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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/leaf_system.h"
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
/// A pass through system with input `u` and output `y = u`. This is
/// mathematically equivalent to a Gain system with its gain equal to one.
/// However this system incurs no computational cost. The input to this system
/// directly feeds through to its output.
/// The system can also be used to provide default values for a port in any
/// diagram. If the input port does not have a value, then the default value
/// passed in the constructor is passed to the output.
/// This system is used, for instance, in PidController which is a Diagram
/// composed of simple framework primitives. In this case a PassThrough is used
/// to connect the exported input of the Diagram to the inputs of the Gain
/// systems for the proportional and integral constants of the controller. This
/// is necessary to provide an output port to which the internal Gain subsystems
/// connect. In this case the PassThrough is effectively creating an output port
/// that feeds through the input to the Diagram and that can now be connected to
/// the inputs of the inner subsystems to the Diagram. A detailed discussion of
/// the PidController can be found at
/// @system
/// name: PassThrough
/// input_ports:
/// - u
/// output_ports:
/// - y
/// @endsystem
/// @tparam_default_scalar @ingroup primitive_systems
template <typename T>
class PassThrough final : public LeafSystem<T> {
/// Constructs a pass-through system.
/// @param vector_size number of elements in the signal to be processed.
/// When no input is connected, the output will be a vector of all zeros.
explicit PassThrough(int vector_size)
: PassThrough(Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(vector_size), nullptr) {}
/// Constructs a pass-through system with vector-valued input/output ports.
/// @param value The model value, which defines the size of the ports and
/// serves as the default when no input is connected.
explicit PassThrough(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& value)
: PassThrough(value, nullptr) {}
/// Constructs a pass-through system with abstract-valued input/output ports.
/// @param abstract_model_value A model value, which defines the type of the
/// ports and serves as the default when no input is connected.
explicit PassThrough(const AbstractValue& abstract_model_value)
: PassThrough(Vector0<double>(), abstract_model_value.Clone()) {}
/// Scalar-type converting copy constructor.
/// See @ref system_scalar_conversion.
template <typename U>
explicit PassThrough(const PassThrough<U>&);
virtual ~PassThrough() = default;
// TODO(eric.cousineau): Possibly share single port interface with
// ZeroOrderHold (#6490).
/// Returns the sole input port.
const InputPort<T>& get_input_port() const {
DRAKE_ASSERT(input_port_ != nullptr);
return *input_port_;
// Allow different specializations to access each other's private data.
template <typename U> friend class PassThrough;
// All of the other constructors delegate here.
PassThrough(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& model_vector,
std::unique_ptr<const AbstractValue> abstract_model_value);
/// Sets the output port to equal the input port.
void DoCalcVectorOutput(
const Context<T>& context,
BasicVector<T>* output) const;
// Same as `DoCalcVectorOutput`, but for abstract values.
void DoCalcAbstractOutput(
const Context<T>& context,
AbstractValue* output) const;
bool is_abstract() const { return abstract_model_value_ != nullptr; }
const Eigen::VectorXd model_vector_;
const std::unique_ptr<const AbstractValue> abstract_model_value_;
// We store our port pointer so that DoCalcVectorOutput's access to the
// input_port_->Eval is inlined (without any port-count bounds checking).
const InputPort<T>* input_port_{};
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::systems::PassThrough)