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503 lines
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#include "drake/systems/primitives/multilayer_perceptron.h"
#include <limits>
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/basic_vector.h"
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
struct CalcLayersData {
explicit CalcLayersData(int n) : Wx(n), Wx_plus_b(n), Xn(n) {}
MatrixX<T> input_features;
std::vector<VectorX<T>> Wx;
std::vector<VectorX<T>> Wx_plus_b;
std::vector<VectorX<T>> Xn;
} // namespace internal
namespace {
std::vector<PerceptronActivationType> MakeDefaultActivations(
int num, PerceptronActivationType activation_type) {
std::vector<PerceptronActivationType> types(num, activation_type);
types[num - 1] = kIdentity;
return types;
const std::vector<int>& RejectEmpty(const std::vector<int>& arg) {
if (arg.empty()) {
throw std::logic_error(
"The MultilayerPerceptron's layers constructor argument has too few "
return arg;
template <typename T>
struct BackPropData {
explicit BackPropData(int n)
: Wx(n),
dloss_db(n) {}
std::vector<MatrixX<T>> Wx;
std::vector<MatrixX<T>> Wx_plus_b;
std::vector<MatrixX<T>> Xn;
std::vector<MatrixX<T>> dXn_dWx_plus_b;
std::vector<MatrixX<T>> dloss_dXn;
std::vector<MatrixX<T>> dloss_dWx_plus_b;
std::vector<MatrixX<T>> dloss_dW;
std::vector<VectorX<T>> dloss_db;
MatrixX<T> input_features;
MatrixX<T> dloss_dinput_features;
template <typename T, int cols>
void Activation(
PerceptronActivationType type,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, cols>>& X,
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, cols>* Y,
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, cols>* dYdX = nullptr) {
Y->resize(X.rows(), X.cols());
if (dYdX) {
dYdX->resize(X.rows(), X.cols());
if (type == kTanh) {
*Y = X.array().tanh().matrix();
if (dYdX) {
dYdX->noalias() = (1.0 - X.array().tanh().square()).matrix();
} else if (type == kReLU) {
*Y = X.array().max(0.0).matrix();
if (dYdX) {
dYdX->noalias() = (X.array() <= 0).select(0 * X, 1);
} else {
DRAKE_DEMAND(type == kIdentity);
*Y = X;
if (dYdX) {
} // namespace
template <typename T>
const std::vector<int>& layers, PerceptronActivationType activation_type)
: MultilayerPerceptron<T>(
layers, MakeDefaultActivations(RejectEmpty(layers).size() - 1,
activation_type)) {}
template <typename T>
const std::vector<int>& layers,
const std::vector<PerceptronActivationType>& activation_types)
: MultilayerPerceptron<T>(
std::vector<bool>(RejectEmpty(layers)[0], false),
std::vector<int>(RejectEmpty(layers).begin() + 1, layers.end()),
activation_types) {}
template <typename T>
const std::vector<bool>& use_sin_cos_for_input,
const std::vector<int>& remaining_layers,
const std::vector<PerceptronActivationType>& activation_types)
: LeafSystem<T>(SystemTypeTag<MultilayerPerceptron>{}),
layers_(remaining_layers.size() + 1),
has_input_features_(false) {
layers_[0] = use_sin_cos_for_input.size();
for (bool use_sin_cos : use_sin_cos_for_input) {
if (use_sin_cos) {
has_input_features_ = true;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(remaining_layers.size()); ++i) {
layers_[i + 1] = remaining_layers[i];
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_weights_ >= 1);
DRAKE_DEMAND(activation_types_.size() == layers_.size() - 1);
for (int units_in_layer : layers_) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(units_in_layer > 0);
this->DeclareVectorInputPort("x", use_sin_cos_for_input.size());
this->DeclareVectorOutputPort("y", layers_[num_weights_],
num_parameters_ = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_weights_; ++i) {
weight_indices_[i] = num_parameters_;
num_parameters_ += layers_[i + 1] * layers_[i];
bias_indices_[i] = num_parameters_;
num_parameters_ += layers_[i + 1];
// Declare cache entry for CalcOutput.
internal::CalcLayersData<T> calc_layers_data(num_weights_);
for (int i = 0; i < num_weights_; ++i) {
calc_layers_data.Wx[i] = VectorX<T>::Zero(layers_[i + 1]);
calc_layers_data.Wx_plus_b[i] = VectorX<T>::Zero(layers_[i + 1]);
calc_layers_data.Xn[i] = VectorX<T>::Zero(layers_[i + 1]);
calc_layers_cache_ = &this->DeclareCacheEntry(
"calc_layers", calc_layers_data, &MultilayerPerceptron<T>::CalcLayers);
// Declare cache entry for Backpropagation:
BackPropData<T> backprop_data(num_weights_);
backprop_cache_ = &this->DeclareCacheEntry(
"backprop", ValueProducer(backprop_data, &ValueProducer::NoopCalc));
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
const MultilayerPerceptron<U>& other)
: MultilayerPerceptron<T>(
std::vector<int>(other.layers().begin() + 1, other.layers().end()),
other.activation_types_) {}
template <typename T>
const VectorX<T>& MultilayerPerceptron<T>::GetParameters(
const Context<T>& context) const {
return context.get_numeric_parameter(0).value();
template <typename T>
Eigen::VectorBlock<VectorX<T>> MultilayerPerceptron<T>::GetMutableParameters(
Context<T>* context) const {
return context->get_mutable_numeric_parameter(0).get_mutable_value();
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::SetRandomParameters(
const Context<T>&, Parameters<T>* parameters,
RandomGenerator* generator) const {
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform(-1.0, 1.0);
BasicVector<T>& params = parameters->get_mutable_numeric_parameter(0);
for (int i = 0; i < num_weights_; ++i) {
// We choose m here so that uniform(-m,m) has the desired standard
// deviation √1/n, where n is the number of incoming connections. The
// factor of √3 can be derived from the variance of uniform(a,b), which is
// (b-a)²/12.
double m = std::sqrt(3.0 / layers_[i]);
for (int n = weight_indices_[i];
n < weight_indices_[i] + layers_[i + 1] * layers_[i]; ++n) {
params[n] = m * uniform(*generator);
for (int n = bias_indices_[i]; n < bias_indices_[i] + layers_[i + 1]; ++n) {
params[n] = m * uniform(*generator);
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::SetParameters(
Context<T>* context, const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& params) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(params.rows() == num_parameters_);
template <typename T>
Eigen::Map<const MatrixX<T>> MultilayerPerceptron<T>::GetWeights(
const Context<T>& context, int layer) const {
return GetWeights(context.get_numeric_parameter(0).value(), layer);
template <typename T>
Eigen::Map<const VectorX<T>> MultilayerPerceptron<T>::GetBiases(
const Context<T>& context, int layer) const {
return GetBiases(context.get_numeric_parameter(0).value(), layer);
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::SetWeights(
Context<T>* context, int layer,
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<T>>& W) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(layer >= 0 && layer < num_weights_);
DRAKE_DEMAND(W.rows() == layers_[layer + 1]);
DRAKE_DEMAND(W.cols() == layers_[layer]);
BasicVector<T>& params = context->get_mutable_numeric_parameter(0);
params.get_mutable_value().data() + weight_indices_[layer],
layers_[layer + 1], layers_[layer]) = W;
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::SetBiases(
Context<T>* context, int layer,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& b) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(layer >= 0 && layer < num_weights_);
DRAKE_DEMAND(b.rows() == layers_[layer + 1]);
bias_indices_[layer], layers_[layer + 1]) = b;
template <typename T>
Eigen::Map<const MatrixX<T>> MultilayerPerceptron<T>::GetWeights(
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& params, int layer) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(layer >= 0 && layer < num_weights_);
DRAKE_DEMAND(params.rows() == num_parameters_);
return Eigen::Map<const MatrixX<T>>( + weight_indices_[layer],
layers_[layer + 1], layers_[layer]);
template <typename T>
Eigen::Map<const VectorX<T>> MultilayerPerceptron<T>::GetBiases(
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& params, int layer) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(layer >= 0 && layer < num_weights_);
DRAKE_DEMAND(params.rows() == num_parameters_);
return Eigen::Map<const VectorX<T>>( + bias_indices_[layer],
layers_[layer + 1]);
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::SetWeights(
EigenPtr<VectorX<T>> params, int layer,
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<T>>& W) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(layer >= 0 && layer < num_weights_);
DRAKE_DEMAND(params->rows() == num_parameters_);
DRAKE_DEMAND(W.rows() == layers_[layer + 1]);
DRAKE_DEMAND(W.cols() == layers_[layer]);
Eigen::Map<MatrixX<T>>(params->data() + weight_indices_[layer],
layers_[layer + 1], layers_[layer]) = W;
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::SetBiases(
EigenPtr<VectorX<T>> params, int layer,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& b) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(layer >= 0 && layer < num_weights_);
DRAKE_DEMAND(params->rows() == num_parameters_);
DRAKE_DEMAND(b.rows() == layers_[layer + 1]);
params->segment(bias_indices_[layer], layers_[layer + 1]) = b;
template <typename T>
T MultilayerPerceptron<T>::Backpropagation(
const Context<T>& context, const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<T>>& X,
const std::function<T(const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<T>>& Y,
EigenPtr<MatrixX<T>> dloss_dY)>& loss,
EigenPtr<VectorX<T>> dloss_dparams) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(X.rows() == this->get_input_port().size());
DRAKE_DEMAND(dloss_dparams->rows() == num_parameters_);
BackPropData<T>& data =
.template GetMutableValueOrThrow<BackPropData<T>>();
// Forward pass:
if (has_input_features_) {
CalcInputFeatures(X, &data.input_features);
data.Wx[0].noalias() = GetWeights(context, 0) * data.input_features;
} else {
data.Wx[0].noalias() = GetWeights(context, 0) * X;
data.Wx_plus_b[0].noalias() = data.Wx[0].colwise() + GetBiases(context, 0);
Activation<T, Eigen::Dynamic>(activation_types_[0], data.Wx_plus_b[0],
&data.Xn[0], &data.dXn_dWx_plus_b[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < num_weights_; ++i) {
data.Wx[i].noalias() = GetWeights(context, i) * data.Xn[i - 1];
data.Wx_plus_b[i].noalias() = data.Wx[i].colwise() + GetBiases(context, i);
Activation<T, Eigen::Dynamic>(activation_types_[i], data.Wx_plus_b[i],
&data.Xn[i], &data.dXn_dWx_plus_b[i]);
data.dloss_dXn[num_weights_ - 1].resize(layers_[num_weights_], X.cols());
data.dloss_dXn[num_weights_ - 1].setConstant(
std::numeric_limits<typename Eigen::NumTraits<T>::Literal>::quiet_NaN());
const T l =
loss(data.Xn[num_weights_ - 1], &data.dloss_dXn[num_weights_ - 1]);
// Backward pass:
for (int i = num_weights_ - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[i] =
(data.dloss_dXn[i].array() * data.dXn_dWx_plus_b[i].array()).matrix();
data.dloss_dW[i].resize(layers_[i + 1], layers_[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < X.cols(); ++j) {
if (i > 0) {
data.dloss_dW[i].noalias() +=
data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[i].col(j) * data.Xn[i - 1].col(j).transpose();
} else if (has_input_features_) {
data.dloss_dW[i].noalias() += data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[i].col(j) *
} else {
data.dloss_dW[i].noalias() +=
data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[i].col(j) * X.col(j).transpose();
SetWeights(dloss_dparams, i, data.dloss_dW[i]);
data.dloss_db[i] = data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[i].rowwise().sum();
SetBiases(dloss_dparams, i, data.dloss_db[i]);
if (i > 0) {
data.dloss_dXn[i - 1].noalias() =
GetWeights(context, i).transpose() * data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[i];
return l;
template <typename T>
T MultilayerPerceptron<T>::BackpropagationMeanSquaredError(
const Context<T>& context, const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<T>>& X,
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<T>>& Y_desired,
EigenPtr<VectorX<T>> dloss_dparams) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(Y_desired.rows() == layers_[num_weights_]);
DRAKE_DEMAND(Y_desired.cols() == X.cols());
DRAKE_DEMAND(Y_desired.rows() == layers_[num_weights_]);
DRAKE_DEMAND(Y_desired.cols() == X.cols());
auto MSE_loss = [&Y_desired](const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<T>>& Y,
EigenPtr<MatrixX<T>> dloss_dY) {
dloss_dY->noalias() = 2.0 * (Y - Y_desired) / Y.cols();
return (Y - Y_desired).squaredNorm() / Y.cols();
return Backpropagation(context, X, MSE_loss, dloss_dparams);
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::BatchOutput(const Context<T>& context,
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<T>>& X,
EigenPtr<MatrixX<T>> Y,
EigenPtr<MatrixX<T>> dYdX) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(X.rows() == this->get_input_port().size());
DRAKE_DEMAND(Y->rows() == layers_[num_weights_]);
DRAKE_DEMAND(Y->cols() == X.cols());
const bool gradients = dYdX != nullptr;
if (gradients && layers_[num_weights_] != 1) {
throw std::logic_error(
"BatchOutput: dYdX != nullptr, but BatchOutput only supports gradients "
"when the output layer has size 1.");
BackPropData<T>& data =
.template GetMutableValueOrThrow<BackPropData<T>>();
// Forward pass:
if (has_input_features_) {
CalcInputFeatures(X, &data.input_features);
data.Wx[0].noalias() = GetWeights(context, 0) * data.input_features;
} else {
data.Wx[0].noalias() = GetWeights(context, 0) * X;
data.Wx_plus_b[0].noalias() = data.Wx[0].colwise() + GetBiases(context, 0);
Activation<T, Eigen::Dynamic>(activation_types_[0], data.Wx_plus_b[0],
gradients ? &data.dXn_dWx_plus_b[0] : nullptr);
for (int i = 1; i < num_weights_; ++i) {
data.Wx[i].noalias() = GetWeights(context, i) * data.Xn[i - 1];
data.Wx_plus_b[i].noalias() = data.Wx[i].colwise() + GetBiases(context, i);
Activation<T, Eigen::Dynamic>(
activation_types_[i], data.Wx_plus_b[i], &data.Xn[i],
gradients ? &data.dXn_dWx_plus_b[i] : nullptr);
*Y = data.Xn[num_weights_ - 1];
if (gradients) {
// Backward pass:
// In order to reuse the cache from Backprop, we take loss ≡ Y.
data.dloss_dXn[num_weights_ - 1] = RowVectorX<T>::Constant(X.cols(), 1.0);
for (int i = num_weights_ - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[i] =
(data.dloss_dXn[i].array() * data.dXn_dWx_plus_b[i].array()).matrix();
if (i > 0) {
data.dloss_dXn[i - 1].noalias() =
GetWeights(context, i).transpose() * data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[i];
} else if (has_input_features_) {
data.dloss_dinput_features.noalias() =
GetWeights(context, 0).transpose() * data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[0];
int feature_row = 0, input_row = 0;
for (bool use_sin_cos : use_sin_cos_for_input_) {
if (use_sin_cos) {
dYdX->row(input_row) =
data.dloss_dinput_features.row(feature_row).array() *
X.row(input_row).array().cos() -
data.dloss_dinput_features.row(feature_row + 1).array() *
feature_row += 2;
} else {
dYdX->row(input_row++) =
} else {
dYdX->noalias() =
GetWeights(context, 0).transpose() * data.dloss_dWx_plus_b[i];
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::CalcOutput(const Context<T>& context,
BasicVector<T>* y) const {
y->get_mutable_value() =
.Xn[num_weights_ - 1];
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::CalcLayers(
const Context<T>& context, internal::CalcLayersData<T>* data) const {
if (has_input_features_) {
data->Wx[0].noalias() = GetWeights(context, 0) * data->input_features;
} else {
data->Wx[0].noalias() =
GetWeights(context, 0) * this->get_input_port().Eval(context);
data->Wx_plus_b[0].noalias() = data->Wx[0].colwise() + GetBiases(context, 0);
Activation<T, 1>(activation_types_[0], data->Wx_plus_b[0], &(data->Xn[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < num_weights_; ++i) {
data->Wx[i].noalias() = GetWeights(context, i) * data->Xn[i - 1];
data->Wx_plus_b[i].noalias() =
data->Wx[i].colwise() + GetBiases(context, i);
Activation<T, 1>(activation_types_[i], data->Wx_plus_b[i], &(data->Xn[i]));
template <typename T>
void MultilayerPerceptron<T>::CalcInputFeatures(
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<T>>& X, MatrixX<T>* input_features) const {
input_features->resize(layers_[0], X.cols());
int feature_row = 0, input_row = 0;
for (bool use_sin_cos : use_sin_cos_for_input_) {
if (use_sin_cos) {
input_features->row(feature_row++) = X.row(input_row).array().sin();
input_features->row(feature_row++) = X.row(input_row++).array().cos();
} else {
input_features->row(feature_row++) = X.row(input_row++);
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::systems::MultilayerPerceptron)