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#pragma once
/// @file This file implements a system which populates optitrack_frame_t
/// messages for publishing over a message passing system. Currently we support
/// publishing over LCM, and may support other messaging protocols in the
/// future.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "optitrack/optitrack_frame_t.hpp"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/geometry/geometry_ids.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/leaf_system.h"
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
namespace sensors {
/// The system has one abstract-valued input port and one abstract-valued output
/// port. The one abstract input port accepts geometry::FramePoseVector. The
/// abstract output port produces `optitrack_frame_t`.
/// Note that this system does not actually send this message on an LCM channel.
/// To send the message, the output of this system should be connected to an
/// input port of a Value object templated on type `optitrack_frame_t`.
/// @system
/// name: OptitrackLcmFrameSender
/// input_ports:
/// - u0
/// output_ports:
/// - y0
/// @endsystem
class OptitrackLcmFrameSender : public systems::LeafSystem<double> {
// TODO(sam.creasey) Support publising data description messages.
/// Create an OptitrackLcmFrameSender.
/// @param frame_map contains a map of geometry::FrameId to the rigid body
/// name and id to be published in the resulting `optitrack_rigid_body_t` and
/// `optitrack_rigid_body_description_t` messages (descriptions not yet
/// implemented).
explicit OptitrackLcmFrameSender(
const std::map<geometry::FrameId, std::pair<std::string, int>>&
const systems::InputPort<double>& get_optitrack_input_port() const {
return get_input_port(pose_input_port_index_);
const systems::OutputPort<double>& get_lcm_output_port() const {
return get_output_port(0);
void PopulatePoseMessage(
const systems::Context<double>& context,
optitrack::optitrack_frame_t* output) const;
const int num_rigid_bodies_;
const std::map<geometry::FrameId,
std::pair<std::string, int>> frame_map_;
int pose_input_port_index_{-1};
} // namespace sensors
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake