacobianWrtVariable::kQDot, frameB,
Eigen::Vector3d::Zero() /* p_BQ */, frameA,
frameA, &Jq_V_AB);
const Eigen::Vector3d b_unit_A = R_AB * b_unit_B;
*y = math::InitializeAutoDiff(
a_unit_A.transpose() * b_unit_A,
b_unit_A.cross(a_unit_A).transpose() * Jq_V_AB.topRows<3>() *
template <typename T, typename S>
void DoEvalGeneric(const MultibodyPlant<T>& plant, systems::Context<T>* context,
const FrameIndex frameA_index, const FrameIndex frameB_index,
const Eigen::Vector3d& a_unit_A,
const Eigen::Vector3d& b_unit_B,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<S>>& x, VectorX<S>* y) {
UpdateContextConfiguration(context, plant, x);
const Frame<T>& frameA = plant.get_frame(frameA_index);
const Frame<T>& frameB = plant.get_frame(frameB_index);
const math::RotationMatrix<T> R_AB =
plant.CalcRelativeRotationMatrix(*context, frameA, frameB);
// Note: The expression below has quantities with different scalar types.
// The cast from `double` to `T` preserves derivative or symbolic information
// in R_AB (if it exists).
const Vector3<T> b_unit_A = R_AB * b_unit_B.cast<T>();
*y = a_unit_A.transpose() * b_unit_A;
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<T, S>) {
EvalConstraintGradient(*context, plant, frameA, frameB, a_unit_A, b_unit_B,
R_AB, x, y);
void AngleBetweenVectorsConstraint::DoEval(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& x, Eigen::VectorXd* y) const {
if (use_autodiff()) {
AutoDiffVecXd y_t;
Eval(x.cast<AutoDiffXd>(), &y_t);
*y = math::ExtractValue(y_t);
} else {
DoEvalGeneric(*plant_double_, context_double_, frameA_index_, frameB_index_,
a_unit_A_, b_unit_B_, x, y);
void AngleBetweenVectorsConstraint::DoEval(
const Eigen::Ref<const AutoDiffVecXd>& x, AutoDiffVecXd* y) const {
if (use_autodiff()) {
DoEvalGeneric(*plant_autodiff_, context_autodiff_, frameA_index_,
frameB_index_, a_unit_A_, b_unit_B_, x, y);
} else {
DoEvalGeneric(*plant_double_, context_double_, frameA_index_, frameB_index_,
a_unit_A_, b_unit_B_, x, y);
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake