@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
use x86_64::VirtualAddress;
use x86_64::structures::idt::*;
use x86_64::structures::idt::Idt;
use x86_64::structures::tss::TaskStateSegment;
use memory::MemoryController;
use spin::Once;
mod gdt;
mod irq;
lazy_static! {
static ref IDT: Idt = {
use self::irq::*;
let mut idt = Idt::new();
@ -19,12 +21,22 @@ lazy_static! {
// Copied from xv6 x86_64
const GNULL: gdt::Descriptor = gdt::Descriptor::UserSegment(0);
const KCODE: gdt::Descriptor = gdt::Descriptor::UserSegment(0x0020980000000000); // EXECUTABLE | USER_SEGMENT | PRESENT | LONG_MODE
const UCODE: gdt::Descriptor = gdt::Descriptor::UserSegment(0x0020F80000000000); // EXECUTABLE | USER_SEGMENT | USER_MODE | PRESENT | LONG_MODE
const KDATA: gdt::Descriptor = gdt::Descriptor::UserSegment(0x0000920000000000); // DATA_WRITABLE | USER_SEGMENT | PRESENT
const UDATA: gdt::Descriptor = gdt::Descriptor::UserSegment(0x0000F20000000000); // DATA_WRITABLE | USER_SEGMENT | USER_MODE | PRESENT
static TSS: Once<TaskStateSegment> = Once::new();
static GDT: Once<gdt::Gdt> = Once::new();
const DOUBLE_FAULT_IST_INDEX: usize = 0;
pub fn init(memory_controller: &mut MemoryController) {
use x86_64::structures::gdt::SegmentSelector;
use x86_64::instructions::segmentation::set_cs;
use x86_64::instructions::tables::load_tss;
@ -43,7 +55,12 @@ pub fn init(memory_controller: &mut MemoryController) {
let mut tss_selector = SegmentSelector(0);
let gdt = GDT.call_once(|| {
let mut gdt = gdt::Gdt::new();
code_selector = gdt.add_entry(gdt::Descriptor::kernel_code_segment());
kcode_selector =
tss_selector = gdt.add_entry(gdt::Descriptor::tss_segment(&tss));
@ -59,22 +76,21 @@ pub fn init(memory_controller: &mut MemoryController) {
extern "x86-interrupt" fn breakpoint_handler(
stack_frame: &mut ExceptionStackFrame)
pub mod test
println!("EXCEPTION: BREAKPOINT\n{:#?}", stack_frame);
pub fn print_flags() {
use super::gdt::*;
// The following 4 GDT entries were copied from xv6 x86_64
let list: [(&str, Descriptor); 4] = [
("KCODE", super::KCODE), // Code, DPL=0, R/X
("UCODE", super::UCODE), // Code, DPL=3, R/X
("KDATA", super::KDATA), // Data, DPL=0, W
("UDATA", super::UDATA), // Data, DPL=3, W
// Let's see what that means
println!("GDT Segments from xv6 x86_64:");
for (name, desc) in list.iter() {
println!(" {}: {:?}", name, desc);
extern "x86-interrupt" fn double_fault_handler(
stack_frame: &mut ExceptionStackFrame, _error_code: u64)
println!("\nEXCEPTION: DOUBLE FAULT\n{:#?}", stack_frame);
loop {}
extern "x86-interrupt" fn page_fault_handler(
stack_frame: &mut ExceptionStackFrame, error_code: PageFaultErrorCode)
println!("\nEXCEPTION: PAGE FAULT\n{:#?}\n{:#?}", stack_frame, error_code);
loop {}