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#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_urdf_parser.h"
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <drake_vendor/tinyxml2.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "drake/common/sorted_pair.h"
#include "drake/math/rotation_matrix.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_make_model_name.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_path_utils.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_tinyxml.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_tinyxml2_diagnostic.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/detail_urdf_geometry.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/package_map.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/ball_rpy_joint.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/fixed_offset_frame.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/planar_joint.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/prismatic_joint.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/revolute_joint.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/scoped_name.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/screw_joint.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/universal_joint.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/weld_joint.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace internal {
using Eigen::Matrix3d;
using Eigen::Vector3d;
using Eigen::Vector4d;
using math::RigidTransformd;
using tinyxml2::XMLNode;
using tinyxml2::XMLDocument;
using tinyxml2::XMLElement;
namespace {
using JointEffortLimits = std::map<std::string, double>;
// Helper class to share infrastructure among parsing methods.
class UrdfParser {
// Note that @p data_source, @p xml_doc, and @p w are aliased for the
// lifetime of this object. Their lifetimes must exceed that of the created
// object.
const DataSource* data_source,
const std::string& model_name,
const std::optional<std::string>& parent_model_name,
const std::string& root_dir,
XMLDocument* xml_doc,
const ParsingWorkspace& w)
: model_name_(model_name),
diagnostic_(&w.diagnostic, data_source) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(data_source != nullptr);
DRAKE_DEMAND(xml_doc != nullptr);
// @return a model instance index, if one was created during parsing.
// @throw std::exception on parse error.
// @note: see AddModelFromUrdf for a full account of diagnostics, error
// reporting, and return values.
std::optional<ModelInstanceIndex> Parse();
void ParseBushing(XMLElement* node);
void ParseFrame(XMLElement* node);
void ParseTransmission(const JointEffortLimits& joint_effort_limits,
XMLElement* node);
void ParseJoint(JointEffortLimits* joint_effort_limits, XMLElement* node);
const Body<double>* GetBodyForElement(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& link_name);
void ParseJointDynamics(XMLElement* node, double* damping);
void ParseJointLimits(XMLElement* node, double* lower, double* upper,
double* velocity, double* acceleration, double* effort);
void ParseJointKeyParams(XMLElement* node,
std::string* name,
std::string* type,
std::string* parent_link_name,
std::string* child_link_name);
void ParseScrewJointThreadPitch(XMLElement* node, double* screw_thread_pitch);
void ParseCollisionFilterGroup(XMLElement* node);
void ParseBody(XMLElement* node, MaterialMap* materials);
SpatialInertia<double> ExtractSpatialInertiaAboutBoExpressedInB(
XMLElement* node);
// A work-alike for internal::ParseScalarAttribute() that uses the local
// diagnostic policy.
bool ParseScalarAttribute(
const tinyxml2::XMLElement* node,
const char* attribute_name, double* val) {
return internal::ParseScalarAttribute(
node, attribute_name, val,
void ParseMechanicalReduction(const XMLElement& node);
void Warning(const XMLNode& location, std::string message) const {
diagnostic_.Warning(location, std::move(message));
void Error(const XMLNode& location, std::string message) const {
diagnostic_.Error(location, std::move(message));
// Warn about documented URDF elements ignored by Drake.
void WarnUnsupportedElement(const XMLElement& node, const std::string& tag) {
diagnostic_.WarnUnsupportedElement(node, tag);
// Warn about documented URDF attributes ignored by Drake.
void WarnUnsupportedAttribute(const XMLElement& node,
const std::string& attribute) {
diagnostic_.WarnUnsupportedAttribute(node, attribute);
const std::string model_name_;
const std::optional<std::string> parent_model_name_;
const std::string root_dir_;
XMLDocument* const xml_doc_;
const ParsingWorkspace& w_;
TinyXml2Diagnostic diagnostic_;
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance_{};
const char* kWorldName = "world";
SpatialInertia<double> UrdfParser::ExtractSpatialInertiaAboutBoExpressedInB(
XMLElement* node) {
RigidTransformd X_BBi;
XMLElement* origin = node->FirstChildElement("origin");
if (origin) {
X_BBi = OriginAttributesToTransform(origin);
double body_mass = 0;
XMLElement* mass = node->FirstChildElement("mass");
if (mass) {
ParseScalarAttribute(mass, "value", &body_mass);
double ixx = 0;
double ixy = 0;
double ixz = 0;
double iyy = 0;
double iyz = 0;
double izz = 0;
XMLElement* inertia = node->FirstChildElement("inertia");
if (inertia) {
ParseScalarAttribute(inertia, "ixx", &ixx);
ParseScalarAttribute(inertia, "ixy", &ixy);
ParseScalarAttribute(inertia, "ixz", &ixz);
ParseScalarAttribute(inertia, "iyy", &iyy);
ParseScalarAttribute(inertia, "iyz", &iyz);
ParseScalarAttribute(inertia, "izz", &izz);
const RotationalInertia<double> I_BBcm_Bi(ixx, iyy, izz, ixy, ixz, iyz);
// If this is a massless body, return a zero SpatialInertia.
if (body_mass == 0. && I_BBcm_Bi.get_moments().isZero() &&
I_BBcm_Bi.get_products().isZero()) {
return SpatialInertia<double>(body_mass, {0., 0., 0.}, {0., 0., 0});
// B and Bi are not necessarily aligned.
const math::RotationMatrix<double> R_BBi(X_BBi.rotation());
// Re-express in frame B as needed.
const RotationalInertia<double> I_BBcm_B = I_BBcm_Bi.ReExpress(R_BBi);
// Bi's origin is at the COM as documented in
const Vector3d p_BoBcm_B = X_BBi.translation();
return SpatialInertia<double>::MakeFromCentralInertia(
body_mass, p_BoBcm_B, I_BBcm_B);
void UrdfParser::ParseBody(XMLElement* node, MaterialMap* materials) {
// TODO(rpoyner-tri): legacy undocumented tag: remove, fix?
std::string drake_ignore;
if (ParseStringAttribute(node, "drake_ignore", &drake_ignore) &&
drake_ignore == std::string("true")) {
// Seen in the ROS urdfdom XSD Schema.
// See
WarnUnsupportedAttribute(*node, "type");
std::string body_name;
if (!ParseStringAttribute(node, "name", &body_name)) {
Error(*node, "link tag is missing name attribute.");
const RigidBody<double>* body_pointer{};
if (body_name == kWorldName) {
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): We have no documentation about what our parsers
// support and not. The fact that we allow this behavior should be
// discoverable *somewhere*. But this function is in an anonymous
// namespace; where would the documentation go that supports this
// implementation?
body_pointer = &w_.plant->world_body();
if (node->FirstChildElement("inertial") != nullptr) {
Warning(*node, "A URDF file declared the \"world\" link and then"
" attempted to assign mass properties (via the <inertial> tag)."
" Only geometries, <collision> and <visual>, can be assigned to"
" the world link. The <inertial> tag is being ignored.");
} else {
SpatialInertia<double> M_BBo_B;
XMLElement* inertial_node = node->FirstChildElement("inertial");
if (!inertial_node) {
M_BBo_B = SpatialInertia<double>(0, Vector3d::Zero(),
UnitInertia<double>(0, 0, 0));
} else {
M_BBo_B = ExtractSpatialInertiaAboutBoExpressedInB(inertial_node);
// Add a rigid body to model each link.
body_pointer = &w_.plant->AddRigidBody(body_name, model_instance_, M_BBo_B);
if (w_.plant->geometry_source_is_registered()) {
const RigidBody<double>& body = *body_pointer;
std::unordered_set<std::string> geometry_names;
for (XMLElement* visual_node = node->FirstChildElement("visual");
visual_node = visual_node->NextSiblingElement("visual")) {
std::optional<geometry::GeometryInstance> geometry_instance =
ParseVisual(diagnostic_, body_name, w_.package_map, root_dir_,
visual_node, materials, &geometry_names);
if (!geometry_instance) { continue; }
// The parsing should *always* produce an IllustrationProperties
// instance, even if it is empty.
DRAKE_DEMAND(geometry_instance->illustration_properties() != nullptr);
body, geometry_instance->pose(), geometry_instance->shape(),
geometry_names.clear(); // See ParseCollision API; the names are per-role.
for (XMLElement* collision_node = node->FirstChildElement("collision");
collision_node = collision_node->NextSiblingElement("collision")) {
std::optional<geometry::GeometryInstance> geometry_instance =
ParseCollision(diagnostic_, body_name, w_.package_map, root_dir_,
collision_node, &geometry_names);
if (!geometry_instance) { continue; }
DRAKE_DEMAND(geometry_instance->proximity_properties() != nullptr);
body, geometry_instance->pose(), geometry_instance->shape(),
void UrdfParser::ParseCollisionFilterGroup(XMLElement* node) {
auto next_child_element = [](const ElementNode& data_element,
const char* element_name) {
return std::get<XMLElement*>(data_element)
auto next_sibling_element = [](const ElementNode& data_element,
const char* element_name) {
return std::get<XMLElement*>(data_element)
auto has_attribute = [](const ElementNode& data_element,
const char* attribute_name) {
std::string attribute_value;
return ParseStringAttribute(std::get<XMLElement*>(data_element),
attribute_name, &attribute_value);
auto get_string_attribute = [this](const ElementNode& data_element,
const char* attribute_name) {
std::string attribute_value;
XMLElement* anode = std::get<XMLElement*>(data_element);
if (!ParseStringAttribute(anode, attribute_name, &attribute_value)) {
Error(*anode, fmt::format("The tag <{}> does not specify the required"
" attribute \"{}\".", anode->Value(),
// Fall through to return empty string.
return attribute_value;
auto get_bool_attribute = [](const ElementNode& data_element,
const char* attribute_name) {
std::string attribute_value;
attribute_name, &attribute_value);
return attribute_value == std::string("true") ? true : false;
diagnostic_.MakePolicyForNode(node), model_instance_, node, w_.plant,
w_.collision_resolver, next_child_element, next_sibling_element,
has_attribute, get_string_attribute, get_bool_attribute,
// Parses a joint URDF specification to obtain the names of the joint, parent
// link, child link, and the joint type. An exception is thrown if any of these
// names cannot be determined.
// @param[in] node The XML node parsing the URDF joint description.
// @param[out] name A reference to a string where the name of the joint
// should be saved.
// @param[out] type A reference to a string where the joint type should be
// saved.
// @param[out] parent_link_name A reference to a string where the name of the
// parent link should be saved.
// @param[out] child_link_name A reference to a string where the name of the
// child link should be saved.
void UrdfParser::ParseJointKeyParams(XMLElement* node,
std::string* name,
std::string* type,
std::string* parent_link_name,
std::string* child_link_name) {
if (!ParseStringAttribute(node, "name", name)) {
Error(*node, "joint tag is missing name attribute");
if (!ParseStringAttribute(node, "type", type)) {
Error(*node, fmt::format("joint '{}' is missing type attribute", *name));
// Obtains the name of the joint's parent link.
XMLElement* parent_node = node->FirstChildElement("parent");
if (!parent_node) {
Error(*node, fmt::format("joint '{}' doesn't have a parent node!", *name));
if (!ParseStringAttribute(parent_node, "link", parent_link_name)) {
Error(*parent_node, fmt::format("joint {}'s parent does not have a link"
" attribute!", *name));
// Obtains the name of the joint's child link.
XMLElement* child_node = node->FirstChildElement("child");
if (!child_node) {
Error(*node, fmt::format("joint '{}' doesn't have a child node!", *name));
if (!ParseStringAttribute(child_node, "link", child_link_name)) {
Error(*child_node, fmt::format("joint {}'s child does not have a link"
" attribute!", *name));
void UrdfParser::ParseJointLimits(
XMLElement* node, double* lower, double* upper,
double* velocity, double* acceleration, double* effort) {
*lower = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
*upper = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
*velocity = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
*acceleration = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
*effort = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
XMLElement* limit_node = node->FirstChildElement("limit");
if (limit_node) {
ParseScalarAttribute(limit_node, "lower", lower);
ParseScalarAttribute(limit_node, "upper", upper);
ParseScalarAttribute(limit_node, "velocity", velocity);
ParseScalarAttribute(limit_node, "drake:acceleration", acceleration);
ParseScalarAttribute(limit_node, "effort", effort);
void UrdfParser::ParseJointDynamics(XMLElement* node, double* damping) {
*damping = 0.0;
double coulomb_friction = 0.0;
double coulomb_window = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
XMLElement* dynamics_node = node->FirstChildElement("dynamics");
if (dynamics_node) {
ParseScalarAttribute(dynamics_node, "damping", damping);
if (ParseScalarAttribute(dynamics_node, "friction", &coulomb_friction) &&
coulomb_friction != 0.0) {
Warning(*dynamics_node, "A joint has specified a non-zero value for the"
" 'friction' attribute of a joint/dynamics tag. MultibodyPlant"
" does not currently support non-zero joint friction.");
if (ParseScalarAttribute(
dynamics_node, "coulomb_window", &coulomb_window)) {
Warning(*dynamics_node, "A joint has specified a value for the"
" 'coulomb_window' attribute of a <joint> tag. Drake no longer"
" makes use of that attribute; all instances will be ignored.");
void UrdfParser::ParseScrewJointThreadPitch(XMLElement* node,
double* screw_thread_pitch) {
// Always set a value for the output-only argument, even if parsing fails.
*screw_thread_pitch = 0.0;
XMLElement* screw_thread_pitch_node =
if (screw_thread_pitch_node) {
if (!ParseScalarAttribute(screw_thread_pitch_node, "value",
screw_thread_pitch)) {
Error(*screw_thread_pitch_node, "A screw joint has a"
" <drake:screw_thread_pitch> tag that is missing the 'value'"
" attribute.");
} else {
Error(*node, "A screw joint is missing the <drake:screw_thread_pitch>"
" tag.");
const Body<double>* UrdfParser::GetBodyForElement(
const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& link_name) {
auto plant = w_.plant;
if (link_name == kWorldName) {
return &plant->world_body();
if (!plant->HasBodyNamed(link_name, model_instance_)) {
Error(*xml_doc_, fmt::format("Could not find link named '{}' with model"
" instance ID {} for element '{}'.", link_name,
model_instance_, element_name));
return nullptr;
return &plant->GetBodyByName(link_name, model_instance_);
void UrdfParser::ParseJoint(
JointEffortLimits* joint_effort_limits,
XMLElement* node) {
// TODO(rpoyner-tri): legacy undocumented tag: remove, fix?
std::string drake_ignore;
if (ParseStringAttribute(node, "drake_ignore", &drake_ignore) &&
drake_ignore == std::string("true")) {
WarnUnsupportedElement(*node, "calibration");
WarnUnsupportedElement(*node, "safety_controller");
// Parses the parent and child link names.
std::string name, type, parent_name, child_name;
ParseJointKeyParams(node, &name, &type, &parent_name, &child_name);
if (name.empty() || type.empty() ||
parent_name.empty() || child_name.empty()) {
const Body<double>* parent_body = GetBodyForElement(
name, parent_name);
if (parent_body == nullptr) { return; }
const Body<double>* child_body = GetBodyForElement(
name, child_name);
if (child_body == nullptr) { return; }
RigidTransformd X_PJ;
XMLElement* origin = node->FirstChildElement("origin");
if (origin) {
X_PJ = OriginAttributesToTransform(origin);
Vector3d axis(1, 0, 0);
XMLElement* axis_node = node->FirstChildElement("axis");
if (axis_node &&"fixed") != 0 &&
|"floating") != 0 &&"ball") != 0) {
ParseVectorAttribute(axis_node, "xyz", &axis);
if (axis.norm() < 1e-8) {
Error(*axis_node, fmt::format("Joint '{}' axis is zero. Don't do that.",
// Joint properties -- these are only used by some joint types.
// Dynamic properties
double damping = 0;
// Limits
double upper = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double lower = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double velocity = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double acceleration = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// In MultibodyPlant, the effort limit is a property of the actuator, which
// isn't created until the transmission element is parsed. Stash a value
// for all joints when parsing the joint element so that we can look it up
// later if/when an actuator is created.
double effort = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
auto throw_on_custom_joint =
[node, name, type, this](bool want_custom_joint) {
const std::string node_name(node->Name());
const bool is_custom_joint = node_name == "drake:joint";
if (want_custom_joint && !is_custom_joint) {
Error(*node, fmt::format("Joint {} of type {} is a custom joint type, and"
" should be a <drake:joint>", name, type));
} else if (!want_custom_joint && is_custom_joint) {
Error(*node, fmt::format("Joint {} of type {} is a standard joint type,"
" and should be a <joint>", name, type));
auto plant = w_.plant;
std::optional<JointIndex> index{};
if ("revolute") == 0 ||"continuous") == 0) {
ParseJointLimits(node, &lower, &upper, &velocity, &acceleration, &effort);
ParseJointDynamics(node, &damping);
index = plant->AddJoint<RevoluteJoint>(
name, *parent_body, X_PJ,
*child_body, std::nullopt, axis, lower, upper, damping).index();
Joint<double>& joint = plant->get_mutable_joint(*index);
joint.set_velocity_limits(Vector1d(-velocity), Vector1d(velocity));
Vector1d(-acceleration), Vector1d(acceleration));
} else if ("fixed") == 0) {
index = plant->AddJoint<WeldJoint>(
name, *parent_body, X_PJ, *child_body, std::nullopt,
} else if ("prismatic") == 0) {
ParseJointLimits(node, &lower, &upper, &velocity, &acceleration, &effort);
ParseJointDynamics(node, &damping);
index = plant->AddJoint<PrismaticJoint>(
name, *parent_body, X_PJ, *child_body, std::nullopt, axis, lower,
upper, damping).index();
Joint<double>& joint = plant->get_mutable_joint(*index);
joint.set_velocity_limits(Vector1d(-velocity), Vector1d(velocity));
Vector1d(-acceleration), Vector1d(acceleration));
} else if ("floating") == 0) {
Warning(*node, fmt::format("Joint '{}' specified as type floating which is"
" not supported by MultibodyPlant. Leaving '{}'"
" as a free body.", name, child_name));
} else if ("ball") == 0) {
ParseJointDynamics(node, &damping);
index = plant->AddJoint<BallRpyJoint>(
name, *parent_body, X_PJ, *child_body, std::nullopt, damping).index();
} else if ("planar") == 0) {
// Permit both the standard 'joint' and custom 'drake:joint' spellings
// here. The standard spelling was actually always correct, but Drake only
// supported the custom spelling for quite some time, and some model files
// are likely spelled that way. See #18730.
Vector3d damping_vec(0, 0, 0);
XMLElement* dynamics_node = node->FirstChildElement("dynamics");
if (dynamics_node) {
ParseVectorAttribute(dynamics_node, "damping", &damping_vec);
index = plant->AddJoint<PlanarJoint>(
name, *parent_body, X_PJ, *child_body, std::nullopt, damping_vec).index();
} else if ("screw") == 0) {
ParseJointDynamics(node, &damping);
double screw_thread_pitch;
ParseScrewJointThreadPitch(node, &screw_thread_pitch);
index = plant->AddJoint<ScrewJoint>(
name, *parent_body, X_PJ, *child_body, std::nullopt, axis,
screw_thread_pitch, damping).index();
} else if ("universal") == 0) {
ParseJointDynamics(node, &damping);
index = plant->AddJoint<UniversalJoint>(
name, *parent_body, X_PJ, *child_body, std::nullopt, damping).index();
} else {
Error(*node, fmt::format("Joint '{}' has unrecognized type: '{}'",
name, type));
joint_effort_limits->emplace(name, effort);
XMLElement* mimic_node = node->FirstChildElement("mimic");
if (mimic_node) {
if (!plant->is_discrete() ||
plant->get_discrete_contact_solver() != DiscreteContactSolver::kSap) {
fmt::format("Joint '{}' specifies a mimic element that will be "
"ignored. Mimic elements are currently only supported by "
"MultibodyPlant with a discrete time step and using "
} else {
std::string joint_to_mimic;
double gear_ratio{1.0};
double offset{0.0};
if (!ParseStringAttribute(mimic_node, "joint", &joint_to_mimic)) {
fmt::format("Joint '{}' mimic element is missing the "
"required 'joint' attribute.",
if (!plant->HasJointNamed(joint_to_mimic, model_instance_)) {
fmt::format("Joint '{}' mimic element specifies joint '{}' which"
" does not exist.",
name, joint_to_mimic));
ParseScalarAttribute(mimic_node, "multiplier", &gear_ratio);
ParseScalarAttribute(mimic_node, "offset", &offset);
if (!index) {
// This can currently happen if we have a "floating" joint, which does
// not produce the actual QuaternionFloatingJoint above.
