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#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <drake_vendor/sdf/Element.hh>
#include <drake_vendor/tinyxml2.h>
#include "drake/common/diagnostic_policy.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/geometry/proximity_properties.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_collision_filter_group_resolver.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/coulomb_friction.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/linear_bushing_roll_pitch_yaw.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace internal {
using ElementNode = std::variant<sdf::ElementPtr, tinyxml2::XMLElement*>;
// @returns true if @p str ends with @p ext. The match is case-insensitive.
bool EndsWithCaseInsensitive(std::string_view str, std::string_view ext);
// Helper class that provides for either a file name xor file contents to be
// passed between our various parsing functions.
class DataSource {
// The result of calling GetStem on a file-contents data source.
static constexpr char kContentsPseudoStem[] = "<literal-string>";
// A data source contains either a file name, or file contents.
enum DataSourceType {kFilename, kContents};
// Depending on the DataSourceType value supplied, @p data will be treated as
// either a file name or contents. The data is aliased, so the lifetime of
// the passed data must exceed the lifetime of the created object.
// @pre data cannot be nullptr.
DataSource(DataSourceType type, const std::string* data);
// @return true iff the data source is a file name.
bool IsFilename() const { return type_ == kFilename; }
// @return true iff the data source is file contents.
bool IsContents() const { return type_ == kContents; }
// Returns a reference to the filename.
// @pre IsFilename().
const std::string& filename() const;
// Returns a reference to the contents.
// @pre IsContents().
const std::string& contents() const;
// If the data source is a file name, returns its absolute path. If the
// absolute path calculation causes errors, throw std::exception. Otherwise,
// returns an empty string.
std::string GetAbsolutePath() const;
// If the data source is a file name, returns its parent path. If the parent
// path calculation causes errors, throw std::exception. Otherwise, returns
// an empty string.
std::string GetRootDir() const;
// If the data source is a file name, returns its base name, without
// directory or extension. Otherwise, returns kContentsPseudoStem.
std::string GetStem() const;
DataSourceType type_{};
const std::string* data_{};
// Note:
// static global variables are strongly discouraged by the C++ style guide:
// For this reason, we create and return an instance of CoulombFriction
// instead of using a static variable.
// Default value of the Coulomb's law coefficients of friction for when they
// are not specified in the URDF/SDF file.
inline CoulombFriction<double> default_friction() {
return CoulombFriction<double>(1.0, 1.0);
// Populates an instance of geometry::ProximityProperties from a reading
// interface in a URDF/SDF agnostic manner. This unifies the URDF and SDF
// parsing logic and eliminates code redundancy. The individual URDF and SDF
// parsers have the following responsibilities (based on the simple fact that
// the two parsers use different mechanisms to extract data from the file):
// 1. Determine if the `<drake:rigid_hydroelastic>` tag is present.
// 2. Determine if the `<drake:compliant_hydroelastic>` tag is present.
// 3. Create a function that will extract an *optional* double-valued scalar
// from a <drake:some_property> child tag of the
// <drake:proximity_properties> tag.
// This function does limited semantic parsing. For example, if for a
// particular application, a set of coordinated properties are required, this
// parsing method does *not* validate that set. It's sole purpose is to
// parse supported parameters and store them in expected values in the
// properties. Downstream consumers of those properties are responsible for
// confirming that all required properties are present and well formed.
// @param diagnostic The error-reporting channel.
// @param read_double The function for extracting double values for specific
// named tags.
// @param is_rigid True if the caller detected the presence of the
// <drake:rigid_hydroelastic> tag.
// @param is_compliant True if the caller detected the presence of the
// <drake:compliant_hydroelastic> tag.
// @return All proximity properties discovered via the `read_double` function.
// @pre At most one of `is_rigid` and `is_compliant` is true.
geometry::ProximityProperties ParseProximityProperties(
const drake::internal::DiagnosticPolicy& diagnostic,
const std::function<std::optional<double>(const char*)>& read_double,
bool is_rigid, bool is_compliant);
// Populates a LinearBushingRollPitchYaw from a reading interface in a URDF/SDF
// agnostic manner. This function does no semantic parsing and leaves the
// responsibility of handling errors or missing values to the individual
// parsers. All values are expected to exist and be well formed. Through this,
// the API to specify the linear_bushing_rpy tag in both SDF and URDF can be
// controlled/modified in a single function.
// __SDF__:
// <drake:linear_bushing_rpy>
// <drake:bushing_frameA>frameA</drake:bushing_frameA>
// <drake:bushing_frameC>frameC</drake:bushing_frameC>
// <drake:bushing_torque_stiffness>0 0 0</drake:bushing_torque_stiffness>
// <drake:bushing_torque_damping>0 0 0</drake:bushing_torque_damping>
// <drake:bushing_force_stiffness>0 0 0</drake:bushing_force_stiffness>
// <drake:bushing_force_damping>0 0 0</drake:bushing_force_damping>
// </drake:linear_bushing_rpy>
// __URDF__:
// <drake:linear_bushing_rpy>
// <drake:bushing_frameA name="frameA"/>
// <drake:bushing_frameC name="frameC"/>
// <drake:bushing_torque_stiffness value="0 0 0"/>
// <drake:bushing_torque_damping value="0 0 0"/>
// <drake:bushing_force_stiffness value="0 0 0"/>
// <drake:bushing_force_damping value="0 0 0"/>
// </drake:linear_bushing_rpy>
// The @p read_frame functor may (at its option) throw std:exception, or return
// nullptr when frame parsing fails. Similarly,
// ParseLinearBushingRollPitchYaw() may return nullptr when read_frame has
// returned nullptr.
const LinearBushingRollPitchYaw<double>* ParseLinearBushingRollPitchYaw(
const std::function<Eigen::Vector3d(const char*)>& read_vector,
const std::function<const Frame<double>*(const char*)>& read_frame,
MultibodyPlant<double>* plant);
// TODO(@SeanCurtis-TRI): The real solution here is to create a wrapper
// class that provides a consistent interface to either representation.
// Then instantiate on the caller side and express the code here in terms of
// that type.
// Populates collision filter groups from a reading interface in a URDF/SDF
// agnostic manner. Through this, the API to specify the collision_filter_group
// tag in both SDF and URDF can be controlled/modified in a single function.
// Functors are allowed to throw an exception when the requested quantities
// are not available.
// @param diagnostic The error-reporting channel.
// @param model_instance Model Instance that contains the bodies involved
// in the collision filter groups.
// @param model_node Node used to parse for the
// collision_gilter_group tag.
// @param plant MultibodyPlant used to register the collision
// filter groups.
// @param resolver Collects the collision filter group data.
// @param next_child_element Function that returns the next child element
// with the specified tag in the ElementNode
// provided.
// @param next_sibling_element Function that returns the next sibling element
// with the specified tag in the ElementNode
// provided.
// @param has_attribute Function that checks if an attribute exists
// in the ElementNode provided.
// @param read_tag_string Function that provides a common interface
// to extract a tag value. In SDF it will be a
// tag "value" (the attribute "name" will not be
// used), in URDF it will be a named attribute.
// @param read_string_attribute Function that reads a string attribute with the
// name provided in the ElementNoded provided.
// @param read_bool_attribute Function that reads a boolean attribute with
// the name provided in the ElementNode provided.
void ParseCollisionFilterGroupCommon(
const drake::internal::DiagnosticPolicy& diagnostic,
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance, const ElementNode& model_node,
MultibodyPlant<double>* plant,
internal::CollisionFilterGroupResolver* resolver,
const std::function<ElementNode(const ElementNode&, const char*)>&
const std::function<ElementNode(const ElementNode&, const char*)>&
const std::function<bool(const ElementNode&, const char*)>& has_attribute,
const std::function<std::string(const ElementNode&, const char*)>&
const std::function<bool(const ElementNode&, const char*)>&
const std::function<std::string(const ElementNode&, const char*)>&
} // namespace internal
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake