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#include "drake/solvers/rotation_constraint.h"
#include <random>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "drake/common/symbolic/expression.h"
#include "drake/common/test_utilities/eigen_matrix_compare.h"
#include "drake/math/random_rotation.h"
#include "drake/math/rotation_matrix.h"
#include "drake/solvers/mathematical_program.h"
#include "drake/solvers/mosek_solver.h"
#include "drake/solvers/solve.h"
using Eigen::Matrix3d;
using Eigen::Vector3d;
using drake::symbolic::Expression;
using std::sqrt;
namespace drake {
namespace solvers {
namespace {
void AddObjective(MathematicalProgram* prog,
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixDecisionVariable<3, 3>>& R,
const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix3d>& R_desired) {
const auto R_error = R - R_desired;
// sigma >= |error|_2
MatrixDecisionVariable<1, 1> sigma =
prog->NewContinuousVariables<1, 1>("sigma");
// trace(R_errorᵀ * R_error) = sum_{i,j} R_error(i,j)²
sigma(0), (R_error.transpose() * R_error).trace(), 1E-15);
// min sigma
// Iterates over possible setting of the RPY limits flag, and for each setting
// evaluates a mesh of points within those limits. This test confirms that
// of the rotation matrices generated from rotations with those limits are
// still feasible after the RPY limits constraints have been applied.
class TestRpyLimitsFixture : public ::testing::TestWithParam<int> {
TestRpyLimitsFixture() = default;
TEST_P(TestRpyLimitsFixture, TestRpyLimits) {
const int limits = GetParam();
// Add brace scope to avoid reflowing all of this code.
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto Rvar = NewRotationMatrixVars(&prog);
&prog, Rvar, static_cast<RollPitchYawLimits>(limits));
auto bb_constraints = prog.bounding_box_constraints();
// Bounds are loose, so just test that feasible points are indeed feasible.
const double rmin = (limits & kRoll_0_to_PI) ? 0
: (limits & kRoll_NegPI_2_to_PI_2) ? -M_PI_2
: -M_PI;
const double rmax = (limits & kRoll_NegPI_2_to_PI_2) ? M_PI_2 : M_PI;
const double pmin = (limits & kPitch_0_to_PI) ? 0
: (limits & kPitch_NegPI_2_to_PI_2) ? -M_PI_2
: -M_PI;
const double pmax = (limits & kPitch_NegPI_2_to_PI_2) ? M_PI_2 : M_PI;
const double ymin = (limits & kYaw_0_to_PI) ? 0
: (limits & kYaw_NegPI_2_to_PI_2) ? -M_PI_2
: -M_PI;
const double ymax = (limits & kYaw_NegPI_2_to_PI_2) ? M_PI_2 : M_PI;
for (double roll = rmin; roll <= rmax; roll += M_PI / 6) {
for (double pitch = pmin; pitch <= pmax; pitch += M_PI / 6) {
for (double yaw = ymin; yaw <= ymax; yaw += M_PI / 6) {
const drake::math::RollPitchYaw<double> rpy(roll, pitch, yaw);
Matrix3d R = rpy.ToMatrix3ViaRotationMatrix();
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 1>> vecR(, R.size());
for (const auto& b : bb_constraints) {
const Eigen::VectorXd x = prog.EvalBindingAtInitialGuess(b);
const Eigen::VectorXd& lb = b.evaluator()->lower_bound();
const Eigen::VectorXd& ub = b.evaluator()->upper_bound();
for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
constexpr double threshold = 1e-15;
EXPECT_GE(x(i), lb(i) - threshold);
EXPECT_LE(x(i), ub(i) + threshold);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(RotationTest, TestRpyLimitsFixture,
::testing::Range(1 << 1, 1 << 7, 2));
// Sets up and solves an optimization:
// <pre>
// min_R sum_{i,j} |R(i,j) - R_desired(i,j)|^2
// </pre>
// where the columans (and rows) of R_desired are outside the unit ball.
// Confirms that the SpectralPSD constraint results in a matrix with columns
// and rows of unit length (or less), and that the actual PSD constraint (typed
// in a very different way here) was satisfied.
GTEST_TEST(RotationTest, TestSpectralPsd) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto Rvar = NewRotationMatrixVars(&prog);
// R_desired is outside the unit ball.
AddObjective(&prog, Rvar, 2 * Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>::Ones());
AddRotationMatrixSpectrahedralSdpConstraint(&prog, Rvar);
MathematicalProgramResult result = Solve(prog);
Matrix3d R = result.GetSolution(Rvar);
double tol = 1e-6;
EXPECT_LE(R.col(0).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.col(1).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.col(2).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.row(0).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.row(1).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.row(2).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
// Check eq 10 in
Eigen::Matrix4d U;
// clang-format off
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(whitespace/comma)
U << 1 - R(0, 0) - R(1, 1) + R(2, 2), R(0, 2) + R(2, 0), R(0, 1) - R(1, 0),
R(1, 2) + R(2, 1),
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(whitespace/comma)
R(0, 2) + R(2, 0), 1 + R(0, 0) - R(1, 1) - R(2, 2), R(1, 2) - R(2, 1),
R(0, 1) + R(1, 0),
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(whitespace/comma)
R(0, 1) - R(1, 0), R(1, 2) - R(2, 1), 1 + R(0, 0) + R(1, 1) + R(2, 2),
R(2, 0) - R(0, 2),
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(whitespace/comma)
R(1, 2) + R(2, 1), R(0, 1) + R(1, 0), R(2, 0) - R(0, 2), 1 - R(0, 0)
+ R(1, 1) - R(2, 2);
// clang-format on
const Eigen::Array4d lambda_mag{U.eigenvalues().array().real()};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) EXPECT_GE(lambda_mag(i), -tol);
// Sets up and solves an optimization:
// <pre>
// min_R sum_{i,j} |R(i,j) - R_desired(i,j)|^2
// </pre>
// where the columns (and rows) of R_desired are outside the unit ball.
// Confirms that the Orthonormal SOCP constraints result in a solution matrix
// with columns and rows of unit length or less, and that the specific
// orthogonality relaxation implemented by the routine is satisfied.
GTEST_TEST(RotationTest, TestOrthonormal) {
MathematicalProgram prog;
auto Rvar = NewRotationMatrixVars(&prog);
// R_desired is outside the unit ball.
AddObjective(&prog, Rvar, 2 * Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>::Ones());
AddRotationMatrixOrthonormalSocpConstraint(&prog, Rvar);
MathematicalProgramResult result = Solve(prog);
Matrix3d R = result.GetSolution(Rvar);
double tol = 1e-4;
EXPECT_LE(R.col(0).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.col(1).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.col(2).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(2 * std::abs(R.col(0).dot(R.col(1))),
2 - R.col(0).dot(R.col(0)) - R.col(1).dot(R.col(1)) + tol);
EXPECT_LE(2 * std::abs(R.col(1).dot(R.col(2))),
2 - R.col(1).dot(R.col(1)) - R.col(2).dot(R.col(2)) + tol);
EXPECT_LE(2 * std::abs(R.col(0).dot(R.col(2))),
2 - R.col(0).dot(R.col(0)) - R.col(2).dot(R.col(2)) + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.row(0).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.row(1).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(R.row(2).lpNorm<2>(), 1 + tol);
EXPECT_LE(2 * std::abs(R.row(0).dot(R.row(1))),
2 - R.row(0).dot(R.row(0)) - R.row(1).dot(R.row(1)) + tol);
EXPECT_LE(2 * std::abs(R.row(1).dot(R.row(2))),
2 - R.row(0).dot(R.row(0)) - R.row(1).dot(R.row(1)) + tol);
EXPECT_LE(2 * std::abs(R.row(0).dot(R.row(2))),
2 - R.row(0).dot(R.row(0)) - R.row(1).dot(R.row(1)) + tol);
} // namespace
} // namespace solvers
} // namespace drake
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Ensure that we have the MOSEK license for the entire duration of this test,
// so that we do not have to release and re-acquire the license for every
// test.
auto mosek_license = drake::solvers::MosekSolver::AcquireLicense();
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();