fmt::format("Drake only supports the mimic element for "
"single-dof joints. The mimic element in joint "
"'{}' will be ignored.",
} else {
const Joint<double>& joint0 = plant->get_joint(*index);
const Joint<double>& joint1 =
plant->GetJointByName(joint_to_mimic, model_instance_);
if (joint1.num_velocities() != joint0.num_velocities()) {
fmt::format("Joint '{}' which has {} DOF cannot mimic "
"joint '{}' which has {} DOF.",
name, joint0.num_velocities(), joint_to_mimic,
if (joint0.num_velocities() != 1) {
// The URDF documentation is ambiguous as to whether multi-dof joints
// are supported by the mimic tag. So we only raise a warning, not an
// error.
fmt::format("Drake only supports the mimic element for "
"single-dof joints. The joint '{}' (with {} "
"dofs) is attempting to mimic joint '{}' (with "
"{} dofs). The mimic element will be ignored.",
name, joint0.num_velocities(), joint_to_mimic,
} else {
plant->AddCouplerConstraint(joint0, joint1, gear_ratio, offset);
void UrdfParser::ParseMechanicalReduction(const XMLElement& node) {
const XMLElement* child = node.FirstChildElement("mechanicalReduction");
if (!child) { return; }
const char* text = child->GetText();
if (!text) { return; }
std::vector<double> values = ConvertToVector<double>(text);
if (values.size() == 1 && values[0] == 1) { return; }
Warning(*child, fmt::format(
"A '{}' element contains a mechanicalReduction element with a"
" value '{}' other than the default of 1. MultibodyPlant does"
" not currently support non-default mechanical reductions.",
node.Name(), text));
void UrdfParser::ParseTransmission(
const JointEffortLimits& joint_effort_limits,
XMLElement* node) {
WarnUnsupportedElement(*node, "leftActuator");
WarnUnsupportedElement(*node, "rightActuator");
WarnUnsupportedElement(*node, "flexJoint");
WarnUnsupportedElement(*node, "rollJoint");
WarnUnsupportedElement(*node, "gap_joint");
WarnUnsupportedElement(*node, "passive_joint");
WarnUnsupportedElement(*node, "use_simulated_gripper_joint");
// Determines the transmission type.
std::string type;
XMLElement* type_node = node->FirstChildElement("type");
if (type_node) {
type = type_node->GetText();
} else {
// Old URDF format, kept for convenience
if (!ParseStringAttribute(node, "type", &type)) {
Error(*node, "Transmission element is missing a type.");
// Checks if the transmission type is not SimpleTransmission. If it is not,
// print a warning and then abort this method call since only simple
// transmissions are supported at this time.
if (type.find("SimpleTransmission") == std::string::npos) {
Warning(*node, "A <transmission> has a type that isn't"
" 'SimpleTransmission'. Drake only supports 'SimpleTransmission';"
" all other transmission types will be ignored.");
// Determines the actuator's name.
XMLElement* actuator_node = node->FirstChildElement("actuator");
if (!actuator_node) {
Error(*node, "Transmission is missing an actuator element.");
// `actuator/hardwareInterface` child tags are silently ignored.
std::string actuator_name;
if (!ParseStringAttribute(actuator_node, "name", &actuator_name)) {
Error(*actuator_node, "Transmission is missing an actuator name.");
// Determines the name of the joint to which the actuator is attached.
XMLElement* joint_node = node->FirstChildElement("joint");
if (!joint_node) {
Error(*node, "Transmission is missing a joint element.");
// `joint/hardwareInterface` child tags are silently ignored.
std::string joint_name;
if (!ParseStringAttribute(joint_node, "name", &joint_name)) {
Error(*joint_node, "Transmission is missing a joint name.");
auto plant = w_.plant;
if (!plant->HasJointNamed(joint_name, model_instance_)) {
Error(*joint_node, fmt::format("Transmission specifies joint '{}' which"
" does not exist.", joint_name));
const Joint<double>& joint = plant->GetJointByName(
joint_name, model_instance_);
// Checks if the actuator is attached to a fixed joint. If so, abort this
// method call.
if (joint.num_positions() == 0) {
Warning(*joint_node, fmt::format("Skipping transmission since it's attached"
" to a fixed joint \"{}\".", joint_name));
const auto effort_iter = joint_effort_limits.find(joint_name);
DRAKE_DEMAND(effort_iter != joint_effort_limits.end());
if (effort_iter->second < 0) {
Error(*joint_node, fmt::format("Transmission specifies joint '{}' which has"
" a negative effort limit.", joint_name));
if (effort_iter->second <= 0) {
Warning(*joint_node, fmt::format("Skipping transmission since it's attached"
" to joint \"{}\" which has a zero effort"
" limit {}.", joint_name,
const JointActuator<double>& actuator =
plant->AddJointActuator(actuator_name, joint, effort_iter->second);
// Parse and add the optional drake:rotor_inertia parameter.
XMLElement* rotor_inertia_node =
if (rotor_inertia_node) {
double rotor_inertia;
if (!ParseScalarAttribute(rotor_inertia_node, "value", &rotor_inertia)) {
fmt::format("joint actuator {}'s drake:rotor_inertia does not have"
" a \"value\" attribute!", actuator_name));
// Parse and add the optional drake:gear_ratio parameter.
XMLElement* gear_ratio_node =
if (gear_ratio_node) {
double gear_ratio;
if (!ParseScalarAttribute(gear_ratio_node, "value", &gear_ratio)) {
fmt::format("joint actuator {}'s drake:gear_ratio does not have a"
" \"value\" attribute!", actuator_name));
void UrdfParser::ParseFrame(XMLElement* node) {
std::string name;
if (!ParseStringAttribute(node, "name", &name)) {
Error(*node, "parsing frame name.");
std::string body_name;
if (!ParseStringAttribute(node, "link", &body_name)) {
Error(*node, fmt::format("missing link name for frame {}.", name));
const Body<double>* body = GetBodyForElement(
name, body_name);
if (body == nullptr) { return; }
RigidTransformd X_BF = OriginAttributesToTransform(node);
name, body->body_frame(), X_BF));
void UrdfParser::ParseBushing(XMLElement* node) {
// Functor to read a child element with a vector valued `value` attribute.
// Returns a zero vector if unable to find the tag or if the value attribute
// is improperly formed.
auto read_vector = [node, this](const char* element_name) -> Eigen::Vector3d {
const XMLElement* value_node = node->FirstChildElement(element_name);
if (value_node != nullptr) {
Eigen::Vector3d value;
if (ParseVectorAttribute(value_node, "value", &value)) {
return value;
} else {
Error(*node, fmt::format("Unable to read the 'value' attribute for the"
" <{}> tag", element_name));
return Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
} else {
Error(*node, fmt::format("Unable to find the <{}> tag", element_name));
return Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
// Functor to read a child element with a string-valued `name` attribute.
// Returns nullptr if unable to find the tag, if the name attribute is
// improperly formed, or if it does not refer to a frame already in the
// model.
auto read_frame = [node, this](const char* element_name)
-> const Frame<double>* {
XMLElement* value_node = node->FirstChildElement(element_name);
if (value_node != nullptr) {
std::string frame_name;
auto plant = w_.plant;
if (ParseStringAttribute(value_node, "name", &frame_name)) {
if (!plant->HasFrameNamed(frame_name, model_instance_)) {
Error(*value_node, fmt::format("Frame: {} specified for <{}> does not"
" exist in the model.", frame_name,
return {};
return &plant->GetFrameByName(frame_name, model_instance_);
} else {
Error(*value_node, fmt::format("Unable to read the 'name' attribute for"
" the <{}> tag", element_name));
return {};
} else {
Error(*node, fmt::format("Unable to find the <{}> tag", element_name));
return {};
ParseLinearBushingRollPitchYaw(read_vector, read_frame, w_.plant);
std::optional<ModelInstanceIndex> UrdfParser::Parse() {
XMLElement* node = xml_doc_->FirstChildElement("robot");
if (!node) {
Error(*xml_doc_, "URDF does not contain a robot tag.");
return {};
// See
WarnUnsupportedAttribute(*node, "version");
// <gazebo> child tags are silently ignored.
std::string model_name = model_name_;
if (model_name.empty() && !ParseStringAttribute(node, "name", &model_name)) {
Error(*node, "Your robot must have a name attribute or a model name "
"must be specified.");
return {};
model_name = MakeModelName(model_name, parent_model_name_, w_);
model_instance_ = w_.plant->AddModelInstance(model_name);
// Parses the model's material elements. Throws an exception if there's a
// material name clash regardless of whether the associated RGBA values are
// the same.
MaterialMap materials;
for (XMLElement* material_node = node->FirstChildElement("material");
material_node = material_node->NextSiblingElement("material")) {
ParseMaterial(diagnostic_, material_node, true /* name_required */,
w_.package_map, root_dir_, &materials);
// Parses the model's link elements.
for (XMLElement* link_node = node->FirstChildElement("link");
link_node = link_node->NextSiblingElement("link")) {
ParseBody(link_node, &materials);
// Parses the collision filter groups only if the scene graph is registered.
if (w_.plant->geometry_source_is_registered()) {
// Joint effort limits are stored with joints, but used when creating the
// actuator (which is done when parsing the transmission).
JointEffortLimits joint_effort_limits;
// Parses the model's joint elements. While it may not be strictly required
// to be true in MultibodyPlant, generally the JointIndex for any given
// joint follows the declaration order in the model (and users probably
// should avoid caring about the ordering of JointIndex), we still parse the
// joints in model order regardless of the element type so that the results
// are consistent with an SDF version of the same model.
for (XMLElement* joint_node = node->FirstChildElement(); joint_node;
joint_node = joint_node->NextSiblingElement()) {
const std::string node_name(joint_node->Name());
if (node_name == "joint" || node_name == "drake:joint") {
ParseJoint(&joint_effort_limits, joint_node);
// Parses the model's transmission elements.
for (XMLElement* transmission_node = node->FirstChildElement("transmission");
transmission_node =
transmission_node->NextSiblingElement("transmission")) {
ParseTransmission(joint_effort_limits, transmission_node);
if (node->FirstChildElement("loop_joint")) {
Error(*node, "loop joints are not supported in MultibodyPlant");
return model_instance_;
// Parses the model's Drake frame elements.
for (XMLElement* frame_node = node->FirstChildElement("frame"); frame_node;
frame_node = frame_node->NextSiblingElement("frame")) {
// Parses the model's custom Drake bushing tags.
for (XMLElement* bushing_node =
bushing_node; bushing_node = bushing_node->NextSiblingElement(
"drake:linear_bushing_rpy")) {
return model_instance_;
} // namespace
std::optional<ModelInstanceIndex> AddModelFromUrdf(
const DataSource& data_source,
const std::string& model_name_in,
const std::optional<std::string>& parent_model_name,
const ParsingWorkspace& workspace) {
MultibodyPlant<double>* plant = workspace.plant;
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(plant != nullptr);
TinyXml2Diagnostic diag(&workspace.diagnostic, &data_source);
// Opens the URDF file and feeds it into the XML parser.
XMLDocument xml_doc;
if (data_source.IsFilename()) {
if (xml_doc.ErrorID()) {
diag.Error(xml_doc, fmt::format("Failed to parse XML file: {}",
return std::nullopt;
} else {
if (xml_doc.ErrorID()) {
diag.Error(xml_doc, fmt::format("Failed to parse XML string: {}",
return std::nullopt;
UrdfParser parser(&data_source, model_name_in, parent_model_name,
data_source.GetRootDir(), &xml_doc, workspace);
return parser.Parse();
UrdfParserWrapper::UrdfParserWrapper() {}
UrdfParserWrapper::~UrdfParserWrapper() {}
std::optional<ModelInstanceIndex> UrdfParserWrapper::AddModel(
const DataSource& data_source, const std::string& model_name,
const std::optional<std::string>& parent_model_name,
const ParsingWorkspace& workspace) {
return AddModelFromUrdf(data_source, model_name, parent_model_name,
std::vector<ModelInstanceIndex> UrdfParserWrapper::AddAllModels(
const DataSource& data_source,
const std::optional<std::string>& parent_model_name,
const ParsingWorkspace& workspace) {
auto result = AddModel(data_source, {}, parent_model_name, workspace);
if (result.has_value()) {
return {*result};
return {};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake