#pragma once
#error Please include "drake/multibody/math/spatial_algebra.h", not this file.
#include <limits>
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/multibody/math/spatial_vector.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
// Forward declaration to define dot product with a spatial velocity.
template <typename T> class SpatialVelocity;
/// This class represents a _spatial force_ F (also called a _wrench_) and has 6
/// elements with a torque 𝛕 (3-element vector) on top of a force 𝐟 (3-element
/// vector). Frequently, a spatial force represents the replacement of a set S
/// of forces on a frame B with an equivalent set consisting of a torque 𝛕
/// applied to frame B which is equal to the moment of the set S about a point
/// Bp of B together with a force 𝐟 applied to Bp, where 𝐟 is equal to set S's
/// resultant force. This class assumes that both the torque 𝛕 and force 𝐟 have
/// the same _expressed-in_ frame E. This class only stores 6 elements (namely
/// 𝛕 and 𝐟) and does not store the underlying frame B, application point Bp, or
/// expressed-in frame E. The user is responsible for explicitly tracking these
/// underlying quantities with @ref multibody_quantities "monogram notation".
/// For example, F_B_E denotes a spatial force on frame B with application point
/// Bo (frame B's origin), expressed in frame E and contains tau_B_E (torque 𝛕
/// applied to frame B, expressed in frame E) and f_Bo_E (force 𝐟 applied to Bo,
/// expressed in frame E).
/// The monogram notation F_Bp has a typeset equivalent @f${F^{Bp}}@f$ which
/// denotes the spatial force applied to point Bp of frame B. F_Bp contains a
/// torque tau_B (@f${\tau^B}@f$) applied to frame B and a force f_Bp
/// (@f${f^{Bp}}@f$) applied to point Bp of frame B.
/// Details on spatial vectors and monogram notation are in sections
/// @ref multibody_spatial_vectors and @ref multibody_quantities.
/// @tparam_default_scalar
template <typename T>
class SpatialForce : public SpatialVector<SpatialForce, T> {
// We need the fully qualified class name below for the clang compiler to
// work. Without qualifiers the code is legal according to the C++11 standard
// but the clang compiler still gets confused. See:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17687459/clang-not-accepting-use-of-template-template-parameter-when-using-crtp
typedef SpatialVector<::drake::multibody::SpatialForce, T> Base;
/// Default constructor. In Release builds, all 6 elements of a newly
/// constructed spatial force are uninitialized (for speed). In Debug
/// builds, the 6 elements are set to NaN so that invalid operations on an
/// uninitialized spatial force fail fast (fast bug detection).
SpatialForce() : Base() {}
/// Constructs a spatial force F from a torque 𝛕 (tau) and a force 𝐟.
SpatialForce(const Eigen::Ref<const Vector3<T>>& tau,
const Eigen::Ref<const Vector3<T>>& f) : Base(tau, f) {}
/// Constructs a spatial force F from an Eigen expression that represents a
/// 6-element vector, i.e., a 3-element torque 𝛕 and a 3-element force 𝐟.
/// This constructor will assert the size of F is six (6) either at
/// compile-time for fixed sized Eigen expressions or at run-time for
/// dynamic sized Eigen expressions.
template <typename Derived>
explicit SpatialForce(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& F) : Base(F) {}
/// In-place shift of a %SpatialForce from one point fixed on frame B to
/// another fixed on frame B. On entry, `this` is F_Bp_E (spatial force on
/// point Bp of frame B, expressed in a frame E). On return `this` is modified
/// to F_Bq_E (spatial force on point Bq of frame B, expressed in frame E).
/// @param[in] offset which is the position vector p_BpBq_E from point Bp
/// (fixed on frame B) to point Bq (fixed on frame B), expressed in frame E.
/// p_BpBq_E must have the same expressed-in frame E as `this` spatial force.
/// @retval F_Bq_E reference to `this` spatial force which has been modified
/// to be the spatial force on point Bq of B, expressed in frame E.
/// The components of F_Bq_E are calculated as: <pre>
/// τ_B = τ_B - p_BpBq x f_Bp (the torque 𝛕 stored in `this` changes).
/// f_Bq_E = f_Bp_E (the force 𝐟 stored in `this` is unchanged).
/// </pre>
/// Note: There are related functions that shift spatial momentum and spatial
/// velocity (see SpatialMomentum::Shift() and SpatialVelocity:Shift()).
/// @see Member function Shift() to shift one spatial force without modifying
/// `this` and static functions ShiftInPlace() and Shift() to shift multiple
/// spatial forces (with or without modifying the input parameter
/// spatial_forces).
SpatialForce<T>& ShiftInPlace(const Vector3<T>& offset) {
this->rotational() -= offset.cross(this->translational());
return *this;
// Note: this operation is linear. [Jain 2010], (§1.5, page 15) uses the
// "rigid body transformation operator" to write this as:
// F_Bq = Φ(-p_BpBq) F_Bp
// = Φ(p_BqBp) F_Bp where Φ(p) is the linear operator:
// Φ(p) = | I₃ pₓ |
// | 0₃ I₃ | I₃ is the 3x3 identity matrix, 0₃ is the 3x3
// zero matrix and pₓ denotes the skew-symmetric cross product matrix such
// that pₓvec = p x vec (where vec is any vector).
// This same Φ operator shifts spatial momentum in an analogous way (see
// SpatialMomentum::Shift()) whereas Φᵀ (the transpose of this operator)
// shifts spatial velocity (see SpatialVelocity::Shift()).
// - [Jain 2010] Jain, A., 2010. Robot and multibody dynamics: analysis and
// algorithms. Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 123-130.
/// Shifts a matrix of spatial forces from one point fixed on frame B to
/// another point fixed on frame B.
/// @param[in,out] spatial_forces which is the 6 x n matrix F_Bp_E_all, where
/// each of the n columns is a spatial force expressed in a frame E. On input,
/// each spatial force is applied to a point Bp of frame B. On output, each
/// spatial force has been shifted to a point Bq of frame B. In other words,
/// on output, spatial_forces = F_Bq_E_all.
/// @param[in] offset which is the position vector p_BpBq_E from point Bp
/// (fixed on frame B) to a point Bq (fixed on frame B), expressed in frame E.
/// p_BpBq_E must have the same expressed-in frame E as in spatial_forces.
/// @see Static function Shift() to shift multiple spatial forces without
/// modifying the input parameter spatial_forces and member functions
/// ShiftInPlace() and Shift() to shift one spatial force (with or without
/// modifying `this`).
static void ShiftInPlace(EigenPtr<Matrix6X<T>> spatial_forces,
const Vector3<T>& offset) {
auto& F_Bp_E_all = spatial_forces; // Use auto to avoid Eigen types.
DRAKE_ASSERT(F_Bp_E_all != nullptr); // ASSERT because inner loop method.
const int ncol = F_Bp_E_all->cols();
for (int j = 0; j < ncol; ++j) {
// These are Eigen intermediate types; better not to look!
auto F_Bp_E = F_Bp_E_all->col(j);
auto torque = F_Bp_E.template head<3>();
const auto force = F_Bp_E.template tail<3>();
torque -= offset.cross(force); // offset = p_BpBq_E
// On entry to this function, the input parameter spatial_forces is regarded
// as F_Bp_E_all. On completion of this function, spatial_forces is regarded
// as F_Bq_E_all.
/// Shifts a %SpatialForce from one point fixed on frame B to another point
/// fixed on frame B.
/// @param[in] offset which is the position vector p_BpBq_E from point Bp
/// (fixed on frame B) to point Bq (fixed on frame B), expressed in frame E.
/// p_BpBq_E must have the same expressed-in frame E as `this` spatial force,
/// where `this` is F_Bp_E (spatial force on Bp, expressed in frame E).
/// @retval F_Bq_E which is the spatial force on Bq, expressed in frame E.
/// @see Member function ShiftInPlace() to shift one spatial force (modifying
/// `this`) and static functions ShiftInPlace() and Shift() to shift multiple
/// spatial forces (with or without modifying the input parameter
/// spatial_forces).
SpatialForce<T> Shift(const Vector3<T>& offset) const {
return SpatialForce<T>(*this).ShiftInPlace(offset); // offset = p_BpBq_E
/// Shifts a matrix of spatial forces from one point fixed on frame B to
/// another point fixed on frame B.
/// @param[in] spatial_forces which is the 6 x n matrix F_Bp_E_all, where
/// each of the n columns is a spatial force applied to a point Bp of frame B,
/// and where each spatial forces is expressed in a frame E.
/// @param[in] offset which is the position vector p_BpBq_E from point Bp
/// (fixed on frame B) to a point Bq (fixed on frame B), expressed in frame E.
/// p_BpBq_E must have the same expressed-in frame E as in spatial_forces.
/// @param[out] shifted_forces which is the 6 x n matrix F_Bq_E_all, where
/// each of the n columns is a spatial force which was shifted from point Bp
/// (fixed on B) to point Bq (fixed on B). On output, each spatial force
/// contained in shifted_forces is expressed in frame E.
/// @pre shifted_forces must be non-null and must point to a 6 x n matrix
/// (i.e., it must be the same size as the input matrix spatial_forces).
/// @see Static function ShiftInPlace() to shift multiple spatial forces with
/// modification to the input parameter spatial_forces and member functions
/// ShiftInPlace() and Shift() to shift one spatial force (with or without
/// modifying `this`).
/// @note Although this Shift() function will work properly if the input and
/// output matrices are the same (i.e., spatial_forces = shifted_forces), it
/// is faster and more efficient (avoids copying) to use ShiftInPlace().
static void Shift(const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix6X<T>>& spatial_forces,
const Vector3<T>& offset,
EigenPtr<Matrix6X<T>> shifted_forces) {
const auto& F_Bp_E_all = spatial_forces; // Use auto to avoid Eigen types.
auto& F_Bq_E_all = shifted_forces; // Use auto to avoid Eigen types.
DRAKE_DEMAND(F_Bq_E_all != nullptr);
DRAKE_DEMAND(F_Bq_E_all->cols() == F_Bp_E_all.cols());
*F_Bq_E_all = F_Bp_E_all;
ShiftInPlace(F_Bq_E_all, offset); // offset = p_BpBq_E
/// Calculates the power generated by a spatial force.
/// For an arbitrary frame B, calculates the dot-product of `this` = F_B_E
/// (frame B's spatial force, expressed in frame E) with V_MB_E (frame B's
/// spatial velocity measured in a frame M, expressed in a frame E).
/// @param[in] velocity which is V_MB_E, frame B's spatial velocity measured
/// in frame M, expressed in the same frame E as `this` = F_B_E.
/// @returns Power of spatial force F_B_E in frame M, i.e., F_B_E ⋅ V_MB_E.
/// @note Just as equating force 𝐅 to mass * acceleration as 𝐅 = m𝐚 relies
/// on acceleration 𝐚 being measured in a world frame (also called an inertial
/// or Newtonian frame), equating power = dK/dt (where K is kinetic energy)
/// relies on K being measured in a world frame. Hence, it is unusual to use
/// this method unless frame M is the world frame W.
/// @note Although the spatial vectors F_B_E and V_MB_E must have the same
/// expressed-in frame E, the returned scalar is independent of frame E.
inline T dot(const SpatialVelocity<T>& velocity) const;
// The dot() method is implemented in spatial_velocity.h. We need the inline
// keyword to ensure the method is still inlined even with `extern template`.
/// Adds two spatial forces by simply adding their 6 underlying elements.
/// @param[in] F1_E spatial force expressed in the same frame E as F2_E.
/// @param[in] F2_E spatial force expressed in the same frame E as F1_E.
/// @note The general utility of this operator+() function seems limited to
/// situations when F1 and F2 are associated with different sets of forces,
/// but are applied to the same frame B, with same application point Bp, and
/// have the same expressed-in frame E.
/// @relates SpatialForce
template <typename T>
inline SpatialForce<T> operator+(const SpatialForce<T>& F1_E,
const SpatialForce<T>& F2_E) {
// Although this operator+() function simply calls an associated
// SpatialVector operator+=() function, it is needed for documentation.
return SpatialForce<T>(F1_E) += F2_E;
/// Subtracts spatial forces by simply subtracting their 6 underlying elements.
/// @param[in] F1_E spatial force expressed in the same frame E as F2_E.
/// @param[in] F2_E spatial force expressed in the same frame E as F1_E.
/// @note The general utility of this operator-() function seems limited to
/// situations when F1 and F2 are associated with different sets of forces,
/// but are applied to the same frame B, with same application point Bp, and
/// have the same expressed-in frame E.
/// @relates SpatialForce
template <typename T>
inline SpatialForce<T> operator-(const SpatialForce<T>& F1_E,
const SpatialForce<T>& F2_E) {
// Although this operator-() function simply calls an associated
// SpatialVector operator-=() function, it is needed for documentation.
return SpatialForce<T>(F1_E) -= F2_E;
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::multibody::SpatialForce)