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#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <drake_vendor/tinyxml2.h>
#include "drake/common/diagnostic_policy.h"
#include "drake/geometry/geometry_instance.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_tinyxml2_diagnostic.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/package_map.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/coulomb_friction.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace internal {
/* A URDF-defined material consists of:
- A normalized RGBA color (Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha values in the
range [0, 1]) and/or
- the absolute path to an image file to apply as a diffuse texture map.
If both pieces of information are provided in the URDF file, both will be
reported and it is up to the downstream consumer of this data to devise a
policy for reconciling the data. */
struct UrdfMaterial {
std::optional<Eigen::Vector4d> rgba;
std::optional<std::string> diffuse_map;
/* A map from the name of a material to its definition. */
typedef std::map<std::string, UrdfMaterial> MaterialMap;
/* Adds a material to the supplied `materials` map.
If the input material is missing an rgba value, a default rgba value will be
assigned (a fully transparent black).
@param[in] policy A DiagnosticPolicy to handle errors and warnings, if any.
@param[in] material_name A human-understandable name of the material.
@param[in] material The definition of the URDF material to associate with the
@param[in] error_if_name_clash If true, this method will emit an error if @p
material_name is already in @p materials regardless of whether the material
values are the same. If false, this method will emit an error if @p
material_name is already in @p materials and material values don't match.
@param[out] materials A pointer to the map in which to store the material.
This cannot be nullptr.
@returns The material with the given name stored in @p materials.
UrdfMaterial AddMaterialToMaterialMap(
const drake::internal::DiagnosticPolicy& policy,
const std::string& material_name,
UrdfMaterial material,
bool error_if_name_clash,
MaterialMap* materials);
/* Returns the material specified by a <material> @p node. If the material has
a name associated with it, the material will be reconciled with the given
set of @p materials (and added to the set as appropriate).
It has the following error-emitting conditions:
1. `name_required` is true, but the tag has no name attribute.
2. a material with a new name (i.e. it does not appear in @p materials)
has no color or texture information.
3. the named material conflicts with a previous material in @p materials
with the same name.
4. The file referenced by a texture does not exist.
If none of the error conditions apply, and the material has no color or
texture information, it is defined as fully transparent black.
@param[in] diagnostic The diagnostic handler.
@param[in] node The <material> XML node.
@param[in] name_required If true, emits error if the tag doesn't have the name
@param[in] package_map A map where the keys are ROS package names and the
values are the paths to the packages. This is only used if @p filename
starts with "package:"or "model:".
@param[in] root_dir The absolute path to the root directory of the URDF.
@param[in|out] materials The set of parsed materials; a *new* material will
be conditionally added (emitting error if not possible).
@pre @p node is a <material> node.
@note This capability is not specified by the official URDF specification (see:
|, but is needed by certain URDFs
released by companies and organizations like Robotiq and ROS Industrial
(for example, see this URDF by Robotiq: */
UrdfMaterial ParseMaterial(const TinyXml2Diagnostic& diagnostic,
const tinyxml2::XMLElement* node, bool name_required,
const PackageMap& package_map,
const std::string& root_dir,
MaterialMap* materials);
/* Default value of numeric suffix limit for generation of geometry names.*/
constexpr int kDefaultNumericSuffixLimit = 10000;
/* Parses a "visual" element in @p node.
<!-- TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Ultimately, a module for what we parse should be
written outside of this _internal_ namespace. This should go there and
merely reference it. -->
<h2>Targeting Renderers</h2>
In addition to the standard SDF <visual> hierarchy, Drake offers an additional
tag `<drake:accepting_renderer>`:
<geometry ... />
<drake:accepting_renderer name="renderer_name" />
The new tag serves as a list of renderers for which this visual is targeted.
- The _value_ of the tag is the name of the renderer.
- If the _value_ is empty, that is a parsing error.
- If no instance of `<drake:accepting_renderer>` every renderer will be given
the chance to reify this visual geometry.
- Multiple instances of this tag are allowed. Each instance adds a renderer to
the list of targeted renderers.
This feature is one way to provide multiple visual representations of a body.
@param[in] diagnostic The diagnostic handler.
@param[in] parent_element_name The name of the parent link element, used
for error reporting.
@param[in,out] materials The MaterialMap is used to look up materials
which are referenced by name only in the visual element. New materials
which are specified by both color and name will be added to the map and
can be used by later visual elements. Material definitions may be
repeated if the material properties are identical.
@param[in,out] geometry_names The list of visual geometry names already used
within the current MbP body (i.e., link), so that this function can be sure not
to reuse an already-used name. This function adds the name used by the returned
geometry into this set.
@param[in] numeric_name_suffix_limit (optional) The upper bound for choosing
numeric suffixes.
std::optional<geometry::GeometryInstance> ParseVisual(
const TinyXml2Diagnostic& diagnostic,
const std::string& parent_element_name,
const PackageMap& package_map,
const std::string& root_dir, const tinyxml2::XMLElement* node,
MaterialMap* materials, std::unordered_set<std::string>* geometry_names,
int numeric_name_suffix_limit = kDefaultNumericSuffixLimit);
/* @anchor urdf_contact_material
Parses a <collision> element in @p node.
Reads the definition of a collision geometry (shape, pose, properties, etc.)
For properties, this function specifically looks for the
`<drake:proximity_properties>` child tag to find drake-specific geometry
collision (or "proximity") properties. It looks for the following tags with the
mapping to properties as show below.
All of the tags should be of the form:
<tag value="double"/>
There are not default values for these tags (except for friction -- see below);
if the tag is missing, the corresponding property will be missing from the
property set.
Mapping from URDF tag to geometry property. See
semantics of these properties.
| Tag | Group | Property | Notes |
| :------------------------------: | :----------: | :-----------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| drake:mesh_resolution_hint | hydroelastic | resolution_hint | Required for shapes that require tessellation to support hydroelastic contact. |
| drake:hydroelastic_modulus | hydroelastic | hydroelastic_modulus | Finite positive value. Required for compliant hydroelastic representations. |
| drake:hunt_crossley_dissipation | material | hunt_crossley_dissipation | |
| drake:relaxation_time | material | relaxation_time | Required when using a linear model of dissipation, for instance with the SAP solver. |
| drake:mu_dynamic | material | coulomb_friction | See note below on friction. |
| drake:mu_static | material | coulomb_friction | See note below on friction. |
| drake:rigid_hydroelastic | hydroelastic | compliance_type | Requests a rigid hydroelastic representation. Cannot be combined *with* soft_hydroelastic. |
| drake:compliant_hydroelastic | hydroelastic | compliance_type | Requests a compliant hydroelastic representation. Cannot be combined *with* rigid_hydroelastic. Requires a value for hydroelastic_modulus. |
<h3>Coefficients of friction</h3>
Parsing coefficients of friction has a relatively complicated protocol:
1. If one of `<drake:mu_dynamic>` *or* `<drake:mu_static>` is present, the
property of type CoulombFriction<double> will be instantiated with both
values initialized to the single value. An error will be emitted
- if the value is negative.
2. If both `<drake:mu_dynamic>` and `<drake:mu_static>` tags are present, the
CoulombFriction<double> will contain both values. An error will be
emitted if:
- either value is negative, or
- `mu_dynamic` is greater than `mu_static`.
3. If *both* tags are missing, the parser will look for two tags:
`<drake_compliance><dynamic_friction>` and
`<drake_compliance><static_friction>` with the same error conditions on
4. If no meaningful friction coefficients are found, a default value will be
created (see default_friction()).
As long as no error is emitted, the returned geometry::GeometryInstance
will contain a valid instance of geometry::ProximityProperties with (at least)
the ('material', 'coulomb_friction') property.
@param[in] diagnostic The diagnostic handler.
@param[in] parent_element_name The name of the parent link element, used
for error reporting.
@param[in] package_map The map used to resolve paths.
@param[in] root_dir The root directory of the containing URDF file.
@param[in] node The node corresponding to the <collision> tag.
@param[in,out] geometry_names The list of collision geometry names already
added to the current MbP body (i.e., link), so that this function can be sure
not to reuse an already-used name. This function adds the name used by the
returned geometry into this set.
@param[in] numeric_name_suffix_limit (optional) The upper bound for choosing
numeric suffixes.
std::optional<geometry::GeometryInstance> ParseCollision(
const TinyXml2Diagnostic& diagnostic,
const std::string& parent_element_name,
const PackageMap& package_map,
const std::string& root_dir, const tinyxml2::XMLElement* node,
std::unordered_set<std::string>* geometry_names,
int numeric_name_suffix_limit = kDefaultNumericSuffixLimit);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake