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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/common/symbolic/expression.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/leaf_system.h"
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
* Base class for a discrete- or continuous-time, time-varying affine
* system, with potentially time-varying coefficients.
* @system
* name: TimeVaryingAffineSystem
* input_ports:
* - u0
* output_ports:
* - y0
* @endsystem
* If `time_period > 0.0`, then the affine system will have the state update:
* @f[ x(t+h) = A(t) x(t) + B(t) u(t) + f_0(t), @f]
* where `h` is the time_period. If `time_period == 0.0`, then the system will
* have the time derivatives:
* @f[ \dot{x}(t) = A(t) x(t) + B(t) u(t) + f_0(t), @f]
* where `u` denotes the input vector, `x` denotes the state vector.
* In both cases, the system will have the output:
* @f[ y(t) = C(t) x(t) + D(t) u(t) + y_0(t), @f]
* where `y` denotes the output vector.
* When configured as a discrete system, the discrete update can be triggered
* either by the defined periodic trigger or via a manual forced update.
* @tparam_default_scalar
* @ingroup primitive_systems
* *
* @see AffineSystem
template <typename T>
class TimeVaryingAffineSystem : public LeafSystem<T> {
/// Returns the input port containing the externally applied input.
const InputPort<T>& get_input_port() const;
/// Returns the output port containing the output state.
const OutputPort<T>& get_output_port() const;
/// @name Methods To Be Implemented by Subclasses
/// Implementations must define these, and the returned matrices must
/// be sized to match the `num_states`, `num_inputs`, and `num_outputs`
/// specified in the constructor.
/// @{
virtual MatrixX<T> A(const T& t) const = 0;
virtual MatrixX<T> B(const T& t) const = 0;
virtual VectorX<T> f0(const T& t) const = 0;
virtual MatrixX<T> C(const T& t) const = 0;
virtual MatrixX<T> D(const T& t) const = 0;
virtual VectorX<T> y0(const T& t) const = 0;
/// @}
/// Configures the value that will be assigned to the state vector in
/// `SetDefaultContext`. `x0` must be a vector of length `num_states`.
void configure_default_state(const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& x0);
/// Configures the Gaussian distribution over state vectors used in the
/// `SetRandomContext` methods. The mean of the distribution will be the
/// default state (@see configure_default_state()). `covariance` must have
/// size `num_states` by `num_states` and must be symmetric and positive
/// semi-definite.
void configure_random_state(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& covariance);
/// Returns the configured default state. @see configure_default_state().
const VectorX<T>& get_default_state() const { return x0_; }
/// Returns the configured random state covariance.
const Eigen::MatrixXd get_random_state_covariance() const {
return Sqrt_Sigma_x0_ * Sqrt_Sigma_x0_;
double time_period() const { return time_period_; }
int num_states() const { return num_states_; }
int num_inputs() const { return num_inputs_; }
int num_outputs() const { return num_outputs_; }
/// Constructor.
/// @param converter scalar-type conversion support helper (i.e., AutoDiff,
/// etc.); pass a default-constructed object if such support is not desired.
/// See @ref system_scalar_conversion for detailed background and examples
/// related to scalar-type conversion support.
/// @param num_states size of the system's state vector
/// @param num_inputs size of the system's input vector
/// @param num_outputs size of the system's output vector
/// @param time_period discrete update period, or 0.0 to use continuous time
TimeVaryingAffineSystem(SystemScalarConverter converter,
int num_states, int num_inputs, int num_outputs,
double time_period);
/// Helper method. Derived classes should call this from the
/// scalar-converting copy constructor.
template <typename U>
void ConfigureDefaultAndRandomStateFrom(
const TimeVaryingAffineSystem<U>& other);
/// Computes @f[ y(t) = C(t) x(t) + D(t) u(t) + y_0(t), @f] with by calling
/// `C(t)`, `D(t)`, and `y0(t)` with runtime size checks. Derived classes
/// may override this for performance reasons.
virtual void CalcOutputY(const Context<T>& context,
BasicVector<T>* output_vector) const;
/// Computes @f[ \dot{x}(t) = A(t) x(t) + B(t) u(t) + f_0(t), @f] with by
/// calling `A(t)`, `B(t)`, and `f0(t)` with runtime size checks. Derived
/// classes may override this for performance reasons.
void DoCalcTimeDerivatives(const Context<T>& context,
ContinuousState<T>* derivatives) const override;
/// Computes @f[ x(t+h) = A(t) x(t) + B(t) u(t) + f_0(t), @f] with by calling
/// `A(t)`, `B(t)`, and `f0(t)` with runtime size checks. This is the event
/// handler for the periodic and forced discrete update events. Derived
/// classes may override this for performance reasons.
virtual EventStatus CalcDiscreteUpdate(
const Context<T>& context, DiscreteValues<T>* updates) const;
/// Sets the initial conditions.
void SetDefaultState(const Context<T>& context,
State<T>* state) const override;
/// Sets the random initial conditions.
void SetRandomState(const Context<T>& context, State<T>* state,
RandomGenerator* generator) const override;
// function it needs to instantiate is protected.
template<typename, typename>
friend constexpr auto Make_Function_Pointers();
const int num_states_{0};
const int num_inputs_{0};
const int num_outputs_{0};
const double time_period_{0.0};
VectorX<T> x0_; // Default state.
Eigen::MatrixXd Sqrt_Sigma_x0_; // Square root of state covariance matrix.
/// A discrete OR continuous affine system (with constant coefficients).
/// @system
/// name: AffineSystem
/// input_ports:
/// - u0
/// output_ports:
/// - y0
/// @endsystem
/// Let `u` denote the input vector, `x` denote the state vector, and
/// `y` denote the output vector.
/// If `time_period > 0.0`, the affine system will have the following
/// discrete-time state update:
/// @f[ x(t+h) = A x(t) + B u(t) + f_0, @f]
/// where `h` is the time_period.
/// If `time_period == 0.0`, the affine system will have the following
/// continuous-time state update:
/// @f[\dot{x} = A x + B u + f_0. @f]
/// In both cases, the system will have the output:
/// @f[y = C x + D u + y_0, @f]
/// @tparam_default_scalar
/// @ingroup primitive_systems
/// @see LinearSystem
/// @see MatrixGain
template <typename T>
class AffineSystem : public TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T> {
/// Constructs an Affine system with a fixed set of coefficient matrices `A`,
/// `B`,`C`, and `D` as well as fixed initial velocity offset `xDot0` and
/// output offset `y0`.
/// The coefficient matrices must obey the following dimensions :
/// | Matrix | Num Rows | Num Columns |
/// |:-------:|:-----------:|:-----------:|
/// | A | num states | num states |
/// | B | num states | num inputs |
/// | f0 | num_states | 1 |
/// | C | num outputs | num states |
/// | D | num outputs | num inputs |
/// | y0 | num_outputs | 1 |
/// Empty matrices are treated as zero matrices with the appropriate number
/// of rows and columns.
/// @param time_period Defines the period of the discrete time system; use
/// time_period=0.0 to denote a continuous time system. @default 0.0
/// Subclasses must use the protected constructor, not this one.
explicit AffineSystem(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& A = Eigen::MatrixXd(),
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& B = Eigen::MatrixXd(),
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& f0 = Eigen::VectorXd(),
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& C = Eigen::MatrixXd(),
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& D = Eigen::MatrixXd(),
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& y0 = Eigen::VectorXd(),
double time_period = 0.0);
/// Scalar-converting copy constructor. See @ref system_scalar_conversion.
template <typename U>
explicit AffineSystem(const AffineSystem<U>&);
/// Creates a unique pointer to AffineSystem<T> by decomposing @p dynamics and
/// @p outputs using @p state_vars and @p input_vars.
/// @throws std::exception if either @p dynamics or @p outputs is not
/// affine in @p state_vars and @p input_vars.
static std::unique_ptr<AffineSystem<T>> MakeAffineSystem(
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Expression>>& dynamics,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Expression>>& output,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Variable>>& state_vars,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Variable>>& input_vars,
double time_period = 0.0);
/// @name Helper getter methods.
/// @{
const Eigen::MatrixXd& A() const { return A_; }
const Eigen::MatrixXd& B() const { return B_; }
const Eigen::VectorXd& f0() const { return f0_; }
const Eigen::MatrixXd& C() const { return C_; }
const Eigen::MatrixXd& D() const { return D_; }
const Eigen::VectorXd& y0() const { return y0_; }
/// @}
/// @name Implementations of TimeVaryingAffineSystem<T>'s pure virtual
/// methods.
/// @{
MatrixX<T> A(const T&) const final { return MatrixX<T>(A_); }
MatrixX<T> B(const T&) const final { return MatrixX<T>(B_); }
VectorX<T> f0(const T&) const final { return VectorX<T>(f0_); }
MatrixX<T> C(const T&) const final { return MatrixX<T>(C_); }
MatrixX<T> D(const T&) const final { return MatrixX<T>(D_); }
VectorX<T> y0(const T&) const final { return VectorX<T>(y0_); }
/// @}
/// Constructor that specifies scalar-type conversion support.
/// @param converter scalar-type conversion support helper (i.e., AutoDiff,
/// etc.); pass a default-constructed object if such support is not desired.
/// See @ref system_scalar_conversion for detailed background and examples
/// related to scalar-type conversion support.
AffineSystem(SystemScalarConverter converter,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& A,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& B,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& f0,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& C,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& D,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& y0,
double time_period);
void CalcOutputY(const Context<T>& context,
BasicVector<T>* output_vector) const final;
void DoCalcTimeDerivatives(const Context<T>& context,
ContinuousState<T>* derivatives) const final;
// We can simplify the discrete update event handler here.
EventStatus CalcDiscreteUpdate(
const Context<T>& context, DiscreteValues<T>* updates) const final;
const Eigen::MatrixXd A_;
const Eigen::MatrixXd B_;
const Eigen::VectorXd f0_;
const Eigen::MatrixXd C_;
const Eigen::MatrixXd D_;
const Eigen::VectorXd y0_;
const bool has_meaningful_C_{};
const bool has_meaningful_D_{};
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake