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#include "drake/systems/primitives/affine_system.h"
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_throw.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/common/symbolic/decompose.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/basic_vector.h"
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
using std::make_unique;
using std::unique_ptr;
template <typename T>
SystemScalarConverter converter, int num_states, int num_inputs,
int num_outputs, double time_period)
: LeafSystem<T>(std::move(converter)),
Sqrt_Sigma_x0_(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(num_states, num_states)) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_states_ >= 0);
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_inputs_ >= 0);
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_outputs_ >= 0);
DRAKE_DEMAND(time_period_ >= 0.0);
// Declare state and input/output ports.
// Declares the state variables and (potentially) the discrete-time update.
if (num_states > 0) {
if (time_period_ == 0.0) {
} else {
time_period_, 0.0, &TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::CalcDiscreteUpdate);
// Allow a forced update to trigger the same handler.
if (num_inputs_ > 0)
this->DeclareInputPort(kUseDefaultName, kVectorValued, num_inputs_);
if (num_outputs_ > 0) {
// N.B. Subclasses that override CalcOutputY may want to fine-tune the
// output port's prerequisites; see AffineSystem's ctor for an example.
// By default, the output port will depend on everything (time, input,
// state, accuracy, etc.).
this->DeclareVectorOutputPort(kUseDefaultName, num_outputs_,
template <typename T>
const InputPort<T>& TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::get_input_port()
const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_inputs_ > 0);
return System<T>::get_input_port(0);
template <typename T>
const OutputPort<T>& TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::get_output_port()
const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_outputs_ > 0);
return System<T>::get_output_port(0);
template <typename T>
void TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::configure_default_state(
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& x0) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(x0.rows() == num_states_);
if (num_states_ == 0) return;
x0_ = x0;
template <typename T>
void TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::configure_random_state(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& covariance) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(covariance.rows() == num_states_);
DRAKE_DEMAND(covariance.cols() == num_states_);
if (num_states_ == 0) return;
Sqrt_Sigma_x0_ = Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd>(covariance)
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
void TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::ConfigureDefaultAndRandomStateFrom(
const TimeVaryingAffineSystem<U>& other) {
// Convert default state from U -> double -> T.
VectorX<T> x0(other.num_states());
const VectorX<U>& other_x0 = other.get_default_state();
for (int i = 0; i < other.num_states(); i++) {
x0[i] = ExtractDoubleOrThrow(other_x0[i]);
// This is the default implementation for this virtual method.
template <typename T>
void TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::CalcOutputY(
const Context<T>& context, BasicVector<T>* output_vector) const {
const T t = context.get_time();
VectorX<T> y = y0(t);
DRAKE_DEMAND(y.rows() == num_outputs_);
if (num_states_ > 0) {
const MatrixX<T> Ct = C(t);
DRAKE_DEMAND(Ct.rows() == num_outputs_ && Ct.cols() == num_states_);
const VectorX<T>& x = (this->time_period() == 0.)
? dynamic_cast<const BasicVector<T>&>(
: context.get_discrete_state().get_vector().get_value();
y += Ct * x;
if (num_inputs_ > 0) {
const auto& u = get_input_port().Eval(context);
const MatrixX<T> Dt = D(t);
DRAKE_DEMAND(Dt.rows() == num_outputs_ && Dt.cols() == num_inputs_);
y += Dt * u;
template <typename T>
void TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::DoCalcTimeDerivatives(
const Context<T>& context, ContinuousState<T>* derivatives) const {
if (num_states_ == 0 || time_period_ > 0) return;
const T t = context.get_time();
VectorX<T> xdot = f0(t);
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(xdot.rows() == num_states_);
const auto& x =
dynamic_cast<const BasicVector<T>&>(context.get_continuous_state_vector())
const MatrixX<T> At = A(t);
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(At.rows() == num_states_ && At.cols() == num_states_);
xdot += At * x;
if (num_inputs_ > 0) {
const auto& u = get_input_port().Eval(context);
const MatrixX<T> Bt = B(t);
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS(Bt.rows() == num_states_ && Bt.cols() == num_inputs_);
xdot += Bt * u;
// This is the default implementation; may be overridden in derived classes.
template <typename T>
EventStatus TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::CalcDiscreteUpdate(
const Context<T>& context, DiscreteValues<T>* updates) const {
if (num_states_ == 0 || time_period_ == 0.0)
return EventStatus::DidNothing();
const T t = context.get_time();
// TODO(russt): consider demanding that t is a multiple of time_period_.
// But this could be non-trivial for non-double T.
VectorX<T> xn = f0(t);
DRAKE_DEMAND(xn.rows() == num_states_);
const auto& x = context.get_discrete_state(0).get_value();
const MatrixX<T> At = A(t);
DRAKE_DEMAND(At.rows() == num_states_ && At.cols() == num_states_);
xn += At * x;
if (num_inputs_ > 0) {
const auto& u = get_input_port().Eval(context);
const MatrixX<T> Bt = B(t);
DRAKE_DEMAND(Bt.rows() == num_states_ && Bt.cols() == num_inputs_);
xn += Bt * u;
return EventStatus::Succeeded();
template <typename T>
void TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::SetDefaultState(const Context<T>& context,
State<T>* state) const {
if (num_states_ == 0) return;
if (time_period_ == 0.0) {
} else {
template <typename T>
void TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::SetRandomState(
const Context<T>& context, State<T>* state,
RandomGenerator* generator) const {
if (num_states_ == 0) return;
Eigen::VectorXd w(num_states_);
std::normal_distribution<double> normal;
for (int i = 0; i < num_states_; i++) {
w[i] = normal(*generator);
const auto x0 = x0_ + Sqrt_Sigma_x0_ * w;
if (time_period_ == 0.0) {
} else {
// Our public constructor declares that our most specific subclass is
// AffineSystem, and then delegates to our protected constructor.
template <typename T>
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& A,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& B,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& f0,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& C,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& D,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& y0,
double time_period)
: AffineSystem<T>(SystemTypeTag<AffineSystem>{}, A, B, f0, C, D, y0,
time_period) {}
namespace {
// Returns the number of states, where any empty matrix is assumed to have the
// correct size.
int CalcNumStates(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& A,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& B,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& f0,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& C) {
int num_states = 0;
if (A.size() > 0) {
num_states = A.rows();
DRAKE_DEMAND(A.rows() == A.cols());
if (B.size() > 0) {
if (num_states) {
// This error message is more informative than comparing with num_states.
DRAKE_DEMAND(B.rows() == A.rows());
} else {
num_states = B.rows();
if (f0.size() > 0) {
if (num_states) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(f0.size() == num_states);
} else {
num_states = f0.size();
if (C.size() > 0) {
if (num_states) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(C.cols() == num_states);
} else {
num_states = C.cols();
return num_states;
// Returns the number of inputs, where any empty matrix is assumed to have the
// correct size.
int CalcNumInputs(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& B,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& D) {
int num_inputs = 0;
if (B.size() > 0) {
num_inputs = B.cols();
if (D.size() > 0) {
if (num_inputs) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(D.cols() == B.cols());
} else {
num_inputs = D.cols();
return num_inputs;
// Returns the number of outputs, where any empty matrix is assumed to have the
// correct size.
int CalcNumOutputs(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& C,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& D,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& y0) {
int num_outputs = 0;
if (C.size() > 0) {
num_outputs = C.rows();
if (D.size() > 0) {
if (num_outputs) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(D.rows() == C.rows());
} else {
num_outputs = D.rows();
if (y0.size() > 0) {
if (num_outputs) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(y0.size() == num_outputs);
} else {
num_outputs = y0.size();
return num_outputs;
// Returns whether a matrix is "meaningful" when pre-multiplying a vector.
bool IsMeaningful(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& m) {
return m.size() > 0 && (m.array() != 0).any();
} // namespace
// Our protected constructor does all of the real work -- everything else
// delegates to here.
template <typename T>
AffineSystem<T>::AffineSystem(SystemScalarConverter converter,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& A,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& B,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& f0,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& C,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& D,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& y0,
double time_period)
: TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>(
std::move(converter), CalcNumStates(A, B, f0, C), CalcNumInputs(B, D),
CalcNumOutputs(C, D, y0), time_period),
? A
: Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(this->num_states(), this->num_states())),
? B
: Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(this->num_states(), this->num_inputs())),
f0_(f0.size() ? f0 : Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(this->num_states())),
? C
: Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(this->num_outputs(), this->num_states())),
? D
: Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(this->num_outputs(), this->num_inputs())),
y0_(y0.size() ? y0 : Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(this->num_outputs())),
has_meaningful_D_(IsMeaningful(D)) {
// Specify our output port's dependencies more precisely than our base class
// is able to. We know that output never depends on time nor parameters,
// only on state (iff C if non-zero) and input (iff D is non-zero).
if (this->num_outputs() > 0) {
const OutputPort<T>& output_port = this->get_output_port();
const auto& leaf_port = dynamic_cast<const LeafOutputPort<T>&>(output_port);
const CacheIndex cache_index = leaf_port.cache_entry().cache_index();
CacheEntry& cache_entry = this->get_mutable_cache_entry(cache_index);
std::set<DependencyTicket>& prereqs = cache_entry.mutable_prerequisites();
if (has_meaningful_C_) {
if (has_meaningful_D_) {
// Our copy constructor delegates to the public constructor; this used only by
// SystemScalarConverter as known to our public constructor, not by subclasses.
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
AffineSystem<T>::AffineSystem(const AffineSystem<U>& other)
: AffineSystem(other.A(), other.B(), other.f0(), other.C(), other.D(),
other.y0(), other.time_period()) {
template <typename T>
unique_ptr<AffineSystem<T>> AffineSystem<T>::MakeAffineSystem(
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Expression>>& dynamics,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Expression>>& output,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Variable>>& state_vars,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Variable>>& input_vars,
const double time_period) {
// Need to extract, A, B, f₀, C, D, y₀ such that,
// dynamics = Ax + Bu + f₀
// output = Cx + Du + y₀
// where x = state_vars and u = input_vars.
const int num_states = state_vars.size();
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_states == dynamics.size());
const int num_inputs = input_vars.size();
const int num_outputs = output.size();
Eigen::MatrixXd AB(num_states, num_states + num_inputs);
Eigen::VectorXd f0(num_states);
VectorX<symbolic::Variable> vars(num_states + num_inputs);
vars << state_vars, input_vars;
DecomposeAffineExpressions(dynamics, vars, &AB, &f0);
const auto A = AB.leftCols(num_states);
const auto B = AB.rightCols(num_inputs);
Eigen::MatrixXd CD(num_outputs, num_states + num_inputs);
Eigen::VectorXd y0(num_outputs);
DecomposeAffineExpressions(output, vars, &CD, &y0);
const auto C = CD.leftCols(num_states);
const auto D = CD.rightCols(num_inputs);
return make_unique<AffineSystem<T>>(A, B, f0, C, D, y0, time_period);
template <typename T>
void AffineSystem<T>::CalcOutputY(const Context<T>& context,
BasicVector<T>* output_vector) const {
auto y = output_vector->get_mutable_value();
y = y0_;
if (has_meaningful_C_) {
const VectorX<T>& x = (this->time_period() == 0.)
? dynamic_cast<const BasicVector<T>&>(
: context.get_discrete_state().get_vector().get_value();
y += C_ * x;
if (has_meaningful_D_) {
const auto& u = this->get_input_port().Eval(context);
y += D_ * u;
template <typename T>
void AffineSystem<T>::DoCalcTimeDerivatives(
const Context<T>& context, ContinuousState<T>* derivatives) const {
if (this->num_states() == 0 || this->time_period() > 0.0) return;
const auto& x =
dynamic_cast<const BasicVector<T>&>(context.get_continuous_state_vector())
VectorX<T> xdot = A_ * x + f0_;
if (this->num_inputs() > 0) {
const auto& u = this->get_input_port().Eval(context);
xdot += B_ * u;
// Overrides the base class default event handler with a simpler one.
template <typename T>
EventStatus AffineSystem<T>::CalcDiscreteUpdate(
const Context<T>& context, DiscreteValues<T>* updates) const {
if (this->num_states() == 0 || this->time_period() == 0.0)
return EventStatus::DidNothing();
const auto& x = context.get_discrete_state(0).get_value();
VectorX<T> xnext = A_ * x + f0_;
if (this->num_inputs() > 0) {
const auto& u = this->get_input_port().Eval(context);
xnext += B_ * u;
return EventStatus::Succeeded();
&TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>::template ConfigureDefaultAndRandomStateFrom<U>
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::systems::TimeVaryingAffineSystem)
class ::drake::systems::AffineSystem)