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#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/sorted_pair.h"
#include "drake/multibody/tree/multibody_tree_indexes.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace internal {
/* Type used to identify joint types. */
using JointTypeIndex = TypeSafeIndex<class JointTypeTag>;
/* Defines a multibody graph consisting of bodies interconnected by joints.
The graph is defined by a sequence of calls to AddBody() and AddJoint(). Anytime
during the lifetime of the graph, a user can ask graph specific questions such
as how bodies are connected, by which joints or even perform more complex
queries such as what set of bodies are welded together. */
// TODO(amcastro-tri): consider moving outside internal:: and available to users
// of MBP, towards #11307.
class MultibodyGraph {
// We can't use the DRAKE_DEFAULT_COPY... macro for this class; see below for
// the declarations of the copy, assign, and move functions.
// The classes are defined later on in this header file.
class Body;
class Joint;
// Because we use vectors of forward-declared classes (e.g., vector<Body>) as
// member fields, we can only _declare_ our default copyable functions here;
// we must _define_ them only after MbG::Body and MbG::Joint are defined,
// i.e., in our *.cc file.
MultibodyGraph(const MultibodyGraph&);
MultibodyGraph& operator=(const MultibodyGraph&);
MultibodyGraph& operator=(MultibodyGraph&&);
/* Add a new Body to the graph.
@param[in] name
The unique name of the new body in the particular `model_instance`. Several
bodies can have the same name within a %MultibodyGraph however, their name
within their model instance must be unique.
@param[in] model_instance
The model instance to which this body belongs, see @ref model_instance.
@note The first call to AddBody() defines the "world" body's `name`. For this
first call `model_instance` must be world_model_instance().
@returns The unique BodyIndex for the added joint in the graph. */
BodyIndex AddBody(const std::string& name, ModelInstanceIndex model_instance);
/* Add a new Joint to the graph.
@param[in] name
The unique name of the new Joint in the particular `model_instance`. Several
joints can have the same name within a %MultibodyGraph however, their name
within their model instance must be unique.
@param[in] model_instance
The model instance to which this joint belongs, see @ref model_instance.
@param[in] type
A string designating the type of this joint, such as "revolute" or
"ball". This must be chosen from the set of joint types previously
registered with calls to RegisterJointType().
@param[in] parent_body_index
This must be the index of a body previously obtained with a call to
AddBody(), or it must be the designated index for the world body
@param[in] child_body_index
This must be the index of a body previously obtained with a call to
AddBody(), or it must be the designated index for the world body
@returns The unique JointIndex for the added joint in the graph.
@throws std::exception iff `name` is duplicated within `model_instance`.
@throws std::exception iff `type` has not been registered with
@throws std::exception iff `parent_body_index` or `child_body_index` are
not valid body indexes for `this` graph. */
JointIndex AddJoint(const std::string& name,
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance,
const std::string& type, BodyIndex parent_body_index,
BodyIndex child_body_index);
/* Returns the body that corresponds to the world. This body added via the
first call to AddBody().
@throws std::exception iff AddBody() was not called even once yet. */
const Body& world_body() const;
/* Returns the name we recognize as the World (or Ground) body. This is
the name that was provided in the first AddBody() call.
In Drake, MultibodyPlant names it the "world".
@throws std::exception iff AddBody() was not called even once yet. */
const std::string& world_body_name() const;
/* Returns the unique index that identifies the "weld" joint type (always
@note The SDF format calls this type a "fixed" joint. */
static JointTypeIndex weld_type_index() { return JointTypeIndex(0); }
/* Returns the unique name reserved to identify weld joints (always "weld").
static std::string weld_type_name() { return "weld"; }
/* Register a joint type by name.
MultibodyGraph() registers "weld" at construction as Drake reserves this name
to identify weld joints. "weld" joint type has index `weld_type_index()`.
@param[in] joint_type_name
A unique string identifying a joint type, such as "pin" or "prismatic".
@throws std::exception if `joint_type_name` already identifies a
previously registered joint type.
@retval JointTypeIndex Index uniquely identifying the new joint type. */
JointTypeIndex RegisterJointType(const std::string& joint_type_name);
/* @returns `true` iff the given `joint_type_name` was previously registered
via a call to RegisterJointType(), or iff it equals weld_type_name(). */
bool IsJointTypeRegistered(const std::string& joint_type_name) const;
/* Returns the number of registered joint types. */
int num_joint_types() const;
/* Returns the number of bodies, including all added bodies, and the world
@see AddBody(), world_index(), world_body_name(). */
int num_bodies() const;
/** Returns the number joints added with AddJoint(). */
int num_joints() const;
/* Gets a Body by index. The world body has index world_index().
@throws std::exception iff `index` does not correspond to a body in this
graph. */
const Body& get_body(BodyIndex index) const;
/* Gets a Joint by index.
@throws std::exception iff `index` does not correspond to a joint in this
graph. */
const Joint& get_joint(JointIndex index) const;
/* @returns `true` if a body named `name` was added to `model_instance`.
@see AddBody().
@throws std::exception if `model_instance` is not a valid index. */
bool HasBodyNamed(const std::string& name,
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance) const;
/* @returns `true` if a joint named `name` was added to `model_instance`.
@see AddBody().
@throws std::exception if `model_instance` is not a valid index. */
bool HasJointNamed(const std::string& name,
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance) const;
/* This method partitions the %MultibodyGraph into sub-graphs such that (a)
every body is in one and only one sub-graph, and (b) two bodies are in the
same sub-graph iff there is a path between them which includes only weld
joints (see weld_type_name()). Each sub-graph of welded bodies is represented
as a set of body indices. By definition, these sub-graphs will be disconnected
by any non-weld joint between two bodies. The first sub-graph will have all of
the bodies welded to the world, including the world body itself; all
subsequent sub-graphs will be in no particular order. A few more notes:
- Each body in the %MultibodyGraph is included in one set and one set only.
- The maximum number of returned sub-graphs equals the number of bodies in
the graph (num_bodies()). This corresponds to a graph with no weld joints.
- The world body is also included in a set of welded bodies, and this set is
element zero in the returned vector.
- The minimum number of sub-graphs is one. This corresponds to a graph with
all bodies welded to the world. */
std::vector<std::set<BodyIndex>> FindSubgraphsOfWeldedBodies() const;
/* Returns all bodies that are transitively welded, or rigidly affixed, to
`body_index`, per these two definitions:
1. A body is always considered welded to itself.
2. Two unique bodies are considered welded together exclusively by the
presence of a weld joint, not by other constructs such as constraints.
Therefore, if `body_index` is a valid index to a Body in this graph, then the
return vector will always contain at least one entry storing `body_index`.
@throws std::exception iff `body_index` does not correspond to a body in this
graph. */
std::set<BodyIndex> FindBodiesWeldedTo(BodyIndex body_index) const;
// Finds the assigned index for a joint type from the type name. Returns an
// invalid index if `joint_type_name` was not previously registered with a
// call to RegisterJointType().
JointTypeIndex GetJointTypeIndex(const std::string& joint_type_name) const;
Body& get_mutable_body(BodyIndex body_index);
// Recursive helper method for FindSubgraphsOfWeldedBodies().
// The first thing this helper does is to mark `parent_body` as "visited" in
// the output array `visited`.
// Next, it scans the sibling bodies connected to `parent_index` by a joint.
// If the sibling was already visited, it moves on to the next sibling, if
// any. For a sibling visited for the first time there are two options:
// 1) if it is connected by a weld joint, it gets added to parent_subgraph.
// Recursion continues starting with parent_index = sibling and the
// parent sub-graph. Otherwise,
// 2) a new sub-graph is created for the sibling and gets added to the
// list of all `subgraphs`. Recursion continues starting with
// parent_index = sibling and the new sub-graph for this sibling.
void FindSubgraphsOfWeldedBodiesRecurse(
const Body& parent_body, std::set<BodyIndex>* parent_subgraph,
std::vector<std::set<BodyIndex>>* subgraphs,
std::vector<bool>* visited) const;
// bodies_ includes the world body at world_index() with name
// world_body_name().
std::vector<Body> bodies_;
std::vector<Joint> joints_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, JointTypeIndex> joint_type_name_to_index_;
// Map used to detect redundant joints.
using BodiesKey = SortedPair<BodyIndex>;
std::unordered_map<BodiesKey, JointIndex> bodies_to_joint_;
// The xxx_name_to_index_ structures are multimaps because
// bodies/joints/actuators/etc may appear with the same name in different
// model instances. The index values are still unique across the graph.
std::unordered_multimap<std::string, BodyIndex> body_name_to_index_;
std::unordered_multimap<std::string, JointIndex> joint_name_to_index_;
class MultibodyGraph::Body {
/* @returns its unique index in the graph. */
BodyIndex index() const { return index_; }
/* @returns its model instance. */
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance() const { return model_instance_; }
/* @returns its name, unique within model_instance(). */
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
/* Returns the total number of joints that have `this` body as either the
parent or child body in a Joint. */
int num_joints() const;
/* @returns all the joints that connect to `this` body. */
const std::vector<JointIndex>& joints() const { return joints_; }
// Restrict construction and modification to only MultibodyGraph.
friend class MultibodyGraph;
Body(BodyIndex index, const std::string& name,
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance)
: index_(index), name_(name), model_instance_(model_instance) {}
// Notes that this body is connected by `joint`.
void add_joint(JointIndex joint) { joints_.push_back(joint); }
BodyIndex index_;
std::string name_;
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance_;
// All joints connecting this body. The union (in no particular order) of
// joints_as_parent_ and joints_as_child_.
std::vector<JointIndex> joints_;
class MultibodyGraph::Joint {
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance() const { return model_instance_; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
BodyIndex parent_body() const { return parent_body_index_; }
BodyIndex child_body() const { return child_body_index_; }
JointTypeIndex type_index() const { return type_index_; }
// Restrict construction and modification to only MultibodyGraph.
friend class MultibodyGraph;
Joint(const std::string& name, ModelInstanceIndex model_instance,
JointTypeIndex joint_type_index, BodyIndex parent_body_index,
BodyIndex child_body_index)
: name_(name),
child_body_index_(child_body_index) {}
std::string name_;
ModelInstanceIndex model_instance_;
JointTypeIndex type_index_;
BodyIndex parent_body_index_;
BodyIndex child_body_index_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake