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#include "drake/systems/sensors/image_writer.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <vtkImageData.h>
#include <vtkNew.h>
#include <vtkPNGWriter.h>
#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include <vtkTIFFWriter.h>
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
namespace sensors {
template <PixelType kPixelType>
void SaveToFileHelper(const Image<kPixelType>& image,
const std::string& file_path) {
const int width = image.width();
const int height = image.height();
const int num_channels = Image<kPixelType>::kNumChannels;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageWriter> writer;
vtkNew<vtkImageData> vtk_image;
vtk_image->SetDimensions(width, height, 1);
// NOTE: This excludes *many* of the defined `PixelType` values.
switch (kPixelType) {
case PixelType::kRgba8U:
case PixelType::kGrey8U:
vtk_image->AllocateScalars(VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, num_channels);
writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPNGWriter>::New();
case PixelType::kDepth16U:
vtk_image->AllocateScalars(VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT, num_channels);
writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPNGWriter>::New();
case PixelType::kDepth32F:
vtk_image->AllocateScalars(VTK_FLOAT, num_channels);
writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTIFFWriter>::New();
case PixelType::kLabel16I:
vtk_image->AllocateScalars(VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT, num_channels);
writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPNGWriter>::New();
throw std::logic_error(
"Unsupported image type; cannot be written to file");
auto image_ptr = reinterpret_cast<typename Image<kPixelType>::T*>(
const int num_scalar_components = vtk_image->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_scalar_components == num_channels);
for (int v = height - 1; v >= 0; --v) {
for (int u = 0; u < width; ++u) {
for (int c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
image_ptr[c] =
static_cast<typename Image<kPixelType>::T>(, v)[c]);
image_ptr += num_scalar_components;
void SaveToPng(const ImageRgba8U& image, const std::string& file_path) {
SaveToFileHelper(image, file_path);
void SaveToTiff(const ImageDepth32F& image, const std::string& file_path) {
SaveToFileHelper(image, file_path);
void SaveToPng(const ImageDepth16U& image, const std::string& file_path) {
SaveToFileHelper(image, file_path);
void SaveToPng(const ImageLabel16I& image, const std::string& file_path) {
SaveToFileHelper(image, file_path);
void SaveToPng(const ImageGrey8U& image, const std::string& file_path) {
SaveToFileHelper(image, file_path);
ImageWriter::ImageWriter() {
// NOTE: This excludes *many* of the defined `PixelType` values.
labels_[PixelType::kRgba8U] = "color";
extensions_[PixelType::kRgba8U] = ".png";
labels_[PixelType::kDepth32F] = "depth";
extensions_[PixelType::kLabel16I] = ".png";
labels_[PixelType::kLabel16I] = "label";
extensions_[PixelType::kDepth32F] = ".tiff";
labels_[PixelType::kDepth16U] = "depth";
extensions_[PixelType::kDepth16U] = ".png";
labels_[PixelType::kGrey8U] = "grey_scale";
extensions_[PixelType::kGrey8U] = ".png";
template <PixelType kPixelType>
const InputPort<double>& ImageWriter::DeclareImageInputPort(
std::string port_name, std::string file_name_format, double publish_period,
double start_time) {
// Test to confirm valid pixel type.
static_assert(kPixelType == PixelType::kRgba8U ||
kPixelType == PixelType::kDepth32F ||
kPixelType == PixelType::kDepth16U ||
kPixelType == PixelType::kLabel16I ||
kPixelType == PixelType::kGrey8U,
"ImageWriter: the only supported pixel types are: kRgba8U, "
"kDepth32F, kDepth16U, kGrey8U, and kLabel16I");
if (publish_period <= 0) {
throw std::logic_error("ImageWriter: publish period must be positive");
// Confirms the implied directory is valid.
const std::string test_dir =
DirectoryFromFormat(file_name_format, port_name, kPixelType);
FolderState folder_state = ValidateDirectory(test_dir);
if (folder_state != FolderState::kValid) {
const char* const reason = [folder_state]() {
switch (folder_state) {
case FolderState::kValid:
case FolderState::kMissing:
return "the directory does not exist";
case FolderState::kIsFile:
return "the directory is actually a file";
case FolderState::kUnwritable:
return "no permissions to write the directory";
throw std::logic_error(
fmt::format("ImageWriter: The format string `{}` implied the invalid "
"directory: '{}'; {}",
file_name_format, test_dir, reason));
// Confirms file has appropriate extension.
const std::string& extension = extensions_[kPixelType];
if (file_name_format.substr(file_name_format.size() - extension.size()) !=
extension) {
file_name_format += extension;
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Handle other issues that may arise with filename:
// - invalid symbols
// - invalid length
// - more?
// Now configure the system for the valid port declaration.
const auto& port =
DeclareAbstractInputPort(port_name, Value<Image<kPixelType>>());
PublishEvent<double> event(
[this, port_index = port.get_index()](const Context<double>& context,
const PublishEvent<double>&) {
WriteImage<kPixelType>(context, port_index);
DeclarePeriodicEvent<PublishEvent<double>>(publish_period, start_time, event);
port_info_.emplace_back(std::move(file_name_format), kPixelType);
return port;
const InputPort<double>& ImageWriter::DeclareImageInputPort(
PixelType pixel_type, std::string port_name, std::string file_name_format,
double publish_period, double start_time) {
switch (pixel_type) {
case PixelType::kRgb8U:
case PixelType::kBgr8U:
case PixelType::kRgba8U: {
return this->template DeclareImageInputPort<PixelType::kRgba8U>(
std::move(port_name), std::move(file_name_format), publish_period,
case PixelType::kBgra8U:
case PixelType::kDepth16U: {
return this->template DeclareImageInputPort<PixelType::kDepth16U>(
std::move(port_name), std::move(file_name_format), publish_period,
case PixelType::kDepth32F: {
return this->template DeclareImageInputPort<PixelType::kDepth32F>(
std::move(port_name), std::move(file_name_format), publish_period,
case PixelType::kLabel16I: {
return this->template DeclareImageInputPort<PixelType::kLabel16I>(
std::move(port_name), std::move(file_name_format), publish_period,
case PixelType::kGrey8U: {
return this->template DeclareImageInputPort<PixelType::kGrey8U>(
std::move(port_name), std::move(file_name_format), publish_period,
case PixelType::kExpr:
throw std::logic_error(fmt::format(
"ImageWriter::DeclareImageInputPort does not support pixel_type={}",
template <PixelType kPixelType>
void ImageWriter::WriteImage(const Context<double>& context, int index) const {
const auto& port = get_input_port(index);
const ImagePortInfo& data = port_info_[index];
const Image<kPixelType>& image = port.Eval<Image<kPixelType>>(context);
image, MakeFileName(data.format, data.pixel_type, context.get_time(),
port.get_name(), data.count++));
std::string ImageWriter::MakeFileName(const std::string& format,
PixelType pixel_type, double time,
const std::string& port_name,
int count) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(labels_.count(pixel_type) > 0);
int64_t u_time = static_cast<int64_t>(time * 1e6 + 0.5);
int m_time = static_cast<int>(time * 1e3 + 0.5);
return fmt::format(fmt_runtime(format), fmt::arg("port_name", port_name),
fmt::arg("time_double", time),
fmt::arg("time_usec", u_time),
fmt::arg("time_msec", m_time), fmt::arg("count", count));
std::string ImageWriter::DirectoryFromFormat(const std::string& format,
const std::string& port_name,
PixelType pixel_type) const {
// Extract the directory. Note that in any error messages to the user, we'll
// report using the argument name from the public method.
if (format.empty()) {
throw std::logic_error(
"ImageWriter: The file_name_format cannot be empty");
if (format.back() == '/') {
throw std::logic_error(fmt::format(
"ImageWriter: The file_name_format '{}' cannot end with a '/'",
size_t index = format.rfind('/');
std::string dir_format = format.substr(0, index);
// NOTE: [bcdelmosu] are all the characters in: double, msec, and usec.
// Technically, this will also key on '{time_mouse}', but if someone is
// putting that in their file path, they deserve whatever they get.
std::regex invalid_args("\\{count|time_[bcdelmosu]+\\}");
std::smatch match;
std::regex_search(dir_format, match, invalid_args);
if (!match.empty()) {
throw std::logic_error(
"ImageWriter: The directory path cannot include time or image count");
return MakeFileName(dir_format, pixel_type, 0, port_name, 0);
ImageWriter::FolderState ImageWriter::ValidateDirectory(
const std::string& file_path_str) {
std::filesystem::path file_path(file_path_str);
if (std::filesystem::exists(file_path)) {
if (std::filesystem::is_directory(file_path)) {
if (::access(file_path.string().c_str(), W_OK) == 0) {
return FolderState::kValid;
} else {
return FolderState::kUnwritable;
} else {
return FolderState::kIsFile;
} else {
return FolderState::kMissing;
template const InputPort<double>& ImageWriter::DeclareImageInputPort<
PixelType::kRgba8U>(std::string port_name, std::string file_name_format,
double publish_period, double start_time);
template const InputPort<double>& ImageWriter::DeclareImageInputPort<
PixelType::kDepth32F>(std::string port_name, std::string file_name_format,
double publish_period, double start_time);
template const InputPort<double>& ImageWriter::DeclareImageInputPort<
PixelType::kLabel16I>(std::string port_name, std::string file_name_format,
double publish_period, double start_time);
template const InputPort<double>& ImageWriter::DeclareImageInputPort<
PixelType::kDepth16U>(std::string port_name, std::string file_name_format,
double publish_period, double start_time);
template const InputPort<double>& ImageWriter::DeclareImageInputPort<
PixelType::kGrey8U>(std::string port_name, std::string file_name_format,
double publish_period, double start_time);
template void ImageWriter::WriteImage<PixelType::kRgba8U>(
const Context<double>& context, int index) const;
template void ImageWriter::WriteImage<PixelType::kDepth32F>(
const Context<double>& context, int index) const;
template void ImageWriter::WriteImage<PixelType::kLabel16I>(
const Context<double>& context, int index) const;
template void ImageWriter::WriteImage<PixelType::kDepth16U>(
const Context<double>& context, int index) const;
template void ImageWriter::WriteImage<PixelType::kGrey8U>(
const Context<double>& context, int index) const;
} // namespace sensors
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake