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#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_sdf_geometry.h"
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <drake_vendor/sdf/Box.hh>
#include <drake_vendor/sdf/Capsule.hh>
#include <drake_vendor/sdf/Cylinder.hh>
#include <drake_vendor/sdf/Element.hh>
#include <drake_vendor/sdf/Ellipsoid.hh>
#include <drake_vendor/sdf/Plane.hh>
#include <drake_vendor/sdf/Sphere.hh>
#include "drake/geometry/geometry_instance.h"
#include "drake/geometry/proximity_properties.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_common.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_ignition.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_path_utils.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_sdf_diagnostic.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/coulomb_friction.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace internal {
using Eigen::Vector3d;
using std::make_unique;
using std::move;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using drake::internal::DiagnosticPolicy;
using geometry::GeometryInstance;
using geometry::IllustrationProperties;
using geometry::ProximityProperties;
using math::RigidTransformd;
namespace {
// Helper to return the value of a child of `element` named `child_name`.
// A std::runtime_error is thrown if the `<child_name>` tag is missing from the
// SDF file and no `default_value` is supplied, or the tag has a bad or missing
// value.
template <typename T>
std::optional<T> GetChildElementValue(const SDFormatDiagnostic& diagnostic,
const sdf::ElementConstPtr element,
const std::string& child_name,
const std::optional<T>& default_value = std::nullopt) {
// TODO(amcastro-tri): unit tests for different error paths are needed.
if (!element->HasElement(child_name)) {
if (default_value) return *default_value;
std::string message = "Element <" + child_name +
"> is required within element <" + element->GetName() + ">.";
diagnostic.Error(element, std::move(message));
return std::nullopt;
std::pair<T, bool> value_pair = element->Get<T>(child_name, T());
// We already know that HasElement() succeeded above, so the flag
// in the return value should always be true.
DRAKE_DEMAND(value_pair.second == true);
return value_pair.first;
} // namespace
std::optional<std::unique_ptr<geometry::Shape>> MakeShapeFromSdfGeometry(
const SDFormatDiagnostic& diagnostic,
const sdf::Geometry& sdf_geometry,
ResolveFilename resolve_filename) {
// TODO(amcastro-tri): unit tests for different error paths are needed.
const std::set<std::string> supported_geometry_elements{
diagnostic, sdf_geometry.Element(), supported_geometry_elements);
// For the geometry elements parsed by sdformat, assume that all elements
// are supported and that sdformat is checking the schema.
switch (sdf_geometry.Type()) {
case sdf::GeometryType::EMPTY: {
// TODO(azeey): We should deprecate use of <drake:capsule> and
// <drake:ellipsoid> per
// Check for custom geometry tags, e.g. drake:capsule.
if (sdf_geometry.Element()->HasElement("drake:capsule")) {
const sdf::ElementPtr capsule_element =
diagnostic, capsule_element, {"radius", "length"});
std::optional<const double> radius =
GetChildElementValue<double>(diagnostic, capsule_element, "radius");
if (!radius.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
std::optional<const double> length =
GetChildElementValue<double>(diagnostic, capsule_element, "length");
if (!length.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
return make_unique<geometry::Capsule>(*radius, *length);
} else if (sdf_geometry.Element()->HasElement("drake:ellipsoid")) {
const sdf::ElementPtr ellipsoid_element =
diagnostic, ellipsoid_element, {"a", "b", "c"});
std::optional<const double> a =
GetChildElementValue<double>(diagnostic, ellipsoid_element, "a");
if (!a.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
std::optional<const double> b =
GetChildElementValue<double>(diagnostic, ellipsoid_element, "b");
if (!b.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
std::optional<const double> c =
GetChildElementValue<double>(diagnostic, ellipsoid_element, "c");
if (!c.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
return make_unique<geometry::Ellipsoid>(*a, *b, *c);
return std::unique_ptr<geometry::Shape>(nullptr);
case sdf::GeometryType::BOX: {
const sdf::Box& shape = *sdf_geometry.BoxShape();
const Vector3d box_size = ToVector3(shape.Size());
return make_unique<geometry::Box>(box_size(0), box_size(1), box_size(2));
case sdf::GeometryType::CYLINDER: {
// TODO(amcastro-tri): Verify with @nkoenig that sdf::Cylinder's axis
// point in the positive z direction as Drake's cylinders do.
const sdf::Cylinder& shape = *sdf_geometry.CylinderShape();
return make_unique<geometry::Cylinder>(shape.Radius(), shape.Length());
case sdf::GeometryType::PLANE: {
// While sdf::Plane contains the normal of the plane, geometry::HalfSpace
// only encodes a half space with normal along the z-axis direction of a
// canonical frame C. Therefore the normal information is used during
// the parsing of a GeometryInstance, which does contain the pose of the
// half space in the parent link frame.
return make_unique<geometry::HalfSpace>();
case sdf::GeometryType::SPHERE: {
const sdf::Sphere& shape = *sdf_geometry.SphereShape();
return make_unique<geometry::Sphere>(shape.Radius());
case sdf::GeometryType::MESH: {
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Port this to the sdf::Mesh APIs.
const sdf::ElementConstPtr geometry_element = sdf_geometry.Element();
DRAKE_DEMAND(geometry_element != nullptr);
const sdf::ElementConstPtr mesh_element =
DRAKE_DEMAND(mesh_element != nullptr);
std::optional<std::string> mesh_uri =
GetChildElementValue<std::string>(diagnostic, mesh_element, "uri");
if (!mesh_uri.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
const std::string file_name = resolve_filename(diagnostic, *mesh_uri);
double scale = 1.0;
if (mesh_element->HasElement("scale")) {
std::optional<gz::math::Vector3d> scale_vector =
diagnostic, mesh_element, "scale");
if (!scale_vector.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
// geometry::Mesh only supports isotropic scaling and therefore we
// enforce it.
if (!(scale_vector->X() == scale_vector->Y() &&
scale_vector->X() == scale_vector->Z())) {
std::string message =
"Drake meshes only support isotropic scaling. Therefore all "
"three scaling factors must be exactly equal.";
diagnostic.Error(mesh_element, std::move(message));
return std::nullopt;
scale = scale_vector->X();
// TODO(amcastro-tri): Fix the given path to be an absolute path.
if (mesh_element->HasElement("drake:declare_convex")) {
return make_unique<geometry::Convex>(file_name, scale);
} else {
return make_unique<geometry::Mesh>(file_name, scale);
case sdf::GeometryType::CAPSULE: {
const sdf::Capsule& shape = *sdf_geometry.CapsuleShape();
return make_unique<geometry::Capsule>(shape.Radius(), shape.Length());
case sdf::GeometryType::ELLIPSOID: {
const gz::math::Vector3d& radii =
return make_unique<geometry::Ellipsoid>(radii.X(), radii.Y(), radii.Z());
case sdf::GeometryType::HEIGHTMAP: {
return std::unique_ptr<geometry::Shape>(nullptr);
case sdf::GeometryType::POLYLINE: {
return std::unique_ptr<geometry::Shape>(nullptr);
static constexpr char kAcceptingTag[] = "drake:accepting_renderer";
const SDFormatDiagnostic& diagnostic,
const sdf::Visual& sdf_visual, ResolveFilename resolve_filename,
const math::RigidTransformd& X_LG) {
const std::set<std::string> supported_visual_elements{
diagnostic, sdf_visual.Element(), supported_visual_elements);
const sdf::Geometry& sdf_geometry = *sdf_visual.Geom();
if (sdf_geometry.Type() == sdf::GeometryType::EMPTY) {
// The file either specifies an EMPTY geometry or one that isn't recognized
// by libsdf. We first check for any custom geometry tags, e.g.
// drake:capsule, before we can decide to return a null geometry.
if (!sdf_geometry.Element()->HasElement("drake:capsule") &&
!sdf_geometry.Element()->HasElement("drake:ellipsoid")) {
return std::unique_ptr<GeometryInstance>(nullptr);
// GeometryInstance defines its shapes in a "canonical frame" C. For instance:
// - A half-space's normal is directed along the Cz axis,
// - A cylinder's length is parallel to the Cz axis,
// - etc.
// X_LC defines the pose of the canonical frame in the link frame L.
// N.B. In most cases C coincides with the SDF G frame.
RigidTransformd X_LC = X_LG;
// For a half-space, C and G are not the same since SDF allows to specify
// the normal of the plane in the G frame.
// Note to developers: if needed, update this switch statement to consider
// other geometry types whenever X_LC != X_LG.
switch (sdf_geometry.Type()) {
case sdf::GeometryType::EMPTY: // Also includes custom geometries.
case sdf::GeometryType::HEIGHTMAP:
case sdf::GeometryType::BOX:
case sdf::GeometryType::CAPSULE:
case sdf::GeometryType::CYLINDER:
case sdf::GeometryType::ELLIPSOID:
case sdf::GeometryType::MESH:
case sdf::GeometryType::POLYLINE:
case sdf::GeometryType::SPHERE: {
// X_LC = X_LG for these geometries.
case sdf::GeometryType::PLANE: {
const sdf::Plane& shape = *sdf_geometry.PlaneShape();
// TODO(amcastro-tri): we assume the normal is in the frame of the visual
// geometry G. Verify this with @nkoenig.
const Vector3d normal_G = ToVector3(shape.Normal());
// sdf::Plane also has sdf::Plane::Size(), but we ignore it since in Drake
// planes are entire half-spaces.
// The normal expressed in the frame G defines the pose of the half space
// in its canonical frame C in which the normal aligns with the z-axis
// direction.
const RigidTransformd X_GC(
geometry::HalfSpace::MakePose(normal_G, Vector3d::Zero()));
// Correct X_LC to include the pose X_GC
X_LC = X_LG * X_GC;
auto shape = MakeShapeFromSdfGeometry(
diagnostic, sdf_geometry, resolve_filename);
if (!shape.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
if (*shape == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
auto instance =
make_unique<GeometryInstance>(X_LC, move(*shape), sdf_visual.Name());
std::optional<IllustrationProperties> illustration_properties =
diagnostic, sdf_visual, resolve_filename);
if (!illustration_properties.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
return instance;
std::optional<IllustrationProperties> MakeVisualPropertiesFromSdfVisual(
const SDFormatDiagnostic& diagnostic,
const sdf::Visual& sdf_visual, ResolveFilename resolve_filename) {
// This doesn't directly use the sdf::Material API on purpose. In the current
// version, if a parameter (e.g., diffuse) is missing it will *not* be
// included in the geometry properties. Using the sdf::Material, it is
// impossible to tell if this is happening. If the material exists, then
// diffuse, ambient, etc., all have default values and those values will be
// written to the geometry properties. This breaks the ability of the
// downstream consumer to supply its own defaults (because it can't
// distinguish between a value that was specified by the user and one that was
// provided by sdformat's default value).
// The existence of a visual element will *always* require an
// IllustrationProperties instance. How we populate it depends on the material
// values.
IllustrationProperties properties;
const sdf::ElementPtr visual_element = sdf_visual.Element();
// Element pointers can only be nullptr if Load() was not called on the sdf::
// object. Only a bug could cause this.
DRAKE_DEMAND(visual_element != nullptr);
const sdf::ElementConstPtr material_element =
if (material_element.get() != nullptr) {
const std::set<std::string> supported_material_elements{
diagnostic, material_element, supported_material_elements);
if (material_element->HasElement("drake:diffuse_map")) {
auto [texture_name, has_value] =
material_element->Get<std::string>("drake:diffuse_map", {});
if (has_value) {
const std::string resolved_path =
resolve_filename(diagnostic, texture_name);
if (resolved_path.empty()) {
std::string message = std::string(fmt::format(
"Unable to locate the texture file: {}", texture_name));
diagnostic.Error(visual_element, std::move(message));
return std::nullopt;
properties.AddProperty("phong", "diffuse_map", resolved_path);
auto add_property = [material_element](const char* property,
IllustrationProperties* props) {
if (!material_element->HasElement(property)) return;
using gz::math::Color;
const std::pair<Color, bool> value_pair =
material_element->Get<Color>(property, Color());
if (value_pair.second == false) return;
const Color& sdf_color = value_pair.first;
Vector4<double> color{sdf_color.R(), sdf_color.G(), sdf_color.B(),
props->AddProperty("phong", property, color);
add_property("diffuse", &properties);
add_property("ambient", &properties);
add_property("specular", &properties);
add_property("emissive", &properties);
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Including this property in illustration properties is
// a bit misleading; it isn't used by illustration, but we're not currently
// parsing illustration and perception properties separately. So, we stash
// them in the illustration properties relying on it to be ignored by
// illustration consumers but copied over to the perception properties.
