#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/fmt_ostream.h"
#include "drake/solvers/mathematical_program.h"
#include "drake/solvers/mixed_integer_optimization_util.h"
namespace drake {
namespace solvers {
* We relax the non-convex SO(3) constraint on rotation matrix R to
* mixed-integer linear constraints. The formulation of these constraints are
* described in
* Global Inverse Kinematics via Mixed-integer Convex Optimization
* by Hongkai Dai, Gregory Izatt and Russ Tedrake, ISRR, 2017
* The SO(3) constraint on a rotation matrix R = [r₁, r₂, r₃], rᵢ∈ℝ³ is
* ```
* rᵢᵀrᵢ = 1 (1)
* rᵢᵀrⱼ = 0 (2)
* r₁ x r₂ = r₃ (3)
* ```
* To relax SO(3) constraint on rotation matrix R, we divide the range [-1, 1]
* (the range of each entry in R) into smaller intervals [φ(i), φ(i+1)], and
* then relax the SO(3) constraint within each interval. We provide 3 approaches
* for relaxation
* 1. By replacing each bilinear product in constraint (1), (2) and (3) with a
* new variable, in the McCormick envelope of the bilinear product w = x * y.
* 2. By considering the intersection region between axis-aligned boxes, and the
* surface of a unit sphere in 3D.
* 3. By combining the two approaches above. This will result in a tighter
* relaxation.
* These three approaches give different relaxation of SO(3) constraint (the
* feasible sets for each relaxation are different), and different computation
* speed. The users can switch between the approaches to find the best fit for
* their problem.
* @note If you have several rotation matrices that all need to be relaxed
* through mixed-integer constraint, then you can create a single
* MixedIntegerRotationConstraintGenerator object, and add the mixed-integer
* constraint to each rotation matrix, by calling AddToProgram() function
* repeatedly.
class MixedIntegerRotationConstraintGenerator {
enum class Approach {
kBoxSphereIntersection, ///< Relax SO(3) constraint by considering the
///< intersection between boxes and the unit sphere
///< surface.
kBilinearMcCormick, ///< Relax SO(3) constraint by considering the
///< McCormick envelope on the bilinear product.
kBoth, ///< Relax SO(3) constraint by considering both the
///< intersection between boxes and the unit sphere
///< surface, and the McCormick envelope on the
///< bilinear product.
struct ReturnType {
* B_ contains the new binary variables added to the program.
* B_[i][j] represents in which interval R(i, j) lies. If we use linear
* binning, then B_[i][j] is of length 2 * num_intervals_per_half_axis_.
* B_[i][j](k) = 1 => φ(k) ≤ R(i, j) ≤ φ(k + 1)
* B_[i][j](k) = 0 => R(i, j) ≥ φ(k + 1) or R(i, j) ≤ φ(k)
* If we use logarithmic binning, then B_[i][j] is of length
* 1 + log₂(num_intervals_per_half_axis_). If B_[i][j] represents integer
* k in reflected Gray code, then R(i, j) is in the interval [φ(k), φ(k+1)].
std::array<std::array<VectorXDecisionVariable, 3>, 3> B_;
* λ contains part of the new continuous variables added to the program.
* λ_[i][j] is of length 2 * num_intervals_per_half_axis_ + 1, such that
* R(i, j) = φᵀ * λ_[i][j]. Notice that λ_[i][j] satisfies the special
* ordered set of type 2 (SOS2) constraint. Namely at most two entries in
* λ_[i][j] can be strictly positive, and these two entries have to
* be consecutive. Mathematically
* ```
* ∑ₖ λ_[i][j](k) = 1
* λ_[i][j](k) ≥ 0 ∀ k
* ∃ m s.t λ_[i][j](n) = 0 if n ≠ m and n ≠ m+1
* ```
std::array<std::array<VectorXDecisionVariable, 3>, 3> lambda_;
* Constructor
* @param approach Refer to MixedIntegerRotationConstraintGenerator::Approach
* for the details.
* @param num_intervals_per_half_axis We will cut the range [-1, 1] evenly
* to 2 * `num_intervals_per_half_axis` small intervals. The number of binary
* variables will depend on the number of intervals.
* @param interval_binning The binning scheme we use to add SOS2 constraint
* with binary variables. If interval_binning = kLinear, then we will add
* 9 * 2 * `num_intervals_per_half_axis binary` variables;
* if interval_binning = kLogarithmic, then we will add
* 9 * (1 + log₂(num_intervals_per_half_axis)) binary variables. Refer to
* AddLogarithmicSos2Constraint and AddSos2Constraint for more details.
MixedIntegerRotationConstraintGenerator(Approach approach,
int num_intervals_per_half_axis,
IntervalBinning interval_binning);
* Add the mixed-integer linear constraints to the optimization program, as
* a relaxation of SO(3) constraint on the rotation matrix `R`.
* @param R The rotation matrix on which the SO(3) constraint is imposed.
* @param prog The optimization program to which the mixed-integer constraints
* (and additional variables) are added.
ReturnType AddToProgram(
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixDecisionVariable<3, 3>>& R,
MathematicalProgram* prog) const;
/** Getter for φ. */
const Eigen::VectorXd& phi() const { return phi_; }
/** Getter for φ₊, the non-negative part of φ. */
const Eigen::VectorXd phi_nonnegative() const { return phi_nonnegative_; }
Approach approach() const { return approach_; }
int num_intervals_per_half_axis() const {
return num_intervals_per_half_axis_;
IntervalBinning interval_binning() const { return interval_binning_; }
Approach approach_;
int num_intervals_per_half_axis_;
IntervalBinning interval_binning_;
// φ(i) = -1 + 1 / num_intervals_per_half_axis_ * i
Eigen::VectorXd phi_;
// φ₊(i) = 1 / num_intervals_per_half_axis_ * i
Eigen::VectorXd phi_nonnegative_;
// When considering the intersection between the box and the sphere surface,
// we will compute the vertices of the intersection region, and find one tight
// halfspace nᵀx ≥ d, such that all points on the intersection surface satisfy
// this halfspace constraint. For intersection region between the box
// [φ₊(xi), φ₊(xi+1)] x [φ₊(yi), φ₊(yi+1)] x [φ₊(zi), φ₊(zi+1)] and the sphere
// surface, the vertices of the intersection region is in
// box_sphere_intersection_vertices_[xi][yi][zi], and the halfspace is
// (box_sphere_intersection_halfspace_[xi][yi][zi].first)ᵀ x ≥
// box_sphere_intersection_halfspace[xi][yi][zi].second
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<Eigen::Vector3d, double>>>>
std::string to_string(MixedIntegerRotationConstraintGenerator::Approach type);
std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os,
const MixedIntegerRotationConstraintGenerator::Approach& type);
* Some of the newly added variables in function
* AddRotationMatrixBoxSphereIntersectionMilpConstraints.
* CRpos, CRneg, BRpos and BRneg can only take value 0 or 1. `CRpos` and `CRneg`
* are declared as continuous variables, while `BRpos` and `BRneg` are declared
* as binary variables. The definition for these variables are
* <pre>
* CRpos[k](i, j) = 1 => k / N <= R(i, j) <= (k+1) / N
* CRneg[k](i, j) = 1 => -(k+1) / N <= R(i, j) <= -k / N
* BRpos[k](i, j) = 1 => R(i, j) >= k / N
* BRneg[k](i, j) = 1 => R(i, j) <= -k / N
* </pre>
* where `N` is `num_intervals_per_half_axis`, one of the input argument of
* AddRotationMatrixBoxSphereIntersectionMilpConstraints.
struct AddRotationMatrixBoxSphereIntersectionReturn {
std::vector<Matrix3<symbolic::Expression>> CRpos;
std::vector<Matrix3<symbolic::Expression>> CRneg;
std::vector<Matrix3<symbolic::Variable>> BRpos;
std::vector<Matrix3<symbolic::Variable>> BRneg;
* Adds binary variables that constrain the value of the column *and* row
* vectors of R, in order to add the following (in some cases non-convex)
* constraints as an MILP. Specifically, for column vectors Ri, we constrain:
* - forall i, |Ri| = 1 ± envelope,
* - forall i,j. i ≠ j, Ri.dot(Rj) = 0 ± envelope,
* - R2 = R0.cross(R1) ± envelope,
* and again for R0=R1.cross(R2), and R1=R2.cross(R0).
* Then all of the same constraints are also added to R^T. The size of the
* envelope decreases quickly as num_binary_variables_per_half_axis is
* is increased.
* @note Creates `9*2*num_binary_variables_per_half_axis binary` variables named
* "BRpos*(*,*)" and "BRneg*(*,*)", and the same number of continuous variables
* named "CRpos*(*,*)" and "CRneg*(*,*)".
* @note The particular representation/algorithm here was developed in an
* attempt:
* - to enable efficient reuse of the variables between the constraints
* between multiple rows/columns (e.g. the constraints on Rᵀ use the same
* variables as the constraints on R), and
* - to facilitate branch-and-bound solution techniques -- binary regions are
* layered so that constraining one region establishes constraints
* on large portions of SO(3), and confers hopefully "useful" constraints
* the on other binary variables.
* @param R The rotation matrix
* @param num_intervals_per_half_axis number of intervals for a half axis.
* @param prog The mathematical program to which the constraints are added.
* @note This method uses the same approach as
* MixedIntegerRotationConstraintGenerator with kBoxSphereIntersection, namely
* the feasible sets to both relaxation are the same. But they use different
* sets of binary variables, and thus the computation speed can be different
* inside optimization solvers.
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixDecisionVariable<3, 3>>& R,
int num_intervals_per_half_axis, MathematicalProgram* prog);
} // namespace solvers
} // namespace drake
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Add a real formatter and deprecate the operator<<.
namespace fmt {
template <>
struct formatter<
: drake::ostream_formatter {};
} // namespace fmt