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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/context.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/diagram_builder.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/event.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/leaf_system.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/output_port.h"
#include "drake/systems/primitives/vector_log.h"
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
/// A discrete sink block which logs its vector-valued input to per-context
/// memory. This data is then retrievable outside of System operation,
/// e.g. after a simulation. See the warning below.
/// The stored log (a VectorLog) holds a large, Eigen matrix for data storage,
/// where each column corresponds to a data point. The VectorLogSink saves a
/// data point and the context time whenever it samples its input.
/// @warning The logged data MUST NOT be used to modify the behavior of a
/// simulation. In technical terms, the log is not stored as System State, so
/// should not be considered part of that state. This distinction allows the
/// implementation to use `Publish()` as the event handler, rather than one of
/// the state-modifying handlers.
/// By default, sampling is performed every time the Simulator completes a
/// trajectory-advancing substep (that is, via a per-step Publish event), with
/// the first sample occurring during Simulator::Initialize(). That means the
/// samples will generally be unevenly spaced in time. If you prefer regular
/// sampling, you may optionally specify a "publish period" in which case
/// sampling occurs periodically, with the first sample occurring at time 0.
/// Alternatively (not common), you can specify that logging should only occur
/// at "forced publish" events, meaning at explicit calls to System::Publish().
/// The Simulator's "publish every time step" option also results in forced
/// publish events, so should be disabled (the default setting) if you want to
/// control logging yourself.
/// @see LogVectorOutput() for a convenient way to add %logging to a Diagram.
/// @system
/// name: VectorLogSink
/// input_ports:
/// - data
/// @endsystem
/// @tparam_default_scalar
/// @ingroup primitive_systems
template <typename T>
class VectorLogSink final : public LeafSystem<T> {
/// Constructs the vector log sink.
/// @anchor vector_log_sink_default_triggers
/// Sets the default set of publish triggers:
/// if publish_period = 0, publishes on forced events and per step,
/// if publish_period > 0, publishes on forced events and periodically.
/// @param input_size Dimension of the (single) input port. This corresponds
/// to the number of rows of the data matrix.
/// @param publish_period Period that messages will be published (optional).
/// If the publish period is zero or not supplied, VectorLogSink will use
/// per-step publishing instead; see
/// LeafSystem::DeclarePerStepPublishEvent().
/// @pre publish_period is non-negative.
/// @see LogVectorOutput() helper function for a convenient way to add
/// %logging.
explicit VectorLogSink(int input_size, double publish_period = 0.0);
/// Constructs the vector log sink with a specified set of publish triggers.
/// @param input_size Dimension of the (single) input port. This corresponds
/// to the number of rows of the data matrix.
/// @param publish_triggers Set of triggers that determine when messages will
/// be published. Supported TriggerTypes are {kForced, kPeriodic, kPerStep}.
/// Will throw an error if empty or if unsupported types are provided.
/// @param publish_period Period that messages will be published (optional).
/// publish_period should only be non-zero if one of the publish_triggers is
/// kPeriodic.
/// @pre publish_period is non-negative.
/// @pre publish_period > 0 if and only if publish_triggers contains
/// kPeriodic.
/// @see LogVectorOutput() helper function for a convenient way to add
/// %logging.
VectorLogSink(int input_size,
const TriggerTypeSet& publish_triggers,
double publish_period = 0.0);
/// Scalar-converting copy constructor. See @ref system_scalar_conversion.
template <typename U>
explicit VectorLogSink(const VectorLogSink<U>&);
/// Access the log within this component's context.
/// @throws std::exception if context was not created for this system.
const VectorLog<T>& GetLog(const Context<T>& context) const;
/// Access the log as a mutable object within this component's context.
/// @throws std::exception if context was not created for this system.
VectorLog<T>& GetMutableLog(Context<T>* context) const;
/// Access the log within a containing root context.
/// @throws std::exception if supplied context is not a root context, or was
/// not created for the containing diagram.
const VectorLog<T>& FindLog(const Context<T>& root_context) const;
/// Access the log as a mutable object within a containing root context.
/// @throws std::exception if supplied context is not a root context, or was
/// not created for the containing diagram.
VectorLog<T>& FindMutableLog(Context<T>* root_context) const;
template <typename> friend class VectorLogSink;
// Access the mutable vector log stored in the given `context`'s cache entry.
// @throws std::exception if context was not created for this system.
VectorLog<T>& GetLogFromCache(const Context<T>& context) const;
// Remember trigger details for use in scalar conversion.
TriggerTypeSet publish_triggers_;
double publish_period_{};
// Logging is done in this event handler.
EventStatus WriteToLog(const Context<T>& context) const;
// The index of a cache entry that stores the log data. It is stored as a
// cache entry to maintain thread safety in context-per-thread usage.
CacheIndex log_cache_index_{};
/// LogVectorOutput provides a convenience function for adding a VectorLogSink,
/// initialized to the correct size, and connected to an output in a
/// DiagramBuilder. This overload supports the default set of publish triggers.
/// See @ref vector_log_sink_default_triggers "default triggers description".
/// @param src the output port to attach logging to.
/// @param builder the diagram builder.
/// @param publish_period Period that messages will be published (optional).
/// If the publish period is zero, VectorLogSink will use per-step
/// publishing instead; see LeafSystem::DeclarePerStepPublishEvent().
/// @pre publish_period is non-negative.
template <typename T>
VectorLogSink<T>* LogVectorOutput(const OutputPort<T>& src,
DiagramBuilder<T>* builder,
double publish_period = 0.0) {
VectorLogSink<T>* sink =
builder->template AddSystem<VectorLogSink<T>>(src.size(), publish_period);
builder->Connect(src, sink->get_input_port());
return sink;
/// LogVectorOutput provides a convenience function for adding a VectorLogSink,
/// initialized to the correct size, and connected to an output in a
/// DiagramBuilder. This overload supports the full variety of publish trigger
/// behavior.
/// @param src the output port to attach logging to.
/// @param builder the diagram builder.
/// @param publish_triggers Set of triggers that determine when messages will
/// be published. Supported TriggerTypes are {kForced, kPeriodic, kPerStep}.
/// Will throw an error if empty or if unsupported types are provided.
/// @param publish_period Period that messages will be published (optional).
/// publish_period should only be non-zero if one of the publish_triggers is
/// kPeriodic.
/// @pre publish_period is non-negative.
/// @pre publish_period > 0 if and only if publish_triggers contains kPeriodic.
template <typename T>
VectorLogSink<T>* LogVectorOutput(
const OutputPort<T>& src,
DiagramBuilder<T>* builder,
const TriggerTypeSet& publish_triggers,
double publish_period = 0.0) {
VectorLogSink<T>* sink =
builder->template AddSystem<VectorLogSink<T>>(
src.size(), publish_triggers, publish_period);
builder->Connect(src, sink->get_input_port());
return sink;
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake