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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "drake/common/sorted_pair.h"
#include "drake/math/rotation_matrix.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
#include "drake/solvers/mathematical_program.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
* Solves an inverse kinematics (IK) problem on a MultibodyPlant, to find the
* postures of the robot satisfying certain constraints.
* The decision variables include the generalized position of the robot.
* @ingroup planning_kinematics
class InverseKinematics {
~InverseKinematics() {}
* Constructs an inverse kinematics problem for a MultibodyPlant.
* This constructor will create and own a context for @param plant.
* @param plant The robot on which the inverse kinematics problem will be
* solved.
* @param with_joint_limits If set to true, then the constructor
* imposes the joint limit (obtained from plant.GetPositionLowerLimits()
* and plant.GetPositionUpperLimits(). If set to false, then the constructor
* does not impose the joint limit constraints in the constructor.
* @note The inverse kinematics problem constructed in this way doesn't permit
* collision related constraint (such as calling
* AddMinimumDistanceConstraint). To enable collision related constraint, call
* InverseKinematics(const MultibodyPlant<double>& plant,
* systems::Context<double>* plant_context);
explicit InverseKinematics(const MultibodyPlant<double>& plant,
bool with_joint_limits = true);
* Constructs an inverse kinematics problem for a MultibodyPlant. If the user
* wants to solve the problem with collision related constraint (like calling
* AddMinimumDistanceConstraint), please use this constructor.
* @param plant The robot on which the inverse kinematics problem will be
* solved. This plant should have been connected to a SceneGraph within a
* Diagram
* @param context The context for the plant. This context should be a part of
* the Diagram context.
* To construct a plant connected to a SceneGraph, with the corresponding
* plant_context, the steps are
* // 1. Add a diagram containing the MultibodyPlant and SceneGraph
* systems::DiagramBuilder<double> builder;
* auto items = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(&builder, 0.0);
* // 2. Add collision geometries to the plant
* Parser(&(items.plant)).AddModels("model.sdf");
* // 3. Construct the diagram
* auto diagram = builder.Build();
* // 4. Create diagram context.
* auto diagram_context= diagram->CreateDefaultContext();
* // 5. Get the context for the plant.
* auto plant_context = &(diagram->GetMutableSubsystemContext(items.plant,
* diagram_context.get()));
* This context will be modified during calling ik.prog.Solve(...). When
* Solve() returns `result`, context will store the optimized posture, namely
* plant.GetPositions(*context) will be the same as in
* result.GetSolution(ik.q()). The user could then use this context to perform
* kinematic computation (like computing the position of the end-effector
* etc.).
* @param with_joint_limits If set to true, then the constructor
* imposes the joint limit (obtained from plant.GetPositionLowerLimits()
* and plant.GetPositionUpperLimits(). If set to false, then the constructor
* does not impose the joint limit constraints in the constructor. */
InverseKinematics(const MultibodyPlant<double>& plant,
systems::Context<double>* plant_context,
bool with_joint_limits = true);
/** Adds the kinematic constraint that a point Q, fixed in frame B, should lie
* within a bounding box expressed in another frame A as p_AQ_lower <= p_AQ <=
* p_AQ_upper, where p_AQ is the position of point Q measured and expressed
* in frame A.
* @param frameB The frame in which point Q is fixed.
* @param p_BQ The position of the point Q, rigidly attached to frame B,
* measured and expressed in frame B.
* @param frameA The frame in which the bounding box p_AQ_lower <= p_AQ <=
* p_AQ_upper is expressed.
* @param p_AQ_lower The lower bound on the position of point Q, measured and
* expressed in frame A.
* @param p_AQ_upper The upper bound on the position of point Q, measured and
* expressed in frame A.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddPositionConstraint(
const Frame<double>& frameB,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_BQ,
const Frame<double>& frameA,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_AQ_lower,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_AQ_upper);
/** Adds the kinematic constraint that a point Q, fixed in frame B, should lie
* within a bounding box expressed in another frame A as p_AQ_lower <= p_AQ <=
* p_AQ_upper, where p_AQ is the position of point Q measured and expressed
* in frame A.
* @param frameB The frame in which point Q is fixed.
* @param p_BQ The position of the point Q, rigidly attached to frame B,
* measured and expressed in frame B.
* @param frameAbar We will compute frame A from frame Abar. The bounding box
* p_AQ_lower <= p_AQ <= p_AQ_upper is expressed in frame A.
* @param X_AbarA The relative transform between frame Abar and A. If empty,
* then we use the identity transform.
* @param p_AQ_lower The lower bound on the position of point Q, measured and
* expressed in frame A.
* @param p_AQ_upper The upper bound on the position of point Q, measured and
* expressed in frame A.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddPositionConstraint(
const Frame<double>& frameB,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_BQ,
const Frame<double>& frameAbar,
const std::optional<math::RigidTransformd>& X_AbarA,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_AQ_lower,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_AQ_upper);
/** Adds a cost of the form (p_AP - p_AQ)ᵀ C (p_AP - p_AQ), where point P is
* specified relative to frame A and point Q is specified relative to frame
* B, and the cost is evaluated in frame A.
* @param frameA The frame in which point P's position is measured.
* @param p_AP The point P.
* @param frameB The frame in which point Q's position is measured.
* @param p_BQ The point Q.
* @param C A 3x3 matrix representing the cost in quadratic form.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Cost> AddPositionCost(
const Frame<double>& frameA,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_AP,
const Frame<double>& frameB,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_BQ,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3d>& C);
* Constrains that the angle difference θ between the orientation of frame A
* and the orientation of frame B to satisfy θ ≤ θ_bound. Frame A is fixed to
* frame A_bar, with orientation R_AbarA measured in frame A_bar. Frame B is
* fixed to frame B_bar, with orientation R_BbarB measured in frame B_bar. The
* angle difference between frame A's orientation R_WA and B's orientation
* R_WB is θ, (θ ∈ [0, π]), if there exists a rotation axis a, such that
* rotating frame A by angle θ about axis a aligns it with frame B. Namely
* R_AB = I + sinθ â + (1-cosθ)â² (1)
* where R_AB is the orientation of frame B expressed in frame A. â is the
* skew symmetric matrix of the rotation axis a. Equation (1) is the Rodrigues
* formula that computes the rotation matrix from a rotation axis a and an
* angle θ,
* If the users want frame A and frame B to align perfectly, they can set
* θ_bound = 0.
* Mathematically, this constraint is imposed as
* trace(R_AB) ≥ 2cos(θ_bound) + 1 (1)
* To derive (1), using Rodrigues formula
* R_AB = I + sinθ â + (1-cosθ)â²
* where
* trace(R_AB) = 2cos(θ) + 1 ≥ 2cos(θ_bound) + 1
* @param frameAbar frame A_bar, the frame A is fixed to frame A_bar.
* @param R_AbarA The orientation of frame A measured in frame A_bar.
* @param frameBbar frame B_bar, the frame B is fixed to frame B_bar.
* @param R_BbarB The orientation of frame B measured in frame B_bar.
* @param theta_bound The bound on the angle difference between frame A's
* orientation and frame B's orientation. It is denoted as θ_bound in the
* documentation. @p theta_bound is in radians.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddOrientationConstraint(
const Frame<double>& frameAbar,
const math::RotationMatrix<double>& R_AbarA,
const Frame<double>& frameBbar,
const math::RotationMatrix<double>& R_BbarB, double theta_bound);
/** Adds a cost of the form `c * (1 - cos(θ))`, where θ is the angle between
* the orientation of frame A and the orientation of frame B, and @p c is a
* cost scaling.
* @param frameAbar A frame on the MultibodyPlant.
* @param R_AbarA The rotation matrix describing the orientation of frame A
* relative to Abar.
* @param frameBbar A frame on the MultibodyPlant.
* @param R_BbarB The rotation matrix describing the orientation of frame B
* relative to Bbar.
* @param c A scalar cost weight.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Cost> AddOrientationCost(
const Frame<double>& frameAbar,
const math::RotationMatrix<double>& R_AbarA,
const Frame<double>& frameBbar,
const math::RotationMatrix<double>& R_BbarB,
double c);
* Constrains a target point T to be within a cone K. The point T ("T" stands
* for "target") is fixed in a frame B, with position p_BT. The cone
* originates from a point S ("S" stands for "source"), fixed in frame A with
* position p_AS, with the axis of the cone being n, also fixed
* in frame A. The half angle of the cone is θ. A common usage of this
* constraint is that a camera should gaze at some target; namely the target
* falls within a gaze cone, originating from the camera eye.
* @param frameA The frame where the gaze cone is fixed to.
* @param p_AS The position of the cone source point S, measured and
* expressed in frame A.
* @param n_A The directional vector representing the center ray of the
* cone, expressed in frame A.
* @pre @p n_A cannot be a zero vector.
* @throws std::exception is n_A is close to a zero vector.
* @param frameB The frame where the target point T is fixed to.
* @param p_BT The position of the target point T, measured and expressed in
* frame B.
* @param cone_half_angle The half angle of the cone. We denote it as θ in the
* documentation. @p cone_half_angle is in radians.
* @pre @p 0 <= cone_half_angle <= pi.
* @throws std::exception if cone_half_angle is outside of the bound.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddGazeTargetConstraint(
const Frame<double>& frameA,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_AS,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& n_A, const Frame<double>& frameB,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_BT, double cone_half_angle);
* Constrains that the angle between a vector na and another vector nb is
* between [θ_lower, θ_upper]. na is fixed to a frame A, while nb is fixed
* to a frame B.
* Mathematically, if we denote na_unit_A as na expressed in frame A after
* normalization (na_unit_A has unit length), and nb_unit_B as nb expressed in
* frame B after normalization, the constraint is
* cos(θ_upper) ≤ na_unit_Aᵀ * R_AB * nb_unit_B ≤ cos(θ_lower), where R_AB is
* the rotation matrix, representing the orientation of frame B expressed in
* frame A.
* @param frameA The frame to which na is fixed.
* @param na_A The vector na fixed to frame A, expressed in frame A.
* @pre na_A should be a non-zero vector.
* @throws std::exception if na_A is close to zero.
* @param frameB The frame to which nb is fixed.
* @param nb_B The vector nb fixed to frame B, expressed in frame B.
* @pre nb_B should be a non-zero vector.
* @throws std::exception if nb_B is close to zero.
* @param angle_lower The lower bound on the angle between na and nb. It is
* denoted as θ_lower in the documentation. @p angle_lower is in radians.
* @pre angle_lower >= 0.
* @throws std::exception if angle_lower is negative.
* @param angle_upper The upper bound on the angle between na and nb. it is
* denoted as θ_upper in the class documentation. @p angle_upper is in
* radians.
* @pre angle_lower <= angle_upper <= pi.
* @throws std::exception if angle_upper is outside the bounds.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddAngleBetweenVectorsConstraint(
const Frame<double>& frameA,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& na_A,
const Frame<double>& frameB,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& nb_B, double angle_lower,
double angle_upper);
* Add a cost c * (1-cosθ) where θ is the angle between the vector `na` and
* `nb`. na is fixed to a frame A, while nb is fixed to a frame B.
* @param frameA The frame to which na is fixed.
* @param na_A The vector na fixed to frame A, expressed in frame A.
* @pre na_A should be a non-zero vector.
* @throws std::exception if na_A is close to zero.
* @param frameB The frame to which nb is fixed.
* @param nb_B The vector nb fixed to frame B, expressed in frame B.
* @pre nb_B should be a non-zero vector.
* @throws std::exception if nb_B is close to zero.
* @param c The cost is c * (1-cosθ).
solvers::Binding<solvers::Cost> AddAngleBetweenVectorsCost(
const Frame<double>& frameA,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& na_A,
const Frame<double>& frameB,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& nb_B,
double c);
// TODO(hongkai.dai): remove this documentation.
* Adds the constraint that the pairwise distance between objects should be no
* smaller than `minimum_distance`. We consider the distance between pairs
* of
* 1. Anchored (static) object and a dynamic object.
* 2. A dynamic object and another dynamic object, if one is not the parent
* link of the other.
* @param minimum_distance The minimum allowed value, dₘᵢₙ, of the signed
* distance between any candidate pair of geometries.
* @param influence_distance_offset The difference (in meters) between the
* influence distance, d_influence, and the minimum distance, dₘᵢₙ. This value
* must be finite and strictly positive, as it is used to scale the signed
* distances between pairs of geometries. Smaller values may improve
* performance, as fewer pairs of geometries need to be considered in each
* constraint evaluation. @default 1 meter
* @see MinimumDistanceConstraint for more details on the %constraint
* formulation.
* @pre The MultibodyPlant passed to the constructor of `this` has registered
* its geometry with a SceneGraph.
* @pre 0 < `influence_distance_offset` < ∞
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddMinimumDistanceConstraint(
double minimum_distance, double influence_distance_offset = 1);
* Adds the constraint that the distance between a pair of geometries is
* within some bounds.
* @param geometry_pair The pair of geometries between which the distance is
* constrained. Notice that we only consider the distance between a static
* geometry and a dynamic geometry, or a pair of dynamic geometries. We don't
* allow constraining the distance between two static geometries.
* @param distance_lower The lower bound on the distance.
* @param distance_upper The upper bound on the distance.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddDistanceConstraint(
const SortedPair<geometry::GeometryId>& geometry_pair,
double distance_lower, double distance_upper);
* Add a constraint that the distance between point P1 attached to frame 1 and
* point P2 attached to frame 2 is within the range [distance_lower,
* distance_upper].
* @param frame1 The frame to which P1 is attached.
* @param p_B1P1 The position of P1 measured and expressed in frame 1.
* @param frame2 The frame to which P2 is attached.
* @param p_B2P2 The position of P2 measured and expressed in frame 2.
* @param distance_lower The lower bound on the distance.
* @param distance_upper The upper bound on the distance.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddPointToPointDistanceConstraint(
const Frame<double>& frame1,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_B1P1,
const Frame<double>& frame2,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_B2P2, double distance_lower,
double distance_upper);
* Add a constraint that the distance between point P attached to frame_point
* (denoted as B1) and a line attached to frame_line (denoted as B2) is within
* the range [distance_lower, distance_upper]. The line passes through a point
* Q with a directional vector n.
* @param frame_point The frame to which P is attached.
* @param p_B1P The position of P measured and expressed in frame_point.
* @param frame_line The frame to which the line is attached.
* @param p_B2Q The position of Q measured and expressed in frame_line, the
* line passes through Q.
* @param n_B2 The direction vector of the line measured and expressed in
* frame_line.
* @param distance_lower The lower bound on the distance.
* @param distance_upper The upper bound on the distance.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddPointToLineDistanceConstraint(
const Frame<double>& frame_point,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_B1P,
const Frame<double>& frame_line,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& p_B2Q,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>& n_B2, double distance_lower,
double distance_upper);
* Adds the constraint that the position of P1, ..., Pn satisfy A *
* [p_FP1; p_FP2; ...; p_FPn] <= b.
* @param frameF The frame in which the position P is measured and expressed
* @param frameG The frame in which the point P is rigidly attached.
* @param p_GP p_GP.col(i) is the position of the i'th point Pi measured and
* expressed in frame G.
* @param A We impose the constraint A * [p_FP1; p_FP2; ...; p_FPn] <= b. @pre
* A.cols() = 3 * p_GP.cols().
* @param b We impose the constraint A * [p_FP1; p_FP2; ...; p_FPn] <= b.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint> AddPolyhedronConstraint(
const Frame<double>& frameF, const Frame<double>& frameG,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3Xd>& p_GP,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& A,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& b);
/** Getter for q. q is the decision variable for the generalized positions of
* the robot. */
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& q() const { return q_; }
/** Getter for the optimization program constructed by InverseKinematics. */
const solvers::MathematicalProgram& prog() const { return *prog_; }
/** Getter for the optimization program constructed by InverseKinematics. */
solvers::MathematicalProgram* get_mutable_prog() { return prog_.get(); }
/** Getter for the plant context. */
const systems::Context<double>& context() const { return *context_; }
/** Getter for the mutable plant context. */
systems::Context<double>* get_mutable_context() { return context_; }
std::unique_ptr<solvers::MathematicalProgram> prog_;
const MultibodyPlant<double>& plant_;
std::unique_ptr<systems::Context<double>> const owned_context_;
systems::Context<double>* const context_;
solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable q_;
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake