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#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/common/random.h"
#include "drake/math/rigid_transform.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
* A wrapper class around the IK planner. This class improves IK's usability by
* handling constraint relaxing and multiple initial guesses internally.
* @ingroup planning_kinematics
class ConstraintRelaxingIk {
* Cartesian waypoint. Input to the IK solver.
struct IkCartesianWaypoint {
/// Desired end effector pose in the world frame.
math::RigidTransformd pose;
/// Bounding box for the end effector in the world frame.
Vector3<double> pos_tol{Vector3<double>(0.005, 0.005, 0.005)};
/// Max angle difference (in radians) between solved end effector's
/// orientation and the desired.
double rot_tol{0.05};
/// Signals if orientation constraint is enabled.
bool constrain_orientation{false};
* Constructor. Instantiates an internal MultibodyPlant from @p model_path.
* @param model_path Path to the model file.
* @param end_effector_link_name Link name of the end effector.
ConstraintRelaxingIk(const std::string& model_path,
const std::string& end_effector_link_name);
* Sets end effector to @p link_name.
void SetEndEffector(const std::string& link_name) {
end_effector_body_idx_ = plant_.GetBodyByName(link_name).index();
* Generates IK solutions for each waypoint sequentially. For waypoint wp_i,
* the IK tries to solve q_i that satisfies the end effector constraints in
* wp_i and minimizes the squared difference to q_{i-1}, where q_{i-1} is the
* solution to the previous wp_{i-1}. q_{i-1} = @p q_current when i = 0. This
* function internally does constraint relaxing and initial condition
* guessing if necessary.
* Note that @p q_current is inserted at the beginning of @p q_sol.
* @param waypoints A sequence of desired waypoints.
* @param q_current The initial generalized position.
* @param[out] q_sol Results.
* @param keep_going Optional callback to allow for cancellation.
* When given, this function will be called prior to every IK solve; if it
* returns false, the PlanSequentialTrajectory will stop and return false.
* The function is passed the index of the waypoint currently being solved.
* This can be used to enable timeouts for difficult plans.
* @return True if solved successfully.
bool PlanSequentialTrajectory(
const std::vector<IkCartesianWaypoint>& waypoints,
const VectorX<double>& q_current,
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd>* q_sol,
const std::function<bool(int)>& keep_going = {});
bool SolveIk(const IkCartesianWaypoint& waypoint, const VectorX<double>& q0,
const Vector3<double>& pos_tol, double rot_tol,
VectorX<double>* q_res);
RandomGenerator rand_generator_;
MultibodyPlant<double> plant_;
BodyIndex end_effector_body_idx_{};
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake