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#include "drake/solvers/create_constraint.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "drake/common/symbolic/decompose.h"
#include "drake/math/quadratic_form.h"
#include "drake/solvers/decision_variable.h"
namespace drake {
namespace solvers {
namespace internal {
using std::find;
using std::isfinite;
using std::make_shared;
using std::numeric_limits;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::runtime_error;
using std::set;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
using symbolic::Expression;
using symbolic::Formula;
using symbolic::Polynomial;
using symbolic::Variable;
using symbolic::Variables;
Binding<Constraint> ParseConstraint(
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<Expression>>& v,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& lb,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& ub) {
DRAKE_ASSERT(v.rows() == lb.rows() && v.rows() == ub.rows());
if (!IsAffine(v)) {
auto constraint = make_shared<ExpressionConstraint>(v, lb, ub);
return CreateBinding(constraint, constraint->vars());
} // else, continue on to linear-specific version below.
if ((ub - lb).isZero()) {
return ParseLinearEqualityConstraint(v, lb);
// Setup map_var_to_index and vars.
// such that map_var_to_index[vars(i)] = i
VectorXDecisionVariable vars;
unordered_map<Variable::Id, int> map_var_to_index;
std::tie(vars, map_var_to_index) =
// Construct A, new_lb, new_ub. map_var_to_index is used here.
Eigen::MatrixXd A{Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(v.size(), vars.size())};
Eigen::VectorXd new_lb{v.size()};
Eigen::VectorXd new_ub{v.size()};
// We will determine if lb <= v <= ub is a bounding box constraint, namely
// x_lb <= x <= x_ub.
bool is_v_bounding_box = true;
Eigen::RowVectorXd Ai(A.cols());
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
double constant_term = 0;
int num_vi_variables = symbolic::DecomposeAffineExpression(
v(i), map_var_to_index, &Ai, &constant_term);
A.row(i) = Ai;
if (num_vi_variables == 0 &&
!(lb(i) <= constant_term && constant_term <= ub(i))) {
// Unsatisfiable constraint with no variables, such as 1 <= 0 <= 2
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Constraint {} <= {} <= {} is unsatisfiable but called "
"with ParseConstraint.",
lb(i), v(i).to_string(), ub(i)));
} else {
new_lb(i) = lb(i) - constant_term;
new_ub(i) = ub(i) - constant_term;
if (num_vi_variables != 1) {
is_v_bounding_box = false;
if (is_v_bounding_box) {
// If every lb(i) <= v(i) <= ub(i) is a bounding box constraint, then
// formulate a bounding box constraint x_lb <= x <= x_ub
VectorXDecisionVariable bounding_box_x(v.size());
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
// v(i) is in the form of c * x
double x_coeff = 0;
for (const auto& x : v(i).GetVariables()) {
const double coeff = A(i, map_var_to_index[x.get_id()]);
if (coeff != 0) {
x_coeff += coeff;
bounding_box_x(i) = x;
if (x_coeff > 0) {
new_lb(i) /= x_coeff;
new_ub(i) /= x_coeff;
} else {
const double lb_i = new_lb(i);
new_lb(i) = new_ub(i) / x_coeff;
new_ub(i) = lb_i / x_coeff;
return CreateBinding(make_shared<BoundingBoxConstraint>(new_lb, new_ub),
return CreateBinding(make_shared<LinearConstraint>(A, new_lb, new_ub), vars);
std::unique_ptr<Binding<Constraint>> MaybeParseLinearConstraint(
const symbolic::Expression& e, double lb, double ub) {
if (!e.is_polynomial()) {
return std::unique_ptr<Binding<Constraint>>{nullptr};
const Polynomial p{e};
if (p.TotalDegree() > 1) {
return std::unique_ptr<Binding<Constraint>>{nullptr};
// If p only has one indeterminates, then we can always return a bounding box
// constraint.
if (p.indeterminates().size() == 1) {
// We decompose the polynomial `p` into `constant_term + coeff * var`.
double coeff = 0;
double constant_term = 0;
for (const auto& term : p.monomial_to_coefficient_map()) {
if (term.first.total_degree() == 0) {
constant_term += get_constant_value(term.second);
} else {
coeff += get_constant_value(term.second);
// coeff should not be 0. The symbolic polynomial should be able to detect
// when the coefficient is 0, and remove it from
// monomial_to_coefficient_map.
DRAKE_DEMAND(coeff != 0);
double var_lower{}, var_upper{};
if (coeff > 0) {
var_lower = (lb - constant_term) / coeff;
var_upper = (ub - constant_term) / coeff;
} else {
var_lower = (ub - constant_term) / coeff;
var_upper = (lb - constant_term) / coeff;
return std::make_unique<Binding<Constraint>>(
VectorX<symbolic::Variable> bound_variables(p.indeterminates().size());
std::unordered_map<symbolic::Variable::Id, int> map_var_to_index;
int index = 0;
for (const auto& var : p.indeterminates()) {
bound_variables(index) = var;
map_var_to_index.emplace(var.get_id(), index++);
Eigen::RowVectorXd a(p.indeterminates().size());
double lower = lb;
double upper = ub;
for (const auto& term : p.monomial_to_coefficient_map()) {
if (term.first.total_degree() == 0) {
const double coeff = get_constant_value(term.second);
lower -= coeff;
upper -= coeff;
} else {
const int var_index =
a(var_index) = get_constant_value(term.second);
if (lower == upper) {
return std::make_unique<Binding<Constraint>>(
std::make_shared<LinearEqualityConstraint>(a, Vector1d(lower)),
} else {
return std::make_unique<Binding<Constraint>>(
std::make_shared<LinearConstraint>(a, Vector1d(lower), Vector1d(upper)),
namespace {
// Given two symbolic expressions, e1 and e2, finds an equi-satisfiable
// constraint `e <= c` for `e1 <= e2`. First, it decomposes e1 and e2 into `e1 =
// c1 + e1'` and `e2 = c2 + e2'`. Then it does the following case analysis.
// Case 1: If c1 or c2 are finite, we use the following derivations:
// e1 <= e2
// -> c1 + e1' <= c2 + e2'
// -> e1' - e2' <= c2 - c1.
// and set e := e1' - e2' and c := c2 - c1.
// Case 2: If both c1 and c2 are infinite. We use the following table
// c1 c2
// --------------------------
// +∞ <= +∞ Trivially holds.
// +∞ <= -∞ Infeasible.
// -∞ <= +∞ Trivially holds.
// -∞ <= -∞ Trivially holds.
// and throw an exception for all the cases.
// Note that c1 (resp. c2) can be infinite only if e1 (resp. e2) is zero.
// Otherwise, it throws an exception. To understand this side-condition,
// consider the following example:
// e1 = 0
// e2 = x + ∞
// e1 <= e2 := 0 <= x + ∞ -- (1)
// Without the side-condition, we might derive the following (wrong)
// equi-satisfiable constraint:
// -x <= ∞ -- (2)
// This is problematic because x ↦ -∞ is a satisfying constraint of
// (2) but it's not for (1) since we have:
// 0 <= -∞ + ∞
// 0 <= nan
// False.
void FindBound(const Expression& e1, const Expression& e2, Expression* const e,
double* const c) {
DRAKE_ASSERT(e != nullptr);
DRAKE_ASSERT(c != nullptr);
double c1 = 0;
double c2 = 0;
const Expression e1_expanded{e1.Expand()};
if (is_constant(e1_expanded)) {
c1 = get_constant_value(e1_expanded);
} else if (is_addition(e1_expanded)) {
c1 = get_constant_in_addition(e1_expanded);
if (!isfinite(c1)) {
ostringstream oss;
oss << "FindBound() cannot handle the constraint: " << e1 << " <= " << e2
<< " because " << e1
<< " has infinity in the constant term after expansion.";
throw runtime_error{oss.str()};
*e = Expression::Zero();
for (const auto& p : get_expr_to_coeff_map_in_addition(e1_expanded)) {
*e += p.first * p.second;
} else {
*e = e1_expanded;
const Expression e2_expanded{e2.Expand()};
if (is_constant(e2_expanded)) {
c2 = get_constant_value(e2_expanded);
} else if (is_addition(e2_expanded)) {
c2 = get_constant_in_addition(e2_expanded);
if (!isfinite(c2)) {
ostringstream oss;
oss << "FindBound() cannot handle the constraint: " << e1 << " <= " << e2
<< " because " << e2
<< " has infinity in the constant term after expansion.";
throw runtime_error{oss.str()};
for (const auto& p : get_expr_to_coeff_map_in_addition(e2_expanded)) {
*e -= p.first * p.second;
} else {
*e -= e2_expanded;
if (isfinite(c1) || isfinite(c2)) {
*c = c2 - c1;
// Handle special cases where both of `c1` and `c2` are infinite.
// c1 c2
// --------------------------
// +∞ <= +∞ Trivially holds.
// +∞ <= -∞ Infeasible.
// -∞ <= +∞ Trivially holds.
// -∞ <= -∞ Trivially holds.
ostringstream oss;
if (c1 == numeric_limits<double>::infinity() &&
c2 == -numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
oss << "FindBound() detects an infeasible constraint: " << e1
<< " <= " << e2 << ".";
throw runtime_error{oss.str()};
} else {
oss << "FindBound() detects a trivial constraint: " << e1 << " <= " << e2
<< ".";
throw runtime_error{oss.str()};
} // namespace
Binding<Constraint> ParseConstraint(
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<symbolic::Formula>>& formulas) {
const int n = formulas.rows() * formulas.cols();
// Decomposes 2D-array of formulas into 1D-vector of expression, `v`, and two
// 1D-vector of double `lb` and `ub`.
VectorX<Expression> v{n};
Eigen::VectorXd lb{n};
Eigen::VectorXd ub{n};
int k{0}; // index variable for 1D components.
for (int j{0}; j < formulas.cols(); ++j) {
for (int i{0}; i < formulas.rows(); ++i) {
const symbolic::Formula& f{formulas(i, j)};
if (symbolic::is_false(f)) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("ParseConstraint is called with formulas({}, {}) being "
"always false",
i, j));
} else if (symbolic::is_true(f)) {
} else if (is_equal_to(f)) {
// f(i) := (lhs == rhs)
// (lhs - rhs == 0)
v(k) = get_lhs_expression(f) - get_rhs_expression(f);
lb(k) = 0.0;
ub(k) = 0.0;
} else if (is_less_than_or_equal_to(f)) {
// f(i) := (lhs <= rhs)
// (-∞ <= lhs - rhs <= 0)
v(k) = get_lhs_expression(f) - get_rhs_expression(f);
lb(k) = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
ub(k) = 0.0;
} else if (is_greater_than_or_equal_to(f)) {
// f(i) := (lhs >= rhs)
// (∞ >= lhs - rhs >= 0)
v(k) = get_lhs_expression(f) - get_rhs_expression(f);
lb(k) = 0.0;
ub(k) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
} else {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "ParseConstraint is called with an "
"array of formulas which includes a formula "
<< f
<< " which is not a relational formula using one of {==, <=, >=} "
throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
if (k == 0) {
// All formulas are always True, return an empty bounding box constraint.
return internal::CreateBinding(std::make_shared<BoundingBoxConstraint>(
Eigen::VectorXd(0), Eigen::VectorXd(0)),
return ParseConstraint(v.head(k), lb.head(k), ub.head(k));
Binding<Constraint> ParseConstraint(const Formula& f) {
if (symbolic::is_false(f)) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"ParseConstraint is called with a formula being always false.");
} else if (symbolic::is_true(f)) {
return internal::CreateBinding(std::make_shared<BoundingBoxConstraint>(
Eigen::VectorXd(0), Eigen::VectorXd(0)),
} else if (is_equal_to(f)) {
// e1 == e2
const Expression& e1{get_lhs_expression(f)};
const Expression& e2{get_rhs_expression(f)};
return ParseConstraint(e1 - e2, 0.0, 0.0);
} else if (is_greater_than_or_equal_to(f)) {
// e1 >= e2
const Expression& e1{get_lhs_expression(f)};
const Expression& e2{get_rhs_expression(f)};
Expression e;
double ub = 0.0;
FindBound(e2, e1, &e, &ub);
return ParseConstraint(e, -numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), ub);
} else if (is_less_than_or_equal_to(f)) {
// e1 <= e2
const Expression& e1{get_lhs_expression(f)};
const Expression& e2{get_rhs_expression(f)};
Expression e;
double ub = 0.0;
FindBound(e1, e2, &e, &ub);
return ParseConstraint(e, -numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), ub);
} else if (is_conjunction(f)) {
const std::set<Formula>& operands = get_operands(f);
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) We should use an absl::InlinedVector here.
const std::vector<Formula> vec_operands(operands.begin(), operands.end());
const Eigen::Map<const VectorX<Formula>> map_operands(,
return ParseConstraint(map_operands);
ostringstream oss;
oss << "ParseConstraint is called with a formula " << f
<< " which is neither a relational formula using one of {==, <=, >=} "
"operators nor a conjunction of those relational formulas.";
throw runtime_error(oss.str());
Binding<LinearEqualityConstraint> ParseLinearEqualityConstraint(
const set<Formula>& formulas) {
const auto n = formulas.size();
// Decomposes a set of formulas, `{e₁₁ == e₁₂, ..., eₙ₁ == eₙ₂}`
// into a 1D-vector of expressions, `v = [e₁₁ - e₁₂, ..., eₙ₁ - eₙ₂]`.
VectorX<symbolic::Expression> v{n};
int i{0}; // index variable used in the loop
for (const symbolic::Formula& f : formulas) {
if (symbolic::is_false(f)) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"ParseLinearEqualityConstraint is called with one of formulas being "
"always false.");
} else if (symbolic::is_true(f)) {
} else if (is_equal_to(f)) {
// f := (lhs == rhs)
// (lhs - rhs == 0)
v(i) = get_lhs_expression(f) - get_rhs_expression(f);
} else {
ostringstream oss;
oss << "ParseLinearEqualityConstraint(const "
<< "set<Formula>& formulas) is called while its argument 'formulas' "
<< "includes a non-equality formula " << f << ".";
throw runtime_error(oss.str());
if (i == 0) {
// All formulas are always true, return an empty linear equality constraint.
return internal::CreateBinding(
Eigen::Matrix<double, 0, 0>(), Eigen::Matrix<double, 0, 1>()),
Eigen::Matrix<symbolic::Variable, 0, 1>());
return ParseLinearEqualityConstraint(v.head(i), Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(i));
Binding<LinearEqualityConstraint> ParseLinearEqualityConstraint(
const Formula& f) {
if (symbolic::is_false(f)) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"ParseLinearEqualityConstraint is called with a formula being always "
if (symbolic::is_true(f)) {
// The formula is always true, return an empty linear equality constraint.
return internal::CreateBinding(
Eigen::Matrix<double, 0, 0>(), Eigen::Matrix<double, 0, 1>()),
Eigen::Matrix<symbolic::Variable, 0, 1>());
} else if (is_equal_to(f)) {
// e1 == e2
const Expression& e1{get_lhs_expression(f)};
const Expression& e2{get_rhs_expression(f)};
return ParseLinearEqualityConstraint(e1 - e2, 0.0);
if (is_conjunction(f)) {
return ParseLinearEqualityConstraint(get_operands(f));
ostringstream oss;
oss << "ParseLinearConstraint is called with a formula " << f
<< " which is neither an equality formula nor a conjunction of equality "
throw runtime_error(oss.str());
Binding<LinearEqualityConstraint> DoParseLinearEqualityConstraint(
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<Expression>>& v,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& b) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(v.rows() == b.rows());
VectorX<symbolic::Variable> vars;
unordered_map<Variable::Id, int> map_var_to_index;
std::tie(vars, map_var_to_index) =
// TODO(hongkai.dai): use sparse matrix.
Eigen::MatrixXd A = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(v.rows(), vars.rows());
Eigen::VectorXd beq = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(v.rows());
Eigen::RowVectorXd Ai(A.cols());
for (int i = 0; i < v.rows(); ++i) {
double constant_term(0);
symbolic::DecomposeAffineExpression(v(i), map_var_to_index, &Ai,
A.row(i) = Ai;
beq(i) = b(i) - constant_term;
return CreateBinding(make_shared<LinearEqualityConstraint>(A, beq), vars);
Binding<QuadraticConstraint> ParseQuadraticConstraint(
const symbolic::Expression& e, double lower_bound, double upper_bound,
std::optional<QuadraticConstraint::HessianType> hessian_type) {
// First build an Eigen vector that contains all the bound variables.
auto p = symbolic::ExtractVariablesFromExpression(e);
const auto& vars_vec = p.first;
const auto& map_var_to_index = p.second;
// Now decompose the expression into coefficients and monomials.
const symbolic::Polynomial poly{e};
Eigen::MatrixXd Q(vars_vec.size(), vars_vec.size());
Eigen::VectorXd b(vars_vec.size());
double constant_term;
// Decompose the polynomial as 0.5xᵀQx + bᵀx + k.
symbolic::DecomposeQuadraticPolynomial(poly, map_var_to_index, &Q, &b,
// The constraint to be imposed is
// lb - k ≤ 0.5 xᵀQx + bᵀx ≤ ub - k
return CreateBinding(make_shared<QuadraticConstraint>(
Q, b, lower_bound - constant_term,
upper_bound - constant_term, hessian_type),
shared_ptr<Constraint> MakePolynomialConstraint(
const VectorXPoly& polynomials,
const vector<Polynomiald::VarType>& poly_vars, const Eigen::VectorXd& lb,
const Eigen::VectorXd& ub) {
// Polynomials that are actually affine (a sum of linear terms + a
// constant) can be special-cased. Other polynomials are treated as
// generic for now.
// TODO(ggould-tri) There may be other such special easy cases.
bool all_affine = true;
for (int i = 0; i < polynomials.rows(); i++) {
if (!polynomials[i].IsAffine()) {
all_affine = false;
if (all_affine) {
Eigen::MatrixXd linear_constraint_matrix =
Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(polynomials.rows(), poly_vars.size());
Eigen::VectorXd linear_constraint_lb = lb;
Eigen::VectorXd linear_constraint_ub = ub;
for (int poly_num = 0; poly_num < polynomials.rows(); poly_num++) {
for (const auto& monomial : polynomials[poly_num].GetMonomials()) {
if (monomial.terms.size() == 0) {
linear_constraint_lb[poly_num] -= monomial.coefficient;
linear_constraint_ub[poly_num] -= monomial.coefficient;
} else {
DRAKE_DEMAND(monomial.terms.size() == 1); // Because isAffine().
const Polynomiald::VarType term_var = monomial.terms[0].var;
int var_num = (find(poly_vars.begin(), poly_vars.end(), term_var) -
DRAKE_ASSERT(var_num < static_cast<int>(poly_vars.size()));
linear_constraint_matrix(poly_num, var_num) = monomial.coefficient;
if (ub == lb) {
return make_shared<LinearEqualityConstraint>(linear_constraint_matrix,
} else {
return make_shared<LinearConstraint>(
linear_constraint_matrix, linear_constraint_lb, linear_constraint_ub);
} else {
return make_shared<PolynomialConstraint>(polynomials, poly_vars, lb, ub);
Binding<LorentzConeConstraint> ParseLorentzConeConstraint(
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<Expression>>& v,
LorentzConeConstraint::EvalType eval_type) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(v.rows() >= 2);
Eigen::MatrixXd A{};
Eigen::VectorXd b(v.size());
VectorXDecisionVariable vars{};
symbolic::DecomposeAffineExpressions(v, &A, &b, &vars);
DRAKE_DEMAND(vars.rows() >= 1);
return CreateBinding(make_shared<LorentzConeConstraint>(A, b, eval_type),
Binding<LorentzConeConstraint> ParseLorentzConeConstraint(
const Expression& linear_expr, const Expression& quadratic_expr, double tol,
LorentzConeConstraint::EvalType eval_type) {
const auto& quadratic_p =
const auto& quadratic_vars = quadratic_p.first;
const auto& quadratic_var_to_index_map = quadratic_p.second;
const symbolic::Polynomial poly{quadratic_expr};
Eigen::MatrixXd Q(quadratic_vars.size(), quadratic_vars.size());
Eigen::VectorXd b(quadratic_vars.size());
double a;
symbolic::DecomposeQuadraticPolynomial(poly, quadratic_var_to_index_map, &Q,
&b, &a);
// The constraint that the linear expression v1 satisfying
// v1 >= sqrt(0.5 * x' * Q * x + b' * x + a), is equivalent to the vector
// [z; y] being within a Lorentz cone, where
// z = v1
// y = C * x + d
// such that yᵀy = 0.5xᵀQx + bᵀx + a
VectorX<Expression> expr{};
Eigen::MatrixXd C;
Eigen::VectorXd d;
std::tie(C, d) = math::DecomposePositiveQuadraticForm(0.5 * Q, b, a, tol);
expr.resize(1 + C.rows());
// expr(0) is z
expr(0) = linear_expr;
// expr.segment(1, C.rows()) = y
expr.segment(1, C.rows()) = C * quadratic_vars + d;
return ParseLorentzConeConstraint(expr, eval_type);
Binding<RotatedLorentzConeConstraint> ParseRotatedLorentzConeConstraint(
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Expression>>& v) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(v.rows() >= 3);
Eigen::MatrixXd A{};
Eigen::VectorXd b(v.size());
VectorXDecisionVariable vars{};
symbolic::DecomposeAffineExpressions(v, &A, &b, &vars);
DRAKE_DEMAND(vars.rows() >= 1);
return CreateBinding(std::make_shared<RotatedLorentzConeConstraint>(A, b),
Binding<RotatedLorentzConeConstraint> ParseRotatedLorentzConeConstraint(
const symbolic::Expression& linear_expr1,
const symbolic::Expression& linear_expr2,
const symbolic::Expression& quadratic_expr, double tol) {
const auto& quadratic_p =
const auto& quadratic_vars = quadratic_p.first;
const auto& quadratic_var_to_index_map = quadratic_p.second;
const symbolic::Polynomial poly{quadratic_expr};
Eigen::MatrixXd Q(quadratic_vars.size(), quadratic_vars.size());
Eigen::VectorXd b(quadratic_vars.size());
double a;
symbolic::DecomposeQuadraticPolynomial(poly, quadratic_var_to_index_map, &Q,
&b, &a);
Eigen::MatrixXd C;
Eigen::VectorXd d;
std::tie(C, d) = math::DecomposePositiveQuadraticForm(0.5 * Q, b, a, tol);
VectorX<symbolic::Expression> expr(2 + C.rows());
expr(0) = linear_expr1;
expr(1) = linear_expr2;
expr.tail(C.rows()) = C * quadratic_vars + d;
return ParseRotatedLorentzConeConstraint(expr);
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& Q,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& b, double c, double zero_tol) {
// [-bᵀx-c, 1, Fx] is in the rotated Lorentz cone, where FᵀF = 0.5 * Q
const Eigen::MatrixXd F = math::DecomposePSDmatrixIntoXtransposeTimesX(
(Q + Q.transpose()) / 4, zero_tol);
// A_lorentz * x + b_lorentz = [-bᵀx-c, 1, Fx]
Eigen::MatrixXd A_lorentz = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(2 + F.rows(), F.cols());
Eigen::VectorXd b_lorentz = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(2 + F.rows());
A_lorentz.row(0) = -b.transpose();
b_lorentz(0) = -c;
b_lorentz(1) = 1;
A_lorentz.bottomRows(F.rows()) = F;
return std::make_shared<RotatedLorentzConeConstraint>(A_lorentz, b_lorentz);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace solvers
} // namespace drake