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def amend(
default = None,
prepend = None,
append = None,
update = None):
"""Changes one specific option_name in kwargs, using the mnemonically-named
mutation operation(s) given by our optional arguments as follows:
- `default` sets the option iff it is currently missing or set to None.
It's an error is the option is already set to this exact value.
- `prepend` adds a list to the front of a list-valued option.
- `append` adds a list to the back of a list-valued option.
- `update` updates a dict-valued option.
If no optional arguments are provided, then kwargs is returned unchanged.
As with most functions in the file, this takes a kwargs dict as the first
argument and returns a modified copy of it.
if default != None:
if kwargs.get(option_name) == default:
fail(("Remove the {} argument; it is already the default").format(
if kwargs.get(option_name) == None:
kwargs[option_name] = default
if prepend != None:
kwargs[option_name] = prepend + kwargs.get(option_name, [])
if append != None:
kwargs[option_name] = kwargs.get(option_name, []) + append
if update != None:
item = kwargs.get(option_name, {})
kwargs[option_name] = item
return kwargs
def _bump_cpu_tag(kwargs, *, new_size):
"""Adds "cpu:{new_size}" tag if there are no other "cpu:*" tags specified,
or if the existing "cpu:*" tag has a smaller size.
As with most functions in the file, this takes a kwargs dict as the first
argument and returns a modified copy of it.
add_new_tag = True
tags = list(kwargs.get("tags", []))
for tag in tags:
if tag.startswith("cpu:"):
existing_size = int(tag[4:])
if existing_size < new_size:
add_new_tag = False
if add_new_tag:
tags += ["cpu:{}".format(new_size)]
kwargs["tags"] = tags
return kwargs
def incorporate_num_threads(kwargs, *, num_threads):
"""Incorporates multi-threading directives (e.g., for OpenMP) into
well-known Bazel args (i.e., tags=, env=).
As with most functions in the file, this takes a kwargs dict as the first
argument and returns a modified copy of it.
num_threads = num_threads or 1
if num_threads < 1:
fail("The num_threads must be strictly positive")
if num_threads > 1:
kwargs = _bump_cpu_tag(kwargs, new_size = num_threads)
kwargs = amend(kwargs, "tags", append = ["omp"])
kwargs = amend(kwargs, "env", update = {
"OMP_NUM_THREADS": str(num_threads),
"OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS": str(num_threads),
"NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS": str(num_threads),
"MKL_NUM_THREADS": str(num_threads),
"GUROBI_NUM_THREADS": str(num_threads),
return kwargs
def incorporate_allow_network(kwargs, *, allow_network):
if allow_network == None or len(allow_network) == 0:
allow_network = "meshcat"
allow_network = ":".join(allow_network)
kwargs = amend(kwargs, "env", update = {
"DRAKE_ALLOW_NETWORK": allow_network,
return kwargs