if (visual_element->HasElement(kAcceptingTag)) {
set<string> accepting_names;
sdf::ElementPtr accepting = visual_element->GetElement(kAcceptingTag);
while (accepting != nullptr) {
const string& name = accepting->Get<string>();
if (name.empty()) {
std::string message = fmt::format("<{}> tag given without any name",
diagnostic.Error(accepting, std::move(message));
return std::nullopt;
accepting = accepting->GetNextElement(kAcceptingTag);
DRAKE_DEMAND(accepting_names.size() > 0);
properties.AddProperty("renderer", "accepting", move(accepting_names));
return properties;
RigidTransformd MakeGeometryPoseFromSdfCollision(
const sdf::Collision& sdf_collision, const RigidTransformd& X_LG) {
// GeometryInstance defines its shapes in a "canonical frame" C. The canonical
// frame C is the frame in which the geometry is defined and it generally
// coincides with the geometry frame G (G is specified in the SDF file).
// For instance:
// - A half-space's normal is directed along the Cz axis,
// - A cylinder's length is parallel to the Cz axis,
// - etc.
// There are cases however in which C might not coincide with G. A HalfSpace
// is one of such examples, since for geometry::HalfSpace the normal is
// represented in the C frame along Cz, whereas SDF defines the normal in a
// frame G which does not necessarily coincide with C.
// X_LC defines the pose of the canonical frame in the link frame L.
// N.B. In most cases C coincides with the SDF G frame.
RigidTransformd X_LC = X_LG;
// For a half-space, C and G are not the same since SDF allows to specify
// the normal of the plane in the G frame.
// Note to developers: if needed, update this switch statement to consider
// other geometry types whenever X_LC != X_LG.
const sdf::Geometry& sdf_geometry = *sdf_collision.Geom();
switch (sdf_geometry.Type()) {
case sdf::GeometryType::EMPTY:
case sdf::GeometryType::HEIGHTMAP:
case sdf::GeometryType::BOX:
case sdf::GeometryType::CAPSULE:
case sdf::GeometryType::CYLINDER:
case sdf::GeometryType::ELLIPSOID:
case sdf::GeometryType::MESH:
case sdf::GeometryType::POLYLINE:
case sdf::GeometryType::SPHERE: {
// X_LC = X_LG for these geometries.
case sdf::GeometryType::PLANE: {
const sdf::Plane& shape = *sdf_geometry.PlaneShape();
const Vector3d normal_G = ToVector3(shape.Normal());
// sdf::Plane also has sdf::Plane::Size(), but we ignore it since in Drake
// planes are entire half-spaces.
// The normal expressed in the frame G defines the pose of the half space
// in its canonical frame C in which the normal aligns with the z-axis
// direction.
const RigidTransformd X_GC(
geometry::HalfSpace::MakePose(normal_G, Vector3d::Zero()));
// Correct X_LC to include the pose X_GC
X_LC = X_LG * X_GC;
return X_LC;
std::optional<ProximityProperties> MakeProximityPropertiesForCollision(
const SDFormatDiagnostic& diagnostic,
const sdf::Collision& sdf_collision) {
const sdf::ElementPtr collision_element = sdf_collision.Element();
DRAKE_DEMAND(collision_element != nullptr);
const std::set<std::string> supported_collision_elements{
diagnostic, collision_element, supported_collision_elements);
diagnostic, collision_element, "laser_retro", "0");
const sdf::ElementConstPtr drake_element =
geometry::ProximityProperties properties;
if (drake_element != nullptr) {
const std::set<std::string> supported_proximity_elements{
CheckSupportedElements(diagnostic, drake_element,
auto read_double =
[drake_element, &diagnostic](
const char* element_name) -> std::optional<double> {
std::optional<double> result;
if (drake_element->FindElement(element_name) != nullptr) {
result = GetChildElementValue<double>(diagnostic,
return result;
const bool is_rigid = drake_element->HasElement("drake:rigid_hydroelastic");
const bool is_compliant =
// TODO(16229): Remove this ad-hoc input sanitization when we resolve
// issue 16229 "Diagnostics for unsupported SDFormat and URDF stanzas."
const bool is_unsupported_soft =
if (is_unsupported_soft) {
std::string message = "A <collision> geometry has defined the "
"unsupported tag <drake:soft_hydroelastic>. Please change it to "
diagnostic.Error(collision_element, std::move(message));
return std::nullopt;
if (is_rigid && is_compliant) {
std::string message = "A <collision> geometry has defined "
"mutually-exclusive tags <drake:rigid_hydroelastic> and "
"<drake:compliant_hydroelastic>. Only one can be provided.";
diagnostic.Error(collision_element, std::move(message));
return std::nullopt;
properties = ParseProximityProperties(
read_double, is_rigid, is_compliant);
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Remove all of this legacy parsing code based on
// issue #12598.
if (!properties.HasProperty(geometry::internal::kMaterialGroup,
geometry::internal::kFriction)) {
std::optional<CoulombFriction<double>> coulomb_friction =
MakeCoulombFrictionFromSdfCollisionOde(diagnostic, sdf_collision);
if (!coulomb_friction.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
geometry::internal::kFriction, *coulomb_friction);
} else {
// We parsed friction from <drake:proximity_properties>; test for the
// existence of the legacy mechanism and warn we're not using it.
const sdf::ElementConstPtr surface_element =
if (surface_element.get()) {
CheckSupportedElements(diagnostic, surface_element, {"friction"});
const sdf::ElementConstPtr friction_element =
if (friction_element.get()) {
CheckSupportedElements(diagnostic, friction_element, {"ode"});
const sdf::ElementConstPtr ode_element =
CheckSupportedElements(diagnostic, ode_element, {"mu", "mu2"});
if (ode_element->FindElement("mu").get() ||
ode_element->FindElement("mu2").get()) {
fmt::format("In <collision name='{}'>: "
"When drake contact parameters are fully specified in the "
"<drake:proximity_properties> tag, the <surface><friction><ode>"
"<mu*> tags are ignored.",
return properties;
std::optional<CoulombFriction<double>> MakeCoulombFrictionFromSdfCollisionOde(
const SDFormatDiagnostic& diagnostic,
const sdf::Collision& sdf_collision) {
const sdf::ElementPtr collision_element = sdf_collision.Element();
// Element pointers can only be nullptr if Load() was not called on the sdf::
// object. Only a bug could cause this.
DRAKE_DEMAND(collision_element != nullptr);
// Look for a surface/friction/ode element. If any are missing, we return
// default friction properties.
// TODO(eric.cousineau): Use sdf::Surface once it is more complete.
const sdf::ElementConstPtr surface_element =
if (!surface_element.get()) return default_friction();
const sdf::ElementConstPtr friction_element =
if (!friction_element.get()) return default_friction();
const sdf::ElementConstPtr ode_element =
if (!ode_element.get()) return default_friction();
// Read <mu> (for static) and <mu2> (for dynamic), with default values.
std::optional<const double> static_friction =
ode_element, "mu", default_friction().static_friction());
if (!static_friction.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
std::optional<const double> dynamic_friction =
ode_element, "mu2", default_friction().dynamic_friction());
if (!dynamic_friction.has_value()) return std::nullopt;
return CoulombFriction<double>(*static_friction, *dynamic_friction);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake