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#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "drake/common/autodiff.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/solvers/decision_variable.h"
#include "drake/solvers/solver_base.h"
namespace drake {
namespace solvers {
/// The Gurobi solver details after calling Solve() function. The user can call
/// MathematicalProgramResult::get_solver_details<GurobiSolver>() to obtain the
/// details.
struct GurobiSolverDetails {
/// The gurobi optimization time. Please refer to
double optimizer_time{};
/// The error message returned from Gurobi call. Please refer to
int error_code{};
/// The status code when the optimize call has returned. Please refer to
int optimization_status{};
/// The best known bound on the optimal objective. This is used in mixed
/// integer optimization. Please refer to
double objective_bound{NAN};
/// An implementation of SolverInterface for the commercially-licensed Gurobi
/// solver (
/// The default build of Drake is not configured to use Gurobi, so therefore
/// SolverInterface::available() will return false. You must compile Drake
/// from source in order to link against Gurobi. For details, refer to the
/// documentation at
/// The GRB_LICENSE_FILE environment variable controls whether or not
/// SolverInterface::enabled() returns true. If it is set to any non-empty
/// value, then the solver is enabled; otherwise, the solver is not enabled.
/// Gurobi solver supports options/parameters listed in
/// On top of
/// these options, we provide the following additional options
/// 1. "GRBwrite", set to a file name so that Gurobi solver will write the
/// optimization model to this file, check
/// for
/// more details, such as all supported file extensions. Set this option to
/// "" if you don't want to write to file. Default is not to write to a file.
/// 2. "GRBcomputeIIS", set to 1 to compute an Irreducible Inconsistent
/// Subsystem (IIS) when the problem is infeasible. Refer to
/// for more details. Often this method is called together with
/// setting GRBwrite to "FILENAME.ilp" to write IIS to a file with extension
/// "ilp". Default is not to compute IIS.
/// If the "Threads" integer solver option has not been set by the user, then
/// %GurobiSolver uses environment variable GUROBI_NUM_THREADS (if set) as a
/// default value for "Threads".
class GurobiSolver final : public SolverBase {
/// Type of details stored in MathematicalProgramResult.
using Details = GurobiSolverDetails;
~GurobiSolver() final;
/// Contains info returned to a user function that handles
/// a Node or Solution callback.
/// @see MipNodeCallbackFunction
/// @see MipSolCallbackFunction
struct SolveStatusInfo {
/// Runtime as of this callback.
double reported_runtime{};
/// Objective of current solution.
double current_objective{};
/// Objective of best solution yet.
double best_objective{};
/// Best known objective lower bound.
double best_bound{};
/// Number of nodes explored so far.
int explored_node_count{};
/// Number of feasible sols found so far.
int feasible_solutions_count{};
/// Users can supply a callback to be called when the Gurobi solver
/// finds an intermediate solution node, which may not be feasible.
/// See Gurobi reference manual for more detail on callbacks:
/// The user may supply a partial solution in the VectorXd and
/// VectorXDecisionVariable arguments that will be passed to Gurobi
/// as a candidate feasible solution.
/// See for an example of using std::bind
/// to create a callback of this signature, while allowing
/// additional data to be passed through.
/// @param MathematicalProgram& The optimization wrapper, whose
/// current variable values (accessible via
/// MathematicalProgram::GetSolution) will be set to the intermediate
/// solution values.
/// @param SolveStatusInfo& Intermediate solution status information values
/// queried from Gurobi.
/// @param VectorXd* User may assign this to be the values of the variable
/// assignments.
/// @param VectorXDecisionVariable* User may assign this to be the decision
/// variables being assigned. Must have the same number of elements as
/// the VectorXd assignment.
typedef std::function<void(const MathematicalProgram&,
const SolveStatusInfo& callback_info,
Eigen::VectorXd*, VectorXDecisionVariable*)>
/// Registers a callback to be called at intermediate solutions
/// during the solve.
/// @param callback User callback function.
/// @param user_data Arbitrary data that will be passed to the user
/// callback function.
void AddMipNodeCallback(const MipNodeCallbackFunction& callback) {
mip_node_callback_ = callback;
/// Users can supply a callback to be called when the Gurobi solver
/// finds a feasible solution.
/// See Gurobi reference manual for more detail on callbacks:
/// See for an example of using std::bind
/// to create a callback of this signature, while allowing
/// additional data to be passed through.
/// @param MathematicalProgram& The optimization wrapper, whose
/// current variable values (accessible via
/// MathematicalProgram::GetSolution) will be set to the intermediate
/// solution values.
/// @param SolveStatusInfo& Intermediate solution status information values
/// queried from Gurobi.
/// @param void* Arbitrary data supplied during callback registration.
typedef std::function<void(const MathematicalProgram&,
const SolveStatusInfo& callback_info)>
/// Registers a callback to be called at feasible solutions
/// during the solve.
/// @param callback User callback function.
/// @param usrdata Arbitrary data that will be passed to the user
/// callback function.
void AddMipSolCallback(const MipSolCallbackFunction& callback) {
mip_sol_callback_ = callback;
* This type contains a valid Gurobi license environment, and is only to be
* used from AcquireLicense().
class License;
* This acquires a Gurobi license environment shared among all GurobiSolver
* instances; the environment will stay valid as long as at least one
* shared_ptr returned by this function is alive.
* Call this ONLY if you must use different MathematicalProgram
* instances at different instances in time, and repeatedly acquiring the
* license is costly (e.g., requires contacting a license server).
* @return A shared pointer to a license environment that will stay valid
* as long as any shared_ptr returned by this function is alive. If Gurobi
* not available in your build, this will return a null (empty) shared_ptr.
* @throws std::exception if Gurobi is available but a license cannot be
* obtained.
static std::shared_ptr<License> AcquireLicense();
/// @name Static versions of the instance methods with similar names.
static SolverId id();
static bool is_available();
/// Returns true iff the environment variable GRB_LICENSE_FILE has been set
/// to a non-empty value.
static bool is_enabled();
static bool ProgramAttributesSatisfied(const MathematicalProgram&);
static std::string UnsatisfiedProgramAttributes(const MathematicalProgram&);
// A using-declaration adds these methods into our class's Doxygen.
using SolverBase::Solve;
void DoSolve(const MathematicalProgram&, const Eigen::VectorXd&,
const SolverOptions&, MathematicalProgramResult*) const final;
// Note that this is mutable to allow latching the allocation of env_
// during the first call of Solve() (which avoids grabbing a Gurobi license
// before we know that we actually want one).
mutable std::shared_ptr<License> license_;
// Callbacks and generic user data to pass through,
// or NULL if no callback has been supplied.
MipNodeCallbackFunction mip_node_callback_;
MipSolCallbackFunction mip_sol_callback_;
} // end namespace solvers
} // end namespace drake