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150 lines
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"""Run Google's buildifier tool to fix, check, or fix-diff BUILD files.
All arguments except "--all" are passed through to Google's tool. As with the
Google tool, the default mode is "-mode=fix". In "-mode=check", we promote
lint errors to a non-zero exitcode.
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from import find_data
from import find_all_sources
# These match data=[] in our BUILD.bazel file.
_BUILDIFIER = "external/buildifier/buildifier"
_TABLES = "tools/lint/buildifier-tables.json"
def _make_buildifier_command():
"""Returns a list starting with the buildifier executable, followed by any
required default arguments."""
return [
def _help(command):
"""Perform the --help operation (display output) and return an exitcode."""
process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
stdout, _ = process.communicate()
lines = stdout.splitlines()
# Edit the first line to allow "--all" as a disjunction from "files...",
# and make one or the other required.
head = re.sub(r'\[(files\.\.\.)\]', r'<\1 | --all>', lines.pop(0))
for line in [head] + lines:
print("=== Drake-specific additions ===")
print("If the --all flag is given, buildifier operates on every BUILD,")
print("*.BUILD, *.bazel, and *.bzl file in the tree except third_party.")
print("Without '--all', 'files...' are required; stdin cannot be used.")
return process.returncode
def _find_buildifier_sources(workspace_name):
"""Return a list of all filenames to be covered by buildifier."""
workspace, sources_relpath = find_all_sources(workspace_name)
exact_filenames = ["BUILD", "WORKSPACE"]
extensions = ["bazel", "bzl", "BUILD"]
return workspace, [
os.path.join(workspace, relpath)
for relpath in sources_relpath
if os.path.splitext(relpath)[1][1:] in extensions
or os.path.basename(relpath) in exact_filenames
def _passes_check_mode(args):
"""The `args` list should be as per subprocess.check_call. Returns True
iff builfidier runs with exitcode 0 and no output, or else returns False
iff reformat is needed, or else raises an exception.
output = subprocess.check_output(args)
return (len(output) == 0)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode == REFORMAT_IS_NEEDED:
return False
raise e
def main(workspace_name="drake"):
# Slice out our overlay command-line argument "--all".
argv = sys.argv[1:]
find_all = False
if "--all" in argv:
find_all = True
# Find the wrapped tool.
tool_cmds = _make_buildifier_command()
# Process --help.
if "--help" in argv or "-help" in argv:
return _help(tool_cmds + argv)
# Process --all.
has_files = len([x for x in argv if not x.startswith("-")]) > 0
if find_all and has_files:
print("ERROR: cannot combine single inputs with '--all'")
return 1
if not find_all and not has_files:
print("ERROR: no input files; did you want '--all'?")
return 1
if find_all:
workspace_dir, found = _find_buildifier_sources(workspace_name)
if len(found) == 0:
print("ERROR: '--all' could not find anything")
return 1
print(f"This will reformat {len(found)} files "
f"within {workspace_dir}")
if input("Are you sure [y/N]? ") not in ["y", "Y"]:
print("... canceled")
# Provide helpful diagnostics when in check mode. Buildifier's -mode=check
# uses exitcode 0 even when lint exists; we use whether or not its output
# was empty to tell whether there was lint.
if "-mode=check" in argv or "--mode=check" in argv:
if _passes_check_mode(tool_cmds + argv):
return 0
switches = [x for x in argv if x.startswith("-")]
files = [x for x in argv if not x.startswith("-")]
print("ERROR: buildifier: the required formatting is incorrect")
for one_file in files:
if not _passes_check_mode(tool_cmds + switches + [one_file]):
print("ERROR: %s:1: error: %s" % (
one_file, "the required formatting is incorrect"))
print("ERROR: %s:1: note: fix via %s %s" % (
one_file, "bazel-bin/tools/lint/buildifier", one_file))
print(("ERROR: %s:1: note: if that program does not exist, "
"you might need to compile it first: "
"bazel build //tools/lint/...") %
print("NOTE: see")
return 1
# In fix mode, disallow running from within the Bazel sandbox.
if "-mode=diff" not in argv and "--mode=diff" not in argv:
if os.getcwd().endswith(".runfiles/drake"):
print("ERROR: do not use 'bazel run' for buildifier in fix mode")
print("ERROR: use bazel-bin/tools/lint/buildifier instead")
return 1
# In fix or diff mode, just let buildifier do its thing.
return + argv)
if __name__ == "__main__":