@ -19,6 +19,50 @@
//! * 检查tf中的cs段,如果是用户态,向TSS中设置下一次中断时重置rsp的值,使其指向该用户线程的内核栈
//! * 检查tf中的cs段,如果是用户态,向TSS中设置下一次中断时重置rsp的值,使其指向该用户线程的内核栈
//! * 从栈中pop全部寄存器的值,pop中断号和错误码
//! * 从栈中pop全部寄存器的值,pop中断号和错误码
//! * 执行iret,CPU从栈中pop一些值(若其中的CS是Ring0,3项,否则5项),重置rip和rsp(Ring3时)
//! * 执行iret,CPU从栈中pop一些值(若其中的CS是Ring0,3项,否则5项),重置rip和rsp(Ring3时)
//! ``` mermaid
//! sequenceDiagram
//! activate CPU
//! Note right of CPU: set rsp (user)
//! Note right of CPU: push something
//! deactivate CPU
//! CPU ->> +ASM: jmp vector_i
//! Note right of ASM: push error_code & trap_num
//! ASM ->> ASM: jmp alltraps
//! Note right of ASM: push registers
//! ASM ->> +Rust: call rust_trap(rsp)
//! Note right of Rust: handle the trap
//! opt schedule
//! Rust ->> +NewThread: switch
//! Note left of NewThread: forkret:
//! NewThread -->> -ASM: ret
//! Note left of ASM: trapret:
//! ASM -->> +NewThread: from another trap
//! NewThread ->> -Rust: switch
//! end
//! Rust -->> -ASM: ret
//! Note left of ASM: trapret:
//! opt CS is user mode
//! ASM ->> +Rust: call set_return_rsp
//! Note right of Rust: set in TSS
//! Rust -->> -ASM: ret
//! end
//! Note right of ASM: pop registers
//! Note right of ASM: pop error_code & trap_num
//! ASM -->> -CPU: iret
//! activate CPU
//! Note right of CPU: pop something
//! Note right of CPU: set rsp (user)
//! deactivate CPU
//! ```
use super::TrapFrame;
use super::TrapFrame;