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"""Classes to support C++ code formatting tools.
import io
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError
import as clang_format_lib
class FormatterBase:
"""A base class for formatting-related tools, with the ability to load a
file, add / remove / modify lines, clang-format selected regions, and
compare the changes to the original file contents.
This class models a "working list" of the file during reformatting. Each
line in the file has an index (starting with index 0), and each line ends
with a newline (included, not implicit). Callers can modify the working
list, and run clang-format on (portions of) the working-list.
The is_same_as_original and is_permutation_of_original methods compare the
current working list to the original file contents. Other methods provide
access and modification by index.
The should_format predicate can be overridden in subclasses to change which
lines are subject to clang-format modifications.
def __init__(self, filename, readlines=None):
"""Create a new FormatterBase. The required filename parameter refers
to the workspace-relative full path, e.g. drake/common/drake_assert.h.
The readlines parameter is optional and useful mostly for unit testing.
When readlines is present, readlines becomes the work list and the
filename is not opened. When readlines is absent, this constructor
reads the contents of the filename from disk into the work list (i.e.,
the default value of readlines is open(filename).readlines()).
self._filename = filename
if readlines is None:
with, "r", encoding="utf8") as opened:
self._original_lines = opened.readlines()
self._original_lines = [str(line) for line in readlines]
self._working_lines = list(self._original_lines)
if any(["\r" in line for line in self._working_lines]):
raise Exception("DOS newlines are not supported")
if not self._working_lines[-1].endswith("\n"):
raise Exception("Missing newline character at end of file")
def _check_rep(self):
assert self._filename
for line in self._original_lines:
assert isinstance(line, str), (type(line), line)
assert line.endswith("\n"), line
for line in self._working_lines:
assert isinstance(line, str), (type(line), line)
assert line.endswith("\n"), line
def is_same_as_original(self):
"""Return whether the working list is identical to the original file
contents read in by (or passed to) the constructor.
return self._working_lines == self._original_lines
def get_first_differing_original_index(self):
"""Return the first index from original lines that differs from the
working lines, or None if no lines differ. This is a 0-based index,
not a line number.
if self.is_same_as_original():
return None
min_common_line_count = min(
len(self._working_lines), len(self._original_lines))
for i in range(min_common_line_count):
if self._working_lines[i] != self._original_lines[i]:
return i
# One file is a prefix of the other.
return min_common_line_count
def is_permutation_of_original(self):
"""Return whether the working list is a permultation of the original
file lines read in by (or passed to) the constructor, modulo blank
return (
set(self._working_lines + ["\n"])
== set(self._original_lines + ["\n"]))
def is_valid_index(self, index):
return 0 <= index and index < len(self._working_lines)
def is_blank_line(self, index):
return self.get_line(index).strip() == ""
def get_num_lines(self):
return len(self._working_lines)
def get_line(self, index):
assert self.is_valid_index(index)
return self._working_lines[index]
def get_all_lines(self):
return list(self._working_lines)
def set_line(self, index, line):
assert self.is_valid_index(index)
self._working_lines[index] = str(line)
def set_all_lines(self, lines):
self._working_lines = [str(line) for line in lines]
def insert_lines(self, index, lines):
assert 0 <= index and index <= len(self._working_lines)
self._working_lines[index:0] = [str(line) for line in lines]
def remove_all(self, indices):
if len(indices) == 0:
assert len(set(indices)) == len(indices)
rev_sorted_indices = sorted(indices, reverse=True)
assert self.is_valid_index(rev_sorted_indices[0])
assert self.is_valid_index(rev_sorted_indices[-1])
for index in rev_sorted_indices:
del self._working_lines[index]
def should_format(self, clang_format_on, index, line):
"""Subclasses can override to change what's going to be formatted.
True means the line should be formatted. The default is the same as
clang-format -- everything goes except "clang-format off" sections.
return clang_format_on
def get_format_indices(self):
"""Return the sorted list of all indices that pass the
self.should_format predicate.
result = []
clang_format_on = True
for index, line in enumerate(self._working_lines):
# Ignore lines between clang-format directive comments, and also
# ignore the lines with the directive comments themselves.
if '// clang-format off' in line:
clang_format_on = False
if '/* clang-format off' in line:
clang_format_on = False
elif '// clang-format on' in line:
clang_format_on = True
elif '/* clang-format on' in line:
clang_format_on = True
if self.should_format(clang_format_on, index, line):
return result
def get_non_format_indices(self):
"""Return the complement of get_format_indices().
all_indices = set(range(len(self._working_lines)))
return sorted(all_indices - set(self.get_format_indices()))
def indices_to_ranges(indices):
"""Group a list of sorted indices into a sorted list of softed lists of
adjacent indices.
For example [1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9] yields [[1, 2], [5], [7, 8, 9]].
assert indices == sorted(indices)
result = []
for i in indices:
if len(result) and (result[-1][-1] == (i - 1)):
# Grow an existing range.
result[-1] = result[-1] + [i]
# Start a new range.
return result
def get_format_ranges(self):
return self.indices_to_ranges(self.get_format_indices())
def get_non_format_ranges(self):
return self.indices_to_ranges(self.get_non_format_indices())
def clang_format(self):
"""Reformat the working list using clang-format, passing -lines=...
groups for only the lines that pass the should_format() predicate.
# Convert format_ranges to clang's one-based indexing.
lines_args = ["-lines=%d:%d" % (one_range[0] + 1, one_range[-1] + 1)
for one_range in self.get_format_ranges()]
if not lines_args:
# Run clang-format.
command = [
"--assume-filename=%s" % self._filename] + \
formatter = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
text = "".join(self._working_lines)
stdout, _ = formatter.communicate(input=text.encode("utf8"))
stdout = stdout.decode("utf8")
# Handle errors, otherwise reset the working list.
if formatter.returncode != 0:
raise CalledProcessError(formatter.returncode, command, stdout)
def _pre_rewrite_file(self):
"""Subclasses may override to perform actions prior to rewrite_file."""
def rewrite_file(self):
"""Overwrite the contents of the filename passed into the constructor
with the current working list.
temp_filename = self._filename + ".drake-formatter"
with, "w", encoding="utf8") as opened:
for line in self._working_lines:
os.rename(temp_filename, self._filename)
class IncludeFormatter(FormatterBase):
"""A formatter tool that provides format_includes() helper to sort the
#include statements to match Google C++ Style Guide, as well as put a
blank line between each of the #include group sections.
def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
super(IncludeFormatter, self).__init__(filename, *args, **kwargs)
self._related_headers = []
# In most cases, clang-format has a built-in IncludeIsMainRegex that
# identifies the "related header" correctly, automatically. For an
# inl-h file, clang will not realize the .h is "related", so instead we
# manually compute that the related-header pathname here.
if filename.endswith('-inl.h'):
prior_to_ext = filename[:-len('-inl.h')]
self._related_headers.append(u'#include "%s.h"\n' % prior_to_ext)
def _pre_rewrite_file(self):
# Sanity check before writing out again.
if self.is_permutation_of_original():
message = ""
message += "%s: changes were not just a shuffle\n" % self._filename
message += "=" * 78 + "\n"
message += "".join(self._original_lines)
message += "=" * 78 + "\n"
message += "".join(self._working_lines)
message += "=" * 78 + "\n"
raise Exception(message)
def should_format(self, clang_format_on, index, line):
# We want all include statements, but until clang-format gets
# IncludeIsMainRegex support, we need omit the "related header"s.
return (
and line.startswith("#include")
and '-inl.h"' not in line
and line not in self._related_headers)
def format_includes(self):
"""Reformat the #include statements in the working list (possibly also
changing around some nearby blank lines).
# If there are not any includes to format, then we are done.
if not self.get_format_indices():
# Remove blank lines that are fully surrounded by include statements
# (or bracketed by include statements and start- or end-of-file). We
# will put back blank lines later, but in the meantime we need all of
# the includes bunched together so that clang-format will sort them.
# We want to preserve the comment line layouts near include statements,
# so here only _completely_ empty ranges are removed.
blank_indices_to_remove = []
for one_range in self.get_non_format_ranges():
if all([self.is_blank_line(index) for index in one_range]):
# Add priority spacers after every group of #include statements. We
# will turn these spacers into whitespace separators when we're done.
SPACERS = [u"#include <clang-format-priority-%d>\n" % priority
for priority in [15, 25, 35, 45]]
for one_range in reversed(self.get_format_ranges()):
last_include_index = one_range[-1]
self.insert_lines(last_include_index + 1, SPACERS)
# Run the formatter over only the in-scope #include statements.
# Undo any internal whitespace buffer that clang-format added around
# each group of include statements.
include_indices = self.get_format_indices()
blank_indices_to_remove = []
for i, j in zip(include_indices, include_indices[1:]):
# If a pair of include statements spans a blank line, remove it.
if i + 2 == j and self.get_line(i + 1) == "\n":
blank_indices_to_remove.append(i + 1)
# Turn each run of spacers within an include block into a blank line.
# Remove any runs of spaces at the start or end.
include_indices = self.get_format_indices()
spacer_indices_to_remove = []
spacer_ranges = self.indices_to_ranges([
i for i in include_indices
if self.get_line(i) in SPACERS])
for one_range in spacer_ranges:
before_spacer = one_range[0] - 1
after_spacer = one_range[-1] + 1
if all([x in include_indices
for x in [before_spacer, after_spacer]]):
# Interior group of spacers. Replace with a blank line.
self.set_line(one_range[0], "\n")
one_range = one_range[1:]