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#include "drake/solvers/csdp_solver_internal.h"
namespace drake {
namespace solvers {
namespace internal {
void ConvertSparseMatrixFormatToCsdpProblemData(
const std::vector<BlockInX>& X_blocks, const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& C,
const std::vector<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> A,
const Eigen::VectorXd& rhs, csdp::blockmatrix* C_csdp, double** rhs_csdp,
csdp::constraintmatrix** constraints) {
const int num_X_rows = C.rows();
DRAKE_ASSERT(C.cols() == C.rows());
DRAKE_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(A.size()) == rhs.rows());
// Maps the row index in X to the block index. Both the row index and the
// block index are 0-indexed.
std::vector<int> X_row_to_block_index(num_X_rows);
std::vector<int> block_start_rows(static_cast<int>(X_blocks.size()));
int row_count = 0;
for (int block_index = 0; block_index < static_cast<int>(X_blocks.size());
++block_index) {
block_start_rows[block_index] = row_count;
for (int row = row_count; row < row_count + X_blocks[block_index].num_rows;
++row) {
X_row_to_block_index[row] = block_index;
row_count += static_cast<int>(X_blocks[block_index].num_rows);
C_csdp->nblocks = static_cast<int>(X_blocks.size());
// We need to add 1 here because CSDP uses Fortran 1-indexed, so the
// 0'th block is wasted.
C_csdp->blocks = static_cast<struct csdp::blockrec*>(
malloc((C_csdp->nblocks + 1) * sizeof(struct csdp::blockrec)));
for (int block_index = 0; block_index < C_csdp->nblocks; ++block_index) {
const BlockInX& X_block = X_blocks[block_index];
// CSDP uses Fortran index, so we need to add 1.
csdp::blockrec& C_block = C_csdp->blocks[block_index + 1];
C_block.blockcategory =
X_block.block_type == BlockType::kMatrix ? csdp::MATRIX : csdp::DIAG;
C_block.blocksize = X_block.num_rows;
if (X_block.block_type == BlockType::kMatrix) {
| = static_cast<double*>(
// CSDP's data.mat is an array of size num_rows x num_rows.
malloc(X_block.num_rows * X_block.num_rows * sizeof(double)));
for (int j = 0; j < X_block.num_rows; ++j) {
// First fill in this column with 0, and then we will go through the
// non-zero entries (stored inside C) to set the value of the
// corresponding entries in C_csdp.
for (int i = 0; i < X_block.num_rows; ++i) {
|[CsdpMatrixIndex(i, j, X_block.num_rows)] = 0;
for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(
C, block_start_rows[block_index] + j);
it; ++it) {
it.row() - block_start_rows[block_index], j, X_block.num_rows)] =
} else if (X_block.block_type == BlockType::kDiagonal) {
// CSDP uses Fortran 1-index array, so the 0'th entry is wasted.
| =
static_cast<double*>(malloc((X_block.num_rows + 1) * sizeof(double)));
for (int j = 0; j < X_block.num_rows; ++j) {
|[j + 1] = 0.0;
for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(
C, block_start_rows[block_index] + j);
it; ++it) {
DRAKE_ASSERT(it.row() == it.col());
|[j + 1] = it.value();
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
"ConvertSparseMatrixFormatToCsdpProblemData() only supports MATRIX "
"or DIAG blocks.");
// Copy rhs.
// CSDP stores the right-hand vector as an Fortran 1-indexed array, so we
// need to add 1 here.
*rhs_csdp = static_cast<double*>(malloc((rhs.rows() + 1) * sizeof(double)));
for (int i = 0; i < rhs.rows(); ++i) {
(*rhs_csdp)[i + 1] = rhs(i);
// Copy constraints.
*constraints = static_cast<struct csdp::constraintmatrix*>(
malloc((static_cast<int>(A.size()) + 1) *
sizeof(struct csdp::constraintmatrix)));
for (int constraint_index = 0; constraint_index < static_cast<int>(A.size());
++constraint_index) {
(*constraints)[constraint_index + 1].blocks = nullptr;
// Start from the last block in the block-diagonal matrix
// A[constraint_index], we add each block in the reverse order.
for (int block_index = static_cast<int>(X_blocks.size() - 1);
block_index >= 0; --block_index) {
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> A_block_triplets;
// CSDP only stores the non-zero entries in the upper-triangular part of
// each block. Also the row and column indices in A_block_triplets are
// the indices within THIS block, not the indices in the whole matrix
// A[constraint_index].
A_block_triplets.reserve((X_blocks[block_index].num_rows + 1) *
X_blocks[block_index].num_rows / 2);
for (int col_index = block_start_rows[block_index];
col_index <
block_start_rows[block_index] + X_blocks[block_index].num_rows;
++col_index) {
for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(A[constraint_index],
it; ++it) {
if (it.row() > it.col()) {
it.row() - block_start_rows[block_index] + 1,
it.col() - block_start_rows[block_index] + 1, it.value());
if (!A_block_triplets.empty()) {
struct csdp::sparseblock* blockptr =
static_cast<struct csdp::sparseblock*>(
malloc(sizeof(struct csdp::sparseblock)));
// CSDP uses Fortran 1-indexed array.
blockptr->blocknum = block_index + 1;
blockptr->blocksize = X_blocks[block_index].num_rows;
// CSDP uses Fortran 1-indexed array.
blockptr->constraintnum = constraint_index + 1;
blockptr->next = nullptr;
blockptr->nextbyblock = nullptr;
blockptr->entries = static_cast<double*>(malloc(
(static_cast<int>(A_block_triplets.size()) + 1) * sizeof(double)));
blockptr->iindices = static_cast<int*>(malloc(
(static_cast<int>(A_block_triplets.size()) + 1) * sizeof(int)));
blockptr->jindices = static_cast<int*>(malloc(
(1 + static_cast<int>(A_block_triplets.size())) * sizeof(int)));
blockptr->numentries = static_cast<int>(A_block_triplets.size());
for (int i = 0; i < blockptr->numentries; ++i) {
blockptr->iindices[i + 1] = A_block_triplets[i].row();
blockptr->jindices[i + 1] = A_block_triplets[i].col();
blockptr->entries[i + 1] = A_block_triplets[i].value();
// Insert this block into the linked list of
// constraints[constraint_index + 1] blocks.
blockptr->next = (*constraints)[constraint_index + 1].blocks;
(*constraints)[constraint_index + 1].blocks = blockptr;
void GenerateCsdpProblemDataWithoutFreeVariables(
const SdpaFreeFormat& sdpa_free_format, csdp::blockmatrix* C_csdp,
double** rhs_csdp, csdp::constraintmatrix** constraints) {
if (sdpa_free_format.num_free_variables() == 0) {
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> C(sdpa_free_format.num_X_rows(),
std::vector<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> A;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(sdpa_free_format.A_triplets().size());
++i) {
ConvertSparseMatrixFormatToCsdpProblemData(sdpa_free_format.X_blocks(), C,
A, sdpa_free_format.g(), C_csdp,
rhs_csdp, constraints);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
"GenerateCsdpProblemDataWithoutFreeVariables(): the formulation has "
"free variables, you shouldn't call this method.");
void ConvertCsdpBlockMatrixtoEigen(const csdp::blockmatrix& X_csdp,
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>* X) {
int num_X_nonzero_entries = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < X_csdp.nblocks; ++i) {
if (X_csdp.blocks[i + 1].blockcategory == csdp::MATRIX) {
num_X_nonzero_entries +=
X_csdp.blocks[i + 1].blocksize * X_csdp.blocks[i + 1].blocksize;
} else if (X_csdp.blocks[i + 1].blockcategory == csdp::DIAG) {
num_X_nonzero_entries += X_csdp.blocks[i + 1].blocksize;
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
"ConvertCsdpBlockMatrixtoEigen(): unknown block category.");
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> X_triplets;
int X_row_count = 0;
for (int block_index = 0; block_index < X_csdp.nblocks; ++block_index) {
if (X_csdp.blocks[block_index + 1].blockcategory == csdp::MATRIX) {
for (int i = 0; i < X_csdp.blocks[block_index + 1].blocksize; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < X_csdp.blocks[block_index + 1].blocksize; ++j) {
X_row_count + i, X_row_count + j,
X_csdp.blocks[block_index + 1].data.mat[CsdpMatrixIndex(
i, j, X_csdp.blocks[block_index + 1].blocksize)]);
} else if (X_csdp.blocks[block_index + 1].blockcategory == csdp::DIAG) {
for (int i = 0; i < X_csdp.blocks[block_index + 1].blocksize; ++i) {
X_triplets.emplace_back(X_row_count + i, X_row_count + i,
X_csdp.blocks[block_index + 1].data.vec[i + 1]);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
"ConvertCsdpBlockMatrixtoEigen(): unknown block matrix type.");
X_row_count += X_csdp.blocks[block_index + 1].blocksize;
X->resize(X_row_count, X_row_count);
X->setFromTriplets(X_triplets.begin(), X_triplets.end());
void FreeCsdpProblemData(int num_constraints, csdp::blockmatrix C_csdp,
double* rhs_csdp,
csdp::constraintmatrix* constraints) {
// This function is copied from the source code in csdp/lib/freeprob.c
csdp::sparseblock* ptr;
csdp::sparseblock* oldptr;
if (constraints != nullptr) {
for (int i = 1; i <= num_constraints; ++i) {
ptr = constraints[i].blocks;
while (ptr != nullptr) {
oldptr = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
int CsdpMatrixIndex(int row, int col, int num_rows) {
// Internally matrix uses 1-indexed Fortran array, so we need to add 1.
return ijtok(row + 1, col + 1, num_rows);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace solvers
} // namespace drake