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#include "drake/multibody/topology/multibody_graph.h"
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_throw.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace internal {
MultibodyGraph::MultibodyGraph(const MultibodyGraph&) = default;
MultibodyGraph& MultibodyGraph::operator=(const MultibodyGraph&) = default;
MultibodyGraph::MultibodyGraph(MultibodyGraph&&) = default;
MultibodyGraph& MultibodyGraph::operator=(MultibodyGraph&&) = default;
MultibodyGraph::MultibodyGraph() {
// Verify invariant promised to users in the documentation.
DRAKE_DEMAND(joint_type_name_to_index_[weld_type_name()] ==
BodyIndex MultibodyGraph::AddBody(const std::string& body_name,
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance) {
// Reject the usage of the "world" model instance for any other bodies but the
// world.
if (num_bodies() > 0 && model_instance == world_model_instance()) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"AddBody(): Model instance index = {} is reserved for the world body. "
" body_index = 0, named '{}'",
world_model_instance(), world_body_name());
throw std::runtime_error(msg);
// Reject duplicate body name.
if (HasBodyNamed(body_name, model_instance)) {
throw std::runtime_error("AddBody(): Duplicate body name '" + body_name +
// next available
const BodyIndex body_index(num_bodies());
// provide fast name lookup
body_name_to_index_.insert({body_name, body_index});
// Can't use emplace_back below because the constructor is private.
bodies_.push_back(Body(body_index, body_name, model_instance));
return body_index;
bool MultibodyGraph::HasBodyNamed(const std::string& name,
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance) const {
// Search linearly on the assumption that we won't often have lots of
// bodies with the same name in different model instances. If this turns
// out to be incorrect we can switch to a different data structure.
const auto range = body_name_to_index_.equal_range(name);
for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
if (get_body(it->second).model_instance() == model_instance) {
return true;
return false;
bool MultibodyGraph::HasJointNamed(const std::string& name,
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance) const {
// Search linearly on the assumption that we won't often have lots of
// joints with the same name in different model instances. If this turns
// out to be incorrect we can switch to a different data structure.
const auto range = joint_name_to_index_.equal_range(name);
for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
if (get_joint(it->second).model_instance() == model_instance) {
return true;
return false;
const std::string& MultibodyGraph::world_body_name() const {
if (bodies_.empty())
throw std::runtime_error(
"get_world_body_name(): you can't call this until you have called "
"AddBody() at least once -- the first body is World.");
return bodies_[0].name();
const MultibodyGraph::Body& MultibodyGraph::world_body() const {
if (bodies_.empty())
throw std::runtime_error(
"world_body(): you can't call this until you have called "
"AddBody() at least once -- the first body is 'world'.");
return bodies_[0];
JointIndex MultibodyGraph::AddJoint(const std::string& name,
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance,
const std::string& type,
BodyIndex parent_body_index,
BodyIndex child_body_index) {
// Reject duplicate joint name.
if (HasJointNamed(name, model_instance)) {
throw std::runtime_error("AddJoint(): Duplicate joint name '" + name +
const JointTypeIndex type_index = GetJointTypeIndex(type);
if (!type_index.is_valid()) {
throw std::runtime_error("AddJoint(): Unrecognized type '" + type +
"' for joint '" + name + "'.");
// Verify we are connecting bodies within the graph.
if (!(parent_body_index.is_valid() && parent_body_index < num_bodies())) {
throw std::runtime_error("AddJoint(): parent body index for joint '" +
name + "' is invalid.");
if (!(child_body_index.is_valid() && child_body_index < num_bodies())) {
throw std::runtime_error("AddJoint(): child body index for joint '" + name +
"' is invalid.");
// next available index.
const JointIndex joint_index(num_joints());
auto [map_iter, inserted] = bodies_to_joint_.insert(
{{parent_body_index, child_body_index}, joint_index});
if (!inserted) {
auto existing_joint_index = map_iter->second;
const auto& existing_joint = get_joint(existing_joint_index);
const auto& existing_parent = get_body(existing_joint.parent_body());
const auto& existing_child = get_body(existing_joint.child_body());
const auto& new_parent = get_body(parent_body_index);
const auto& new_child = get_body(child_body_index);
throw std::runtime_error(
"This MultibodyGraph already has a joint '" + +
"' connecting '" + +
"' to '" + +
"'. Therefore adding joint '" + name +
"' connecting '" + + "' to '" + +
"' is not allowed.");
// provide fast name lookup.
joint_name_to_index_.insert({name, joint_index});
// Can't use emplace_back below because the constructor is private.
joints_.push_back(Joint(name, model_instance, type_index, parent_body_index,
// Connect the graph.
return joint_index;
int MultibodyGraph::num_joint_types() const {
return static_cast<int>(joint_type_name_to_index_.size());
int MultibodyGraph::num_bodies() const {
return static_cast<int>(bodies_.size());
int MultibodyGraph::num_joints() const {
return static_cast<int>(joints_.size());
const MultibodyGraph::Body& MultibodyGraph::get_body(BodyIndex index) const {
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(index < num_bodies());
return bodies_[index];
MultibodyGraph::Body& MultibodyGraph::get_mutable_body(BodyIndex body_index) {
return bodies_[body_index];
const MultibodyGraph::Joint& MultibodyGraph::get_joint(JointIndex index) const {
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(index < num_joints());
return joints_[index];
JointTypeIndex MultibodyGraph::RegisterJointType(
const std::string& joint_type_name) {
// Reject duplicate type name.
const auto it = joint_type_name_to_index_.find(joint_type_name);
if (it != joint_type_name_to_index_.end())
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
"RegisterJointType(): Duplicate joint type: '{}'.", joint_type_name));
const JointTypeIndex joint_type_index(num_joint_types());
joint_type_name_to_index_[joint_type_name] = joint_type_index;
return joint_type_index;
bool MultibodyGraph::IsJointTypeRegistered(
const std::string& joint_type_name) const {
const auto it = joint_type_name_to_index_.find(joint_type_name);
return it != joint_type_name_to_index_.end();
JointTypeIndex MultibodyGraph::GetJointTypeIndex(
const std::string& joint_type_name) const {
const auto it = joint_type_name_to_index_.find(joint_type_name);
return it == joint_type_name_to_index_.end() ? JointTypeIndex() : it->second;
std::vector<std::set<BodyIndex>> MultibodyGraph::FindSubgraphsOfWeldedBodies()
const {
std::vector<bool> visited(num_bodies(), false);
std::vector<std::set<BodyIndex>> subgraphs;
// Reserve the maximum possible number of subgraphs (that is, when each body
// forms its own subgraph) in advance in order to avoid reallocation in the
// std::vector "subgraphs" which would cause the invalidation of references as
// we recursively fill it in.
// The first body visited is the "world" (body_index = 0), and therefore
// subgraphs[0] corresponds to the subgraphs of all bodies welded to the
// world.
for (const auto& body : bodies_) {
if (!visited[body.index()]) {
// If `body` was not visited yet, we create an subgraph for it.
// We build the subgraph to which `body` belongs by recursively traversing
// the sub-graph it belongs to.
std::set<BodyIndex>& body_subgraph = subgraphs.back();
// Thus far `body` forms its own subgraph. Find if other bodies belong to
// this subgraph by recursively traversing the sub-graph of welded joints
// connected to `body`.
FindSubgraphsOfWeldedBodiesRecurse(body, &body_subgraph, &subgraphs,
return subgraphs;
void MultibodyGraph::FindSubgraphsOfWeldedBodiesRecurse(
const Body& parent_body, std::set<BodyIndex>* parent_subgraph,
std::vector<std::set<BodyIndex>>* subgraphs,
std::vector<bool>* visited) const {
// Mark parent_body as visited in order to detect loops.
visited->at(parent_body.index()) = true;
// Scan each sibling body.
for (JointIndex joint_index : parent_body.joints()) {
const Joint& joint = get_joint(joint_index);
const BodyIndex sibling_index = joint.parent_body() == parent_body.index()
? joint.child_body()
: joint.parent_body();
// If already visited continue with the next joint.
if (visited->at(sibling_index)) continue;
const Body& sibling = get_body(sibling_index);
if (joint.type_index() == weld_type_index()) {
// Welded to parent_body, add it to parent_subgraph.
FindSubgraphsOfWeldedBodiesRecurse(sibling, parent_subgraph, subgraphs,
} else {
// Disconnected (non-welded) from parent_subgraph. Create its own new
// subgraph and continue the recursion from "sibling" with its new
// subgraph "sibling_subgraph".
std::set<BodyIndex>& sibling_subgraph = subgraphs->back();
FindSubgraphsOfWeldedBodiesRecurse(sibling, &sibling_subgraph, subgraphs,
std::set<BodyIndex> MultibodyGraph::FindBodiesWeldedTo(
BodyIndex body_index) const {
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(body_index.is_valid() && body_index < num_bodies());
// TODO(amcastro-tri): Notice that "subgraphs" will get compute with every
// call to FindBodiesWeldedTo(). Consider storing this for subsequent calls if
// it becomes a performance bottleneck.
const std::vector<std::set<BodyIndex>> subgraphs =
// Find subgraph that contains this body_index.
// TODO(amcastro-tri): Consider storing within Body the subgraph it belongs to
// if performance becomes an issue.
auto predicate = [body_index](auto& subgraph) {
return subgraph.count(body_index) > 0;
auto subgraph_iter =
std::find_if(subgraphs.begin(), subgraphs.end(), predicate);
// If body_index is a valid index to a body in this graph, then it MUST belong
// to one of the subgraphs. We verify this explicitly.
DRAKE_DEMAND(subgraph_iter != subgraphs.end());
return *subgraph_iter;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake