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#include "drake/solvers/equality_constrained_qp_solver.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "drake/common/test_utilities/eigen_matrix_compare.h"
#include "drake/common/test_utilities/expect_throws_message.h"
#include "drake/solvers/mathematical_program.h"
#include "drake/solvers/solve.h"
#include "drake/solvers/test/mathematical_program_test_util.h"
#include "drake/solvers/test/quadratic_program_examples.h"
using Eigen::Matrix2d;
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::Vector2d;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
namespace drake {
namespace solvers {
namespace test {
// Test how an unconstrained QP is dispatched and solved:
// - on the problem (x1 - 1)^2 + (x2 - 1)^2, with a min at
// at (x1=1, x2=1).
// - on the same problem plus the additional problem
// (x2 - 3)^2 + (2*x3 - 4)^2, which, when combined
// with the first problem, has min at (x1=1, x2=2, x3=2)
// The first case tests a single quadratic cost, and the
// second case tests multiple quadratic costs affecting
// different variable views. All fall under the
// umbrella of the Equality Constrained QP Solver.
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testUnconstrainedQPDispatch) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>();
prog.AddCost(pow(x(0) - 1, 2) + pow(x(1) - 1, 2));
MathematicalProgramResult result = Solve(prog);
VectorXd expected_answer(2);
expected_answer << 1.0, 1.0;
auto x_value = result.GetSolution(x);
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(expected_answer, x_value, 1e-10,
EXPECT_NEAR(0.0, result.get_optimal_cost(), 1e-10);
// There are no inequality constraints, and only quadratic costs,
// so this should hold:
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_solver_id(), EqualityConstrainedQPSolver::id());
// Add one more variable and constrain a view into them.
auto y = prog.NewContinuousVariables<1>("y");
prog.AddCost(pow(x(1) - 3, 2) + pow(2 * y(0) - 4, 2));
result = Solve(prog);
expected_answer << 1.0, 2.0, 2.0;
VectorXd actual_answer(3);
x_value = result.GetSolution(x);
const auto& y_value = result.GetSolution(y);
actual_answer << x_value, y_value;
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(expected_answer, actual_answer, 1e-10,
EXPECT_NEAR(2.0, result.get_optimal_cost(), 1e-10);
// Problem still has only quadratic costs, so solver should be the same.
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_solver_id(), EqualityConstrainedQPSolver::id());
// Test how an equality-constrained QP is dispatched
// - on the problem (x1 - 1)^2 + (x2 - 1)^2, with a min at
// at (x1=1, x2=1), constrained with (x1 + x2 = 1).
// The resulting constrained min is at (x1=0.5, x2=0.5).
// - on the same problem with an additional variable x3,
// with (2*x1 - x3 = 0). Resulting solution should be
// (x1=0.5, x2=0.5, x3=1.0)
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testLinearlyConstrainedQPDispatch) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2);
prog.AddCost(pow(x(0) - 1, 2) + pow(x(1) - 1, 2));
// x1 + x2 = 1
auto constraint1 = prog.AddLinearConstraint(x(0) + x(1) == 1);
MathematicalProgramResult result = Solve(prog);
VectorXd expected_answer(2);
expected_answer << 0.5, 0.5;
auto x_value = result.GetSolution(x);
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(expected_answer, x_value, 1e-10,
EXPECT_NEAR(0.5, result.get_optimal_cost(), 1e-10);
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(result.GetDualSolution(constraint1), Vector1d(-1),
// This problem is now an Equality Constrained QP and should
// use this solver:
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_solver_id(), EqualityConstrainedQPSolver::id());
// Add one more variable and constrain it in a different way
auto y = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1);
// 2*x1 - y = 0, so y should wind up as 1.0
auto constraint2 = prog.AddLinearConstraint(2 * x(0) - y(0) == 0);
result = Solve(prog, Eigen::Vector3d::Zero());
expected_answer << 0.5, 0.5, 1.0;
VectorXd actual_answer(3);
x_value = result.GetSolution(x);
auto y_value = result.GetSolution(y);
actual_answer << x_value, y_value;
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(expected_answer, actual_answer, 1e-10,
EXPECT_NEAR(0.5, result.get_optimal_cost(), 1e-10);
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(result.GetDualSolution(constraint1), Vector1d(-1),
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(result.GetDualSolution(constraint2), Vector1d(0.),
testNotStrictlyPositiveDefiniteHessianQP) {
// Cost is x(0)² - x(0). The Hessian is positive semidefinite, but not
// strictly positive definite, as it has an eigen value equal to 0.
// The problem has infinitely many optimal solutions, as (0.5, ANYTHING), and
// a unique optimal cost -0.25.
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost((x(0) - 1) * x(0));
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
EXPECT_NEAR(result.GetSolution(x(0)), 0.5, 1E-10);
EXPECT_NEAR(result.get_optimal_cost(), -0.25, 1E-10);
testNonPositiveSemidefiniteHessianQP) {
// Cost is x(0)² - x(1)². The Hessian has a negative eigen value, the problem
// is unbounded.
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(x(0) * x(0) - x(1) * x(1));
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_solution_result(), SolutionResult::kUnbounded);
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_optimal_cost(), MathematicalProgram::kUnboundedCost);
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testUnboundedQP) {
// Cost is x(0)² - 2 * x(1). The Hessian is positive semidefinite, but not
// strictly positive definite, as it has an eigen value equal to 0.
// The problem is unbounded, since x(1) can be as large as possible.
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(x(0) * x(0) - 2 * x(1));
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_solution_result(), SolutionResult::kUnbounded);
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_optimal_cost(), MathematicalProgram::kUnboundedCost);
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testNegativeDefiniteHessianQP) {
// Cost is -x(0)² - 2 * x(1). The Hessian is negative semidefinite.
// The problem is unbounded.
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(-x(0) * x(0) - 2 * x(1));
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_solution_result(), SolutionResult::kUnbounded);
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_optimal_cost(), MathematicalProgram::kUnboundedCost);
// Test a QP with positive definite Hessian, but infeasible constraint.
// min x(0)² + 2 * x(1)² + x(0) * x(1)
// s.t x(0) + 2 * x(1) = 1
// x(0) - x(1) = 3
// 2 * x(0) + x(1) = 2
testPositiveHessianInfeasibleConstraint) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(x(0) * x(0) + 2 * x(1) * x(1) + x(0) * x(1));
prog.AddLinearConstraint(x(0) + 2 * x(1) == 1 && x(0) - x(1) == 3 &&
2 * x(0) + x(1) == 2);
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
// Test a QP with indefinite Hessian, but unique minimum.
// min x(0)² - x(1)²
// s.t x(1) = 1
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testIndefiniteHessian) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(x(0) * x(0) - x(1) * x(1));
auto constraint = prog.AddLinearConstraint(x(1) == 1);
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(result.GetSolution(x), Eigen::Vector2d(0, 1),
1E-12, MatrixCompareType::absolute));
EXPECT_NEAR(result.get_optimal_cost(), -1, 1E-12);
CompareMatrices(result.GetDualSolution(constraint), Vector1d(-2), 1E-12));
// Test a QP with positive semidefinite Hessian, but unbounded objective.
// min x(0)² - 2 * x(1)
// s.t x(0) = 1
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testPSDhessianUnbounded) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(x(0) * x(0) - 2 * x(1));
prog.AddLinearConstraint(x(0) == 1);
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_solution_result(), SolutionResult::kUnbounded);
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_optimal_cost(), MathematicalProgram::kUnboundedCost);
// Test a QP with negative definite Hessian, but with a unique optimum.
// min -x(0)² - x(1)²
// s.t x(0) + x(1) = 2
// x(0) - x(1) = 3
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testNegativeHessianUniqueOptimum) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(-x(0) * x(0) - x(1) * x(1));
Eigen::Matrix2d Aeq;
Aeq << 1, 1, 1, -1;
auto constraint =
prog.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(Aeq, Eigen::Vector2d(2, 3), x);
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(result.GetSolution(x), Eigen::Vector2d(2.5, -0.5),
1E-12, MatrixCompareType::absolute));
EXPECT_NEAR(result.get_optimal_cost(), -6.5, 1E-12);
Eigen::Vector2d(-2, -3), 1e-12));
// Test a QP with negative definite Hessian, and an unbounded objective.
// min -x(0)² - x(1)²
// s.t x(0) + x(1) == 1
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testNegativeHessianUnbounded) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(-x(0) * x(0) - x(1) * x(1));
prog.AddLinearConstraint(x(0) + x(1) == 1);
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_solution_result(), SolutionResult::kUnbounded);
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_optimal_cost(), MathematicalProgram::kUnboundedCost);
// Test a QP with positive semidefinite Hessian (not strictly positive
// definite), and a unique minimum.
// min x(0)² + 2 * x(0) + 3 * x(1)
// s.t x(0) + 2 * x(1) == 1
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testPSDHessianUniqueOptimal) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(x(0) * x(0) + 2 * x(0) + 3 * x(1));
auto constraint = prog.AddLinearConstraint(x(0) + 2 * x(1) == 1);
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
Eigen::Vector2d(-1.0 / 4, 5.0 / 8), 1E-12,
EXPECT_NEAR(result.get_optimal_cost(), 23.0 / 16.0, 1E-12);
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(result.GetDualSolution(constraint), Vector1d(1.5),
// Test a QP with indefinite Hessian and infeasible constraints
// min x(0)² - 2 * x(1)²
// s.t x(0) + 2 * x(1) = 1
// -x(0) + 3 * x(1) = 2
// 2 * x(0) - 3 * x(1) = 3
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testIndefiniteHessianInfeasible) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(x(0) * x(0) - 2 * x(1) * x(1));
prog.AddLinearConstraint(x(0) + 2 * x(1) == 1 && -x(0) + 3 * x(1) == 2 &&
2 * x(0) - 3 * x(1) == 3);
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
// Test changing the feasibility tolerance.
// For a problem
// min x(0)² + 2 * x(1)²
// s.t x(0) + 2 * x(1) = 1
// x(0) - x(1) = -2
// x(0) + x(1) = 1E-6
// when the feasibility tolerance is 1E-7, the problem is infeasible.
// when we increase the feasibility tolerance, the problem is feasible.
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testFeasibilityTolerance) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddCost(x(0) * x(0) + 2 * x(1) * x(1));
prog.AddLinearConstraint(x(0) + 2 * x(1) == 1 && x(0) - x(1) == -2 &&
x(0) + x(1) == 1E-6);
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
prog.SetSolverOption(EqualityConstrainedQPSolver::id(), "FeasibilityTol",
auto result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
// Now increase the feasibility tolerance.
double tol = 1E-6;
result = solver.Solve(prog, {}, {});
const Eigen::Vector2d x_val = result.GetSolution(x);
const Eigen::Vector3d cnstr_val(x_val(0) + 2 * x_val(1), x_val(0) - x_val(1),
x_val(0) + x_val(1));
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(cnstr_val, Eigen::Vector3d(1, -2, 1E-6), tol,
EXPECT_NEAR(result.get_optimal_cost(), 3, 1E-6);
// Now solve with a low feasibility tolerance again by passing the option in
// the Solver function. The result should be infeasible.
MathematicalProgramResult math_prog_result;
SolverOptions solver_options;
// The input solver option (1E-7) in `Solve` function takes priority over the
// option stored in the prog (1E-6).
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver::FeasibilityTolOptionName(), 0.1 * tol);
solver.Solve(prog, {}, solver_options, &math_prog_result);
// min x'*x + x0 + x1 + 1
// The solution is x0 = x1 = -.5, with optimal value .5.
GTEST_TEST(testEqualityConstrainedQPSolver, testLinearCost) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto x = prog.NewContinuousVariables<2>("x");
prog.AddQuadraticCost(x.transpose() * x);
prog.AddLinearCost(x(0) + x(1) + 1);
MathematicalProgramResult result;
result = Solve(prog);
CompareMatrices(result.GetSolution(x), Eigen::Vector2d(-.5, -.5), 1e-6));
EXPECT_EQ(result.get_optimal_cost(), .5);
class EqualityConstrainedQPSolverTest : public ::testing::Test {
: prog_{},
solver_options_{} {
prog_.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(x_(0) + x_(1), 1);
prog_.AddQuadraticCost(x_(0) * x_(0) + x_(1) * x_(1));
MathematicalProgram prog_;
VectorDecisionVariable<2> x_;
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver_;
MathematicalProgramResult result_;
SolverOptions solver_options_;
TEST_F(EqualityConstrainedQPSolverTest, WrongSolverOptions1) {
solver_options_.SetOption(solver_.solver_id(), "Foo", 0.1);
solver_.Solve(prog_, {}, solver_options_, &result_),
"Foo is not allowed in the SolverOptions for EqConstrainedQP.");
TEST_F(EqualityConstrainedQPSolverTest, WrongSolverOptions2) {
solver_options_.SetOption(solver_.solver_id(), "FeasibilityTol", -0.1);
solver_.Solve(prog_, {}, solver_options_, &result_),
"FeasibilityTol should be a non-negative number.");
GTEST_TEST(EqualityConstrainedQPSolverDualSolutionTest, DualSolution1) {
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
GTEST_TEST(EqualityConstrainedQPSolverDualSolutionTest, DualSolution2) {
EqualityConstrainedQPSolver solver;
} // namespace test
} // namespace solvers
} // namespace drake